
Comments by Subraman (page 182)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Austin, TX
    when your favourite dancer is with other patron
    I think you have it down. Wait a little while, then move on to another girl, or if there's no interesting girls, I either 1. Go to another club, 2. Find a girl who is fun to drink with, and buy her shots (if I don't have the time or energy to deal with traffic and parking to hit another club)
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    7 years ago
    Fake body parts
    Yes, I really care. I don't care that much about fake boobs, because I don't care much about boobs, period. Fake ass, automatic veto. If she has lip injections but they look good, fine with me; if she looks like the cat lady, then veto.
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    7 years ago
    Navigating the post-FOSTA apocalypse
    When a dancer asks "Am I still your favorite?"
    Yes, you are absolutely my favorite by far. But my dick is a variety guy who just wants to learn from all sorts of vaginas.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Sugar relationships in public
    Gamma, what you describe isn't "Financial domination", which actually has a more specific meaning. It's just run-of-the-mill "stripper using RIL like an ATM". Although you are right, so many women on SA pick the Financial Domination as one of their interests. When I ask them, they usually claim they had no idea what it actually means, they just like the sound of it
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    7 years ago
    Cinti Oh Dayton Oh, Lexington Ky
    Long time CF
    Given that she's been treating you very well, it seems like -- $200 for sex, many hours including overnights, and letting you get away with feeding her bottom of the barrel food -- maybe it would be fun to spoil her for a night, and then take her home to see if that doesn't liven up the sex a bit (hint: it fucking will, man!). Couples massage, dinner someone awesome, drinks at whatever local place has a top-floor bar so you can see the city. Much bigger layout for you than usual, this one time, but IME experience a stripper who feels a bit pampered is going to make sure you're motivated to do it again, using the only leverage she has. Plus after so long of taking her through the White Trash Restaurant Tour, might be nice to see how she behaves in a decent restaurant. Per Papi, another of my fave activities is taking a stripper to the strip clubs -- always a blast.
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    7 years ago
    Is it illegal to stiff a whore?
    Death by bunga bunga
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Can you guys tell a girl is a dancer outside of the club?
    -->"As shadowcat says. I'll turn pd's question around to "if you've seen some dancers walk into club in their street clothes, would you peg them as being a dancer?" In the case of dancers with "normal" build (no enhancement) and no visible ink, I'd say the answer would be no" Agree, but the girls purposely seem to dress down so they don't attract creepers on their walk from mass transit or the parking lot, to the club. I can actually often answer "yes" to that question: if there's a girl who looks pretty, in way dressed down clothes, making no eyecontact and making a beeline somewhere, and it's shift change time -- fuck yes she's a stripper!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Can you guys tell a girl is a dancer outside of the club?
    -->"I can't tell but you can pick up clues that either she is a party girl or a stripper. " That it is, exactly. The two groups have the exact same tells, and in fact overlap each other. I can't tell which one she is -- possibly both -- but that's the tell. A sum total of being attractive, dressing to show off that attractiveness (often just a little sexier than everyone else; even at the supermarket, her jeans are just a tad tighter and her cotton shirt a little more clingy, than most women's), behaving in such a way as to draw attention to that attractiveness, tats, etc. Obviously, this is a big generalization -- some strippers don't dress that way at all and try to blend, and even strippers who do have all those tells sometimes dress down, etc. When my ATATF had stripper roommates, I partied with the girls -- and their various friends who are also strippers -- and this style, which I was well acquainted with already, just fit them to a T
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Can you guys tell a girl is a dancer outside of the club?
    You know, I've never seen a stripper carrying a crown royal bag as a purse. So many of you mention it that I believe it, I've just never seen it. IME, strippers are more likely to carry $500-$1500 Louis/YSL/etc purses, which seem to be an incredibly important part of how they portray themselves
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Can you guys tell a girl is a dancer outside of the club?
    -->"I don’t see how you can really tell. I see plenty of hot, slutty looking girls outside that I hope to see at my next club visit." It may well be that we cue in on exactly that -- it's not just hot and slutty *looking*, it's the tats and the attitude -- which is shared by strippers and also other groups, but whenever a girl does turn out to be a stripper, we use a little confirmation bias thinking to convince ourselves we are walking Stripper Radars :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Can you guys tell a girl is a dancer outside of the club?
