
Comments by Subraman (page 207)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Take a number system?
    -->"@Subraman said "I don't see why a really hot stripper, who is skilled at developing regulars, would work at a club that so hampers her business model." The number system itself doesn't seem to hurt their ability to talk to regulars and to find whales willing to monopolize them for 2 hours. As K said, you can keep her working with you for as long as you want, until she needs a break. It's just that she knows exactly who is next in line when you're done. " B-Ho, what you said seems to exactly mean that she isn't free to pursue her whales. I don't know any whales -- hell, I don't know any sub-whale good regulars -- who will wait around for 2 hours for a girl, just because 8 other guys have gotten there before him, and the rule is, she has to go in order. Even run-of-the-mill regulars get priority over everyone else there. If I come in and she's on #12 and I just pulled #20, I'm switching girls (or just as likely, switching clubs), no way I'm waiting for 8 guys. Right now, my usual protocol, that I've been using for years and years, is: I text her when I'm 30-45 minutes out, she finishes up with her customer and is alone and waiting for me when I walk in. I'm not remotely interested in a club where I can't make an appointment, and might have to wait on 8 guys who she doesn't even know. Of course, all that means is that that particular club may pull less customer like me (high-spending, one-stripper regulars), and less of the type of girls who pull those types of customers (that is, the girls with the combined hottest looks plus charm). They might more than make up for the lost income by pulling non-ATF type customers. Or -- and here's what I'd bet -- the hottest in-demand girls ignore the ticket system when it suits them, and go straight to their great regulars, they only follow the ticket system when it's to their advantage.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Deez Nutz
    Update for tips attached SC Hounds
    I stand by my remark that vodka soda is the official drink of basic bitches everywhere. That said, I concede the point that you'll more likely stink of alcohol on whiskey or beer
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How do I convince strippers i'm not an undercover cop?
    Me: Radio, inform perpetrator that I am 10-97 on scene DJ: Porsche, your regular is here, go meet him at the table in the corner Me: 10-4, Radio Me: I would like to commit an act of furtherance, and thereafter engage in an act of lewd and lascivious conduct Stripper: I don't do that Me: You are free to go Me: I am 10-98!!! Stripper: You came in my hair Me: Time for shift change, see you next week!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Take a number system?
    As someone who is all about the useless conversation, I am outraged. OUTRAGED! :) lol ... so how does this work exactly, there's no set time window, right? That is, if she's with customer #4, she can stay with him for 10 minutes or 3 hours, her choice, before moving on to customer #5? Obviously, for me this wouldn't work, if it meant the dancer was constantly checking her queue and rushing me to get dances so she could go. I'm surprised the strippers like it -- I mean, the girls who either don't bother or lack the skills to develop regulars, they would probably love it, but girls who have bigger-spending regulars, they might have to go through 10 other guys to get to their big spending regular? I don't see why a really hot stripper, who is skilled at developing regulars, would work at a club that so hampers her business model.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How do I convince strippers i'm not an undercover cop?
    In all seriousness, I used to get that when I was younger. One of my good buddies and SC wingmen back then was a black guy. We both had some of the cop trappings (short hair, not fat). But he said we were getting this because "the girls see a black guy and white guy together, they assume we're cops." I believed it, I only got that "are you guys cops" thing when I was with him.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How do I convince strippers i'm not an undercover cop?
    I refer to all strippers as perpetrators, and all customers as suspects.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    When doing ITC do you ....
    I imagine it may vary in some cities and clubs, but here, if you want ITC sex, you better negotiate both the act and the price beforehand, or unpleasant things are likely to await you. At least until she's a repeat and you two have a pattern and understanding
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    OTC > ITC in my humble opinion
    -->"(cute responsible college girl)(greater than) (otc)" Some of you agreeing with RM might not know what this particular lines means. Obviously, RM have a friendly disagreement on this one -- for me, OTC is the single best experience in the sex industry, RM has found better experiences on Seeking Arrangements. And SA or similar site is what RM means here: an arrangement site is basically the one way you could be having for-pay sex with a responsible college girl. BTW, I don't think either RM or I are necessarily right or wrong, I think we're just valuing different experiences. I am on SA and continue to be on SA, and enjoy it. But for what I'm looking for, OTC remains the pinnacle of sex experiences. You can read my detailed discussion of my experiences over in the article section https://www.tuscl.net/?page=post&id=50497 But the FRAT here for me (and BTW, this might be highly geography/locality specific) is: 1. The best looking, most-fun girls on SA are strippers and ex-strippers 2. Engaging with the girls referenced in #1 is more like OTC than a proper arrangement 3. The "cute college girls" in affordable ranges (less than $1500/month allowance) are nowhere near as hot as strippers and nowhere near as sexually blow-your-mind as strippers 4. The guys spending $3000+/month seems to be getting it all, stripper hot (or better) responsible civilians, etc. But that's not a price range I'm interested in. So, for me at least, OTC much much greater than college-girl on SA. OTC roughly equal to stripper or ex-stripper on SA.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    OTC > ITC in my humble opinion
    Anyway -- yes, OTC is IMO the crowning achievement of the sex industry ... better than ITC, but not a complete replacement for it, for me.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How long until OTC?
