
Comments by Subraman (page 224)

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    7 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Tales of surreptitious ITC in no-extras clubs
    Ya, the "pull G string aside, surreptitiously insert" is the classic move.
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    7 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    The Stripper Deadbeat Boyfriend
    -->"These honey's may be fun too play with but actually being in a serious relationship would be a drama fest. Most sane normal guys wouldn't put up with that BS too long thus the strippers may not have much of a choice but losers." That is a huge part of it, too. But I think the psychological damage is the fundamental *cause*, and her behavior and job are the effect. But in the end, between her behavior, and the fact that strippers may be beautiful but are at the bottom of the social ladder, her access to quality men for anything other than a short term fling will be very limited in any case. One of the things I've read a lot on stripperweb, in answer to the question, "have you ever dated any of your customers", is that a huge number of the girls said yes, at least once. They have a pretty common explanation as to why the relationship didn't last: "once he found out I wasn't a fantasy but a real person, we broke up." That is, it was the customer's unreasonable expectation of her being a living fantasy that was the cause of the breakup. And I'm sure that was part of it. But I always think: it's not that he found out you were a real person, it's that he found out WHAT KIND OF PERSON YOU ACTUALLY ARE. We expect real people, but a guy who hasn't dated a stripper before is going to be in for a shock around what kind of person she is. (speaking super generally of course)
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    7 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    The Stripper Deadbeat Boyfriend
    From what I can tell -- and I will remind you, I got a C- in Psychology 101 freshman year at Blue Valley Jr College, so I am very qualified -- many of the stereotypes about strippers and their family lives are true, and that's where this starts. So many strippers have tragic stories about their family relationships, particularly their fathers, which lead to low self esteem and poor choices, which beget more stories of abuse and neglect, which beget low self esteem and poor choices, etc. An attractive girl doesn't stay with a guy like that unless there's already some damage, and the fact that sooo many strippers have guys like that, tells you the story. In my C- opinion. Ironically, some of the strippers that have stood out to me are ones who went the opposite direction. And interestingly, the two strippers that I'm thinking of had similarly poor family lives. But, I'll never forget one of my very ATFs telling me a story about how she went out with some of the other strippers that past weekend. "All the girls were all hot and bothered about this super hot young bartender, and Mercedes was all bragging about how she's the one who got his number. Fuck that, I don't care about the help, I didn't talk to that bartender at all. But I got to know the owner really well." That same stripper, a few months later, was dating a really wealthy ex-customer.. and then, shockingly, broke up with him because he was a drug addict who relapsed, and she was too good to deal with that. I know a couple of strippers who've leaned that other way, won't date losers, expect their successful boyfriends to treat them like princesses, etc. This doesn't always work out either, of course, but I have to think it's a healthier outlook.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Do feature dancers give lapdances?
    Yes, a big chunk of the feature's take will be through autographs, pictures, and dances. I personally avoid features because: ---> The hottest house girls almost always outshine the feature. In many cases, the middling house girls outshine the feature. If you're totally into porn and have a fetish about that particular porn star, then I get it; but I'm not, and so judging the feature just on pure hotness, she loses out. ---> The place gets absolutely packed with PLs (the normal contingent of PLs, plus another big chunk of PLs who are drawn only by the feature), which means invariably you have the kind of seller's market sausagefest that I hate. I will say about that last point, sometimes you can use this point to your advantage. Sometimes the place is full of PLs, but they're there for the feature, and as such aren't tipping or buying dances from the strippers. Must be a pretty frustrating situation for the strippers -- place is full of wallet but few are getting opened. If you're lucky enough to be there on a night like this, spending a little can get you a lot of dancer time.
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    7 years ago
    What do you guys think about this?
    Ish-->"I'd be happy to give you $200 dollars as long as I get $200-worth of fun first. I'm available [LIST TIMES]. How about you?" " I wouldn't word it that way, but it's the only sane response, IMO. If we had an ongoing relationship of constant over-delivering and some minimal level of trust (realizing that she's a stripper, so the standard is very low), I have no problem floating the fee ahead of the OTC, but that is definitively not this case.
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    7 years ago
    What do you guys think about this?
    -->"Give it to her! Then, she will be your girlfriend :)." lol! This should be the PL motto
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    7 years ago
    Bang for the buck? Day shift vs niight shift?
