Spent a couple hours with a fav in the club, and when I told her it was time for me to leave, she said (as she usually does) "Let me walk you to the door." So we walked to the entrance together, said our goodbye's, and a final hug. I think it's a nice little gesture to cap off a visit. Thoughts?
It's been a long time since any dancer walked me to the door and then it was usually at an uncrowded club and we had spent a lot of time together. It's never happened at Follies. When I'm leaving there it is a chore getting through the crowds to get to the door and I always have one hand on the pocket with my wallet in it.
My ATF DS does it with me always. After our dances she walks me to the door and gives me a hug and sometimes cheek kiss goodbye. We are usually chatting about her future schedule and general small talk. It's a very nice gesture on her part. Other non-regular strippers have done it for me too. I like it but also am fine with parting ways right out of the dance area.
But i think it's a nice gesture... you get made to feel special and she gets to show off you as her customer. it's win-win so don't over think it and just enjoy it.
I don't consider it being made special. I consider it her being a nice and courteous business woman. Sure, your local Denny's waitress probably also doesn't give a fuck about her customers but it still doesn't hurt to be nice.
Some PLs are so jaded about a stripper just being polite and nice I wonder how they have fun in the club. The whole point of a strip club is giving man a fantasy. Then it ends.
If nothing else it made you feel good. So it also accomplishes A) you feel good / not ripped off about the money you just spent / feel like you got value for what you spent with her and B) gets you thinking about her after you've left the club.
I think that's mission accomplished from the dancers POV. Just enjoy it for any try not to over ANALyze it too much. But if you do, then re-read Bj99's and rickdugan's posts by all means as that's likely what a seasoned hustler (dancer) is thinking.
At my old favorite club, if I told my old favorite Nina I was leaving, she would walk me to the door. She would give me a kiss at the door. I never understood it to be anything other than her being nice to one of her customers.
Good salespeople go out of their way to treat their customers with a certain level of decorum - stop paying her and see how attentive she remains - she's nice to you b/c you pay her
Women think in multiple dimensions - while the PL is looking at her and just thinking how pretty she looks, the dancer is running diagnosis on the PL in the background and sizing him up for maximum profit - she hae you pegged and knows exacrly what will work on you evident by your post
LMAO @Papi_Chulo you just project your own assumptions in your posts. (It's evident in your posts.) We all go to the club for a paid service and we all know it. DUH! Her walking us to the door is just part of enjoying that service, no different than enjoying and appreciating her dance, LDK, BJ, HJ, FS, or any other service she's providing.
She's getting paid to make you feel good and she's doing that in all ways possible if she's a good business woman. Sometimes it is physical, sometimes it is emotional. When a PL enjoys either, it doesn't mean he has "fallen for" one or the other.
I haven't seen one post by PLs that enjoy the gesture simply for what it is as thinking a stripper is really liking them beyond the service that it is. LOL what's evident is you making a false assumption in your post.
Some PLs are capable of thinking in multiple dimensions as they enjoy a stripper being nice to them in addition to knowing they just paid for it (no shit!).
"LOL. You guys are kind of a cynical bunch, aren't you?"
^ @PeterEaster LOL I think the most cynical ones are the ones that have fallen the hardest for the emotional trap before IRL and so they assume others can't separate emotional fantasy from reality just like they did at one time.
The only girl I know who walks customers to the door is also possessive and jealous of other girls. Does this girl also sit w you after doing dances, or leave her stuff at your table?
@Bj99 My ATF DS knows that I only go to her and there's no need for her to publicly "claim" me by walking me to the door. She may have done it for that reason at the start of our business relationship but not now. It's now just become part of our routine as we part ways after a dance. And it is not always the case. Sometimes I tell her I gotta run and hug and leave her from the dance area. Sometimes she has to go on stage or pee right after.
Also at my club it is pretty common for all the dancers just to be like that. It's done as more of the "club norm" depending on how the customer leaves her than possession of him. And it is not a busy club where strippers are immediately going to other customers so there's no time for small talk and "long" goodbyes.
