
Comments by Subraman (page 206)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Are you a fan of OTC
    -->"I've said it before and I'll say it again: If you're concerned about a stripper setting you up to get rolled, etc, then you're choosing the wrong strippers. " While I'll re-emphasize that I don't think we should get completely complacent and basically sleep-walk through OTC, I'll also say that in every news story I've ever seen about an OTC gone bad, one look at the picture of the stripper (tatted up thugish white trash, completely ghetto looking girls, etc) and that's all I needed to see to know not to choose that girl, no socializing needed. Like I said, a few years ago a guy hiking in the foothills was attacked by a mountain lion, but that doesn't scare me into not walking around my block
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Are you a fan of OTC
    joc, escorts and the experience that surrounds them is definitely not my scene. While I enjoy OTC more than SA, and I think the negatives are the same for both (that is, both have sky-high flake rates, with SA flakiness being worse than OTC, etc), SA's convenience of sitting at home in your computer room for all interactions is sometimes a plus, as is the fact that you can find everything on SA, from a traditional sugarbaby to escort-like interactions to just about anything in between. And there are some good values to be found on SA. Very strongly agree that strippers as a group are much hotter than SA girls, but I'd also point out that there are an enormous number of strippers and ex-strippers on SA, so there are plenty of stripper-hot girls out there.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Are you a fan of OTC
    It's definitely the case that a PL shouldn't get complacent. There are stories every years about strippers who set a customer up to get robbed or killed by their BF, and the like. That said, it's also the case that people sometimes get killed by mountain lions, but it would be almost clinical-level fear to stop going outside because of it ... though you might do some common sense things, like if you're going hiking, know if you're in lion country, don't go jogging through it by yourself, etc. For me, your reasons come off as not going outside, because in the past 3 years, one person was killed by a mountain lion. There's some simple common sense things you can follow though. Get to know her a little bit if you're uncomfortable. Find out a little about her -- in just about 100% of cases, I can trace any stripper to her facebook page, and my buddies and I have aborted a few times when we saw she was living thug life. Don't get the hotel room in advance and tell her where it is; don't go to her hotel room. Hell, go to the local hot tubs where you don't even have to use a real name, if you want. Meet in public at a bar, and play things by ear. Literally, none of the above take the slightest bit of extra effort, except finding her facebook page, which isn't all that difficult once you get the hang of the techniques. For me, meeting at a local bar, calling an audible on grabbing something to eat, calling an audible on whether to hit the hot tubs or a hotel (and if a hotel, which hotel), is the way I like to run my OTCs anyway. Hell, even the guys who are just meeting a stripper and running off to OTC right then just need to be a bit aware
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Ever had a dancer gripe about your manscaping(or lack of)
    While I am as un-metro-sexual as they come, I'm also at least vaguely open minded ... if a 22-year-old 9 is going to have sex with me, at an affordable price, and she prefers me trimmed, I'm happy to go along.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Couples at strip clubs
    lopaw, I wonder if "solo female clubber", and perhaps one who is identifiably lesbian (not sure if you are), is a completely different category in the strippers' minds, than "bi curious female in a couple or group", "gay in front of men" type women, "prove to my BF how open-minded and wild I am" type women, etc. Wouldn't surprise me that a true female PL isn't treated the same as women in couples, bachelorette parties, etc.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Would you ever consider going to the strip club while you're in a dating relatio
    If you are a young guy with no women at all in your life currently, why in the world would you go to the strip club instead of out to a club or bar with your buddies to meet women? I still don't understand why a young guy would be in the strip club unless he had some sort of relationship, even if it's just casual dating (unless he's just there with his buddies as male bonding)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Couples at strip clubs
    It's very common for me to bring strippers to the strip club (a different club than the one they work) during OTCs. On the whole, this is usually a great time. Any stripper who isn't anti-couple will gravitate towards us, since my OTC stripper will be the hottest female customer in the house, and from there there's often a lot two things I really love: 1. sensuality -- lots of flirting and complimenting and bedroom eyes each way and light petting, which really gets my gears going, and 2. some stripper commiserating, venting, story-telling, and gossip, which I fucking love, and get a front-row seat for. I usually buy a lap dance for my OTC stripper, but honestly, that doesn't do nearly as much for me as the extreme sensuality going on at the table. The worst thing I can say is that once in a while, we seem to be mostly ignored, I assume for the standard reasons (many strippers don't like couples or female customers at all)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Would you ever consider going to the strip club while you're in a dating relatio
    When I was younger, the only time I ever went to the strip club was when I was either dating or in a relationship. If I had no prospects for free sex, 100% of the time I'd rather go to a dance club or bar and find myself a girl. By contrast, if I was dating someone, then I'd go to the strip club for some strange. It wasn't uncommon I'd get extras at the club during dayshift, go home, shower, have sex with the GF at night. Now that I'm older, I go to the club regardless of whether I'm dating someone. If I'm not dating someone, well, not interested in going to a dance club, so might as well see a stripper. And if I AM dating someone, well that someone is going to be 40+ years old, and touch a 22-year-old hottie is a whole 'nother experience
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He's kinda an ass...
