
Whales/regulars locking down dancers at cheap dives.

Pretty sure this a recurring topic but what isn't?
I have noticed lately a lot of pl's locking down the best talent at cheap dives and midscale clubs. Specifically on the weekends. Is this good strategy? What do you think about this?


  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Cheap dives are the #1 domain of RickyBoy'sThe System. You just have to out dress your competition. So get that white three piece polyester suit out of closet take it to the dry cleaner and then hop in your Uber over to nearest dive club and you'll be set!
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    Out of my way! Whale heading to the beach!
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    What are you doing? Whale watching at the strip club. LOL
  • PrimetimeSchein
    7 years ago
    Most annoying shit ever. Especially if they aren't spending money. But hey if they're spending it, let them be
  • AnonymousJim
    7 years ago
    It's been said before, but even if it looks like those guys aren't spending money, they probably either are, or have already done so. Maybe they plunked down a few hundred, or thousand, bucks at the start of the night and said, "I want the company of her, her and her for as long as I'm here." Maybe they did an hour or two in a room before you got there. Maybe they paid the dancer a nice sum up front. You don't know.

    Also, whales come in different forms. Sure, there are money-spending whales. But imagine if a club owner had other investors help them get the club started. You don't think he'd make sure they got top-notch treatment when they came in, spender or not? Or, hey, do you know what your local alderman looks like? Maybe they get treated really well at the club, too, too help make sure nothing code-wise becomes an issue.

    I mean, I get it, it's frustrating when the girl you see and like gets tied up. But this is a business, and there's usually always a business-related reason why it's going on.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I've seen it a little bit.

    Club Climaxxx is a small black club in Miami w/ $5 full-nude 2-way contact floor dances - even at those prices many of the dudes in there don't get any dances and prefer just to hang (listen to the music, drink, smoke) - but when I was there last weekend a week ago on dayshift I noticed a few young good looking AA dudes locking down some of my hos for an hour getting dances - I think they may have been out-of-towners on vacation since we have a lot of vacationers down here in Miami in the summer, they looked like middle-class guys instead of the local hood type guys that often frequent this club and don't spend jack on the girls - one of these out-of-town looking dudes had a voluptuou brickhouse that was put together like nobody's business locked down for an hour+ and I was waiting till he let her go but he didn't and I left while he was still getting floor dances with her and I was unable to get w/ the bitch.

    I don't mind as much if a guy has her locked doing a VIP or dances, but does bother me when I wanna get some dances and a dude has her locked down just sitting there at a table like a mannequin for an hour(s).
  • rogertex
    7 years ago
    At a dive club a super hot dancer was glued to an older customer for an hour. No lap dances, just hangin out.

    She did go on stage - and I asked if she would give me a few dances and then go back to her customer. She did come over and give me dances. They were good. Which is the standard here. Turns out that customer was landlord of the house she was renting - and she told me a good buddy of hers helping out with odds and ends.

    So, just a variation of good 'ol "Sugar Daddy" arrangement - although part time (else she'd not be a dancer).

    So I'd say - as glued as the dancer may be to a whale - the fact that she came in to work, implies she does need money beyond what the whale can or will provide. If asked, she will most likely free up to entertain another customer and return back to the whale. And most assuredly be open once the whale has left.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    If you want her attention then just be worth more to her than he is. If you are unable or unwilling to do that, then you'll just have to wait for his leftovers. ;)
  • Doces300
    7 years ago
    I apologize as I am one of those guys who locks girls up. As I stated in an earlier post my CF latches on as soon as I arrive. (Btw took advice and tried some of the other girls there... She got to say I told you so). She stays with me until I leave. Sometimes we just sit and talk but I still compensate her. I have told her if she needs to go hustle other business go ahead, but she seems happy to hang with this PL's wallet.
  • UGK.22
    7 years ago
    Was going to start a discussion about something similar but I will just added a comment to this one instead.

    It is difficult and frustrating I agree. The best strategy I have used to wedge my sorry ass inbetween a stripper and a possible whale goes as follows because keep in mind some will give older men that is well dressed shit loads of time for no pay in hopes of a pay out that never arrives.

    Pay a waitress to send your girl of choice a drink and have her discretely tell the dancer if her current guy isn't buying yet that four ready now

    I can't tell you how many times I have seen the dancer's run over to me with a smile ready to go play while that old broke bastard sits their nursing his cocktail.

    Rare times I get denied because she is getting compensation some way by this whale. In those cases the dancer will still come over and thank me for her drink and explain the situation and I just tap out and congratulate her on a successful night then let her know in the future I would enjoy time with her.

    Being generous and respectful goes a long way with these chicks. So does good hygiene
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    "some will give older men that is well dressed shit loads of time for no pay in hopes of a pay out that never arrives."

    This is in fact true.

    Btw, Fuck you Jackie.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    "don't mind as much if a guy has her locked doing a VIP or dances, but does bother me when I wanna get some dances and a dude has her locked down just sitting there at a table like a mannequin for an hour(s)."