Yeah, so it's OK to sit and talk with a customer before the dance but somehow walking him to the door on the way out isn't OK? Kind of the same thing. Only guys who have a dog in this fight are the ones who have never said 100 words to his favorite. ( they'd exist).
Though I do see Bj99's POV. the practice is overwhelming used by possessive dancer types and RIL types. That's probably where the negative connotation comes from. Similarly to LDK and PE argument.
I maintain the club is a pseudosocial environment.
@Dominic77 no shit there are some grumpy old PLs around here.
To me the club is to be enjoyed for all the ways provided to the PL. It's a fantasy experience to make a PL feel like a king, so I just enjoy it for what it is on all fantasy levels and role play being that king for the time I'm there.
It's like enjoying a video game for what it is instead of "realizing" that the game is a fake simulation and then not playing it anymore just because it's not the "real thing".
And yes, it is a GIVEN that I'm paying for it because it is kind of hard to ignore that I'm emptying my wallet in the process.
I like it. Yes, of course it's part of her service, just like every interaction we have is part of her service. So what? A good service provider should make their client feel good. I also like it when my FBSM provider cleans my cum off me, even though I have no illusions about this being anything but part of her service.
I hadn’t thought about it as anything other than a nice gesture and still don’t. Salesmanship and possessiveness aside, there is nothing wrong with good manners. I don’t see why you shouldn’t take it that way.
when you go to a club, there are MULTIPLE hot dancers. but if there's one thing i've learned, its that attitude/friendliness varies among dancers. some of them are just better at making their customers feel special than others. there was a dancer at my CF's club who i liked physically as much as i like my CF. however, she wouldn't sit in my lap like my CF does--so that brought her down a notch or two in my mind, although i still think she's very attractive.
i don't care about/want to be walked to the door, but my CF always gives me a big hug before i leave the club and she sits with me prior to....and even after i've bought dances with her.
@GoVikings LMAO Stripper A and B are both equally hot and both give the same exact awesome dances and/or extras. Upon completion, stripper A takes your money and walks away with a simple thanks, but stripper B takes your money, gives you a hug, walks you to the door with nice small talk, then gives you a final hug and also you get a final grab of her fine ass. Which stripper is likely to make more lasting customer relationships and overall make guys want to go to strip clubs?
I don't get walked to the door...but I also get a shit ton of dances (like an hour to hour and half sometimes usually and end up negotiating a price before I leave...it usually goes something like...."well how man dances was that really?" (rhetorical question for me)...then she says I don't really know and throws out some numbers...then I counter...then I just pay her...usually pretty good....never a hassle... But what I do get is CF/ATF sitting next to me or has gone to bathroom/smoke...Another girl walks up chatting me up and starts to broach dances or something....she'll come right up to the girl and tell her "I don't think so." I know its all about the money, but I can't help but be tickled a little by the possessiveness. I was OTC the other day and she said hey, what about so-and-so, I heard she jumped in your lap when I was off....And I said yeah, I couldn't help myself...A guy friend was with me and he was cracking up at my antics....and quite frankly the girl was decent looking I'm just going to have to get some dances....She says, what did you pay her 100? (I paid her 200)...No comment from me...She says, I'm going to have to talk to that bitch when I get in....She's just kidding, but still where else can a guy go and have some fine ass women arguing over him...Nowhere in real life that's for sure...
@sir dance- its stripper B. those little things can go a loooong way. sometimes i think dancers are short-sighted. i understand that they want to move from customer to customer as quickly as possible in order to make as much money as they can. but sometimes sitting with that customer even AFTER he's bought dances from you---can make him turn into a regular customer--which in the long run will net that dancer a lot of money
@GoVikings To further the point, before the dance, stripper A just sits across from you and small talks, but stripper B straddles on top of you in cowgirl and gives you the same small talk as stripper A and also she might massage you and/or play with your nipples. Again both of them provide the same awesome dances and/or extras and are equally hot.