    -->"So how long until I give in to these bitches and end up OTC?" You know, if that statement is just a bit of rhetorical theater for tuscl's entertainment, then I get that. But if that's how you're really thinking ... why do OTC at all? If you're happy ITC, and have a poor view of OTC, why do it? Especially at the prices you cited, which are significantly higher than I've paid here ,and I live in the most expensive city in the country. Maybe the things to meditate upon here are: 1. Why do I think engaging in OTC, the single best experience in the sex industry, is "giving in to these bitches"? Hell, I think my lucky stars that OTC is a thing, it's just plain awesome. Again, if that was rhetorical bravado, ignore this, but if not, I don't think you can expect a great outcome if you're going in so negatively. 2. What's the best way to negotiate OTC, given that I've been getting crazy-high quotes. You'll find different people negotiate different ways ... for me, I negotiate much lower prices than you, but I need to lead the negotiation (e.g., I NEVER EVER NEVER let the stripper quote her price -- I make an offer, and let her respond, and right off the bat that response will be hundreds of dollars lower than whatever ridiculous price she would have quoted me if I'd let her make the initial offer). I also find that for me, a general demeanor of "hell, you'd be worth 10x that, but I'm embarrassed that I can only afford $XYZ" works for me. But other guys use different tactics that just don't match my personal mindset, like negging the girls or whatever; you just need to figure out what gets the girls to more reasonable numbers (unless you're in Vegas or something)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    OTC > ITC in my humble opinion
    I love both ITC and OTC ... both great, just different. I love everything about the ITC experience, I love going for drinks and sitting with a stripper while lots of other hot strippers are walking around and on stage, I love that I can do all this *with* my buddies. Yes, in an extras club, the actual sex part will be shorter and less private than OTC -- but the entire experience is awesome. I won't go through OTC's various merits, they're well-known here. But I will say that even when I've had awesome OTC relationships going, I've never stopped going to the club -- going to the club, either for ITC sex or just socially at a no-extras club -- scratches an entirely different itch. If I compare JUST the sex part of ITC vs OTC, yes of course OTC wins, but that's the thing, I'm not at all interested in that comparison, I'll looking for how much I enjoyed my 5 hours in the club, vs how much I enjoyed my X hours OTC, not just limiting it to the sex part of the experience.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Tattoos - Out of Control
    -->"LOL - tattoos have been discussed a lot in the past but I don't recall it being described in this so practical manner!" Ha, I like the wording too. And it's true, tats are just one of a number of signature poor choices, bad judgement, and shortsightedness traits that lead to strippers in the first place, and then lead those strippers to have sex with me. I get that for sure. Still dislike them, they are almost always a negative or at best neutral. Although sometimes, even I get turned on by a tattoo that makes the stripper seem incredibly slutty
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Enjoying lap dances for 15 years and counting...
    Stage Activities with Customers
    In one of the local clubs, strippers are allowed to bring female customers on stage. On a regular basis, if they spot a female in the front row, they'll try to entice her onto the stage, and undress and grope her to whatever the female customer's limits are. Usually very fun and sexy; stripper usually ends up showered in tips, so it works out all around
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    What criteria do you have for a good club outing?
    Thank you SJG, I am promoting you to assistant to the vice president of marketing for my fan club :) :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    What criteria do you have for a good club outing?
    -->"Subraman style I learned from the best!!!" LOL! I'm but a humble beachcomber on the crystalline shores of stripper vulva I have had many ways to gauge success, but now I have a simple 0-3 scale, which maps to how many knuckles deep I got my index finger into her asshole. I have had a string of 0s recently, very upsetting.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What do you drink in the club?
    I like getting buzzed with the girls, so: shots. Thats what they do, too, I don't give them a choice. Once in while I'll back off, order a bottled beer, and let her order some basic mixed drink. In non-alcohol clubs, water
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Rookie move = being ripped-off
    Pre-paying was a rookie move. Threatening to write a negative review to an already-hostile manager -- as if you're "safe" in a strip club, like it's a spa and not a place often run by thugs -- is some mix of poor judgement, poor situational awareness, and stupidity.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How important is kitty play to you?
