avatar for anon31415


joined Feb 2016last seen Jan 2018

Comments made by anon31415

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7 years ago
avatar for Snowfox6
What is the length of your erect penis?
Quality medical research statistics for length http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/bju.13010/full
discussion comment
7 years ago
avatar for anon31415
Thank You Founder
@Dougster wrote: “On this one: don't get your stance at all. Why is it bad that LE is investigating someone who has admitted to being a pedophile? Seems like a good thing to me?” Do you really believe law enforcement could charge VM based on message board posts and that it is a good thing that LE is examining TUSCL’s board? Founder didn’t say they were only investigating VM posts. Think of how many members have openly described acts with strippers that easily qualify as solicitation of prostitution, both directly and in reviews. If you believe VM can be prosecuted for a few posts from long ago, you sure opened up a lot of the regular posters for prosecution with postings much more detailed than VM. I doubt anyone, including VM, will be prosecuted for message board posts, but getting LE involved will certainly give them a short lists of clubs they could target for future prostitution stings. It is harder for them to ignore the shady behavior when they are provided this more detailed info directly. I sure wouldn’t be proud of drawing law enforcement’s attention to the board if I were you.
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7 years ago
avatar for anon31415
Thank You Founder
BJ99, does your club have bouncers? Think of it this way. You have been having a good time at your club for quite a while. Then one evening, a drunk comes in and starts yelling for attention. People look the other way and try to ignore it. Next night, he gets louder. Following night, a second drunk sees the opening and joins in. 5 nights later, the club is overrun by drunks yelling and the regular patrons are annoyed and can’t enjoy the dancers, so they start putting on headphones. New customers show up, and you gently explain, “We just go to our lockers and put on these special headphones so that we can’t hear the drunks, you should do the same.” The new customers and several of the existing customers, decide I don’t want to put up with this, I’m leaving. For example, should PoleDancer have to put up with the way Trucidos treated her? I was happy to see she was back, but you saw how Trucidos treated her, is that ok with you? I would much rather have the bouncers take out the unruly guys than have the board decline because they ruin the experience.
discussion comment
7 years ago
avatar for anon31415
Thank You Founder
Sorry for the duplicate
discussion comment
7 years ago
avatar for mr_evans2u
Girls night out in Dallas
Based on a quick google search, Dallas Tallywackers closed August 2016