And who gives a fuck whether or not she's "genuine" about her intentions? Taken at face value, stripper B is the better stripper and she always gets my business over stripper A. And yes I know full well they both equally want my money.
My ATF DS is a stripper B type. Hence, she gets my business. (Not to mention that she's a totally hot and sexy 9+ and she gives the best high mileage lap dances.)
It’s not good manners. It’s rude to guard a customer. He should be given an opportunity to say hi, or goodbye, to other dancers. She could still hug him, and excuse herself to the back.
BJ99 hit the nail on the head. That doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing, just don’t read too much into it. In the end, if you enjoy it that’s all that matters.
I can’t count how many times I’ve had a talk with a dancer that was just sitting with me telling her it was ok to go work the crowd. It’s a job and I don’t want to be responsible for making her whole night. They often leave thier purse or something else with me when they go try to get other dances. I didn’t know how I felt about that first. I joked with one of them that I felt like she was marking her territory, she laughed and said that was exactly it. She also said that it meant she trusted me, other wise she would have left something worthless, instead of her purse with a lot of $$$ in it.
"He should be given an opportunity to say hi, or goodbye, to other dancers. She could still hug him, and excuse herself to the back." --bj
and what's preventing him from still saying hi or goodbye to anyone else?? as he's walking out he still has the freedom to tell said dancer "one minute, just have to say hello to someone before i go"
I guess I don't see it as possessive behavior, because I refuse to be owned. YMMV
Dblednmike-->"That doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing, just don’t read too much into it. In the end, if you enjoy it that’s all that matters. "
I think that sums it up for me. The biggest risk for a PL at a strip club is to read too much into things, and even experienced PLs sometimes make that mistake, so I understand why some guys here keep pounding on the fact that it's part of her service... but, for those guys not at such risk, no reason not to enjoy that part, as much as you enjoy her sitting on your lap, or flirting with you at the table -- every single one of those examples is exactly as much "calculated service" as anything else.
BJ99-->"It’s not good manners. It’s rude to guard a customer. He should be given an opportunity to say hi, or goodbye, to other dancers...It’s a sneaky thing to do, but if it goes over so well, maybe I’ll have to start."
It goes over very well. Sometimes, I *do* want to say goodbye to other people (strippers, bouncer, bartender, etc), in which case I say, "let me say goodbye to so-and-so, come with me or I'll say bye and then I'll be back." I realize some customers have trouble using their words, but I don't. If she offers to walk me to the door and I'm not ready, I tell her so. But that almost never happens, and I like it and in fact strongly prefer it. Whether you think it's sneaky or not, I'd bet many of your customers will like it.
SLD I think you have to have some degree of cynicism in you to not be conned in this hobby. I agree that you don't have to take every single action and word a dancer says as SS like some around here so. But you also can't go around believing every single thing a dancer tells you. Otherwise you end up like certain RILs that we've seen right here on this very sight.
@Bj99 I don’t think a twenty something girl in her underwear is going to stop me from dong what I want to do. I have no doubt that you believe that she is guarding me, but I know very well if I want to stop and have a drink or get a dance from another, all I need to do is say excuse me beautiful, I need to talk to so and so for a bit so thank you, I had a wonderful time with you, and I’ll see you on my next visit. You should try it sometime. I’ll give you another example, very often I have clients at my place of business, we will conduct our business then when it is finished I’ll walk the client to his car. I’m not trying to guard them. Even in your scenario let’s say yo did guard him what’s to prevent him from going down the road to another club. There are several areas here where there are clusters of clubs just a short drive apart.
@TFP posted -> "SLD I think you have to have some degree of cynicism in you to not be conned in this hobby. I agree that you don't have to take every single action and word a dancer says as SS like some around here so. But you also can't go around believing every single thing a dancer tells you. Otherwise you end up like certain RILs that we've seen right here on this very sight."
