
Comments by Subraman (page 183)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Virginia - Last seen being walked to the door
    Dancer: Let me walk you to the door
    Dblednmike-->"That doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing, just don’t read too much into it. In the end, if you enjoy it that’s all that matters. " I think that sums it up for me. The biggest risk for a PL at a strip club is to read too much into things, and even experienced PLs sometimes make that mistake, so I understand why some guys here keep pounding on the fact that it's part of her service... but, for those guys not at such risk, no reason not to enjoy that part, as much as you enjoy her sitting on your lap, or flirting with you at the table -- every single one of those examples is exactly as much "calculated service" as anything else. BJ99-->"It’s not good manners. It’s rude to guard a customer. He should be given an opportunity to say hi, or goodbye, to other dancers...It’s a sneaky thing to do, but if it goes over so well, maybe I’ll have to start." It goes over very well. Sometimes, I *do* want to say goodbye to other people (strippers, bouncer, bartender, etc), in which case I say, "let me say goodbye to so-and-so, come with me or I'll say bye and then I'll be back." I realize some customers have trouble using their words, but I don't. If she offers to walk me to the door and I'm not ready, I tell her so. But that almost never happens, and I like it and in fact strongly prefer it. Whether you think it's sneaky or not, I'd bet many of your customers will like it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    A bit too-pretentious - or a bit too-stupid on the part of the custy ?
    From what I understand, in many places once you get that table & bottle service, you also have a hostess who will get you girls. Okay, for us grizzled PLs, that seems extra pointless in a strip club, but some guys like it even there. While I agree with Papi that it's not the way I'd personally spend my money, it feels like a no-brainer to a bunch of young guys at a bachelor party who want extra service. I've told you guys about my ATATF, who is basically a professional hot chick in Vegas these days. Anyway, one day she told me, "hey, if you want to bring your friends out here, I'll invite a few of my friends, we'll get a table and party. No charge, just get the table." She thought she was being incredibly, outrageously generous with this offer, big smile to bask in what she expected would be my awe-inspiring show of gratitude. My buddies, all older guys like me, were like, "How much is a fucking table? $2000??? And we spend all that to party with hot chicks and ... wait, no sex, we're spending that JUST TO SIT AT A TABLE AND BUY THEM DRINKS?!?!". Fact is, we were both right -- my ATATF was making an insanely generous offer from her perspective to forgo any compensation (no other group of old guys would get off anywhere near so cheap as just buying a table, that would be the cheapest thing they paid for all night, and I made sure to acknowledge and appreciate it), but I was totally with my buddies, it made no fucking sense from their perspective.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New York
    ATM ... next level stupidity from a club
    I don't do the club ATM either, the fees just irritate me too much to consider. If I need cash, I'll stop off at a real bank on my way to the club. If it's a bad neighborhood, I just split the cash up, at least $100 in my wallet, all the rest somewhere else It will be interesting to see the results of this. I wonder to what extent Rick's "the regulars are smart enough to bring all the cash they need, and the rookies don't mind paying fees on their one big Boys Night Out strip club trip this year" will hold. Would be nice to punish a strip club for treating their customers as if they are gullible suckers, but I'm not so sure they aren't right.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    A bit too-pretentious - or a bit too-stupid on the part of the custy ?
    -->"To me it's not how it broke down per person, but the fact the club charged $1k and someone paid them that, to just sit in a particular spot...I wouldn't be comfortable doing that on principle" Me neither. On the other hand, I'm guessing you and I had our clubbing days around the same time, back before bottle service became a thing. I think that's where our cognitive dissonance arises. These days, it's just an accepted part of the scene. I'd also note that all of the mid-range and up strip clubs here have bottle service at night -- again, just an expected part of the scene. I just don't think young people bat an eyelash at this whole concept
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Virginia - Last seen being walked to the door
    Dancer: Let me walk you to the door
    I like it. Yes, of course it's part of her service, just like every interaction we have is part of her service. So what? A good service provider should make their client feel good. I also like it when my FBSM provider cleans my cum off me, even though I have no illusions about this being anything but part of her service.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    A bit too-pretentious - or a bit too-stupid on the part of the custy ?
