
Need an intervention

Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
Saturday, March 10, 2018 4:58 PM
So the other day I posted about being upset [view link] But here's the thing... God that sex was amazing. Tight fit, freak in the sheets. And I Fucking let my ego get involved when she asked me to bring her $40. So I just sent her a text 7hrs ago asking if she's working. My dick is acting like a drug fiend for this pussy and only wants it from her, this girl is a champ. My big head is telling me chill, she hasn't resplied and not to go to the club looking becase, one she might not be working, two think about your dignity, and finally do I really want to lose my control with a stripper? So let's hear it. We know there's way too many fish in the sea of strippers. We know that I can get OTC (38% of the time within two visits) , but I also hate that I hit the OTC jackpot and realistically might have to mine for a while before that kinda lightning stikes the same way. Again I'm trying to keep my compusure and not become a junkie. But damnit it's fucking hard. Facts: She text me Wed night to come see her I blew her off, because of her asking me to bring her $40. she hasn't text me back so far today. Saw her older BF drop her off, which proof positive no age limit on being a dead beat stripper BF, looked like he was pushing 50. So all rational is telling me to get a hold of myself, but again I'm here for a godam intervention.


  • realDougster
    6 years ago
    @GACA - Hey!
  • GACA
    6 years ago
    @realD LoL
  • GACA
    6 years ago
    @RealD ... And good fucking point
  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
    I shit at McDonald's
  • GACA
    6 years ago
    You all failed. She texted back. Going to the club.
  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    Of course
  • rh48hr
    6 years ago
    We need details when you're done :-)
  • GACA
    6 years ago
    So far I haven't left actually. She told me she wasn't at work she was trying to get there and maybe she can just come to my place instead.
  • GACA
    6 years ago
    Not a big deal I can save money and maybe this is the break I need to be completely turned off. I'm really hoping she flakes.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    -->"two think about your dignity" Dignity? You do realize this is tuscl, right?
  • sp
    6 years ago
    So, what happened? My popcorn is ice cold and my beer is flat! LOL!
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    Dignity? Seriously? Who says you can’t preserve your dignity *and* get the pussy? I mean, you’ve *already* blown her off WRT the forty bucks, and she’s still texting you back. Or have I misinterpreted things?
  • max_starr
    6 years ago
    Take it from my recent experiences with my ex atf. You don't want to be that bf. I was trying to stick with p2p but she kept on pushing me for more, and it didn't really work out....I realized she was lying and using the love thing to try to squeeze more money out of me...and after confronting her a few times she disappeared off on a drug binge somewhere. She likely return to her previous deadbeat bf who beats her....try to stick with p2p.....Don't give any hint of wanting more....that's my experience....The good thing to come out of this is all her stripper friends think I'm great and I've got all their numbers...lol...one wants to bang me but I'm not sure I might just chill for a while...
  • GACA
    6 years ago
    Update: so she wasn't working last nite. She's staying at a cheap motel about 7 miles from me. She said she needed $80 this time to pay for her room where her son and BF are staying with her, but couldn't get out because her boyfriend wouldn't let her, but if I would drive it to her she would make it up next week blah blah. I told her nevermind and can lose my number, Then she said she would give me head... so ya I went down, she acted like she had just snuck out and really needed to hurry back, but I still got 20 mins of head in the car just a few yards away from her hotel room (oddly satisfying to me). Gave her $100 Told her no hard feelings but not to bother calling me again (which we all know she will anyway) said I couldn't respect hoes who let their BF fuck up their money making situation But last nite I got a complete glimpse of her sans make-up and not really impressed at all. Honestly if the head didn't feel like something deviant occuring (and she definitely knows how what she's doing) nothing about her really stood out from others. I like filthy hoes as much as the next guy (that likes filthy hoes) but I realized I put myself in a potentially dangerous situation for a nut. Rethinking my priorities today...
  • GACA
    6 years ago
    And when I say filthy... her mom used to trick her out for drugs when she was a kid type of fucked up. Wondering why that turned me on so much?
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    How quickly things went from: --->"So went out with a stripper the other night had dinnee and amazing sex seems like it was too good to be true and of course it was. -- God that sex was amazing. Tight fit, freak in the sheets. -- My dick is acting like a drug fiend for this pussy and only wants it from her, this girl is a champ." To: --->"Told her no hard feelings but not to bother calling me again (which we all know she will anyway) said I couldn't respect hoes who let their BF fuck up their money making situation." The only difference between then and now is that you know more about the realities of her life. Her realities were exactly the same a few days ago when she knocked your socks off - you were just able to construct a fantasy about her in your own mind that made everything kosher. The reality is that many of these girls have these types of situations, likely including others who you have played around with, but you are ok with that right until you know too much. The term I coined on here some time ago for this phenomenon is the "willful ignorance approach" to fucking dancers. Characters like Chili Palmer and others are masters of this. For guys like them, it's perfectly fine to fuck dancers for money so long as they don't know why the girls need it so much or what they are actually doing with it, but when their realities are exposed, it's moral judgment time. Gaca, you're fucking much younger dancers for money, which doesn't exactly put you in a position of moral authority. Now if you do see her again, I would strongly suggest setting terms of engagement, like making it clear that you are not an on-call ATM and that she should only reach out when she can earn what she wants. But passing moral judgment upon a girl who you are paying for sex, just because you don't like her living arrangements, does come across as kinda' silly. More importantly, applying such stringent criteria to your OTC partners will likely limit your OTC opportunities to the girls who can lie to you the best so that you can continue to comfortably rely upon the willful ignorance approach. ;)
  • realDougster
    6 years ago
    And what do you call the "targeting dancers in desperate situations" approach? Oh, right, "The System."
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    GACA, I say let the little head handle this one. You'll be glad you did. Where as if you let the big head intercede, you won't be able to live with yourself. SJG How Life Should Be [view link] [view link] [view link] [view link] Jerk Off Sluts [view link] [view link] Slut Shoes [view link] 10" [view link] thin lizzy jailbreak [view link] Fahrenheit 451 [view link]
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    ^^^Beats self-delusion and hypocrisy. Is knowing that she needs the money really that much worse than fooling oneself and then fucking a desperate stripper under an assumed cover of willful ignorance? Gaca's situation is a case in point. She was clearly desperate if she was willing to sneak from her hotel room, where her kid and BF were, to give Gaca a car service BJ. Was she really any less desperate a few nights earlier when she was fucking him silly? Probably not, yet he was singing her praises and had no problems paying her for sex then.
  • realDougster
    6 years ago
    @GACA - Why don't you let Rick take this one off your hands, she sounds more his type anyway (i.e., clearly desperate).
  • Lone_Wolf
    6 years ago
    @GACA - man, you are making this far far too complicated. I suggest losing the self righteous judgmental innuendos and just concentrate on making it a win-win for you and the honey. Respect for getting a bj for the cash but you are going too deep into the rabbit hole and are potentially fucking up a great opportunity.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Gaca, listen to realDougster. You need to find a girl who can hide her real shit better than this. That way you can feel good about fucking girls who are fucking you because they need the money. ;)
  • GACA
    6 years ago
    Ya. I can move past this girl. @RBD I wouldn't say this girl is way younger than me we're only separated by 9/10 years and I routinely go out with girls who are 10 years younger than me that I don't pay for sex. I just have a flavor for a certain type of sex that most normal girls find to deviant, probably due to some repressed emotions I'm sure. @LoneWolf I agree I am making it too complicated but the more complex the better my nut
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    "the more complex the better my nut" Thank God I'm not you.
  • GACA
    6 years ago
    @CallMeIshmael Ya, I wouldn't wish me on anyone
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