
A bit too-pretentious - or a bit too-stupid on the part of the custy ?

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Excerpt froma recent Club Onyx Philly review:

"... A group of us took my cousin out for a bachelor party and we selected Onyx to celebrate the occasion. They did show us great hospitality as they gave us a nice corner area, with 2 bottles of alcohol and made sure the girls rotated to our area. The area costs $1000, but this was divided amongst 9 people, so it wasn’t that bad ..."



  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    IDK - paying a grand basically just to have a place to sit seems fucked-up to me; and yeah they got 2-bottles but how much are those bottles really worth.

    It's as if some of these clubs think that my charging extravagant prices people will somehow think they are special by paying it.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I think it’s something that would be stupid for a single guy to pay for. A single guy - sitting at a table with a bottle - is over the top.

    When you split the cost among 9 guys for a bachelor party - it becomes a bit more reasonable.

    But - it’s still very expensive for a bottle and table.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    The cost of weddings in general falls into this category, not just bottle service at the bachelor party beforehand. And that's not even factoring in the cost of the divorce. Comparatively, $1000 for a couple of bottles of Andre and being allowed to sit in the cool kids corner is not too bad of a deal at all.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    The reviewer has 31 reviews so I don't think you call call it stupidity. Some people are just willing to pay enormous amounts for things on special occasions. I asked a stripper once why some customers at her club will spend $600-1000 for an hour in the Champagne Room. She replied that it is mostly done for special occasions. A divorce might be a good reason.:)
  • likes2look
    7 years ago
    It is easier to separate a fool from his money if they self identify first.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Well, that big of a party does need a booth if it’s pretty busy, especially for a special occasion.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    ^ yeah but 1(fucking)K
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    I can see if for a special occasion with that many people. Esp. considering the other associated costs for the two events.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    It’s a lot, put so are booths and bottle service at regular night clubs.
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    For also we know one guy in the party might have spent that much (1K) just in airfare to come out. So it’s relative. Plus it guarantees an area for them without bothering the other guests and the guests the same. It’s not like they can leave and come back another day of the club doesn’t have room that night, or if a big spender regular comes in the and stag party gets the boot because $$$.

    I wouldn’t spend that much for a stag party but someone else might. Plus there is something alpha male about occupying your own space. And 9 guys do need a bit o’ room. :)
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    Right this is normal SOP for a nightclub. If you aren’t spending or drinking enough $$$ per hour, the club kind of aggressively moves you from your table to make room for the new spending $$$ party coming in. wife and I know from experience.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    "as if some of these clubs think that my charging extravagant prices people will somehow think they are special by paying it."

    I think this is part of it.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    The whole concept of bachelor parties is stupid, if you ask me. It's also very revealing. By cutting loose and getting wild while he's still single, the groom is tacitly admitting what everyone else is thinking: that his upcoming marriage is going to suck and that he'll never have fun ever again as long as he still walks this earth!
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    As a comedian once said - "women see marriage as the beginning - men see marriage as the end"
  • Dolfan
    7 years ago
    I never understood paying for VIP seating in strip clubs. In busy nightclubs in major cities, I see it, but not strip clubs. In strip clubs, I expect the club to give me that shit to keep me there & spending. I see it more like the free drinks and comped rooms at Casino's. The longer I'm there, the more they make off me. The SC should be doing all they can to keep me there & happy.

    Some strip clubs seem to operate that way, others don't. I know when I have friends in from out of town & we go to Tootsies, when someone notices us spending they offer to comp the fee to go upstairs and bring us up there. We do the same thing at Scarlett's & someone might come over, but they offer to sell us a table. That's usually when we leave for Tootsies.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I think too many strip clubs are trying to be like nightclubs
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    They knew exactly what they were getting and the price. Consenting adults.
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    Holy shit. For $1K, that table should come with on demand blow jobs.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    "... They knew exactly what they were getting ..."

    "Yeah - they knew what they were getting into - I say let'm crash":

  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    Bunch of young guys used to paying for bottle service at night clubs, I imagine don't think twice about it for a bachelor party at a strip club. A little over $100 each to have your friend's bachelor party in a little style, with a hostess sending girls by your table, feels like a no-brainer to me, particularly if you are with your non-PL friends. These guys have a completely different goal than the hardcore PL lifers here
  • scgato
    7 years ago
    For 9 people to sit comfortably together in a SC is hard. Non-vip tables are set up for 2-4 people max to sit together. Now that doesn’t leave any room for the girls.

    At Scarlett’s, if you know the floor managers you could sit in a booth since it’s not as packed anymore. Just tip the server real well and you can sit in her area whenever u want without having to buy bottles.

    Tootsies, I never got comped or offered crap. I am happy if they don’t clear my table or don’t lose my seat if I decide to get a dance or room. Service there sucks and the Next Level people know I am a regular.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    To me it's not how it broke down per person, but the fact the club charged $1k and someone paid them that, to just sit in a particular spot
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    ^ I wouldn't be comfortable doing that on principle
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    Papi, I agree. It's the nightclub bottle service mentality, being applied to a strip club.

