
Strip club giving Covid shots.

Atlanta suburb
I think it's a shame that people have to be bribed to do what is good for them but glad that people are offering the bribes.

Larry Flynt's Hustler Club on Bourbon Street is set to become a Covid vaccination site, making it one of a growing number of offbeat spots that are being used for immunizations in a final push to end the pandemic in the U.S.

The Bourbon Street strip club announced it plans to give out Covid shots from 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. next Friday afternoon followed by free shots of post-inoculation booze—an idea that's already proven successful in New Orleans.


  • wallanon
    3 years ago
    Wonder what the waiting time will be for the second shot?
  • Subraman
    3 years ago
    Three weeks, at $250/hour. But don't worry, "I guarantee you'll have fun!"
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    That’s pretty cool. 😁
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    I wouldn’t necessarily trust a strip-club with my healthcare but I assume it’s a different entity just using their facilities.

    But given current-conditions the more vaccine-locations the better – I got my 2nd-Pfizer-shot a week ago a block away from my house at a CVS b/c they were prioritizing 2nd-shots; but the CVS website shows zero appointments for anyone needing to *start* the vax process (and by zero I mean zero appointments in the entire huge state of FL) – for my first shot at the beginning of April I had to drive 2-hours from my Miami-crib to the city of Okeechobee and as soon as I booked that appt in early-April I didn’t see any openings there again.

  • whodey
    3 years ago
    Papi is it just CVS that has no appointments available or is that common for providers in your area?

    Around Cincinnati there has been no problem finding the vaccine for the past several weeks. When I finally got the cast off my leg a couple of weeks ago I went to look for a vaccine appointment and I was able to book one for later that day.

    This past weekend they held a mass vaccine clinic at the Bengals stadium and the turnout was more embarrassing than a Bengals game. They had 5,000 doses available and only had 900 people schedule appointments plus around 200 walk ins show up.

    I would rather trust strippers than the Bengals offensive line to protect my health. I'm sure Joe Burrow would agree.
  • wallanon
    3 years ago
    Whodey has been rehabbing a leg? Has anybody ever wondered why whodey and Joe Burrow are never seen at the same time in the same place?
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    "... Papi is it just CVS that has no appointments available or is that common for providers in your area ..."

    When I was looking for an appt for my first shot in late-May/early-April, I looked everywhere online and everywhere in South FL constantly showed "fully booked" or sometimes "out of stock/vaccines" - eventually I just focused on the CVS website b/c it probably had the most locations and also b/c I was interested in the Pfizer-vax primarily and at least at the time CVS only worked w/ the Pfizer-vax - but basically there seemed to be a correlation b/w how booked the CVS-website was and how booked everything else was in South-FL - when looking to book my 2nd-shot closer to home I also looked everywhere online and not just on CVS website and I got the same results in terms of lack of available appointments - it wasn't till a few days b/f my 2nd-shot was coming up when I first saw a link on the CVS website for those that only needed the 2nd-shot and then all of a sudden I saw openings near me - when I got my 2nd-shot the girl told they were prioritizing 2nd-shots but not clear if that was a CVS decision or a state decision (I assume the latter but IDK) - also, South FL is a supa-densely populated area and why it may be harder to get a vax especially if one needs to start the 2-vax process.

    There was a public-park near me doing the vax on a first-come first-serve basis - I went once and was in line then after about an hour in line they all of a sudden told us there were not doing any more vaccines that day - I also wanted to avoid the mass-public sites as I didn't wanna stand in line 2-hours+ unless I had no choice (rather drive farther than be standing in line that long often in close proximity to others) - the few mass sites I saw near me often had long-lines.
  • mike710
    3 years ago
    @Papi. A couple of weeks ago a Cuban stripper in the Tampa area got a vaccination appointment at CVS and she said it was pretty easy. At this point, a lot of places in the US have walk up vaccinations without an appointment. Even if F'd up California that is happening right now.
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    The change happened quick. In my area for someone in my age group, it took an act of god to get an appointment around or before March 15. I had to log on to a website precisely at midnight several nights in a row to finally grab an appointment in the next state over. Now, a month later April 15 any 16 year old and up in the state could immediately get a shot the same day they wanted to schedule one. They’re talking about vaccinating children under 16 now.

    I guess God bless America, in most parts of the country they vaccinated people very quickly, many other wealthy countries are not near as fortunate.
  • NinaBambina
    3 years ago
    I called around a the larger pharmacies all had long wait times or no availability. One finally texted me to schedule my first dose today after I registered almost a month ago but I already got in somewhere else - called a smaller pharmacy near me two weeks ago and was able to get in the following day (actually they had a slot open that same day but I opted for the next day). I get my second in a couple weeks.
  • Jascoi
    3 years ago
    what would happen if my second vaccination shot is not from the same manufacture as the first shot?
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    Asking for a friend. How many songs does the nurse count while you get the shot?

    I’m a little worried about getting stuck in the arm out in the open. Could one of the sexy ladies take me to a more private location for my shot?

    I won’t feel the pain in my arm if a busty nurse rubs her thick booty on my junk...

  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    Recently I’ve seen signs in Walmart advertising covid shots available to walk ins no appointments necessary
    A few months back when I got my shot it was difficult to find a location that had vaccine available it seems to have changed dramatically in the last 2-3 weeks.
  • NinaBambina
    3 years ago
    "what would happen if my second vaccination shot is not from the same manufacture as the first shot?"

    No one will administer you a pzifer second does if your first dose was moderna and vice versa. They're not interchangeable. I doubt it would kill you, but it wouldn't be as effective.
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