
Comments by Subraman (page 29)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Vegas strip clubs
    I am solidly with the non-troll posters on this thread lol... Vegas is a fantastic place to skip strip clubs if you're looking for the standard PL type fare we all love here. Most Vegas strip clubs have pretty much the same outlook as every place in Vegas: separate people from their money as fast as possible, offering as much sizzle and as little steak as possible, even if it crushes the customer experience. Vegas strip club isn't any different than Vegas casino and Vegas souvenir shop or any other tourist-oriented separate-suckers-from-their-cash-fast business model. Pre-covid, I met a bunch of friends in Vegas once or twice a year. My conclusion about Vegas SCs is, if you want to have fun, lose your PL mindset and the search for extras, and take on a "Vegas! Woooo!" mindset. Accept you'll get sizzle instead of steak and just have fun. My buddies and I have adopted Palomino as the best place for that. Nudity plus alcohol is a trip right off the bat. For something like $700 we get a giant booth all night, which attracts a constant stream of stripper attention and comes with as much alcohol as we need for the night. Decently attractive girls (though no on par with Sapphire & SR), nude, all the alcohol we can drink, stripper attention all night, all for about $120-ish each (we each throw in for the table and bottle service fee), well, if that's not "Vegas! Wooooo!" I don't know what is. But a PL-like experiences, extras in the VIPs? I've never gotten that experience, though I have definitely not been to every SC there either.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Butt plugs.
    When they first start appearing I kinda dug it, just because it was different and a little shocking. That's long worn off. That said, for the most part I've only ever seen them in pics strippers post of themselves. At least in mid-range alcohol clubs and up, they must not be allowed, I've literally never seen one even once in any of the clubs I frequent
  • article comment
    3 years ago
    Resistance is futile
    OTC Fun
    "Nice tips. I have never gone OTC but I would definitely pick a hotel to use, especially first time." Very strongly agree. Sorry OP, not meaning to pick on you! But the notion that you shouldn't take her to your place, but her place is somehow safe, is a weird one. Just a grab a hotel man.
  • article comment
    3 years ago
    Resistance is futile
    OTC Fun
    "So far, all the dancers I have seen OTC, have charged less than what the club charges for a half hour "champagne room" dance, and our time together has never been less than one hour, and in most cases over two hours" ... Agree. The entire topic of negotiating the time and menu in advance is bizarre to me... or to put it my directly, stupid and self-defeating. One of the biggest advantage of OTC over escorts, is that not counting strippers who have a straight-up professional escort model, most strippers are negotiating the price for the OTC date, NOT for time. You insisting on a set amount of time is you playing yourself. I usually just mention "we'll have dinner, and then do some bar hopping or strip clubbing together first", so she knows this is a multi-hour event, and we're off to the races. My OTCs almost always last a few hours, and quite a few have lasted overnight. Over-negotiating the details is you screwing yourself. I also agree that OTC is generally less than the price of a champagne room. And regardless, there is just no link between the OTC price she'll accept, and what it would cost you for a similar-length champagne room. "Every dancer I have seen OTC has been ones who worked at non-extras clubs." I've done OTCs with extras clubs dancers, but not since about 2013. 90% of the girls I've seen OTC have been from non-extras clubs
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Best Club In America (layout/building-wise)
    I realize there's the shock-and-awe factor of a huge club, but not sure that's enough to be coolest club. One of the clubs here, Penthouse (a club I generally dislike) has a pretty good layout. Two floors, typical club on the bottom floor, a bit more open on the top floor. The awesome thing? The floor beneath the pole on the top floor is glass, so if you're sitting on the bottom floor, you've got a permanent up-skirt view to the girls dancing on the top floor. It is a pretty dang cool concept
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    How to drink in moderation at the club?
    I also think that you may have an alcohol problem if you want to drink less but can't stop yourself once you get started. If you can't control yourself after you have that first drink, it seems like the options are: 1. always take uber/taxi/etc to the club, so you don't kill anyone on the way home, or 2. abstain from alcohol at the club. There's pacing you can do, like promise yourself "one drink every 45 minutes" and program your phone to alert you when you can have your next drink. That might help if all you need is a little pacing. But if you overall completely lack control after that first or second drink, you'll ignore that too. I love love love drinking with strippers, so I usually take public transit to the club, or just pace things out when I drive my own car. If you drive your own car and drink too much, grab a hotel room and crash.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Is there a TUSCL Formula for OTC
    Well, the somewhat obvious view is: if you're loving the experience and the $ are easily affordable anyway, hard to say you're doing it wrong. There's a pretty good chance you can get strippers who are as-desirable, or even more desirable, for less -- I agree with Papi that there comes a point where higher prices stop translating into better girls and end in "I know my worth" stripperweb types. But if you're digging it, that's great. Just for me, on OTCs I've come to enjoy spending relatively more $ on great restaurants and hotels that have at least a touch of a luxury feel. Hotel prices in the area were absolutely insane the past few years, but the dayrate apps sometimes have downright good hotels on them these days. Given $1000 budget, I might well see if I could spend half on her and half on the rest of the experience and only move the split if I had to. You can get a pretty gorgeous vivacious dayshift girl for that, though a hot nightshift girl will ask for more.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Do you smell after SC visits?