    I like kitty play. But, like some of the folks above, I think it's most important role is as an indicator that she's pretty open, particularly notable in the bouncer-patrolled no-extras clubs I go to, since kitty play would be very very off-limits. When I get it, I know she's a fun rule-breaker. Not the end of the world if she doesn't allow it, but a very good sign if she does. Plus, it's fun
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Do you save all your cash for SCing?
    tDD: yes, exactly.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Do you save all your cash for SCing?
    Dirk: I may have misspoken -- I'm not a retard, I don't ever use a card at the strip club. What I was saying is, I use a credit card for close to 100% of my normal everyday purchases (I get a straight 2% back on my card, so there's rarely a good reason not to use it). But I ONLY use cash at the strip club, so when I do get cash or use cash in everyday life (e.g., I go out to dinner with friends, they all pay their part of the bill in cash, I take the cash and pay the total with my credit card), I squirrel that cash away for later strip club use.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Money makes people idiots
    -->"Most dancers have not landed in strip clubs via an abundance of common sense and critical thinking." lol, signed. There's a lot of impulsiveness: I had an ATF who was the sweetest most awesome thing ... but when rent was coming up and she was broke (how in the world did she make so much $ and end up broke so much?) she was positively SW-like, jacking up the price of lapdances and demanding tips of customers who she sensed were newbies, etc. She had the brains not to do that to regulars, but on bad months, a few days a month she was a shark. The other thing I've noticed about many strippers is how passive aggressive they can be. There's some perceived slight, and they stew on it and get angrier and angrier, and then use some passive aggressive method to get back at someone. In fact, this scenario: " I had one long term favorite purposely run up a bill during dinner for some stupid fucking reason ruining a perfectly good win/win p4p relationship." I would bet ANYTHING that that's what was the root cause, she was stewing on some perceived slight (maybe you said something, more likely she didn't think you were paying her enough for what she was doing for you) and getting you back in a subtle way was far more important to her than your continued patronage. I know so many strippers who engage in this type of passive aggressive action, leaving customers with "WTF, why did she do that?" reactions
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Do you save all your cash for SCing?
    I use credit cards and Android Pay almost exclusively (If I can get 2% and sometimes 3% back off every purchase,why not?). But when I do get cash, it definitely gets kept as starter funding for next SC trip. Ever since the big earthquake in '89, when stores lost the ability to take credit cards and ran on cash only for a few days, I've kept a few hunnit around for my general preparedness. I sometimes dig into that for a strip club trip, but that has to be replenished immediately
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    anybody know anything about stripper perfumes? (bj99 help!)
    Actually, regarding Coco Medemoiselle, it could easily be the EDT also: https://www.fragrantica.com/perfume/Chanel/Coco-Mademoiselle-Eau-de-toilette-612.html I think you're gonna have to ask her, champ
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    anybody know anything about stripper perfumes? (bj99 help!)
    There's a lot of pink ones. Stripper-taste-wise, my best guess is Coco Mademoiselle, and probably this one rather than the more expensive Parfum or Extrait : https://www.fragrantica.com/perfume/Chanel/Coco-Mademoiselle-611.html I think this one hits stripper tastes also, but is a bit more under-the-radar so I have my doubts: https://www.fragrantica.com/perfume/Chanel/Chanel-N-5-Elixir-Sensuel-4687.html In the end, I definitely would NOT buy a perfume without knowing exactly which one she means, out of the 8 or so pink perfumes Chanel has. Then go buy it at a discount shop that is known for great prices but actually sells legit product (rather than the fake perfumes being sold on ebay, amazon, etc), like fragrancenet, fragrancex, notino, etc.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anybody find their hookers identity out through facebook?
    Facebook is easily the most aggressive and reprehensible at this, but the fact is, I've had strippers and hos show up on many of my other accounts, including WhatsApp, Instagram, Voxer, etc. Note that some of those aren't even social media, they're just texting or communication apps. My general rule is: any app that connects me to other people -- whether it's social media like Instagram or Facebook, or texting/messaging like WhatsApp, or financial transactions like Venmo -- I do not use my real name, I sign up with an anonymous email account, and do not use my picture. So when my accounts shows up in stripper and ho "suggested connections" lists, there's absolutely no indication that it's me. Of course, same goes for my actual friends and acquaintances, I have to seek them out specifically, since they have no way of knowing the "Mike Hunt" in their suggested contacts list is actually me. In addition, the Facebook app brings these kinds of interactions to a whole 'nother level, uninstall it from your phone.