^ If that's the way you "enjoy" clubbing, with cynicism, I got no issue. I'm just saying rather than be cynical about it, I take it at face value and enjoy it for what it is. And taking it positively at face value doesn't have to cost you any more than cynic who scorns at all SS.
And FWIW I think it is just as pathetic on the RIL that thinks her friendliness is anything more than good customer service.
In my experience I go about the whole experience of clubbing with realistic optimism and have fun with it. To be negative and cynical about all strippers' intentions is not that fun and a boner kill. But that's just me.
@Bj99 regardless of your intentions, do you or do you not have customers that you treat differently than others? Do you give a little more attention to some than others? Walking or not walking a customer to the door is the same thing.
@25. Eye dew knot think many of the dancers really think it wood dissuade a customer from speaking two anyone else, unless the custie is a RIL or just vary week.
Eye think the mane reason is two make it more difficult four other dancers two approach him.
Is it better customer service? If that is how it is perceived buy the custie, then yes it is. Eye just think it is a byproduct (whether intended or knot) and knot the mane reason four the accompaniment.
Of course, it's possible for a dancer to walk a customer to the door at the end of his visit and also leave space during his visit for him to interact with others. That's probably a lot more likely to work on a long-term basis anyway, since a guy is likely to pick up on actual guarding such as when a dancer leaves a lighter or piece of clothing when she goes on stage.
Absent being guarded all night, the meaning I take away from being accompanied to the door is: "I would like to interact with you again". As with most things in life, there can be multiple layers of meaning. A stripper leaving her purse with a customer is a sign of trust of a customer. Making a display of trust toward a mark also happens to be an essential element of various types of cons.
Obviously, accompanying a customer to the door can also be seen as communicating to all the other dancers: "This is my exclusive regular, don't butt in", so it can have its downsides. A dancer can do that in the dressing room in a way that doesn't benefit me, too, though, so I just put in a little more initiative when I want to mix it up if that seems to be going on.
Similarly, sometimes I tip my favorite dancer of a visit before walking myself to the door while she is still on stage. It ends the visit on a non-awkward friendly note and I get to see her up-close before leaving (compare: just slinking off into the night or trying to glance a good-bye while she's sitting at another table) It might also encourage her to come say hi during a later visit which is OK, too.
SLD I don't enjoy being cynical, I enjoy not getting conned. Like the dancer who charges double the rate for a VIP dance because her dances are 'so much better'. What's the term we have for dancers like her around here? That's right, a ROB. That's what I'm talking about in the need to have some cynicism. If you just take everything at face value, you open yourself up to getting ripped off much more frequently.
It doesn't mean you have to be cynical about every little action. A walk to the door sounds harmless. If you're truly ready to go, that's fine. If not, tell the chick you still wanna check out some other dancers.
I've had some girls do that too. I never thought anything about either way. I know they like to hang out up front with the door man sometimes, I thought maybe that was the reason.
@TFP, exactly.. what some guys see as possessive bc she likes him, is really possessive bc she’s threatened that another girl will give him a better time, and take her RIL (future money). If the ROB has nothing to fear, she doesn’t have to guard her customer.
My backup CF walks all her customers to the door after dances and at the same time she recommends other dancers to customers when she is busy. She's about as non-possessive of a strippers as I've ever seen. A total free spirit type of stripper. And she's got customers waiting for her hand over foot. And she's not a ROB. To me she's just an awesome customer service stripper with nothing to fear. She simply does all the little and big things to make all her customers feel great the entire time they are in the club. Walking them to the door is but a 'bit part' in her whole game.
^ She is simply recommending dancers that give good high mileage lap dances just like her. Why? Because they do the same for her. It's not any more complicated than this. She doesn't care if she loses customers to another stripper because she is truly a high demand one.
To me the really good strippers are like her. They are completely above the petty parts of the overall hustle and simply provide a good customer experience from the beginning of meeting a customer to the point that he's leaving her satisfied however it may be.
