
The future of the rick animals

Space geneious and inventer of the grunges
Some of you perverts know that I believe that the at least some of the rick animals can be traced to dugan himself. Think about it. The rick animals have two primary effects, both of which are things dugan LOVES!

First, they get people talking about dugan. Dugan loves people talking about dugan.

Second, the animals are sometimes pretty funny. Dugan may play a drunken whoremongering deviant but he can tell the occasional side splitter. Sometimes even intentially.

So QED - some rick animals are simply rick fucking with us. That begs the question: when the fuck are we going to get some new rick animals? And what should they be? May I suggest:

Rick the mantis shrimp
Rick the hummingbird
Rick the Portuguese man o war (I bet this rick has some really crazy shit to say, though he may have trouble typing on a computer)

Alternatively, dugan and any of the other folks behind the animals could create skibum animals. They would be grumpy old animals that claim to leave in a tiny speck of red in a blue state where the municipal services are so good it is like they are living in fucking Nirvana. But not Nirvana because that is a concept that comes from lazy asshole immigrants. These democrat-hating animals might include:

Ski sloth
Ski shrew
Ski whippoorwill

Unlike the Rick animals I think the Skibum animals should be kind of low key slow animals. That’ll make it more surprising when they start their rants.

So get on it Mr dugan!!!


  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    2020 certainly wasn’t the year of Ricks. No suits being worn, no Olive Garden dinners, no stripper negotiations. I hope 2021 is better for the Ricks now that things are back to being opened full force.
  • Subraman
    3 years ago
    On the contrary, every year is the year of the Ricks. 2020 just a little less so.
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    Oh Mr San Diego put me in my place...

    2020 = Year of The Ricks: Lite version.
  • rickthelion
    3 years ago
    Why the fuck is it so hard for you damn dirty apes to accept the ricks? What exactly is so implausible about our story?

    Next thing you know you people will be alleging that stories on this site are fictional in nature. Ain’t no rick writing fiction. ROAR!!!
  • rickthelion
    3 years ago
    By the way, every minute of every day is the minute of RICK. Don’t you ever forget it you damn dirty apes. ROAR!!!
  • TheeOSU
    3 years ago
    "I believe that the at least some of the rick animals can be traced to dugan himself"

    Same as your phildot, tittyfagdot, realdougster, mtent, etc accounts can be traced back to you, rumdummoron although at times I think the phil account might be zipman who is another fool that the real DocPhil owned. So go ahead and analyze that.
    And if you want to say I'm wrong, that you're neither one let's have you ask Founder to clear it up for everyone.
    And just for the record to quiet some of your fake pronouncements I don't feel a bit persecuted by any of those accounts, I bring them up because you're just not very bright rummy or possibly zippy.

    Lol Dipshit
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