
Attempted otc

Had 2 girls I wanted to try to meet OTC socially, both hot as they come, and got 1 dance with each (I know, too little). 1 was friendly and charged the house rate. Other was bitchy, had her own higher rate that she didn't mention until we were at the dance area, and dug for tips.

2nd visit a week later, I tipped the friendly one on stage and waited for her to drop by.

Wasn't sure if she remembered me but this time, she mentioned her supposed real name, which was easier to say than the stage name. I asked what she was like in VIP and she redirected to offer a multi-dance special normally offered intermittently by the house.

[Question: some girls try to push VIP upon first meeting, some never mention it, this one seemed to be pacing it or avoid it altogether. Do some just don't like VIP?]

Dances were vanilla, some fluffy banter and close proximity eye contact.

When the convo veered toward where we lived, I mentioned I was staying at a long term airbnb nearby (walking distance) with a nice vista point. Said she could stop by to take a look and wouldn't take much of a detour from going to work. End of the session, I asked for contact info. Moment of truth, she says "uhhhhh.... ok", then explains she doesn't text often and not to get mad if she takes a long time to reply, b/c other guys have gotten mad about that. Just prepping me not to expect a response.

I won't be going back anytime soon as this was an experiment. It was a long shot this early but my reference point was the local escort pricing and it didn't make cents to go down a rabbit hole with the wallet despite the long game having potential.

Anyway, just wanted to experiment befriending them as vanilla dances in general are meh. Would like to hear your stories of OTC (not necessarily for extras) within a few visits.

PS - SJG: I tried front room makeout but was shot down. Still working on my approach to that.


  • Pyroxl
    7 years ago
    For clarification, invited her to see the public viewpoint, not into my place.
  • doctorevil
    7 years ago
    “OTC (not necessarily for extras) within a few visits“ What does this mean? What are you looking for for OTC?
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Not much of an OTCer but this being TUSCL of course I got an opinion.

    As I often post; strippers are a crapshoot - in both directions - you can have one that looks shy but is a freak; and one that acts all freaky but it's just a well-rehearsed/practiced hustle.

    The more one SCs the more one gets better at-it including OTC - most dancers are reluctant to meet PLs OTC particularly when they don't know the PL well (which is understandable) - def important to be able to put her at ease in that you're not a serial-killer and/or a time-wa$ter (want something for nothing) - if you don't know her from a hole-in-the-wall and vise-versa; more-likely she'll be much-more hesitant.

    Also - if it's a low-mileage club she may be in that club for that reason (that it's low-mileage) and thus a much-harder candidate for OTC - but low-mileage does not mean no OTC as some girls can only make good-$$$ that way b/c the club does not allow much.

    In the end; obviously her decision - so one has to do more than just ask - i.e. one has to try and make her comfortable w/ that decision - being willing to spend does not correlate 100% to getting what one wants in SCs - but the more you practice like anything else the better you get at it and after you bag your first OTC it may become easier after that as you've learned how to go about-it - just remember "I think I can" "I think I can" "I think I can" - but don't be too-pushy.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    I don't quite understand the OTC "not necessarily for extras" either... what is it you want to do OTC?
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Maybe he just wants her to walk him back and forth to the door - I hear that's in these days
  • Pyroxl
    7 years ago
    I'm staying in a new place for work for a few months, guess I was describing more of a SA type of social OTC, extras optional. Healthy local escort scene for when extras are needed.
  • doctorevil
    7 years ago
    Well, in my experience, OTC with extras takes one visit. Maybe OTC without extras will take a little longer.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    Is there any particular reason why you believe that this girl would want to hang out with you socially? You're not exactly spending large sums on her ITC. Did you make her a monetary offer?
  • GACA
    7 years ago
    OMG... This whole thing had me ROTFL . OTC but not for extras? Long game vs short game? Holy shit I'm in tears :')

    Ok. If you are really looking for clean fun then hang out at a regular bar and long game the bartender. So many quicker inexpensive ways to meet people socially, you do better hanging out at said bar and conversing with locals

    Strippers are at work trying to sell tits and ass and maybe a little conversation, and when they get off work they go home to children including the grown ass drug using men they are taking care of.

    God please tell me I was never in such denial when I started...shit I probably was.

  • Pyroxl
    7 years ago
    Maybe you're right, that's why I'm on this site.
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    You need to be more direct. For example, "I want to fuck you at my place for $300." You can phrase it a little more euphemistically, but you need to communicate what your really want.
  • Digitech
    7 years ago
    "Question: some girls try to push VIP upon first meeting, some never mention it, this one seemed to be pacing it or avoid it altogether. Do some just don't like VIP?"

    Some don't if extras typical for VIP. Otherwise they usually try catching your interest and working up. Sometimes they're picky about who they do extras for and she may not have been sure about you yet.

    "When the convo veered toward where we lived, I mentioned I was staying at a long term airbnb nearby (walking distance) with a nice vista point. Said she could stop by to take a look and wouldn't take much of a detour from going to work."

    Wrong time to bring this up. 'Where do you live' is an early part of conversations. You need to feel a some connection with her before talkong OTC. Also, saying "you could take a look, its easy and close" sounds pleading. If you want to be suble say "you should come visit" and leave out the validating part.

