One of the lies in this industry...
“Dancing at the club burns a TON of calories”
Wore my Apple Watch for some shifts to test it out, and the movement activity was pretty telling. One of these clubs I tried it out at was 2 stories and I’d frequently go up and down for either the dressing room or customers or whatnot, and it had a 20 foot pole (that I’d climb high up on). Didn’t put in the dent I was hoping for.
Idk, maybe Baby Dolls in Dallas it would be possible to get a lot of activity in?
Wore my Apple Watch for some shifts to test it out, and the movement activity was pretty telling. One of these clubs I tried it out at was 2 stories and I’d frequently go up and down for either the dressing room or customers or whatnot, and it had a 20 foot pole (that I’d climb high up on). Didn’t put in the dent I was hoping for.
Idk, maybe Baby Dolls in Dallas it would be possible to get a lot of activity in?
The moderate physical activity helps keep things moving, too. That always helps since sitting for too long is detrimental to one’s health.
You don’t strike me as a big booty twerking type of dancer - so I doubt it would be useful to position the watch on your backside.
I wonder if there is an app that more accurately captures stripper calories burned? If your hands are moving up and down - it thinks you are giving a hand job - and expects the rhythm to increase dramatically for a few minutes. Sadly - that’s a very one-sided workout.
Pole work may be more strength oriented - and not as easily captured by a watch that either relies on hand swings - or gps to capture distance.
As far as I've been able to tell, the Apple Watch doesn't do a great job of figuring out what your at rest burn is. It depends on a self estimate of "activity level", and has only like 4 choices. It doesn't really have any way to actually measure metabolism.
^^^ I just bought apple watches for all my bitches. Den dey be on time for da $5 lappers and da flapperjack tiddys dances
The girls who practice pole tricks on the spare stage or who walk through the club every 5-10 minutes probably burn more.