
How often do you go for dancers that aren't your type?

Saturday, October 21, 2017 7:02 AM
For those that have a "type", how often have you enjoyed dancers outside of that category? I normally like and prefer thick, big booty types(still do) but lately ive been trying more spinners and skinny(but not anorexic, yuck) dancers and they've been alright. I normally tend to ignore the spinners with no ass so i forgot how great they can be sometimes. Of course they cant grind on me with their ass but otherwise some have great technique and can be quite "friendly" in the ld room. Tldr; spinners are fun(in moderation of course).


  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    I'd say most of the time because my favorite type is in short supply but I do have limits on how far I'll go.
  • lick-that
    7 years ago
    A time and place for everything is my motto. Within reason of course. No 200lbers or guts exceeding Ass
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I also prefer curvy voluptuous dancers but they are not always present in large enough #s in many clubs - spinners with small tits and asses are not my type but I get dances from some of them *sometimes* and some of them dance and grind good but I soon bore of them b/c I miss a big ole booty grinding on me and miss two handfuls of big round titties
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    As far as really far outside of type, maybe every couple of years, or even less. As far as slightly outside of type -- well, I DO get buzzed with the girls, and I'm a sucker for a really charming, funny conversationalist, AND I'm often with my buddies so sometimes I just pick the best of a bad bunch just so I"m not the stick-in-the-mud sitting by himself. That can happen up to a few times per year, during times when I don't have a CF and we're in a down period as far as lineups
  • K
    7 years ago
    I make sure to go for dancers that aren't my type every few trips. I've found some of the best providers that way and even changed my type a bit. "then some other girl who I'm not interested in plops herself down next to me and starts chatting." You would say no to a waiter that plops a meal in front of you, why not a dancer? Don't be rude and don't drop hints tell her no thank you, you are waiting for another dancer and tell the hottie you are tipping you want her to sit with you or have a dance with you when she gets off stage.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    Can't say i have a true type, although i might have a slight weakness for hot natural (both in hair color and boobs) redheads where i might actually purposely single them out at a club (they are still quite rare in clubs and in the general population), but if you're hot, you're hot. Type doesn't really come in play at that point. I do tend to be pretty picky, so i rarely dance with a girl that's below an 8 (generally attractive overall in face and body) from my personal ratings. Even then, i still prefer very attractive (9 and up). On the rare occasions i dance with a 7 (just above average), it's usually because she's still one of the relatively hottest ones there, or maybe she's a butter face (like a 9+ body and 5+ face) or butter body (9+ face and 5+ body) or she spends a lot of time with me and is very friendly or has a better personality. Even if she gives a great dance, i still don't tend to get repeat dances from her. My biggest problem is when i still get dances from girls that aren't my 1st, 2nd or 3rd choice if my favorites or preferred dancers are there. They might still be quite attractive, but i usually feel i could have just saved my money instead of dancing with them especially if i've danced with them before and wasn't just trying them out to see if they have favorite potential.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    @mdfmk88 If a girl you know you're not interested sits next to you right when you want to stage tip a hottie, and she sits next to you without asking (otherwise, if she asks to sit, i would say i'm actually waiting on someone), i would just make very quick pleasantries, like less than a minute, then say it was nice meeting you and then shake her hand, or touch her arm or something or nothing and leave the table and go to the stage. She should get the point and won't be back at your table or wait for you while you tip the hottie. And definitely don't buy her a drink.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    Yes and I usually regret it. I like thick girls with lots of tits and ass. Every time I get a dance with a spinner, I can feel the bones of their little buttocks on my dick.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    " I can feel the bones of their little buttocks on my dick." Yes. This is where her technique(or lack of) comes into play. the ones that can maneuver around your dick without grinding their bones on you can be great.
  • lick-that
    7 years ago
    @Burlington Lol, "bones on my Dick". But those slim spinners often times have the Phattie Chocho..
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    "but if you're hot, you're hot. Type doesn't really come in play at that point." I agree. It just so happens i find a phat ass hotter than a flat bony ass all else being equal.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    "My hints are polite and are better than making someone feel like I'm better off sitting alone than talking to them." Excellent point! I try to let them down softly but keep my options open. I've had many times where sober i would think nothing of a dancer, then later, after a few drinks, she looks marginally better(or my standards lowered) and i took them for a dance aand it was better than expected. But she has to be decent looking to begin with. No amount of alcohol would change my mind about a less than a 6 maybe.