    Yes I agree chulo.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    We haven't had that many cheap dives here, but of the ones we have had, I've loved em. Once you realize that the girls aren't making much money, and so that they must get their money some other way, that's when the possibilities start to open up.


    They bill themselves as the inventors of "rape rock," essentially an early, 1970s-style heavy metal and punk rock fusion with extremely chauvinistic and perverse lyrics about degrading and degenerating women.



  • bubba267
    7 years ago
    Could be more to it than meets the eye. I'd bet that most of these are ITC visits but involve an OTC relationship between the "whale" and dancer. If he's getting a great OTC experience he may be satisfied to come in for a drink and visit. He may even be slipping her some decent money as he leaves to compensate for her not dancing. In any case, I wouldn't assume that he isn't compensating her then or later.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    -->" Especially if they aren't spending money"

    As repeated above already: you know precisely jack shit about whether anyone is spending money or not ... I can't believe experienced PLs still think they "know" who is spending what. You would pretty much never see me exchanging money with my CF, who I tend to lock up for many hours.

    On the other hand, UGK and chess are right, in that, sometimes the stripper has merely profiled the customer as a high-$ target, and leaves with nothing. That definitely happens. But you as an onlooking, jealous PL have no idea which situation it is: well-compensated stripper getting paid surreptitiously, or stripper taking calculated risk and possibly getting nothing.

    I do sympathize with you variety guys, has to be frustrating
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    I hate to say that I agree with Rick. But I agree with Rick.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    I think of it as more of a preference than a strategy.

    If you're paying her for five hours of awkward silence where her thought bubble of "what exactly does this guy want from me??" is almost visible, then as my preferences go, it wouldn't be worth it. Maybe for the guys who primarily want to impress other guys at the club, it would be, though.

    I have had dancers spend a lot of time for relatively little compensation when I wasn't actively trying to lock them down, though. It was generally either a slower night and we got along well or my table was an emotionally safe place to recharge and feel desired again after another customer rejected her offer for dances.

    Sometimes another guy would approach her on-stage/through a waitress/etc, for dances, which was probably a win/win for her, since at that point the guy was identifying himself as a sale from the outset and maybe even felt the need to compensate her a bit more to "compete" with me.

    In other words, I have only found it worthwhile when a dancer locks herself down at my table. That said, I wouldn't mind trying Subraman's approach of pre-planning a block of time on a slow shift if there were currently any dancers that it seemed worthwhile/doable with.

    Fortunately, my budding CF doesn't seem prone to being locked down, and spending 15-20 minutes in the front room before going for dances has worked out.
  • samsung1
    7 years ago
    Akron ohio is full of dive clubs with cheap $5 bar stool dances. Only problem is the dancers do not come over often enough. I was at gatsbys in akron for over an hour last night and got no attention.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    I wonder how much of this is them not wanting to move around vs pl's locking them down. Perhaps sitting on their ass with regulars if they aren't getting dances is preferable to working the room.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Strippers can be lazy?
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    I think the term for them is called 'fucko-s'. Another customer locking down a dancer (without dancing) from a customer (you!) who wants to get-his-lap-on. Haha! That's really playful term I don't really think they are fucko-s. But it's fun to call them that!

    I think it is best to work the situation in your favor, like Rick says. Except I would try a different night shift and/or club. Shift that encourages the dancers to keep moving is best for a LD variety guys.

    This is where for me I think Fri or Sat night shift works in my favor for me.
  • Estafador
    7 years ago
    I would think in a cheap/dive club, if you don't spend money you don't get booty no matter how much of a whale you are (unless you're wearing a Rollie, then you can leave for an hour and she'll be paitently for you). What true whale goes to a dive bar anyway? Now that's just dickish.
  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    I see it all the time in Ft. Myers clubs. The hottest girls sit with the same guy in the club chairs for hours on end. They might get up and give him a lapper, once in a while.
    I think the key point is in the OP's opening post: "cheap dives and midscale clubs.". If noone is spending money, then they latch on to whoever is, or someone that will at least buy them drinks (or anyone that is not utterly repulsive to be around).
    To echo Rick and John, you've got to buy your way into her attention.
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    One category of lock down is the dancers drug connection. At least, there are times when I get that vibe as 2 or 3 dancers spend time with a customer at his table. On one occasion, I saw one of those guys in the parking lot afterward clearly carrying out a transaction.
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    Years ago a regular of mine got shit from management for spending too much time with me. He wanted her to circulate more so there was more "entertainment value" for his club. I do see his point but these girls are independent contractors, not employees!

    I find it frustrating if I see a hottie I want to spend money on but she has lots of people waiting for her already. But that's just how the business works.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Counterpoint: She is an independent contractor, but she is working as one in his club.
  • TheeOSU
    7 years ago
    And is expected to abide by the procedures of the club.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    @rockstar, that was just his way of saying that he wanted a tip. If the club gets a cut from vips and laps dances, but not from tips, then he wanted his share. I have never been to a dive strip club, but I imagine it's the same everywhere. No one really cares at my club, but my manager gets a cut from my vips, so I will tip them a little if I spend a good chunk of time with somebe who hands me money, just to stay in their good graces.
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