
Comments by Subraman (page 178)

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    7 years ago
    Anywhere in the USA on any given day
    Going to Clubs on off days--early in the week.
    -->"From what I have read on line in some of the reviews most places are lucky to have a total of 3 to 5 girls working" That may be your area, or the particular clubs you're looking at? Around here, my fave club is usually 8-12 on dayshift, and the club with the hottest girls is usually 15-25 on dayshift. There are, obviously, trade-offs: - I've never gotten the "sit and drink with me for 4 hours, for the price of 2 $100 VIPs" treatment on a busy nightshift; Easy to score on dayshift. Of course, that is exactly what chessmaster hates, that the hottest girl is sitting with me for 4 hours, for peanuts, so I totally understand why he'd choose a different shift for the experience he's looking for. - Obviously, you can find great experiences on any shift; but the general guideline of "far lower hustle, more mileage, for less money on dayshift" has been uniformly true through the decades I've been SCing. - It's also true that there's far more hot girls on nightshift than dayshift, and more girls overall (which means you're more likely to find someone that matches your taste). But, it's also true that it's not uncommon that the hottest dayshift girl is as hot as the hottest nightshift girls, which means if you can score that girl, now you're getting her for more time and higher mileage at a fraction of the price. In the years I've been dayshifting, it's not at all uncommon that I ATF the hottest (to me) dayshift girl, and when that girl starts doing nightshifts, she's among the hottest on nightshift also, and charging guys there triple what she charged me, for lower mileage. Obviously enough, this varies by club -- a club with a miserable 3 girl dayshift is just going to be miserable; by contrast, the club here with the hottest dayshift, actually have a really good selection of hot girls
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anywhere in the USA on any given day
    Going to Clubs on off days--early in the week.
    realdougster: fuck yes, that's my secret. My general philosophy is summed up by the ancient zen koan about the two hikers and the grizzly bear. Two hikers round a corner and see a charging grizzly bear. One hiker starts changing into his running shoes. The other hiker says, "why are you doing that? You can't outrun the bear." First hiker says "I don't need to -- I just need to outrun you." I might have gotten that story wrong, and instead of a bear, it was a chick with 12 arms, and the two hikers were really two movers and packers, but you get the point. If the only other customers are an old guy who is asleep in the corner, and a guy who speaks no English who sits at the bar all day for free, I can out-compete everyone
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anywhere in the USA on any given day
    Going to Clubs on off days--early in the week.
    -->"from dancers I know both inside and outside the club the best nights and times for them are Thursday through Saturday after 7 PM" I'm actually shocked that anyone on here doesn't hear that and say to themselves: "okay, I better avoid those nights, since they're the best for the dancers. I want the best days for the PLs." Really, for me it's crazy to go to the club during the shark feeding frenzies that are saturday nights. I'm not at all interested in the higher hustle, sausagefest atmosphere, seller's market, that is thursday through saturday night. It is, in fact, nearly impossible for me to get the strip club experience I'm looking for, at those times. By contrast, Monday afternoon won't have nearly as many pretty girls as Saturday night, but there typically will be a few hot girls, and those hot girls will hang out with me for hours and hours, for the type of money that might last 30 minutes on Saturday night. I specifically go on the slowest shifts on the slowest days. This is particularly true once I have an ATF who sets appointments with me -- I'll have her come on Monday afternoon, and hell, she doesn't have any other options as far as customers, even if she wanted any.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He's kinda an ass...
    Time for Multiple Choice Quiz ;)... When you find out a girl is a Stripper: Do y
    Finding out she's a stripper: 1. Makes her sexier and more desirable to me 2. If I had any romantic rather than sexual feelings for her, the romantic feelings disappear
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Best Cities for Strip Clubbing !
