Stripper BF has been texting me...LOL

Yep I haven't run into that problem in a few years. According to her he hacked into her imesseges? I'm not completely stupid when it comes to tech stuff but not really sure how that works. But he says she cheated on him with a regular who she flew to texas to meet and fucked him so he would put a down payment on a house for her. he doesn't realize that is actually the type of stuff I want to hear. I won't be putting a down payment on a house but 400 OTC is on the table.
last commentLMAO!!!
A BF of a now former favorite texted me "keep it in the club and there won't be any trouble"....all I did was text her "Good morning!"
But if it helps you sleep at night...
Regardless of what Ishmael said - which is spot on. If a bf doesn’t think he will be able to handle the truth - he won’t be able to handle the truth!…