
Comments by Subraman (page 163)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    Is TJ really worth it?
    Cash: I've toyed with the idea of checking out TJ for years; on the one hand, it sounds amazing, on the other hand, it's not really the kind of experience I'm looking for, on the third hand, there's the dichotomy of the dangerous of TJ with the reports from PLs saying that it's fine as long as you stick by the rules. I've pretty much decided that if I go to TJ, it will be with at least a couple of other guys.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Strip club's fine system laid bare: Dancers penalised $100 if they wear g-string
    There are several strippers who wear g-strings who I plan to penilize
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Strip club's fine system laid bare: Dancers penalised $100 if they wear g-string
    My sense has been at the deja vu clubs here, aside from control and some of the other explanations above, fines are a nice source of incremental income for the clubs.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    When you know someone else in the club just overpaid
    you're following the right policy. ITC, just STFU -- literally, the best outcome you could hope for is nothing, every other outcome is negative. Then, discuss fair pricing in reviews or on your local forum and hope guys read it and follow it.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Whiny customers who get twisted up over a dancer
    -->"If I didn't know the score I would probably also be annoyed if a stripper turned down my money to sit with someone who seemingly wasn't spending any." Not only do I know the score, but I'm the guy who is usually bogarting a stripper for 4 hours... and I STILL get annoyed when someone else does it to me. It's frustrating to be at a strip club and not get the experience you want with the girl you want, whereas another guy is clearly getting the experience HE wants with the girl you want. But, I don't think the guy is being selfish or a jerk, he's doing what I would do if I could. It's why I go at slow times and set up appointments, but of course not everyone has that option, particularly the guys who are going for variet
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Negotiating for extras.
    I don't love negotiating, but not the end of the world either. I always name my price first, which makes me most comfortable. If she names her price first and it's way too high, it always sucks having to counter-offer a fraction of the price she named, so I just don't put myself in that position. My vague sense here is that similar prices get similar service, in general. If you paid $200 and someone else paid $250, you'll basically get similar service, and any differences in service may be more based on personal details (do one of you smell? Is one of you more handsy? Is one of you more of a regular vs just passing through? etc) I think there's a threshold below which, if you bargain that low and she accepts, she'll be annoyed and you will definitely get lesser service. If she usually gets $200-$250, and some guy bargained her down to $125 on a super slow day when she was desperate, she will take it out on him in service level. Over the years in a local forum, where the conversation was explicit and detailed, we saw countless examples of that. I also think that a **significant** bump in price -- if it's because you're a high-budget regular rather than just a transient sucker -- absolutely gets you a higher service level. If you usually pay $200 for what amounts to 15 minutes of fun, and some guy offers her $600 for 40 minutes (or whatever), that guy may get access to things you might not. Seen countless examples over the years on that, too. To the extent I've been able to put the puzzle pieces together, that's what I think the basic picture is
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    How childish can you guys be
    Juice can count to potato
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    oral sex on HK girls
    Holy fuck that's a huge no on an HK girl. I will admit to using a dental dam on a couple of FBSM girls in the past. You of course lose all the sensation, slipperiness, texture; there's a little psychological thrill. I'd recommend it if the thrill for you is particularly mental rather than the sensation; the girls claim and act as if it still feels really good but I'll leave it as an exercise to the reader to decide how much of that is acting.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Ghosting a dancer
    Deja vu. I think they changed something in the matrix. "They".