    100% you smell if you've been doing lapdances. If you can't smell it, you've just gone noseblind to it. That said, I don't understand why a single guy would care that his roommates know he smells like floozy. So what?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Hank Moody
    I'm fine. I'm disgusted with my life and myself, but I'm not unhappy about that.
    SA about to go under the microscope
    -->"Guys like Subra and Paul Drake basically they pretty much gave up strip clubs for it." Yeah, haven't really had a choice in the past year, but an already-bad SC scene was demolished with the contractor-to-employee transition, so I've been transitioning for a few years, and this past year has been 100% SA, 0% SCs. I am definitely looking forward to going back to SCs again, but a little worried about what I'll find there, dancer-quality-wise. I'm still trying to decide how much I'm worried about this thing with Gaetz and SA. Even if it goes down, nature won't allow this vacuum long, there's way too much money to be made, so I assume everyone will rush over to Secret Benefits or whatever is the current distant #2. But SA has actually been pretty careful, given how aggressively they've banned anyone talking about PPM on the site, I wonder how easy it will be to make a case.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Strippers Working on Their Birthday?
    Would never do anything special for a rando stripper. Hell at one club I went to, the DJ announced a particular stripper's birthday every time I went that month :) If it's a CF or better, I will at least get an extra VIP with her and give her an extra good tip. If my buddies come with me to the club, I'll push them to get dances from her, so the eventual payout might be large
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    OT: Infection v vaccination
    Got my first Pfizer shot a couple of weeks ago. Maybe was a little fatigued the next day but might have imagined it. After that second shot is the universal crap shoot
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I have a buddy who loves the Termas. The way he describes them, they're the rough equivalent of FKKs -- lots of hot girls, etc -- but with a distinctly Brazilian flavor. His one caveat: he loves big big booties, and he knows I like little ones, and he says I might be disappointed with the bodies down there.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Questions on the history of stripping and lap dances
    Joe Redner from Mons Venus in Tampa is considered by some people (and proclaims himself to be) the inventor of the modern lap dance since Mons Venus was one of the first clubs to operate almost entirely as a lap dance factory and was thriving off LDs in the 1990s/early 2000s. Lapdances were being done at the O'Farrell Theater in the 70s and 80s, very well documented (along with the Mitchell Bros famous 1st amendment fights) and that's almost certainly where it started. Across the city, the Condor claims to be (and likely is) the first of what would go on to be strip clubs. First topless club, in the 1960s. So, ironically, it all started in what is now one of the worst SC cities. But man, you guys wish you were here around 2000 :)
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I've never LDKed before, but not gonna lie, this thread did it
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Hip Hop killing strip clubs.
    305 vaccine in full effect boyeeeeee
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Hip Hop killing strip clubs.
    "The pandemic made me realize that strip clubbing is fun, but if its gone, I won't miss it." I'll definitely miss it and remember it fondly, but I've other ways to scratch that itch. I'm ahead of you guys by a couple of years, SF's already abysmal SC scene somehow got even worse when the clubs went on an employee model. I'm not ready to stop having sex with girls in their 20s, so I've been transition more and more time to SA for years, and now have it down pretty good. When the clubs open up I'll be back to see what's up, but a lot of the great things I've had wired up for years -- e.g., no cover, LOTS of extra latitude in the VIP room, etc -- will be gone, as the floor managers I know have all left the business permanently. So this will be a rebuilding year lol
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    There has been much to do recently about Subra being our charismatic leader
    "I was glad to hear I'm not the only one that LDK when Subra posts. " Founder, I need to use another of my MEGA LIKES!
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    There has been much to do recently about Subra being our charismatic leader
    "Subraman, any sage wisdom on that topic? 😉" I am thinking that with this honor, I might FINALLY get accepted to the council of ricks 🤣
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    25 year old virgin
    Most well adjusted PL
    "I agree - I often LDK when Subraman posts" Request for founder: please give us the option to MEGA-LIKE posts
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    New Jersey
    Proximity to a club.
    I'm 10-20 minutes from our local clubs, but they are all not worth going to. I'm an hour with no traffic (double that with traffic) from the clubs worth going to
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    25 year old virgin
    Most well adjusted PL
    "Subraman only seems well adjusted to maladjusted PLs" I only have to seem well adjusted in comparison to you lot, which you can now all see is not a tall order
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    25 year old virgin
    Most well adjusted PL
    This subraman guy, he's the best. Shit, wrong handle!
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    New York
    Hotel bars
    In Vegas, at least as of the last time I went (end of 2019), there were still plenty of escorts in the bars there. No idea what things are like now. In my area, there were some bars known for high end escorts coming in, those bar names were shared among the ho monger community. I haven't read any of those forums in a few years so don't know if it still happens, but I don't see why it wouldn't... again, at least pre-covid.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I'll just peek in to repeat my view from earlier: at this point, people might pretend to know what bitcoin will or won't do, but it's mostly semi-educated guessing. No reason to think it's either the devil or the savior of civilization, it's just a very high risk investment instrument. I invested a little in it this past summer, and if I were to cash out now, I'd have done very nicely (about tripled my modest investment). I'm not going to cash out just yet though so not counting my chips at all. I did not invest enough to really have it affect my portfolio in any noticeable way (although in retrospect, I would have invested more), and it's not my best-performing investment of the year.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I imagine it would be as simple as outlawing exchanging bitcoin for dollars, renminbi, etc. How likely that is to happen is a different question.