And they are especially not possessive. I have had that type leech onto me but in my experience the possessive types are not the ones that walk me to the door. The possessive types are the ones that sit down with me uninvited and can't take a hint to leave.
And by contrast the really good strippers have zero hustle other than making a guy feel great the entire time without bringing in any drama or competition with other strippers. Theses strippers are rare indeed but they can be found. My backup CF is like this more so than my ATF DS.
In my experience the ones that walk me to the door are the ones that know I'm going home anyway
Nothing. She's "only" my backup. She's awesome in service but she's "only" an 8. A true unicorn is her service but also a true 10. To me she's just a cool no hassle stripper that I go get dances with. And to top it all off she's very low budget. I spend about $60 on her for a two song LDK preceded by about 20 minutes of her stick shifting me at a table. Her walking me to the door is "free" and a non-essential.
Also @Bj99 FWIW the core reason that I become a stripper's regular is because in my experience that is the way to get high quality service (in both looks and my hard cock stimulation) at a ... wait for it ... BUDGET. The stripper that get my business are the ones that ultimately give me an LDK GFE at the lowest budget. And on top of this it is when do the little things like walk me to the door or stick shift me at a table or let me massage my hard dick between their ass cheeks at the bar for hardly any tip is when I'm more likely to really be her exclusive regular.
So, just like her, I'm in it for money reasons as well.
@Bj99 I pay her about $60 for services stated per visit. She points out other dancers that she knows would LDK me just like she does. It's not about one being better than another. It's about her knowing that I want to LDK and she is with other customers, so she is being considerate and recommending a reliable LDK dancer just like herself if I can't wait for her. I have no clue if somehow in her mind how much of the $60 I spend on her per visit is "worth".
@flagooner I have no idea what you are doing wrong. If you are happy with spending $20 on a stripper good for you. If you think an escort to the door is considered exceptional service, good for you! I certainly can't claim that myself.
For me a $20 tip is about the max I'll tip any stripper for an LDK but it has to be at least four sings. I've given my ATF DS $40 when we do half hours once in a blue moon. On average I tip her $5 - $15 tip for 2-3 high mileage LDK dances. But that's just me.
I tend to agree with what Bj99 first said. I’m not convinced that it’s *always* possessive (because the one dancer who currently does this for me is anything *but* possessive; she doesn’t need to be, she’s popular as hell), but I’ve seen plenty of other dancers do it who were obviously doing it to keep others away.
last commentIt makes some guys feel special lol. Like she really gives a F about him.
Some PLs are so jaded about a stripper just being polite and nice I wonder how they have fun in the club. The whole point of a strip club is giving man a fantasy. Then it ends.
I think that's mission accomplished from the dancers POV. Just enjoy it for any try not to over ANALyze it too much. But if you do, then re-read Bj99's and rickdugan's posts by all means as that's likely what a seasoned hustler (dancer) is thinking.
Just enjoy the gesture and move on.
She's getting paid to make you feel good and she's doing that in all ways possible if she's a good business woman. Sometimes it is physical, sometimes it is emotional. When a PL enjoys either, it doesn't mean he has "fallen for" one or the other.
I haven't seen one post by PLs that enjoy the gesture simply for what it is as thinking a stripper is really liking them beyond the service that it is. LOL what's evident is you making a false assumption in your post.
Some PLs are capable of thinking in multiple dimensions as they enjoy a stripper being nice to them in addition to knowing they just paid for it (no shit!).
^ @PeterEaster LOL I think the most cynical ones are the ones that have fallen the hardest for the emotional trap before IRL and so they assume others can't separate emotional fantasy from reality just like they did at one time.
Also at my club it is pretty common for all the dancers just to be like that. It's done as more of the "club norm" depending on how the customer leaves her than possession of him. And it is not a busy club where strippers are immediately going to other customers so there's no time for small talk and "long" goodbyes.
