Ethnic Diversity Among Partners

avatar for s275ironman
During a recent club visit, I got extras from an Asian girl. This was a first for me.

Prior to this, I did have an experience with a girl that was a mix of races, but I'm not exactly sure what she was. She had black hair and olive brown skin. It was obvious at least one of her parents was not white. All the rest of the girls I have been with were white.

While my main preference is white girls, I will be on the lookout for opportunities with girls that are black, Native American, Latina, Middle Eastern, etc. just as long as I actually do find them attractive enough on my personal scale.

How many different races/ethnicities have you been with?


last comment
avatar for JohnSmith69
7 years ago
While white girls are my thing, occasionally the little head gets an appetite for variety. But it’s rare that I can tell a girls ethnicity with any specificity. Sometimes I ask and usually they are a mix, but it really doesn’t matter.
avatar for Warrior15
7 years ago
The entire reason why I monger is to get variety. So it make sense that I would want to try other ethnicities. I am caucasian. British heritage. But I just love Latinas. Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Columbian, etc. I have had AA's. And a few Asians. Philopino and Vietnamese. No Chinese or Japanese yet. Just haven't had the opportunity. No Indians ( from India ) nor any Native Americans that I am aware of. And none from the Middle East yet.
avatar for Clubber
7 years ago
My ATF is Asian. Hispanic, Indian, European, Black, and I can't think of any others.
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
White, black, brown, red & yellow. I'm not counting hair color.
avatar for jackslash
7 years ago
Blonde white girls are my favorites, but I promote diversity. Detroit has lost of black strippers. The ones I like have a white body type like Beyonce. Latinas are great. Only a few Asians, as I'm not an Asian lover like so many here. No Eskimos.
avatar for jackslash
7 years ago
"Detroit has LOTS of black strippers"
avatar for realDougster
7 years ago
How about Norwegians?
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
While I'm more attracted to some races than others, any girl that pushes my buttons gets VIPed... I think I've hit the major categories you're likely to find around here, white, black, latin, Indian, Asian, Native American, all the preceding in a host of flavors.
avatar for GoVikings
7 years ago
i'm black.

if a girl is hot, she's hot, regardless of what color she is. all that being said, latinas are my favorite. white women are second. black girls i like too, but not nearly as often as i like latinas and white girls. asian girls rarely appeal to me.
avatar for larryfisherman
7 years ago
My favorites are the black/white mixed girls, Latinas, and Asians.
avatar for GACA
7 years ago
My favorite girls are that a race?
avatar for TxVegas
7 years ago
We used refer to the Vegas passport at the high end clubs in Vegas twenty or more years ago. When we were leaving, we would ask how many different countries were represented in your lap dance partners. My best was eight different countries on four continents.
avatar for Dominic77
7 years ago
Still haven’t mongered yet. I just get dances. :(
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Yes, going off type and off race is one of the benefits of strip clubs and mongering.

As far as Asians, very socially accustomed to Asians. And then getting GFE friendly, that was in local and SF AMPs.

Blacks, some experience, but still limited.

Latinas, that has been more in our on and off again Mexican Bar Underground Table Dancing circuit.
Advertised clubs very strict. Way more kissing in the underground places, thought technically still prohibited. But most all the girls in such places are constantly hustling for OTC. So rules don't always mean much.

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avatar for WillMunny
7 years ago
"@GACA: My favorite girls are that a race?"

If you're doing it right, slow and steady wins, so I'd say yes.
avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
A lot of my "real" GFs have been Asian, although it's more of a cultural match than any physical preference. Not sure if this is a meaningless stereotype, but I've found Asians to be the least responsive in bed with Latinas being the most uninhibited and fun.
avatar for Warrenboy75
7 years ago
I like variety---but long legs, tiny waist, and well shaped butt are what I look for in a dancer.
avatar for georgmicrodong
7 years ago
I have body type preferences, a slim to softly and slightly cushioned body, smooth, soft skin, upright, if not perky, breasts, responsive nipples, clean, fresh breath, clean body with minimal odor, clear eyes, soft, clean hair.

I grew up in a town that was at least three nines white, so I’ll probably *notice* a white girl who meets those criteria before some other ethnicity, but I certainly won’t ignore the others.
avatar for Corvus
7 years ago
I hate diversity. The only girls I spend time with are beautiful girls. No exception. Regardless of race, they must be beautiful.
avatar for rockstar666
7 years ago
White, black, Asian, Native American. Frankly I can't find anything any girl in common with the others of her race as far as sex is concerned.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
I’ve got a definite type that always seems to catch my eye. Those girls are usually a bit dark skinned, long black hair, a thick ass, decent tits, and full lips.

However, I’ve dated Caucasian, AA (I had a gorgeous AA girlfriend in HS), I also had an amazing Asian (Japanese) girlfriend in HS, and I’ve dated several Phillipina girls too (mostly from Jersey City). Don’t get me started with Latina hotties! I’ve dated a few and they were amazing!
avatar for skibum609
7 years ago
Spinners with a beautiful face. Mt atf is of Haitian ancestry; my current Cf's are white/japanese; puerto rican; dominican; and azorean. I try to avoid russians and brazilians.
avatar for DandyDan
7 years ago
Most of my extras came from white girls. There were a few AA and Latina girls and at least 1 half-Asian/half-Latina girl.
avatar for DeclineToState
7 years ago
skibun, what turned you off to to Russians and Brazilians?
avatar for DeclineToState
7 years ago
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^^^I can’t answer for Skibum but around here the Russians are far more likely to be ROBs and con artists than most of the others you meet. I haven’t had bad experiences with Brazilians but many of the Cuban girls are also ROBs in their heart.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^^^ I never really thought about it too much but I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that people that grew up under totalitarian governments, might be under less of a compunction to act in a reasonable manner, and might even have some tendencies toward psycopathic behavior.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
"... I have body type preferences, a slim to softly and slightly cushioned body, smooth, soft skin, upright, if not perky, breasts, responsive nipples, clean, fresh breath, clean body with minimal odor, clear eyes, soft, clean hair ..."

Good thing you're not picky
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
I've actually never banged a white/Anglo girl; nor an Asian; nor Euro-chick.

Have only banged black (AA, Caribbean, Latina) and white-skinned Latinas.

White/Anglo girls have never interested me enough to put in the work (either P4P or civilian).
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
I'm still a virgin
avatar for doctorevil
7 years ago
"... I have body type preferences, a slim to softly and slightly cushioned body, smooth, soft skin, upright, if not perky, breasts, responsive nipples, clean, fresh breath, clean body with minimal odor, clear eyes, soft, clean hair ..."

I’m not sure if he was talking about dancers or breeding livestock.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
I used to go into the strip club and try to size up the girls and identify personalities and social types that I could get along with OTC and in real life. But then I realized that this was not necessary. Part of the fun of strip clubs was going off type and off
race. The strip club is a controlled environment, and the girls come in the full range of social types.

We reach Kurzweil's Singularity when the Ubermensch is born. Bringing forth this Ubermencsh is Dougster's primary mission in life.

How to combine orchestra and pipe organ, the 32' C-note, roughly 16.4 hertz.…


How much homes cost, and how fast they sell. $1.1 Meg locally, and most are little beater houses. No thank you.
avatar for realDougster
7 years ago
“clear eyes, soft, clean hair...full hearts, can’t lose”
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