Do you save all your cash for SCing?

avatar for theDirkDiggler
Whenever i come across any sort of cash, i keep it and use it almost only for strip clubs. Only tips for services (eating out, hair cuts, car wash), i might pay with cash, as i don't usually tip on my card for whatever reason. Otherwise, it goes in the titty fund, or the titty kitty until there's enough for a visit or two. Usually it takes too long to fill the titty kitty, and i end up withdrawing the rest from checking, but i only bring cash to the club. No bank card, no credit card. Maybe an emergency credit card, but i usually leave it in the car.

Does anyone else save up/hoard all their cash for strip clubs? Also, i didn't want to make a separate discussion, but do any of you TUSCLers ever use the club ATM? Never have and hope i never will so i don't know how much any of the clubs i frequent charge to use it.


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avatar for sinclair
7 years ago
I usually will hit a bank, a bank's drive thru ATM, or a gas station ATM if I am thinking of going to a strip club. I try to avoid the ATM's at strip clubs, but there have been a few instances where I got infatuated with a dancer and needed to withdraw more cash. Some strip club ATM's charge outrageous fees, while others charge the same amount as outside ATM's.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
I am cash only. I have a titty kitty section in my wallet and I just filled it with $300 today because it was empty. When I pay for dances/VIPs I use the kitty money. I have used the club ATM only a few times but avoid it if at all possible due to fees charged. But sometimes ya just gotta be a PL for that stripper.
avatar for JuiceBox69
7 years ago
Used to work, get paid then go broke in the club...that was my twenties and early thirties

Now I'm middle thirty and have shifted gears

I know invest all my free money in stocks then if I gain any returns I Club on that

Got tired of being broke
avatar for GoVikings
7 years ago
well not all of it, but some I save for SCing. it’s been a long time, but I have used the clubs ATM 2 or 3 times. that was on the rare occasion I spent more than I was planning to. one time a really cute, petite, black girl who made out with me got me to do a second VIP with her, and I had to use the clubs ATM then
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
Not really. If I'm looking to hit the club, I go to a bank ATM to supplement whatever is in my wallet, and within my budget.

I never use the club ATM. I don't even bring my cards into the club.
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
i used to be rather foolish when i first seperated...
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
butt yes. cash for the girls.
avatar for joc13
7 years ago
When I run low, I just print up some more. It takes about a day for the ink to dry really well, and another day to run it through a wash and dry cycle with some laundry (dark colored towels work best, or blue jeans). So, I do have to plan ahead a little bit.
avatar for s275ironman
7 years ago
Any cash I have on hand goes into my sock drawer and stays there until I plan on going to the club. I rarely ever have enough cash saved up, so I will stop at my bank and withdraw money from an ATM before I go to the club. I try to avoid using a club's ATM as much as possible.
avatar for houjack
7 years ago
I pretty much only carry cash for clubbing. Almost everything else is credit cards. So hitting the ATM means I'll be hitting the club within a day or so.
avatar for Mate27
7 years ago
Cash only for clubs. It's my own governor keeping me in check so I don't overspend.

Ever have a girl ask you how much you're willing to spend on your visits? My regulars know I'm only good for a little controlled fun and sometimes will say "how much today?" These girls never are upset if I do just two dances either.
avatar for Lurker_X
7 years ago
Like prior posters... I never take my ATM card into the club. By coincidence all 3 of the clubs I visit the most have bank ATMs just a few blocks away, so I have hit those just before entering.

I usually leave the club with some cash that I do not finish off during the week, then add to it again for another club visit. I mainly use cash to buy lunches, or go to the vending machine.
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
I use credit cards and Android Pay almost exclusively (If I can get 2% and sometimes 3% back off every purchase,why not?). But when I do get cash, it definitely gets kept as starter funding for next SC trip.