Though I do see Bj99's POV. the practice is overwhelming used by possessive dancer types and RIL types. That's probably where the negative connotation comes from. Similarly to LDK and PE argument.
I maintain the club is a pseudosocial environment.
To me the club is to be enjoyed for all the ways provided to the PL. It's a fantasy experience to make a PL feel like a king, so I just enjoy it for what it is on all fantasy levels and role play being that king for the time I'm there.
It's like enjoying a video game for what it is instead of "realizing" that the game is a fake simulation and then not playing it anymore just because it's not the "real thing".
And yes, it is a GIVEN that I'm paying for it because it is kind of hard to ignore that I'm emptying my wallet in the process.
i don't care about/want to be walked to the door, but my CF always gives me a big hug before i leave the club and she sits with me prior to....and even after i've bought dances with her.
But what I do get is CF/ATF sitting next to me or has gone to bathroom/smoke...Another girl walks up chatting me up and starts to broach dances or something....she'll come right up to the girl and tell her "I don't think so." I know its all about the money, but I can't help but be tickled a little by the possessiveness.
I was OTC the other day and she said hey, what about so-and-so, I heard she jumped in your lap when I was off....And I said yeah, I couldn't help myself...A guy friend was with me and he was cracking up at my antics....and quite frankly the girl was decent looking I'm just going to have to get some dances....She says, what did you pay her 100? (I paid her 200)...No comment from me...She says, I'm going to have to talk to that bitch when I get in....She's just kidding, but still where else can a guy go and have some fine ass women arguing over him...Nowhere in real life that's for sure...
it is a rare treat.
And who gives a fuck whether or not she's "genuine" about her intentions? Taken at face value, stripper B is the better stripper and she always gets my business over stripper A. And yes I know full well they both equally want my money.
My ATF DS is a stripper B type. Hence, she gets my business. (Not to mention that she's a totally hot and sexy 9+ and she gives the best high mileage lap dances.)
I can’t count how many times I’ve had a talk with a dancer that was just sitting with me telling her it was ok to go work the crowd. It’s a job and I don’t want to be responsible for making her whole night. They often leave thier purse or something else with me when they go try to get other dances. I didn’t know how I felt about that first. I joked with one of them that I felt like she was marking her territory, she laughed and said that was exactly it. She also said that it meant she trusted me, other wise she would have left something worthless, instead of her purse with a lot of $$$ in it.
and what's preventing him from still saying hi or goodbye to anyone else?? as he's walking out he still has the freedom to tell said dancer "one minute, just have to say hello to someone before i go"
I guess I don't see it as possessive behavior, because I refuse to be owned. YMMV
I think that sums it up for me. The biggest risk for a PL at a strip club is to read too much into things, and even experienced PLs sometimes make that mistake, so I understand why some guys here keep pounding on the fact that it's part of her service... but, for those guys not at such risk, no reason not to enjoy that part, as much as you enjoy her sitting on your lap, or flirting with you at the table -- every single one of those examples is exactly as much "calculated service" as anything else.
BJ99-->"It’s not good manners. It’s rude to guard a customer. He should be given an opportunity to say hi, or goodbye, to other dancers...It’s a sneaky thing to do, but if it goes over so well, maybe I’ll have to start."
It goes over very well. Sometimes, I *do* want to say goodbye to other people (strippers, bouncer, bartender, etc), in which case I say, "let me say goodbye to so-and-so, come with me or I'll say bye and then I'll be back." I realize some customers have trouble using their words, but I don't. If she offers to walk me to the door and I'm not ready, I tell her so. But that almost never happens, and I like it and in fact strongly prefer it. Whether you think it's sneaky or not, I'd bet many of your customers will like it.
You should try it sometime.
I’ll give you another example, very often I have clients at my place of business, we will conduct our business then when it is finished I’ll walk the client to his car. I’m not trying to guard them.
Even in your scenario let’s say yo did guard him what’s to prevent him from going down the road to another club. There are several areas here where there are clusters of clubs just a short drive apart.