    -->"It's funny bc a few of the hottest, and most popular, dancers at my club mostly works days, but then there are some of the least attractive also. " Agree with most of that. I think that the observations about dayshift being not as hot is definitely an average, if you rated each girl from 1-10 and took an average, dayshift would be a good deal lower. Luckily, it doesn't mean that you can't win the standard deviation lottery. The girl who may be the hottest stripper I've ever seen, I met on dayshift and ATFed for 12-18 months until she moved to nightshift -- where, just like dayshift, she was instantly the hottest girl on shift. You can definitely find smokin' hot girls on dayshift -- you're just less likely to. It is definitely the case that even at my fave club, there are occasionally dayshifts that are complete no-joys for me, not attracted to a single girl, which never happens on nightshift.
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    7 years ago
    How much would you pay ITC for a HJ?
    Yeah, maybe I'm only a little surprised about the anti-HJ faction, some of my buddies are the same way. Me, I FUCKING LOVE HJs, and will pick a HJ over a CBJ 9 out of 10 times (obviously, I expect a lower price for the HJ)
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    7 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    A week later, pants still wreak of stripper
    Geez, you guys who wear dry clean only pants to the strip club ... why, man, why? In any case, once cologne gets into clothes, it can last days or weeks. I once had a buddy leave his jacket over my place, I swear the thing still smelled like his cologne when I finally got it back to him a month later
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How much would you pay ITC for a HJ?
    $200+ is what you'd expect to pay in this area. And now you know why I have mostly shifted to OTC :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    GFE...Yes or No Why?
    GFE is arbitrary, in that it means different things depending on what forum you're on. In the local area, GFE is considered meaningless, or rather a placeholder that means a zillion things, and terms like RBGFE or NSGFE are used instead (the first two letters stand for the name of the the particular forum where the term is defined). Anyway, GFE might mean something specific in Longneck's neck of the woods, but none of the rest of us can know what that definition is, or whether it means bareback or not. Other than guessing that he's bringing up STDs because he thinks it does mean bareback. Longneck, help a brutha out! Whatchu mean?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Why dont i have any real credibility ?
    Last will and testament: please bury my credibility in the plot right next to my dignity :)
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    7 years ago
    Entry age
    Oh ho ho! So you have yellow fever, my friend? Wink Wink say no more. I have done the research for you, and good news, the palace does not seem to have an age limit: https://www.yelp.com/biz/korean-palace-san-jose
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Bang for the buck? Day shift vs niight shift?
    I don't think there's a question of bang for the buck: dayshift gives you better bang for the buck, and it's not even remotely close. For far less money, the girls will stay with you longer, be more appreciative, and typically get away with more in the VIP room. The tradeoff, of course, is that you'll have more (sometimes FAR more) hot strippers to choose from on nightshift, especially busy nightshifts. The experience I like -- spend 3-5 hours with the same girl, at an affordable rate -- isn't achievable at ALL on nightshifts after 10pm and most clubs I go to, and often isn't achievable on nightshift at all. It's something easy to find on dayshift, so it's a no-brainer, I'm a dayshift guy. The fact that there's not a ton of hotties on dayshift is mostly a don't-care to me, since I'll set up an advance appointment with whoever my CF is, and she IS nightshift-hot (which is part of the reason I picked her as CF), and that's all I need. However, the stark tradeoff: when I'm between CFs, there will be entire shifts where I can't find a girl I like. Anyway, that 3-5 hours for the price of 2 VIPs is strictly dayshift achievable, so that's it for me. My alternatives for nightshift are to either 1. Pay triple or quadruple the amount for a nightshift girl for the same experience, except now the atmosphere is an unpleasant sausagefest, or 2. Just do lappers here and there instead of spending that 3+ hours straight with one girl. Neither of these are experiences I'm remotely interested in, no matter how hot the lineup, so nightshift is not my thing.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    SF SC Management
    C_G: I can't tell you which exact legal entity ultimately manages the clubs, I just call them all deja vu. But, I can tell you that management (and sometimes other employees like bouncers) are moved through these clubs by some upper-level management. I'm not talking about organic migration of employees from one club to another -- I'm talking about choreographed moves directed by upper management. That is, a manager at one club getting moved to another (eg., an assistant manager at a higher end club, being moved to a lower-end club to be full manager, then moved back to the higher end club, all as non-optional to him)... or multiple managers being moved simultaneously (3 or 4 years ago, there was a big, simultaneous switcheroo move among head and assistant managers of Centerfolds, Hustler, Gold Club, and I think Penthouse). Two winters ago, I reported that all the head managers of the clubs all had Christmas dinner together at Penthouse. These guys are not pure competitors. In short, while I don't understand what corporate organization this all folds up into, there is a single layer of management at the top who treat them all as one big organization. But I don't know if that organization is legally called BSC or Deja Vu or whatever -- I don't really care, it's the impact to the city's SC scene overall that I care about
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta ,GA
    Step by step approch to set yourself apart from the others in a strip club
    Pro Tip: if you find the cost of constant rentals is putting a dent in your wallet, offer to buy the white tuxedo directly from the rental place, at a fair used price. You'll be surprised how much you save! (another pro tip: during the price negotiation, make sure you say in a loud voice, "I'm not going to pay full price for a white tuxedo that is obviously cum-stained!")