    Las Vegas = WORST strip club city. It's got no business being anywhere near a best SC city list whose audience is tuscl-like, experienced PLs. On the other hand, on a list of "I only go to strip clubs on my one boys-night-out each year, just want to pay outrageous fees to see beautiful women WOOOOOO!" strip club cities, Vegas definitely belongs there :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Strip club bartender
    In general, I think that like waitresses, the bartender is a sucker play. Both groups will string you along to get you tipping better and buying more, but something will almost always come up that prevents sealing the deal. That said, one of my SC wingmen who tends to have a penchant for waitresses and bartenders (insert eye roll here), came THIS CLOSE to scoring a bartender for OTC. She had agreed to it, as long as they did a "double date" with me and my ATF, although the bartender understood that we'd be adjourning to separate hotel rooms after dinner. However, my buddy is a bit self-destructive, and did the dumbest thing ever: started talking politics with her. This may be a shocker, but it turns out, a middle-aged law-and-order conservative has a diametrically opposite view of the police from a 20-something tatted-and-pierced this-job-is-the-pinnacle-of-her-life-achievement-so-far strip club bartender. He basically told her to fuck off and canceled. I told him to stop fucking talking politics with the girls, he robbed himself of what could have been an amazing experience with a smoking hot chick.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Speaking of Mileage of Another Sort
    mjx: well, that's serious dedication :) I get you on the flight -- it sounds like it would be more efficient, but there's a psychological barrier to committing so much, so far in advance, to SCing. Arguably, in my area, the closest club with "acceptable" mileage is 300 miles away, and it's been that way for about 10 years now; that why, 10 years ago, I shifted my M.O. to "the SC is mostly for socializing and low mileage titillation, the sex happens OTC". Just making the best of a bad situation
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    7 years ago
    She likes me, she really likes me
    How did justme even find out about this thread? I thought we all agreed we wouldn't tell him
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Need an intervention
    -->"two think about your dignity" Dignity? You do realize this is tuscl, right?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Speaking of Mileage of Another Sort
    mjx: wow... that is chore-level travel. How often do you go? Do you take mass transit or actually drive 5 hours round trip each time?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Speaking of Mileage of Another Sort
    I don't have many options, nearest clubs worth going to are an hour away, but if I'll be drinking a lot I usually do train+uber, which easily takes 90 minutes. I think I've about hit my tolerance level for both -- 60-90 minutes if I'm driving, perhaps 90-120 minutes if I could take the train (since train time is not complete downtime, I could get some work done on the ride up, and surf the interwebs on the ride down, so I'm a bit more tolerant of time)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    When a Strippers says to her Stripper Friend "you got him"
    Huh, I have never heard any stripper say this, in decades of SCing. You learn something new every day
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Ethnic Diversity Among Partners
    While I'm more attracted to some races than others, any girl that pushes my buttons gets VIPed... I think I've hit the major categories you're likely to find around here, white, black, latin, Indian, Asian, Native American, all the preceding in a host of flavors.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    Ever texted the wrong dancer?
    Heh, I can't remember ever doing that. That said, I don't have just numbers in my phone, everyone gets a name. If Porsche from Penthouse gives me her number, she goes in as Porsche Pento. All SA girls get a last name of Essay. etc. As soon as I have a pic of them, that goes in their contact also. I mostly do this because I"m somewhat anal retentive, but it's come in handy a number of times, to prevent me from texting the wrong person, and sometimes there's a girl I haven't spoken to for a while who contacts me, and it helps me remember who she is and where I met her
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Attempted otc
    I don't quite understand the OTC "not necessarily for extras" either... what is it you want to do OTC?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    TUSCL twitter hashtags
    -->"#twentyfiveyoudon'tusespacesinahashtag" LOL ... I was enjoying the old guys not understanding hashtags .. :) :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Your Friendly Neighborhood Average Guy
    What days do you usually go to the strip club?
    I do dayshift, and go any day of the week. I don't normally do nightshifts, but when I do, I try to avoid Friday and Saturday nights, especially after 10pm
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    TUSCL twitter hashtags
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    TUSCL twitter hashtags
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    TUSCL twitter hashtags
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    TUSCL twitter hashtags
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    TUSCL twitter hashtags
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Main Floor Only
    I do the opposite -- I find main floor dances completely useless. Perhaps a function of the local strip clubs, where main floor lapdances are always a very low contact affair. So if I want to have any fun at all in the club, it's VIPs only. Are you just in a one-year slump, or has OTC always been difficult? I can imagine from the strippers POV, someone who only buys a few $20 dances might not be profiled as a high payer
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The great Mileage debate...
    I think the conversation about dating is a dead end ... in 99.99% of cases, this is a business relationship, and that is actually a good thing (at least to me). Every PL who has dated a stripper tends to swear off it and warn others about it; every stripper who has dated a PL tends to swear off it and warn others about it. Business relationship is good! Dating, not so good. Even with this all being a business relationship, we know that dancers will like some customers more than others, and customers they like can (and probably will) be rewarded with more mileage than those they don't. That's great! The best advice still remains: stay focused on the customer experience you're after, rather than worrying about what she's feeling, and if you continually have trouble getting the customer experience you're after, change something.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Your all time strip clubbing record
    -->"subraman, thats pretty good stamina for 2 days in a row. i thought you would need a break in between after you jizz in your pants" LOL I couldn't LDK even if I wanted to!