Indian Dudes

goosmanOn A Booty Hunt
You all know what I'm talking about. You will see groups of Indian dudes out in the clubs in higher numbers than in the local population. So I ask the question: why so many Indian dudes in the clubs?
A note on this point, I've got no problem with Indians (South Asians to be exact) or Indian dudes in the clubs. Just noticed the trend & asking, hey what's up with that.
last commenthave you seen their wives? asked and answered.
There's tits, ass and pussy in the clubs. Guess they like naked chicks too.
Russell Peters has covered this:
Indian accent: not good for getting laid.
Just like most males, they like T&A. Not sure if I have seen the trend you are talking about. But I'm not in your area.
Indians often don't have sex before marriage. Now, I knew a slutty 2nd generation Indian sorority girl. But on the whole they don't get around before marriage and don't have much sex in marriage.
I don't see the trend, in fact if anything, Indians are in much lower proportion in the clubs to the general population (although I live in silicon valley, so there's a very high Indian population). Although I laughed at busta_nut's comment
I see mor asians then Indians in groups
In my experience you get Indian guys away from watchful eyes and they will go nuts, especially in a group. I've always just assumed it's because they come from a pretty conservative culture, hell they still do arranged marriages and/or get sent back to India to find a wife.
Ever know any Indians guys who have married white women? If they are any it's not common. So going there to have a look and feel what they are missing.
I see that alot in the clubs around here. I've also heard horror stories from dancers about how they smell and how cheap they're when it comes to extracurricular activities
I haven't noticed that many Indians in strip clubs. Now one night a few years ago, I was at PP and there were Mexicans everywhere. If I had any doubt they were Mexican, I had a dancer sit down with me and make a comment about all the Mexicans not spending hardly any money. No doubt they were Mexican and not Indian.
They must be alive and like the look of naked girls.
One of my business partners is Indian.We own several waterfront rental properties in Charleston SC.It seems every other time I call him he's in one of the properties with a boat load of strippers.He's a true perv.The only downside is when I stay at one of the props after him I have to open the windows and air the place out.
Let me take a stab at this. There is a stereotype of how cheap Indians/South Asians are. And it's not unique to Indians, but many Asian groups in general, particularly the foreign born ones. And it doesn't surprise me either considering that many of those countries are developing countries where a lap dance would be a week's wages or more even for the average person from those countries. So just because they come to the US and start making many times the money they are used to making, they don't suddenly start spending lavishly. They still have to pay living expenses and they're very frugal with that too.
i knew someone that worked for a contractor (not a stripper lol) that did a lot of business with Indians and made the keen observation that Indians really liked nice things and enjoying them, but didn't want to pay for them. For example, they'll go to a fine dining restaurant and share a meal between two or more people. Mostly water and very little tip for the server. Or they'll live in a nice house with nice amenities and furnishings, but there will be an extended family there splitting the expenses. i'm sure there are other examples.
How does this apply to strip clubs? They probably know from experience that groups, particularly larger groups, often get preferential treatment from strippers (strippers think they have better chance of closing with at least some person in the group) as opposed to if they came by just themselves. Just imagine that lone Indian by himself and i'm sure that almost all the strippers would ignore him except the very new ones.
Unfortunately for the stripper(s), the group of Indians are either mostly unwilling or incapable of playing the chump's game and will milk out the front room freebies as long as they can. Sure a few of them will eventually get a dance or two (literally, that's it) and usually be very aggressive during that one dance. i'm sure they would often compare notes of the different strippers and how much they could do with her often right in front of the stripper unless she was also Indian (unlikely, and even more unlikely than an Indian stripper would spend any time with them). They'll also often camp at the tip rails and not tip unless the stripper pretty much demands one.
At least that's my own observation (as harsh as it sounds) of that phenomena. i didn't initially understand why i saw so many so frequently when they make roughly 1% or less of the US population in most areas of the country. Maybe double that in more urban parts and triple that in suburban areas, maybe. Then i noticed that they weren't really spending enough money to prevent them from visiting frequently. They were probably spending the equivalent of eating out at a nice restaurant or getting wasted at a bar.
Dancers give them discounts because they enjoy the feather treatment.
The one thing about bigotry is most idiots like you who post don't realize that your a fucking immigrant. Unless your one of the few native americans your a fucking immigrant like the rest of us.
I will fill up your basement. You can tipping me some big dollars and I may forget about it
"Indian Americans are the richest ethnic group in the United States, earning a median income of $100,547 in 2013, according to data from the U.S. Census Bureau. Compare that to $51,939, which was the median income for all Americans during the same period."
It is not just Indian dudes. Many groups of foreign nationals. They come in as a group and hang together all night, group tipping and cloistering together. In many cultures, especially densely populated highly structured cultures, group partying at a strip or other places is overlooked as a way to get bad behavior out of your system. You see groups like that in clubs in big cities. When I have been in clubs where they come in I simply just go on about my business and if they start to annoy me I simply leave and go home or elsewhere. Besides their money is just as good as yours or mine and that is what everyone is about.
These guys are friends and they want a night out. You don't think any guys of other colors do that?
I have seen Indians trying to bargain at strip clubs, such as trying to tell a dancer she should give a $25 lap dance for $15. I have also seen where a guy will toss money on the stage, then walk away, only to have an Indian guy running over to the same spot on the stage so it looks like he was the one who tipped the dancer.
^ those sound like good tactics to me.
I dated an Indian chick once - she had an incredible body and was real sweet. When she perspired though... wow - I could not take it. She was a clean girl - I felt bad for her and eventually stopped dating her - her boyfriend after me said the same thing when they broke up. I am telling you it was brutal. Later in life I did business with an Indian guy. Fantastic guy - class guy - during business meetings - he had a body odor that overrided his cologne. Maybe a unique experience - I do not know but remember it as being overwhelming in both cases. Both nice people.
^ It must have been a predominantly maize diet.
This thread is timely. I was in my favorite neighborhood SC this past weekend and got to watch a pair of Indian guys try to bargain down the $10 lap dance tip. The girl gave a decent dance, and these guys were seated right next to each other so they both got to partake. Both guys took part in the retrograde negotiations. She finally got them to cough up $10, then they asked for another dance. She declined and told them she wasn't compelled to dance for anyone who was going to try to screw her down on the tip. She came and sat with me at the bar after that and bitched for 20 minutes about Indians and Pakis. The waitress joined in, as did another couple dancers; the theme was cheap, smelly, pushy, and CHEAP.
I have noticed an uptick in Indian customers in Columbus, where half the IT departments are made up of contractors from Indian or Pakistani, About the only complaint I have heard from dancers is that most of them don't get dances, but they do spend a lot of money on alcohol while in the club.
It seems like they no longer have any reservations about hitting up the clubs.
I live around Americanized Pakis and Indians so I don't have that problem. I get more annoyed at Guyanese Indian people (the Guyanese folk with South Asian descent). For people from the Caribbean who literally grew up around black people, it's like once they in America, they show their true self and become racist as shit to black folk. But Americanized south Asians (not Caribbean born) generally don't come with their county's hiccups are great people overall.