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    SF SC Management
    -->"To those of you familiar with San Francisco strip clubs (I'm not), is there still a lingering affect of too many Deja Vu clubs? Or, are the changes in the S.F. club scene really a function of who owns or manages a large number of the clubs? Or perhaps it's just been changes in "market forces?" " As you've figured out already, OP is correct -- all the clubs except for two are owned and run by Deja Vu. Things are always more complex than a single factor, and the surrounding market plays a role. That said, Deja Vu is an easily identifiable most-important cause. It is NOT just correlation that the rapid slip from "best SC city" to "among the worst SC cities" happened over the few years of DJV establishing their monopoly; although MBOT was so dominating and provided such an amazing experience, that until it imploded (for a number of reasons, including a devastating lawsuit) in 2007, its presence by itself made SF a great SC city. But with MBOT a disaster since 2007, the city has few redeeming qualities as far as SCs. You all know ad nauseam how I adjusted my SCing M.O. post-2007, from an ITC extras focused experience to a social drinking experience ITC at the no-extras clubs, followed by the sexual part being mostly OTC.
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    7 years ago
    Evil Lair
    What do you do for fun?
    "Sending girls dick pics. What's your number?"
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    7 years ago
    Stripper Phone Number/Facetime
    I don't have an iphone because I"m not a mindless sheep. But if I go to the spirit of your question, I do often use Snapchat video calling with my ATATF, we've done everything from her giving me sexy shows, to her just getting me sexed up before I see her, to live mutual masturbation. Yes, it gets me to see her sooner :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    SF SC Management
    Yeah, I imagine there's multiple pressures. One, they are deep pockets for any lawsuits, and maybe even RICO targets if they step too far over the line legally, even if local law enforcement doesn't care. And, as least publicly, they talk about bringing corporate standards to the SC business, but since they are a low-quality corporation with low-quality talent, it effectively means a uniformly bad customer experience, rather than a uniformly great one.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    SF SC Management
    -->"don't blame dv. each club can be different in level of experience. so many factors involved." DVJ's management is absolutely, squarely to blame ... mostly. As in any other complex environment, there are other factors also, but DJV is 90% of the problem and the proximate cause for SF not being one of the best SF cities in the country (the ONLY problem here should be price). Look at two crucial facts: 1. Local law enforcement -- both the police and DA -- are pretty open in indicating that in-the-club prostitution is not a priority for them, period. The last time the police tested this principle, 15-ish years ago, the DA dropped all charges and publicly refused to prosecute anyone. Prostitution enforcement efforts focus on street prostitution and "human trafficking" (code word for AMPs and underage internet-based prostitution). 2. To repeat, before DJV became a near-monopoly here, SF was arguably one of the best SC cities in the country. Once they took over, we became one of the worst. While correlation does not equal causation, it's easy enough to see why their management policies have been so detrimental. Even just taking #1 by itself -- LE doesn't care about extras -- means you have a fairly unique opportunity here to build lots of amazing clubs around what most customers actually want, ITC extras. You must be able to see that someone is missing the boat?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    SF SC Management
    -->"MSC"? @subraman" Market Street Cinema. It was an anything-goes strip club / brothel, low prices (for SF), multiple public rooms, multiple private rooms. Lots of skanks but you could find plenty of gems, too.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    SF SC Management
    joc: normally I'd guess you went to MBOT, but depending on how sleazy you are, MSC might have blown you away also.