    FWIW, I didn't have a stag party. Didn't see the point. I feel bad for the guys not getting sex in marriage, either in or out or both. :(
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    -->"To me it's not how it broke down per person, but the fact the club charged $1k and someone paid them that, to just sit in a particular spot...I wouldn't be comfortable doing that on principle"

    Me neither. On the other hand, I'm guessing you and I had our clubbing days around the same time, back before bottle service became a thing. I think that's where our cognitive dissonance arises. These days, it's just an accepted part of the scene. I'd also note that all of the mid-range and up strip clubs here have bottle service at night -- again, just an expected part of the scene. I just don't think young people bat an eyelash at this whole concept
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    It’s really not a big deal to me, many people pay big dollars for VIP treatment, many places, not
    Just strip clubs and nite clubs. It’s not really different from buying a box at a sports event or when you buy high end vehicles you get preferential service, even shopping in better quality stores they serve champagne. It’s the way the world works, if you can afford it you’re treated better.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    From what I understand, in many places once you get that table & bottle service, you also have a hostess who will get you girls. Okay, for us grizzled PLs, that seems extra pointless in a strip club, but some guys like it even there. While I agree with Papi that it's not the way I'd personally spend my money, it feels like a no-brainer to a bunch of young guys at a bachelor party who want extra service.

    I've told you guys about my ATATF, who is basically a professional hot chick in Vegas these days. Anyway, one day she told me, "hey, if you want to bring your friends out here, I'll invite a few of my friends, we'll get a table and party. No charge, just get the table." She thought she was being incredibly, outrageously generous with this offer, big smile to bask in what she expected would be my awe-inspiring show of gratitude. My buddies, all older guys like me, were like, "How much is a fucking table? $2000??? And we spend all that to party with hot chicks and ... wait, no sex, we're spending that JUST TO SIT AT A TABLE AND BUY THEM DRINKS?!?!". Fact is, we were both right -- my ATATF was making an insanely generous offer from her perspective to forgo any compensation (no other group of old guys would get off anywhere near so cheap as just buying a table, that would be the cheapest thing they paid for all night, and I made sure to acknowledge and appreciate it), but I was totally with my buddies, it made no fucking sense from their perspective.
  • stripfighter
    7 years ago
    Guys going out 9 deep aren't thinking about pinching pennies esp when it comes to the act of celebration/milestones. They're just ensuring they have a good time and more power to them.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Fucking posers!
    I'll be impressed when they start making it rain $30K. That's what us ballers do.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    That $1k could've bought 50 lap-dances instead of a place to sit
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    ^ That's a chump's game.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    There are clubs (and not even that good ones) that charge party packages that cost similar amounts. Basically two bottles and VIP seating for ten guests. This usually included cover as well. Some clubs charge $20 or more per person, so that's around $200 to get in, then you add two $300 or more bottles (marked up probably over 500%), not wine or champagne, but hard liquor like Grey Goose, you're at $800, then add the cost of "premium reserved VIP" seating or bottle service, so another $20 per person and you're at $1000 or $100 per person. I've been to a club where you could spend around $33-45 (cover, valet, mandatory drink) before you could have any fun. Another $55 for 7 or 8 shots per person over the night (although some might be given to girls) isn't that unreasonable, although i'm not one to drink my money at a strip club or pay for girls to drink my money either. That and the likely hood that you'll waste even more money foolishly after downing that many shots. Also a $1k titty bar fund won't really last that long if spread over 10 people (about 5 dances each; i easily get that many with just one hot girl in less than 20 minutes although $100 will usually only get me 3 dances where i tend to go), unless maybe you're ldk82 and can easily get in and get out with wet undies/pants for under $100.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    "There are clubs (and not even that good ones) that charge part lalalalalalalaalalalala lalalalalalalaalalalala lalalalalalalaalalalala lalalalalalalaalalalala lalalalalalalaalalalala lalalalalalalaalalalala lalalalalalalaalalalala lalalalalalalalalalalalala"
  • whodey
    7 years ago
    Paying $1k for 9 people to get vip seating at a strip club doesn't make a lot of sense to me. However, it does make more sense than some things that happen at some strip clubs.

    1) Making it rain - if each person tosses out $100 in singles you're at the same price
    2) Buying over priced dancer drinks - some clubs around here it costs $20+ to "buy the lady a drink" so after 4 rounds for each of and a girl each you're at $1k
    3) Low mileage upscale club vip - At some clubs it could cost you $5-600 to buy the bachelor a no extras vip. Add in 1-2 air dances each for the other 8 guys and you've hit your $1k again.

    These are just some of the reasons why I prefer to club solo and in dive to mid level clubs. I can go in, get a 30 min vip with bj to warm up, spend an hour or two stage tipping, finish with a 60 vip with fs and spend way less than $1k.
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    I grateful that bachelor parties and people who buy drinks, their money flowing to club owners and dancers, help to subsidize the strip clubs for the rest of us.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Making it rain is for true ballers!
    Renting table and paying for dances is for chumps.
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    I did have a bachelor party at 3 different strip clubs before I got married but would not have paid $1,000 For a booth.
  • 4got2wipe
    7 years ago
    Like many TUSCL posters admire lapdanceking82 for his frugal nature, I will say I'm surprised by the the reaction here. Isn't TUSCL the $500K and up club?

    $1K would be a non-brilliant amount to blow if you club weekly, even if you really do gross $500K+. I suppose you could arrange your life to devote $52K exclusively to clubbing but if you take the hobby that seriously you should probably find ways to stretch that $52K.

    However, $1K isn't that much for an occasional event like a bachelor party. Indeed, if the guy had fun with his cousin and friends $1K is hardly excessive. More power to him if he enjoyed himself!

    Also, a bachelor party probably isn't the time for LDKing or balls to the wall craziness. Just some hanging with your friends and watching pretty girls. If that costs so be it! Fun > $$$
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