^ If that's the way you "enjoy" clubbing, with cynicism, I got no issue. I'm just saying rather than be cynical about it, I take it at face value and enjoy it for what it is. And taking it positively at face value doesn't have to cost you any more than cynic who scorns at all SS.
And FWIW I think it is just as pathetic on the RIL that thinks her friendliness is anything more than good customer service.
In my experience I go about the whole experience of clubbing with realistic optimism and have fun with it. To be negative and cynical about all strippers' intentions is not that fun and a boner kill. But that's just me.
FWIW I'm open to ALL reasons that strippers and customers do what they do.
^ Walking a customer to the door *could* go hand-in-hand with BOTH being possessive AND better customer service.
It depends mainly on how much you paid for her 2 hours of time.How much you paid?
Eye think the mane reason is two make it more difficult four other dancers two approach him.
Is it better customer service?
If that is how it is perceived buy the custie, then yes it is. Eye just think it is a byproduct (whether intended or knot) and knot the mane reason four the accompaniment.
"FWIW I'm open to ALL reasons that strippers and customers do what they do."
Pretty simple
Strippers - $$$$
Customers - sexual gratification
Absent being guarded all night, the meaning I take away from being accompanied to the door is: "I would like to interact with you again". As with most things in life, there can be multiple layers of meaning. A stripper leaving her purse with a customer is a sign of trust of a customer. Making a display of trust toward a mark also happens to be an essential element of various types of cons.
Obviously, accompanying a customer to the door can also be seen as communicating to all the other dancers: "This is my exclusive regular, don't butt in", so it can have its downsides. A dancer can do that in the dressing room in a way that doesn't benefit me, too, though, so I just put in a little more initiative when I want to mix it up if that seems to be going on.
Similarly, sometimes I tip my favorite dancer of a visit before walking myself to the door while she is still on stage. It ends the visit on a non-awkward friendly note and I get to see her up-close before leaving (compare: just slinking off into the night or trying to glance a good-bye while she's sitting at another table) It might also encourage her to come say hi during a later visit which is OK, too.
It doesn't mean you have to be cynical about every little action. A walk to the door sounds harmless. If you're truly ready to go, that's fine. If not, tell the chick you still wanna check out some other dancers.
"FWIW I'm open to ALL reasons that strippers and customers do what they do."
Pretty simple
Strippers - $$$$
Customers - sexual gratification"
^ @flagooner I already said "no shit" to that point several times.
Are you using Goggle translate to write your posts now?
To me the really good strippers are like her. They are completely above the petty parts of the overall hustle and simply provide a good customer experience from the beginning of meeting a customer to the point that he's leaving her satisfied however it may be.
And they are especially not possessive. I have had that type leech onto me but in my experience the possessive types are not the ones that walk me to the door. The possessive types are the ones that sit down with me uninvited and can't take a hint to leave.
And by contrast the really good strippers have zero hustle other than making a guy feel great the entire time without bringing in any drama or competition with other strippers. Theses strippers are rare indeed but they can be found. My backup CF is like this more so than my ATF DS.
In my experience the ones that walk me to the door are the ones that know I'm going home anyway
So, just like her, I'm in it for money reasons as well.
"Her walking me to the door is "free" and a non-essential."
What am I doing wrong????
I have to pay my fav $20 for the privilege of receiving the exceptional customer service of her escorting me to the door.
For me a $20 tip is about the max I'll tip any stripper for an LDK but it has to be at least four sings. I've given my ATF DS $40 when we do half hours once in a blue moon. On average I tip her $5 - $15 tip for 2-3 high mileage LDK dances. But that's just me.
She does better.
I point out which dancers I find attractive and ask for her opinion on them. She has saved me so much money by letting me know how lame they are.
That service she gives me for free.
petereaster. good topic.
I do this for any customer who I’m with for more than just a few dances—just to be nice! Some of you need to relax!!