    Bunch of young guys used to paying for bottle service at night clubs, I imagine don't think twice about it for a bachelor party at a strip club. A little over $100 each to have your friend's bachelor party in a little style, with a hostess sending girls by your table, feels like a no-brainer to me, particularly if you are with your non-PL friends. These guys have a completely different goal than the hardcore PL lifers here
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    -->"Many PLs talk of strippers as hookers, but I've always thought Sugar Babies were more similar to the stereotypical hooker. Am I understanding this wrong?" You're missing a really key point, how each of those groups think of themselves. Escorts and strippers all know they're in the sex industry. And, of course, the escorts who are on SA, realize that SA is an extension of their business. But there's a huge number of women on SA who are in a grayer area -- deep down, they may realize they're part of the sex industry, but they would NOT be part of the sex industry if not for SA. Or, in other words, just like it may be the case that for some SC customers, psychologically they're more comfortable with OTC than with escorts, because it allows them to pretend they're not having sex with a prostitute. I"m making believe there's two distinct separate groups, but in reality, there's this sliding scale between "approach her like a low-end BP whore" and "approach her like a fancy sugarbaby". Going a step further, the high volume escorts on SA are perfectly fine with a first contact message of, "$350 for everything? Free at 7pm tonight?", and then welcome straightforward talk on what might be expected and exchanged. Whereas to that second group -- the large population of women on SA who need to have a more arrangement-ish interaction -- that is "treating them like a hooker". Hell, even lower-volume escorts on SA won't tolerate the "$350 for everything, 3:00 this afternoon" approach.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Wall Street
    A few times, to a few places. No awkward silences. To echo many above, I knew her very well already before we went away together. Even quiet downtimes were easy, pour some drinks, put on the TV, one of us massages the other (you want to be can't-think-straight horny at night, spend some times massaging that perfect 22 year old body of hers in the afternoon), easy conversation when we have something to say, otherwise massage each other and watch TV. Pretty fun
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Older than dirt
    What am I doing wrong?
    -->"From an SB point-of-view I have ran into problems of guys wanting to treat me as if I was a hooker. " Yep, have heard this plenty. As I'm sure you realize, the problem here is that: there ARE a lot of hookers on SA, and they want to be treated like a hooker... by which I mean, they don't want to "waste time", just want to know price, and day/time. Doesn't interest me at all, but the guys pursuing those women 1. have been conditioned to just give "$300? 8pm tonight?" emails by the more escort-y women, and 2. there's no negative consequences for them for sending that kind of email to a more classic SB. I'm the one who sees the negative consequences, because all the SBs are already irritated and suspicious from getting messages they consider rude. Again, I'm sure you realize all this -->"I also don't give out my telephone number until we've had at least 6 or 7 messages on SA." Heh, I don't even unlock my private pics (with my face pic) until we've had 3 or so exchanges. This seems to weed out some of the more escort-model types, since they view messaging as a "waste of time" (which they endlessly remind the men of, on their profile) and won't last that long.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Older than dirt
    What am I doing wrong?
    Ya, it took me a while to hit my stride on SA... I was sort of balanced positive/negative about it when I wrote my article, but am definitely having more fun now. I absolutely still stand behind all the negatives I said it had: higher flake rate than strip clubs, the problem all photo-based media have (Match, backpage, SA, etc) that often real life doesn't match up to the pics, etc. But I seem to have gotten better and better at zeroing in on the experiences I"m looking for. Not a replacement for OTC for me, but a fun addition. I think SA is a lot easier for the guys who are just basically using the place like it's backpage: that is, finding a "sugarbaby" who is really an escort, and having a one-nighter with her. Plenty of those girls around.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Where In The World In Dougster???
    lol @ shorting Huffy!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Where In The World In Dougster???
    He's running his 12 other troll accounts, right here! 0% chance he's gone, man! He just retired his main nick for a while (assuming he's not still on a timeout)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Strangest thing you've purchased for a dancer?
