
Strangest thing you've purchased for a dancer?

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TippingDollars topic of "Don't bring a stripper flowers or chocolate" made me think of this.

Personally, it was a box of bandaids for my ATF.


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Avatar for PeterEaster

Not that strange, but back when the clubs in VA allowed smoking I use to bring my fav a pack of cigs every now and then. One day she asked me to get her a pink lighter (very insistent it had to be pink). I think I ended up going to 3 different 7-11's before I found one, lol.

Avatar for l00ber

On a recent trip to TJ, I was taking in the city with a girl from Adelitas when we saw a street vendor selling roasted crickets.i bought her a bag as she had never tried them. I ended up eating the majority of it. Lime, chamoy, and chili sauce help them go down.

Avatar for Huntsman

Old Bay seasoning. I once brought a stripper a filet of salmon I caught on a recent fishing trip.

Avatar for gawker

Condoms. I was at a club early in her shift and she told me she knew it was going to be busy later and she forgot to bring condoms, so she asked me to go to the drugstore across the street and get her a 6 pack.

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A customer bought me a glass water bottle bc he was worried ab me drinking out of plastic. He’s very nice.

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I hope you tested at least a couple that evening at a reduced rate!

Avatar for shadowcat

I bought my ATF 6 packages of ready to eat jello when she was on a restricted diet due to medical problems. Later was diagnosed as MS.

Avatar for Bj99

^ awe :) that’s so sweet.

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health insurance monthly premium.

Avatar for beekers

I bought one a Woody figurine with the explanation that I was giving her a Woody because she always gave me a woody.

Avatar for JohnSmith69

Ive bought my strippers tampons at least a couple of times. Always on blow job night.

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Do "odd" CS's count? :)

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Where's that damn edit button??

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Clubber - I don't know. I'm still giving those out. :)

Avatar for Subraman

Tires for her car. I've posted this story before. I had an ATF who I had known for a few years, and the girl had just over-delivered during that time. For shockingly little money considering she was one of the hotter girls on most shifts, she basically regularly just let me do whatever. OTC, we had sex in parking garages, I had my first threesome with her and one of her friends, etc. In short, pretty great sitch. She was always broke, partially a function of classic stripper choices, partially a function of her being a single mother in the most expensive area in the country.

Anyway, one day I walk by her car and see her tires are bald, and there's some strands of steel belt starting to peek out. I mention it to her, she says she knows, I think nothing of it. Two months later, we are in the thick of the rainy season, and she still got the same tires -- except now the steel belt is sticking out ominously on TWO tires. I mention it again, she sheepishly says she just can't afford it but she knows it's a problem. I decide, whether I'm being super PL or not, that I just didn't want her driving around at night, in the rainy season, with her 3 year old daughter in the car, in those tires. So I gave her a visa gift card for $250, told her it was specifically for tires; she thanks me profusely, called me that weekend from the tire shop to tell me she was getting them changed right then. I actually was able to track the Visa card over the internet, and that's where she spent the card.

So, in summary, I felt it was the right thing to do, for a girl who had been so incredibly generous to me for so long. That's the only extravagant gift I've ever given a stripper, I think

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Every December I give a listen and still get a good laugh!

Avatar for Cashman1234

This doesn’t sound as odd - after reading the replies. I can’t call this dancer a fave - but she was good to take otc. Her itc performance was marginal at best.

She was in her 40’s - and she’d tire a bit during her shift. One of the other dancers told her that bee pollen helped in maintaining energy. I chalked it up as snake oil. I picked up a few bottles of bee pollen for her during a summer of otc dates with her at America’s Best Value Inn. Papa Johns would deliver to our room.

The hotel was frequented by truckers - so I’d make her parade around the parking lot in a thong and heels in the morning. It would have been like a walk of shame - but neither of us had any shame...

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