  • DandyDan
    7 years ago
    I don't know if I truly have a type. I think I have several types I like. I tend to like the thick big booty types, but I also like redheads and they don't need to be thick and have a big booty.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    @ mdfmk88 I myself tend to be pretty polite, generally soft spoken, and i guess what you call a nice guy, which i supposed isn't all that attractive to a lot of girls IRL, but strippers might love that shit as i seem like an easy mark. Still you have to understand that dancers lie all the time. White lies or straight up SS. They're not interested in the vast majority of customers as it is. They don't care if you're not interested in them, if they can still separate you from your money. They know that you are probably lying yourself when you drop those gentle hints, but not being firm allows them to keep their foot in the door (if we're to keep using the salesman analogy) and continue to bother you or bother you later. So that is why i prefer for them not to sit down in the first place or i physically remove myself from their presence if they sit down anyway (and i don't let them sit on my lap if i don't consider them physically attractive) as this is quicker and more effective than waiting for them or continually "dropping hints" until it becomes a more emotionally charged situation. So if they introduce themselves to me and sit, then very shortly later, i see them off and leave. Now if i have time to kill and they seem like somewhat pleasant girls, i'll converse with them, pick their brains a bit and let them shield me from other dancers i don't want to dance with. Even then, i'm careful not to lead them on, and i'm still not spending any money with them and always can still leave the situation and leave her dry. That's her problem; she didn't have to sit with me and i didn't ask her to. When they ask if i want company, i say it's up to her how she spends her time. That should let her know that her time is not my financial responsibility.
  • Doces300
    7 years ago
    I can usually find something right in my strike zone, but if not, I will stray a short way from it. If she is fun, personable, and willing to please. But luckily, my type is readily available when I stick to my usual haunts. If there is nothing close to my type I will usually just leave because I am a soft touch and I will end up sitting with and buying drinks for a girl I have no interest in.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    not even sure I have a type. I generally like Latinas and PAWGs, but I’m open to others as well I like thicker women. PAWGs are not easy to find, but great when you come across one. I did a couple dances with this beautiful PAWG a couple months ago and she had nipple piercings and I didn’t even care because she was gorgeous from head to toe with a big ass :-)
  • K
    7 years ago
    Perhaps i misunderstood your post. You indicated you are interested in one woman and another you arent interested in plops down next to you and that might stop the one you are interested in from coming by. No. I understood what you wrote. It may not be what you intended to write but it is what you wrote. In your pet peeve example you are waiting for someone. I even quoted your post. Please explain if i took it out of context. What possible self worth could i extract from this thread?
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    ^^ Well, i tend not to BS strippers, am a terrible liar myself, but if the dancers aren't being honest at all (and the ones that just plop down aggressively are usually full of it), i can play that game without any qualms either. What's good for the gander...
  • dr_lee
    7 years ago
    I like the thick ones, too, but I'll still go for a thinner girl with a great figure. Yeah, like you, I don't like just plain skinny girls with no real figure or body. Some guys just want them thin, but I still want there to be some "thickness" to the thin. I used to be a fan of breasts (still am obviously! lol), but I pay way more attention to the overall body, not just one part. And I've had multiple type in the same night, which I prefer than the same type. Maybe 1 tall with a great figure, maybe 1 shorter with a thicker frame, then there's the average height in-between, but just really attractive.
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    Strip clubs are the perfect place to go outside your normal comfort zone. If you're not gonna experiment in a strip club, where are you gonna experiment? I have certain types I like yeah, but I also try to be open minded and have had a number of really good adventures as a result.
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    More often than I might have thought. Good physical contact and good convo will trump looks for me. Looking at all my regulars over time, maybe half were my "type" and the other half have been an interesting diverse variety.
  • johndough20020
    7 years ago
    $5 dances - often $10 dances - sometimes $20 dances - rarely
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Originally at strip clubs I only engaged with those who looked to be my type. By this I mean ones I believed that I could get along with in an outside relationship. Later I found that the fun of strip clubs is in learning to engage way off type, with all of them. You only have to get along with them in that limited and controlled environment. SJG Hermetic Kabbalah [view link]
  • rane1234
    7 years ago
    Going "after" a dancer is a chumps game. Spending money and pursue? Nah.
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    Sometimes I've found some real gems out there when I'm not so superficially picky. But not always.
  • Liwet
    7 years ago
    My ATF is not my type, a solid 7 in the club (maybe 7.5 outside in the light). I regret meeting her because she has flip-flopped my entire world upside down and I'm having trouble turning away the average-looking girls that aren't my type. Currently, I don't turn down girls that aren't my type. I use other methods to pick among girls.
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