    Tires for her car. I've posted this story before. I had an ATF who I had known for a few years, and the girl had just over-delivered during that time. For shockingly little money considering she was one of the hotter girls on most shifts, she basically regularly just let me do whatever. OTC, we had sex in parking garages, I had my first threesome with her and one of her friends, etc. In short, pretty great sitch. She was always broke, partially a function of classic stripper choices, partially a function of her being a single mother in the most expensive area in the country. Anyway, one day I walk by her car and see her tires are bald, and there's some strands of steel belt starting to peek out. I mention it to her, she says she knows, I think nothing of it. Two months later, we are in the thick of the rainy season, and she still got the same tires -- except now the steel belt is sticking out ominously on TWO tires. I mention it again, she sheepishly says she just can't afford it but she knows it's a problem. I decide, whether I'm being super PL or not, that I just didn't want her driving around at night, in the rainy season, with her 3 year old daughter in the car, in those tires. So I gave her a visa gift card for $250, told her it was specifically for tires; she thanks me profusely, called me that weekend from the tire shop to tell me she was getting them changed right then. I actually was able to track the Visa card over the internet, and that's where she spent the card. So, in summary, I felt it was the right thing to do, for a girl who had been so incredibly generous to me for so long. That's the only extravagant gift I've ever given a stripper, I think
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Older than dirt
    What am I doing wrong?
    If you're a female and find an interesting guy and want to give him a nudge, all you need to do is view his profile. All the guys go through their Who Viewed Me list hoping a hot chick came by
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Older than dirt
    What am I doing wrong?
    % of women on SA who contact you first, who aren't scammers, fat chicks, or dudes: 0 Go run a search you lazy fuck, and contact them first
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Don't bring a stripper flowers or chocolate
    Send her the gift that keeps on giving: dick pics. It's Valentine's day, so draw a heart on it. Some of you will just need to draw very small hearts.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Navigating the post-FOSTA apocalypse
    Lávate las manos
    Over the years there have been girls who make customers use hand sanitizer (the girls use it on themselves, too) before VIP dances w/ extras. The guys are pretty much outraged over it, "why does she think I'm dirty", etc. Me, I loved the idea
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Don't bring a stripper flowers or chocolate
    No idea what you're talking about. My stripper loves me, says I'm not like the other guys, and only does BBBJ for me. Least I can do is get her some flowers, chocolate, and those little candy hearts that say You're Mine on them.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Navigating the post-FOSTA apocalypse
    Where do you take her?
    Bunch of pikers. Home to my house, for a bite of homemade lasagna, then some toda la noche
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Will she forgive me?
    I think you're under-playing it on the dick pics. You can never send too many. I'm seeing a threesome in your future
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Stripper BF has been texting me...LOL
    I've only had that once ... I texted stripper, "hey what's up", he texted back saying this is her boyfriend and I need to stop texting her... Felt bad for the guy
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Trust on TUSCL
    I'm probably not as good as I should be about hitting the trust button on people. But when I do hit the trust button, generally it means I think you mostly post on-topic material about strip clubs, whether or not I agree with everything you have to say or not. I do not click trust on trolls, alternative "funny" or pretend-newbie accounts of troll posters, and the people here whose entire reason for being here seems to be to put down those folks who ARE having fun in strip clubs but never add any content themselves (this is about the most pathetic persona, IMO)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Where Is My Buddy Juicy?
    At the rate vapid new alias accounts are being set up and asking ridiculous questions, I think it is way too much to expect juice to also post under his own account.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Tijuana and Detroit
    Question for you "older guys"
    For me, young guy = anywhere in his 20s. Average = 30s-mid-40s. Older than mid 40s is older guy.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Wall Street
    Divorcing an ATF
    In general I'm pretty easy-breezy about this kinds of things. When I see her, smile, hug, and a casual "Hey there Cherry, I'm here to see Mercedes today, just wanted a little variety, but see you soon!" type of thing. I am a HUGE believer in exactly what Papi said: you need to believe in your gut that you're not doing anything wrong by spending your money the way you want, be polite, friendly, and direct. It sounds like you've been with this one for several years, possibly exclusive to her for several years? That level of history is somewhat extraordinary, so for that reason only, rather than the somewhat flip and vapid line I use above (which I've used a lot and work fine), I might explain things a bit more. If I were you, I would keep in mind that she's a professional stripper and she knew EXACTLY what she was doing when she discussed the tip fluctuation with you. She sees your relationship approaching its shelf life, she's unhappy enough with the business arrangement that she's going to try to get more $ out of you, even though she realizes there's a risk you'll get pissed and leave her. That's what she wants -- give her more, or leave, that's why she spent so much time discussing it. If you ever felt any misplaced obligation towards her, she's wonderfully opened the door for you to rid yourself of that misplaced obligation.