
Big Pond or Small ?

There are 2 clubs I primarily frequent.

One is a high volume club with plenty of dancers and customers. Since I go about the same time on weekdays, there are half a dozen who are faves and remember me. I’m guessing on a typical day they might make $400 for the day. The extras girls may make much more.

The other is smaller neighborhood club. There is lots of socializing with regular customers but long periods of time without dances. On a typical day, dancers might only make $200. Sometimes less.

I recently went to the smaller club and saw a few dancers who I hadn’t seen for 2 months. They made a big fuss over me. Why hadn’t I been in ? When was I coming back ? I was a bit surprised.

Then, I figured out that when I spent $40-$80 on a dancer in the smaller club, it made a huge difference in what kind of day they had. For that ridiculously small amount of money, I was a whale in a small pond. You know, it kind of feels good.


  • Liwet
    7 years ago
    That's why you hear about a lot of PLs liking slow shifts or day shifts, they are treated like the customers they feel they are. They are ignored on the weekends when they can't compete with the big spenders.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    Strangely, i've never thought of that in the PL's perspective. I always use that analogy regarding the dancers. An above average dancer might be a big fish in a small pond, but take her to a big pond with bigger fish and she seen for the smaller fish she really is.

    But yeah, i could definitely see me being a huge fish in a small pond, and definitely notice it when i visit the smaller ponds with familiar dancers. They are much quicker to attach themselves to me as i might be the only major revenue they get that day. I still don't like it, because i prefer to spend the vast majority of my money on my very favorites and they don't tend to work or stay in the small ponds. But on the occasion that they do, it's a challenge fending off the other fishies, when the big fish there is in no rush to get to me and is trying to maximize her earnings while she thinks she has me in her pocket...
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    -->"That's why you hear about a lot of PLs liking slow shifts or day shifts, they are treated like the customers they feel they are. They are ignored on the weekends when they can't compete with the big spenders."

    Exactly. My main club, in fact, is a big club, and one of the bigger money makers in the city ... at nights and on weekends. Dayshift is always slow, so I get the small-club effect in the big club. I can afford to get the hottest girl on shift and monopolize her for 4 hours straight, and she doesn't even think about leaving because why risk a sure regular thing? No way I could pull that off on Saturday night
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Definitely feel like I get more of my money's worth in the small ponds - dancer-treatment for me trumps flashy clubs and flashy dancers - I feel my presence there, and the $$$ I spend, is more appreciated and reflected in the way I'm treated.
  • TXbananas
    7 years ago
    Hmmm, may have to try out the day shift one day just for kicks.

    @subra how much are you spending to lock down a girl for 4 hours?
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    The daytime customer tends to be older, sober, polite, and less likely to be part of a group. They are there for dances, not to party.
    The daytime dancer prefers this type of customer and atmosphere. They can make good money and don’t need to hustle the way dancers do at night. They invest the time to establish a group of regulars and can afford to offer a GFE that is never found at night.
  • whodey
    7 years ago
    Smaller club = bigger bang for your buck
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    When I was younger and still a novice - I was going at night. The atmosphere was like a party, and I enjoyed it. The downside was the competition for dancers - and the increased danger that seems to come with the night.

    Now, I like the feel of a less hectic afternoon trip to the club. The customers are there to hang with dancers - and to buy dances. There are fewer guys looking to get drunk and start a fight, and I enjoy less drama now.

    With smaller clubs - the dancers are usually very sexy too. I know some guys are picky, and that might limit your choices, as the larger clubs will offer more selection (and possibly hotter dancers).

    So, I’m happy in smaller clubs, afternoon shifts, as it’s a comfortable environment for extras. It also limits the craziness that comes with evenings.
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