After 3 Long Years... I'm back.

avatar for GACA
Met a stripper around this time 3 years ago, married her six months later, now in the process of getting a divorce...

She was hiding her real drug problem, I mean we all know strippers have drug problems, unfortunately after three years and her disappearing for four days no phone call last month, I found out her drug problem was coke, but crack.

I feel like Gawker Jr....


last comment
But it's good to be back, and most of the gang is still here!!!
You're supposed to fuck strippers not marry them! Even Juice knows that!!!

Welcome back, sorry for the issues you're facing but hopefully you can soon move forward and she can get the help she needs. It's not like you missed anything the last year anyway.

I did fuck her, problem was I wanted to keep fucking her.

I'm around family now, getting over it a lot quicker than I thought. Shit I'm on this site again, so obviously lessons have been missed 🤣😆🤔
Reminds me of an SA story. About five years back when the gettin was good on SA, met this fresh new gal. Invited her to the casino and bar and we hit a nightclub for a few hours. Prearrival she said she had a kid she’d have to get back to and I agreed to cover the cost of a sitter but surprised she wanted to bounce after a few hours. I’m a gentleman so I figured whatever. Gave her $300 because while I wasn’t super into her I was paying it forward to the SA brethren. Offered to wait with her for a taxi for safety purposes her but she refused adamantly to the point where I thought ‘probably has her pimp or bf picking her up.’ Wound up going to a club. Two days later on my burner # I get a text ‘Hey. This is Ashley’s sister. Haven’t heard from her in three days, what the hell happened?’ I laughed and texted back recounting the above and emphasized nothing happened, that her sister is probably a crackhead or meth junkie, and that because she texted me on a fake burner number, peace.’
I’m glad you are back. The circumstances kinda suck - but hopefully you can get out of this bad situation. I hope your ex can find an effective rehab place to get the help she needs too.

This pandemic has somewhat paused clubbing - so you haven’t really missed 3 years of the same old conversations - it’s more like 2.15 years of the same old shit!
Welcome back GACA!!
The usual gang of idiots is still here. Welcome back.
I call bulletin. You have to be a fucking retard if you can't tell someone is on drugs in a 3 year marriage. Troll post. See it goes both ways
Bullshit not bulletin lulz
She wasn't hiding her drug habit obviously you know somebody's on drugs she was hiding the fact that she was on crack not a coke, coke being easier to quit than cigarettes, crack not so much..
Thats not true. You've never seen the way it destroy lives.
Youre a troll lying for attention. It goes both ways bitch
Doesn't go both ways, you don't have the credentials I do....

How many members have you actually met here.

Didn't think so troll.
2hat credentials. Being a loud mouth bitch. Fuck off troll.

Go fuck a crack hoe
Like if you knew anything about anything, you would have known that you should have made it about crack and not coke.

You don't even know you're f****** drug market.

About to go and actually f*** with some strippers and maybe you might become a better fictional writer
Who the fuck can't tell they're married to a crack head
Any one of us who's f***** any amount of strippers have probably f***** a crack hoe so the insults kind of lost on me
Probably a person who doesn't know s*** about crack cuz they don't come from that neighborhood
Coz you fucking crackheads defines relationships beith strippers fucking retard
Full game is weak your lack of intelligence AKA stupidity shows throughout your f****** post.

Go back to your minimum wage Burger flipping job please and let the big boys play here.
Most strippers aren't crack hoes. Speak for yourself
I'll say it in a language you can understand...

Estupido volver tu estupid ass back across the border. With the fresas you pick all day, you can't even afford a stripper in your dream.
Damn lil nigga all you can afford is a crack hoe
And you can't even afford that. Like I said go pick some uvas. Maybe when you're 80 they'll finally let you in your local barrio club.
Let's face it the only tits you seen is your mom's.
You brag about fucking crack hoes and didn't know you married one and call me a troll....
avatar for TheeOSU
4 years ago
Let me interrupt this love fest to say welcome back GACA!
What's up OSU... Glad to be back, I've missed the troll hunting.
This guy.

Most strippers are drug addicts. If you don't know you're f****** a heroin junkie or crackhead you're kidding yourself.
avatar for TheeOSU
4 years ago
As you see not much has changed except phatty changed his name to icee.
Yeah he actually did that back when I was still active in 2018
avatar for TheeOSU
4 years ago
Ah ok I don't recall how long you've been gone.
avatar for TheeOSU
4 years ago
Or when he changed his name.
Shortly after I got married. I think I posted once or twice in 2019.
avatar for TheeOSU
4 years ago
Well this guy has to get up early so I'll let you get back to thrashing him, later.
I got to get to bed myself I'm keeping the East Coast hours for the job.
Go fuck a crack hoe to brag about later bitch nigga
Go fuck your mom, that's the last pussy you've ever touched anyhow.
Bragging about crack hoes put the pl into pl
Better to be bragging about real crack hoes, than to be crying about a made up crack hoe that broke your heart 😜😂🤣
Shes not a crack hoe and I don't fuck crack hoes. Thats all you my nigga
Lol 2Icee fake as fuck
Gaca welcome back!
Are you back to stay or are you going to leave us as soon as the next pair that catches your fancy comes along ?
Just kidding buddy, glad to see you again.
I’m glad to see you back GACA! I see you’ve met the local troll.

I hope your situation is getting better. I know it can take time.
I agree with jackslash.
I don’t do drugs. Unless you call fucking a drug.
@carolynne, well, it *is* addicting as fuck, if you'll excuse the lame pun.
avatar for goodyman
4 years ago
I'm not trying to troll but what was it about her that made you want to marry her knowing she was a stripper?
@desertscrub nailed it.

Fell into the bleeding heart liberal trap, not unlike white middle class guilt for inner city blacks, this was reversed she was white from the impoverished rural Carolinas, she didn't have the opportunities that she needed to get to be successful.

She's a very intelligent very personable, she also had a biracial son who again very bright and deserves a good future.

I thought I would be able to educate her to success. But, I didn't know about the previous crack addiction, her entire family hid that. Actually tried to sell me a story that she had IBS and so she should be expected to be in the bathroom for long periods of time, but not even I was that naive.

She wasn't doing crack the entire time she gained a s*** ton of weight. Like 40/50 pounds.

She probably sincerely wanted to quit doing drugs was using cocaine to substitute her crack cravings. But ultimately yeah she disappeared for 5 days and I left cuz I had enough with just complete irresponsibility victim mentality behavior.
I dunno. I suspect that there have been plenty of conservative guys who made regrettable decisions with strippers, including marry them.

Anywho, I'm sorry that it ended badly. Now, with all the wisdom that you have amassed, you get to make better decisions.

Like everyone else on TUSCL...
Nothing wrong with marrying a stripper. But a crack hoe...... yeah
Not anyone from me. I believe in Karma.
avatar for TheeOSU
4 years ago
GACA, when cjkent comes along he's going to want some dick pics. Just ignore that fuckhead!
Welcome back GACA.

Haha the irony of icee giving someone shit after pretending to want to kill himself over some fucking skank, too good.
Ime gaca came and started harassing me claiming im a fake coz his crack hoe story js in his eyes the only incarnation of a relationship with a drug addict.
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