Ever since the big earthquake in '89, when stores lost the ability to take credit cards and ran on cash only for a few days, I've kept a few hunnit around for my general preparedness. I sometimes dig into that for a strip club trip, but that has to be replenished immediately
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
I don't like to carry too much cash on me so I almost always hit my bank ATM b/f heading to the club - my bank is Wells Fargo which after they bought Wachovia a couple of years ago they now have branches all over the place (I was originally with Wachovia) - I have a branch a 1/2 mile from my house and there are usually branches near the clubs I hit or on the way.

I use a club's ATM every now and then when the club is really jumping and I wanna keep enjoying it, or when I go on one of my periodic binges.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
In general I don't hoard cash for clubbing but I do hoard $5 and $10 bills since the ATMs I use only have denominations of $20 and up - I mostly hit $5/dance small black clubs so $5s and $10s come in handy - in the recent past I've started to keep my $5s & $10s stash hidden in the trunk of my car so they're handy when I need them - on occasion I may use a bank teller for getting $$$ and get part of the $$$ in $5s & $10$ (usually $60 in $10s and $40 in $5s and the rest in $20$)
avatar for Dougster
7 years ago
It's where most of my cash goes. I've taken lots of cash out of ATMs. Only occasionally deposited cash back into them. If there's too much cash, after a vacation where I under spent, say, I'll deposit some of it back in. Otherwise just wait for the next spending op which, yes, is generally at SCs.
avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 years ago
@ Subraman
I understand that some cards give cashback (usually not more than 1% for strip clubs or general purchases though). But many clubs don't give full value for credit cards and some only allow cash unless you buy their funny money. Also if you buy a room, the girls usually get a slightly smaller cut if plastic is used (but more than 5% which includes the processing charge) and if the tip is on the card, the club also usually reports it as well as charge the girl a percentage of her tip (and any cash on hand they believe she has) during the final tip out, so they like to hide their tips; they can't with credit. I also would rather not have a paper trail of how my money was spent.
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
Dirk: I may have misspoken -- I'm not a retard, I don't ever use a card at the strip club. What I was saying is, I use a credit card for close to 100% of my normal everyday purchases (I get a straight 2% back on my card, so there's rarely a good reason not to use it). But I ONLY use cash at the strip club, so when I do get cash or use cash in everyday life (e.g., I go out to dinner with friends, they all pay their part of the bill in cash, I take the cash and pay the total with my credit card), I squirrel that cash away for later strip club use.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
I want to introduce a related but different question. Is there anyone here, who is willing to admit to it, who has been so bold as to figure a way of putting their P4P Honeys onto their corporate payroll?

I've posed this question before and not gotten any serious replies. And I am by no means an authority on corporate taxation or accounting, so check for yourself about the efficacy of anything I say here.

You might hire your girl as a consultant of one sort or another. If you are making commercial pornography then of course you could hire her for that, and you will have to comply with the federal records keeping law. But if you are doing any picture taking you could say she is a hired model. You might be paying her as some sort of communications consultant or administrative assistant, particularly if she is out of town for you. Maybe you are subletting her apartment and paying she or her landlord.

For myself I would assume that you are paying by check and that this is someone who have a complete name and address for. As far as SSN and a contractor's license, I don't know. Seems like you would want to side step that, but you also don't want to cause her any troubles.

I would be reluctant to try and claim any such arrangement when it is with a woman you just met, like say you sat down at her stage and are handing her cash. I would want to hear from a qualified corporate tax preparer before I would try anything like that. But there are industries where the use of cash, or 'walking around money', is accepted.

But over all it seems like most of it would be somehow doable. And of course the driving interest is to be able to pay pre-tax. I am assuming here that this would only be with a corporation which you have total control of, and so you could just as well be adding that money to your salary.

And then it would get even more interesting if say you were doing it across a border, like say the Mexican border.

I believe that the more time a guy spends with strippers, the more he will want to be getting money like they do, under the table. And this is what leads a guy into illicit activities, like narcotics dealing, pimping, and organized crime. I've known people who live like this. Never a good way to go.