    What time of day/week do you go SCing
    I should add also, nightshifts from 7-10 are similarly slow to dayshifts, and I do actually do occasional nightshifts. On the upside, it tends to be lower hustle, the girls will stay longer, they're hot nightshift girls, and they specifically want to drink to start lubricating the gears of social intercourse; on the downside, they're night girls, entitled and used to a certain remuneration, and in general still more shark-ish than dayshift girls, even when it's slow
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He's kinda an ass...
    What time of day/week do you go SCing
    -->"customers during the day tend to just come in, do their business quietly, and leave quickly. " B-Ho, just because the advanced beginners and intermediates do that, doesn't mean the expert PL has to do that, does it? Unless you're in some bizarre club where the club culture doesn't indulge it, why can't you grab a stripper and sit with her for a couple of hours, drink and have your own party in the corner? I do this regularly, and it's a blast. Sometimes, I end up with a table with 1-3 of her friends (I just buy the friends/frenemies drinks, only spend dance money on CF) and sitting at a table full of drunk snarky strippers is among my favorite non-sexual experiences at a strip club
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Why would a dancer tell you she hasn't had sex in a long time?
    -->"I don’t hear it all the time, but it’s not that unusual either. It’s part of her sales technique." Of course. Dirk, don't take this the wrong way, but I'm surprised anyone who has managed to find tuscl hasn't heard this plenty and understand it's hustle. It *could* just be a way to turn you on, or it *could* be a hint to offer OTC, but none of us have the slightest idea which it is, only a PL who asks can divine the answer.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How do you sort out which dancers to take to Private or VIP?
    Once she makes it over the looks hurdles, it's very simple: - Does she sit and chat in a relaxed way, no mention of dances? If yes, continue. If no, see ya. - When I offer to buy shots, does she says yes? If yes, continue. If no, see ya. - Am I having fun hanging out with her? Yes=>Dances! No=>Decide whether to do a dance with her (if she's hot enough), or just tip her for her time (since she's already spent a lot of time with me) and send her on her way
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Big Pond or Small ?
    -->"That's why you hear about a lot of PLs liking slow shifts or day shifts, they are treated like the customers they feel they are. They are ignored on the weekends when they can't compete with the big spenders." Exactly. My main club, in fact, is a big club, and one of the bigger money makers in the city ... at nights and on weekends. Dayshift is always slow, so I get the small-club effect in the big club. I can afford to get the hottest girl on shift and monopolize her for 4 hours straight, and she doesn't even think about leaving because why risk a sure regular thing? No way I could pull that off on Saturday night
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He's kinda an ass...
    What time of day/week do you go SCing
    dayshift, 7 days a week, whenever I can break free. All dayshifts in this area are slow, with a single exception of one club
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Weird night or she playing with me
    A stripper will never leave the roof of your mouth burnt with shreds of flesh hanging down.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    If you were dating a dancer - would you go to see her at the club?
    I think every reply should be required to start off with "If I were stupid enough to date a stripper". So, if I were stupid enough to date a stripper, I definitely would not visit her at the club, for a number of reasons. Most clubs around here seem to have rules about "no stripper boyfriends", if they suspect there's a real relationship they toss the guy. I imagine in the dive and mid-range clubs, this keeps out not just boyfriends, but very often pimps. In high end clubs, it cuts down on drama in general.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Weird night or she playing with me
    I just came from the back room ... the mushroom pizza told me it would be right back, and then I didn't see it again. Waited 2 hours, then left.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Target rich environment
    Happens on a fairly regular basis with me, by design -- I like to get there when it's dead, the fewer the # of customers, the better. I don't want it to be dead all day ,the girls get angry and unpleasant. But I'm insanely comfortable being the only customer, or one of just 2 or 3, and letting the girls do their best to win my business...
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Hot or not?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How often do you go for dancers that aren't your type?
    As far as really far outside of type, maybe every couple of years, or even less. As far as slightly outside of type -- well, I DO get buzzed with the girls, and I'm a sucker for a really charming, funny conversationalist, AND I'm often with my buddies so sometimes I just pick the best of a bad bunch just so I"m not the stick-in-the-mud sitting by himself. That can happen up to a few times per year, during times when I don't have a CF and we're in a down period as far as lineups
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Can't pull the trigger
    I, too, am a "listen to your inner voice" type. That said, it's also always worth double-checking to see if your inner voice has picked something up that your big head didn't, or if it's just being a little bitch. Like Papi, in a bad neighborhood, I'll reconnoiter on a slow day, read up on the neighborhood and where to park. In my city, there's only 3 strip clubs in bad neighborhoods, but for years 2 of those clubs where the best clubs in town. Figured out the neighborhood, where to park, brought a defensive tool when warranted... no worries, no problems
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Take a number system?
    B-Ho: if the strippers were hot, my first suspicion is always: the girls use the system when it suits them, but throw it away when a good regular walks in. The other alternative explanation: there are so few non-extras clubs around that the non-extras girls don't have much choice but to take it. But you definitely got to the crux of my confusion, "I honestly don't know why a whale would be willing to wait for two hours". From my experience, true whales don't tolerate that, and even as a mere grouper (much smaller than a whale) I don't tolerate waiting, much less a system that's built-in to make me wait.