    I would never go ask anyone. Sometimes I can tell -- both in real life, and getting better at spotting the strippers on SA just from pics and the profile. I'm not always sure what I pick up. In general, if she has tats, dresses a little overly sexy, and her manner leans into her sexiness rather than playing it down, I suspect she could be a stripper. Not every stripper gives off that vibe, and there are many non-stripper "hot partygirls" who have the same vibe, so it's not a sure thing. The tats, and a "lean into my sexuality" attitude tend to tip things for me. Interested in what other guys come up with, that I may be picking up but haven't thought of.
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    7 years ago
    Fun in New Jersey
    Marlo? Marlo from Waco, right? Pussy smelled like fish rotting in the sun in a garbage dump? Man, I miss that girl.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Titty Fucking vs. Hand Job
    LOL somebody needs to cut down on their caffeine! TFP, you're usually fairly sane ... I have been teasing the breast guys for years, the exact same way. It's good natured ball busting, man! Plus, also, I feel bad for the guys whose mothers didn't breastfeed them :) :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Titty Fucking vs. Hand Job
    My brothers here whose mothers didn't breastfeed them and who have fetishized tits a bit, I will predict will prefer Russian. Those of us whose mothers loved us, will mostly prefer HJ I find titty fucking a complete waste of time, except to the extent that my partner thinks she's turning me on and so I play along. A great HJ, I'll choose 100% of the time over Russian
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    ATF to friend with benefits to gf
    GACA: my experience is the opposite: in 100% of cases, she was my ATF and I was her best regular first. Now, who knows what goes on in a woman's mind, she might have been thinking, "this is a good one, I'll keep him paying as long as I can, but eventually let him switch to free to keep him around" from that very first night. It just didn't feel that way to me, it felt like we got closer and closer, and then I wasn't paying
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    7 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    ATF to friend with benefits to gf
    ^^^ Just a theory, mind you. It might just all be about this dick
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    7 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    ATF to friend with benefits to gf
    I've had not one, but several transitions of ATF to FWB, over a few decades of SCing (although all but one happened when I was in my 40s). I only considered trying to shift to GF once, and I count my lucky stars that that didn't happen (she was the one who wasn't interested, so not my choice, but in hindsight, I really dodged a bullet). I just could not handle the emotional rollercoaster of being deeply emotionally involved with a stripper who is still in stripper mode. By contrast, though, FWB with a stripper is amazing and if I could make it happen again, I'd do it in a second. Note, of course, that's it's not really my choice: in all cases where there was a transition to FWB, the stripper clearly made the decision that's what she wanted, and pursued me until she got it. My belief as to the "whys" in all this have changed. I had at the time believed she likes me, enjoys hanging out with me, and is attracted and excited and turned on by me, exactly as with any other FWB in her life -- very much about the sex. These days, with some hindsight, yes of course she liked me and enjoyed hanging out, but I'm not so certain about the attraction, which means I was NOT "exactly as with any other FWB in her life". My current theory is that, in all these cases I was an attentive older man who supported and guided and validated her, to some extent I was the person she could vent to that could talk her down (that is, I was the stand-in for the gay best friend all women secretly want LOL), I was the older man who was always on her side (uh what was I standing in for now? huh, not sure on this one), and I gave her access to some life wisdom she otherwise didn't have (mentor and guide). And I think the sexual benefits were not because she was attracted to me, but because she liked me and wanted me in her life, so the benefits were something to keep me there.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Have you ever participated in an orgy ?
    I have not. I'd be okay with it, as long as the guys all agreed to always keep eye contact.