King Crimson awesome and long play list…

The Art of Music Copying
by Clinton Roemer

1st ed 1973
2nd ed 1985

Roerick Music Co, Sherman Oaks Californa…

35 years ago I used to listen to this album all the time. Today, after having listened to lots more music, this does not have that much of an appeal for me anymore.

Apple Juice, Tom Scott…
avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 years ago
No offense intended. I'm the same way. I use plastic for virtually everything else and get cashback, more for groceries and gas so those purchases are always credit even if it's only a dollar and i have hundreds or a lot of visible money in my wallet; the cashier might be thinking what the hell though. And i could care less about the credit fees merchants have to pay. But tipped services, i usually give at least the tip in cash to provide maximum tip to the provider. So i guess you're very similar to my OP, or the least the way i intended it to be, basically using cash only at strip clubs and not anywhere else.
avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 years ago
Also, it's been years since i've ever deposited cash. Since i've started my extensive SC hobby, it's all gone into the titty kitty.
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
tDD: yes, exactly.
avatar for GoVikings
7 years ago
Titty kitty Lolol
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
LOL "titty kitty" sounds so much better than "that section of my wallet reserved for strip club cash"
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
i call it 'the cookie jar'
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
^ well played @j62
avatar for UKfan
7 years ago
Yeah strip clubs and escorts.

I am single, 28, and have zero kids so why not? Usually bring 200
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
I have enough confidence in myself that I always take my wallet with I.D. credit/debit cards into the club without worrying about using them.

I keep a $500 cash strip club fund. When it drops below that, I fill it back up again. So I generally hit my credit union once a week and get some small bills and the rest in $20's. Noting larger. I do use my credit card OTC for purchases over $20 but use my on line banking to immediately pay it off . At the end of the year I take a cash back reward for using the credit card. I have yet to use my debit card.
avatar for Dougster
7 years ago
@SJG trying to think of more tax scams. First he wants to declare his organization a church for tax breaks, but he doesn't want anyone (besides the IRS) referring to it as a "church" because he hates churches and it isn't now. Now he is trying to dream up ways he can make hookers officially employees for the sake of tax breaks.
avatar for georgmicrodong
7 years ago
Fuck no. There's more to life than strip clubs, however it might appear from reading these boards.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Church basically means an assembly. Unique to Christianity. All one has to be is a Religious Organization in order to get tax exemption. Does not even need to be theistic. Most Eastern inspired groups are not. Some Rosicrucian groups are tax exempt religions, others are not.

Synanon, something I do not go along with, but it got the tax exemption.

Scientology, another I do not go along with, it had to fight for decades in court to get the exemption. And now it does call itself a church.

As I'm sure people understand it is only the real property tax exemption which makes any difference.

Jim and Artie Mitchell put their mother on the payroll as "Corporate Astrologer".

Of course you can only do stuff like that if you don't have outside shareholders.

But how far can you really go? If one is in a business of taking pictures ( porn, lingerie catalog, whatever ) then they need to pay models.

Businesses need to hire local people when they expand into new places, and especially across national borders.

How far can one go, when does the IRS take exception to it? I do not know. Need to find out. Not trying to break laws, or operate counter to their spirit.

Now many business owners put mistresses on the payroll? I don't know, and that's why I posted the question. So far no one willing to talk about it.

Gets real problematic when there are outside share holders, or when it is government employment, or when their could be an allegation of quid pro quo style sexual harassment.

But without any of the above, seems like it would be hard for the authorities to make any case against it.


Tobias Churton…
avatar for TFP
7 years ago
Luckily for me I hate the Bay Area strip clubs so I don't go often enough to blow through my spending cash. If I lived in or near COI, CA or any location with extras I'd definitely need a budget.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
^^^^^^ The problem is Deja Vu.

avatar for TFP
7 years ago
I guess I should thank Deja Vu then.
avatar for FTS
7 years ago
I've used the ATM. Only downside is the huge fee. Only done it a couple times.

Yea, I pretty much use cash only for strippers, hookers, and barbers. But those expenses account for a very small percentage of my income.
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