    "I won't be going back anytime soon as this was an experiment. It was a long shot this early but my reference point was the local escort pricing and it didn't make cents to go down a rabbit hole with the wallet despite the long game having potential."

    Good idea to experiment. It takes sone time to get the right techniqe, haha. When I starrted experimenting with OTC, I asked maybe 7 or 8 unsuccessfully before I got my first one. You get a radar for the ones who are down for it.
  • MrDeuce
    7 years ago
    My two cents' worth: I've gone from *no* OTC for my first 20+ years of clubbing to 30+ OTC dates in the last couple of years, mostly for lunch or dinner + BJ. However, I actually get the "OTC with no extras" concept, as a couple of my dates have been with a stripper whom I knew ITC for 18 years (!) and whom I'm so fond of that I'm content to pay her $150 to dance nude for me (and on me) for an hour and a half. Who knows? It may turn into more -- or I may ask her if she's willing to do more for more money.

    My own preference is to get to know a stripper very well, from multiple visits to her club, before we seriously discuss the subject of OTC. Typically I wait for months, and in fact I usually wait for *her* to ask *me*.

    My approach seems to be working pretty well: since August I've discussed OTC with nearly 20 strippers, usually at their initiative, and so far this year I've had 9 OTC dates with 5 different strippers -- and I have 6 more dates lined up the rest of this month with 5 more!

    I'm quite aware that it's possible to get a girl to see you OTC on the first visit -- I've done that once and had it offered a few times -- but my own preference is the long game. I agree that you develop a radar for which girls are down for OTC. I also think that the more you do it, the easier it is to ask for it and the more likely it is to be asked. For one thing, your confidence increases with every acceptance and successful OTC date. For another, the strippers at a club talk to each other about who has gone out with whom, so if Lexie has seen you OTC, made good money, and lived to tell the tale, then Mercedes is more likely to be interested.
  • GACA
    7 years ago
    @Pyroxl you need to call a spade a spade and stop pretending it isn't what it is. We aren't dating, we aren't anymore special than the next guy if a stripper actually like us (actually that's a red flag you are more fucked up than most).

    Seems like you are looking for some validation and an ego boost so go use it for the self-esteem boost it can potentially be, but bro don't kid yourself, you want to feel special cure cancer, help some hungry kids do something spectacular that changes society, but if you're looking for validation from strip clubs you are looking in the wrong place.

    Nobody wants to be friends with a stripper, trust me they're the worst kinda friends. You are trying to get some steady and low cost tits and ass and to get NSA laid, and if you were just honest about what you were trying to do to yourself first, and to them next you might be more successful.

    And the only gaming strip club is money. You are the only one looking for love or "friends" in the club, those strippers are looking for cash.

    Again maybe that's why I was just laughing my ass off because you are in such denial about what you're trying to do and you're only kidding yourself. You're like the little kid who covers his own eyes and thinks he's hiding from everyone else... Good luck bro
  • Pyroxl
    7 years ago
    Nice tips MrDeuce & Digitech, long game sounds nice once it's revved up. Only thing is I'm a bit bored of vanilla dances ha. But it was interesting to feel I can take more risk with this remote work period. Will see what the other clubs in the area are like.
  • lolruned
    7 years ago
    I kind of understand your situation. $20 for a lap dance (even with good mileage) seems like a bit of a waste of money. You're looking for validation by a stripper and that maybe she could possibly become your friend or girlfriend. I get this thinking and it shows me you are probably new to going to strip clubs. I see a lot of these strippers and with effort on my part, I can land a woman as my friend or girlfriend that is likely more attractive than these strippers.

    Sometimes, we just don't want to put much effort and go to the strip club for attention from these strippers. It's easy and disposable attention that makes a lot of us stay around in strip clubs. I think you'll probably have a better shot at becoming friends with a stripper by going to the club regularly, having the ability to hold a conversation, and being decently attractive. Bonus points if you are close in age to the stripper and are even more physically attractive. The unfortunate reality is being physically attractive is what drives a lot of relationships, especially with these strippers.

    I don't think I would want to be friends with the average stripper, but I'll be sure to stage tip and perhaps get a LD here and there
  • Pyroxl
    7 years ago
    Hell I might experiment some with long game for $20 dances; these girls were 40-80 depending on individual rates. VIP for half hour with no guarantee of anything different was higher than some of the GFE escorts for 1 hour. Not completely new to SC but only went once every few years in the past before this current traveling gig.

    Went out solo tonight and got main room makeout but at a dance club for $30 cover. Couldn't close the deal though, she had friends to follow.
  • Htxx
    7 years ago
    You can tell Jackslash is from Detroit. That approach works 8/10x here or $ome variation of it! Lol
  • stripfighter
    7 years ago
    "Well, in my experience, OTC with extras takes one visit. Maybe OTC without extras will take a little longer." -drevil

    This may have been said tongue in cheek but there's a lot of truth to it. It's easier to keep things business than it is form a relationship. As long as it's strictly extras, it's simple. If it's more w/non-extras, it becomes complicated (are you becoming attatched, a RIL, creep, emotional drain etc). Extras without the attachment can be just that, extras.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Got to get the girl softened up and civilianized with front room DFKing, then FS-ITC, then try to make it happen outside ASAP, like even walking her out the front door with you. Assume that you'll be walking up with her in the mornings regularly, and select her with that in mind.

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