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    7 years ago
    New York
    ATM ... next level stupidity from a club
    Yeah, I don't think it takes a genius to split up your cash... enough in your wallet so they don't get angry and kill you, the rest somewhere else
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Canton, Ohio
    OTC with stripper VS escort
    Yeah, obviously enough we have a strong bias here, too, but this is about as balanced a discussion as you could expect, anywhere else you see far more unbalanced discussions. I originally wrote that article because on every industry forum I've been on that had both SC and escort/AMP discussion, ever now and then some escort guy would come in and tell us SC guys what idiots we were. I have been shocked by how many people agree with the article -- and not just SC guys, even the escort guys who have no experience with SCs very often strongly agreed with my assertion of how much easier it is to find beautiful women at the SC, how "exciting" (not in a good way) it is to see what is behind that door the first time she opens it, etc. And yes, for escorts and bodyrubs, I'll echo that to have the best experience, it's extra extra important to do some research (with both SA and strip clubs, you have a chance to meet live first, so while research there is always nice, it's not as critical). And if there's nothing else, TER is the backup plan... and, of course, some guys love TER; like so many things, it's a matter of whether your sensibilities match the site culture. In the end, for me OTC matches the experience I"m looking for the best, by far. Escorts do not -- not even really great ones, because I'm looking to spend far more time for far less money than a typical escort charges for an evening or overnighter or travel. By contrast, I've had some wonderful FBSM experiences, and they are a better match for my "I just want an hour of no-hassle pampering and a happy ending" side dish, when I don't have the time or inclination for OTC. And lastly, I'm finding SA is a fun pursuit as well; in theory, it has the same potential as OTC (especially since nearly every stripper in the city is on it), but while I'm finding more and more fun times, I haven't had the mind-blowing experiences that I've had with my ATFs.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Canton, Ohio
    OTC with stripper VS escort
    -->"There are lots of smaller regional boards that are better then TER" Agree.. despite the praise here, I find TER to be a decently crappy resource, that I use as secondary research at most. Most major metro areas will have a local or regional board that is 100x more accurate, plus discussion forums where you can interact directly with hardcore mongers who have seen a girl in person. Waaaay better picture than anything on TER, plus the guys in these forums will have experience with many, many girls who have not been reviewed on TER (which is what I tend to optimize for), and you don't have to deal with TERs retarded policies around "the highest rating she can get is a 7 unless she does anal blah blah blah". If you participate on the forums in a local board, once you're a known quantity you can get plugged into the best source of information, private messages between trusted mongers. Summary: If you live in a market with a regional board, you are blessed with the ability to get good intel without ever having to go to the TER crapshoot.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How much more is a fully nude dance worth to you?
    In general, if clothed or topless is $20, nude at $30 feels like a major bargain to me. For the most part, though, lapdances do very little for me, at best they are a try-out for a new girl before a VIP, or for a known girl they are an initial warmup to get me a bit chubby before the VIP. As a result, I'm usually just as happy paying whatever the lowest priced option is, I'm fine if she's got on her bikini and I can't touch her coochie during a lapdance.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    954 (South Florida)
    SCing in the Snow
    No snow here, so I can't SC in it even if I wanted to :) I enjoy going in the pouring rain (or what counts as a hard rain out here, but would be considered a shower in most other places). It can be a bit of a crapshot -- far fewer customers, but many of the girls will stay home, too. But if you do find a girl, it will be a high value afternoon. Best of all is if you have an ATF, and get her to meet you at the club. Some of my most fun stories are from rainy afternoons, where there were so few customers that my ATF and I were joined by as many as 3 of her stripper friends at my table. This is Subraman in full glory LOL ... Slamming shots and talking shit with a bunch of strippers who have given up for the afternoon (except my ATF, who will be making her usual from me). Good times, man. Good times.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Canton, Ohio
    OTC with stripper VS escort
    -->"SA seems like the best option for quality and price but I don't understand how to use it yet but the discussions here have answered lot." SA isn't the best option -- it's different than OTC, but got its own share of frustrations, and for myself, all my most exciting experiences have been OTC, with SA offering some nice side dishes. You might like it better, or might not, depending on what you're looking for. Worth exploring both. My article on OTC and why it's so much better than escorts: https://www.tuscl.net/article.php?id=44731
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Lines to get in the sc
    -->"If I were counting on one hand, I’d have five fingers left over. If it’s that crowded, I don’t want to be there." Same. I specialize in going at slow times, no interest ever in waiting in a line. The closest I've come to a line is, I get there and a small group of guys walked in right before me, and they're currently being wrung up by the cashier. 30 seconds until they're all in. But if I get a hint the place is crowded inside, I'm out