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Ghosting a dancer
    Tell her you're not interested. 1. Being transparent and honest -- but polite -- has always been a winner for me. You never know what these crazy bitches will do if they get insulted that you ghosted or whatever, and a "I really appreciate our time together but I'm looking for for variety right now, I hope you understand" seems to always cut that off at the pass. 2. You're exactly right -- ghosting is what strippers do. Are you a 22 year old girl who has so mis-managed her life that texting an octogenarian to come in to give her a dollar is the best use of your time? No? You're a vaguely mature responsible adult? Act like it... At this age we're supposed to be a bit more self-aware and not imitating the immature behavior and low emotional IQ of lost youngsters
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    IP Addresses
    Papi-->"What FTS & max-star mentioned - flag active user names that have the same IP addr and display the linked user names w/o giving the IP addr" Ya, that, or post a one-way hash of the IP address I suppose that might at least reduce the number of trolls to those who know how to use a VPN or anonymizing proxy or whatever. Still, I think some of our more intransigent trolls would go through the effort
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Dancers giving out there number
    One of the things that cracks me up about this group is how even guys who bother to vaguely use proper grammar, seem to go full retard when they write the thread topic. OP may not believe in apostrophes or commas, but he bothered to divide things into sentences with periods and capital letters. I think guys get SO EXCITED that they're about to make a post, that in their giddiness no one can manage to not make 2nd-grader mistakes on the thread topic line.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    How many more years can you guys talk about strip clubs and strippers
    To answer juice's question, I have been blabbling on about strip clubs since before there was a worldwide web, back in the days of the very first national discussion group, alt.sex.strip-clubs, and still never get bored of participating in a group and exchanging banal platitudes with my compadres
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    In Support of Single Moms
    -->"Not like it was in the 90's, with the off the hook places it sounds." '96-'06 was the SF golden age -- I feel bad for anyone who missed it! Course I feel bad for myself for it being such shit since then -->"But even so, can't really get your hands on the girls via front room money, has to be 'dances'." Although ironically, since the open lapdances are so completely useless, there's far more touching at the table than at a lapdance. If a girl is sitting in your lap at the table, in those comfy lounge chairs or couches, neither the bouncer nor the eye-in-the-sky have any view of where your hand in. As I"ve posted here before, I've been knuckle deep in stripper pussy and asshole right there at the table, at many clubs. But that's with an ATF who knows she's going to get paid for it... in the back -->"Do you think we need to find some way of restoring competition to SF? I'm not against the big operator anymore, they have their interests and obligations, and these places pay very high rents. But I think we need to figure out how to restore competition, somehow." I don't think there's anything we can do. In fact, things are going the other way -- MBOT has changed hands to Deja Vu (or rather, I presume it has, but with the local group gone, I have no way of knowing for sure), Crazy Horse is showing signs of being in its home stretch, and every other club is owned by Deja Vu. For me, "restoring competition" means that over the past year, I've spent as much or more of my time and $ on SA than in strip clubs. In previous years, I'd sometimes bias towards FBSM when the clubs weren't delivering -- SF's FBSM scene was unique and un-fucking-believable until it imploded in 2013, and remains total shit today, alas.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    How many more years can you guys talk about strip clubs and strippers
    jackslash-->"Has juice gone homo?" This question implies he was ever not homo
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    IP Addresses
    IP address revelation: everyone here but founder is juicebox69 Also, founder is juicebox69
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Dancers giving out there number
    Regarding the dick pic, I usually get myself hard and write "Thank you for the great time! See you soon!" along the side. You guys might just need to write "TY"; she'll get the message.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Dancers giving out there number
    Really, reasons 1 through 4 above hold often. But I, too, find that my percentage of returned texts go way up if I text her right after I meet her -- I mean, like, on the train ride home, reminding her of my name and some inside joke or other we developed, and thanking her for being so amazing. Then I'll text her again just a few days later, ostensibly to set up our next trip, whether I actually have any intentions of heading up again so soon. Getting me burned into her brain right away does help get future responses
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Dancers giving out there number
    -->" I contacted her a few days later asking her when she would be at the club again. She never responded" Reasons she doesn't respond: #1 reason: Locking you down for the day ... giving you her phone number got you excited, and bonded you to her for the rest of your visit. You probably didn't spend money on any other girls after that, and may have even spent more than you intended on her #2 reason: You'll be back anyway. It doesn't matter if she returns your text or not, she's in your head. You'll be back, and when you return, you'll be looking for her. You'll tell yourself you'll go with a different stripper to "get back at her", but she'll flash that smile and those titties, come up with some implausible excuse as to why she didn't text you back (my bet is on "lost my phone, got new number"), and you'll go sniffing after only her again #3 reason: She doesn't remember you, and/or does remember you but gives no shits. This is a throwaway action on her part, she gives her number out to a zillion guys at work, a zillion guys at the dance club, a zillion guys at the bar, etc. She can't answer all you fucks. #4 reason: Her phone is getting blown up every day, and your text quickly migrates down the list until she can't see it without scrolling -- which she has no desire to do, since she just got her nails did. Seriously ... as above, she has a giant social network and is giving out her number all the time; if she misses your initial text, or sees it but makes a mental note to text you later, your text soon scrolls out of sight and she is not going to bother searching her texts to reply to some rando
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    In Support of Single Moms
    Ya, that's how I do it -- lots of drinking and socializing, usually in a group whenever I can get any of my buddies to join me. Correction: I do dances, VIPs only, because I need to pay the girls, and want to get my hands on them in the process; I'm not really interested in paying them to hang out
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    In Support of Single Moms
    I went and supported the single moms Sunday! lol ... I actually have no idea of either the marital or child status of the stripper I supported, but boy, did I support her
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    New trolls
    -->"Agreed, but be careful not to attribute the findings of the research to each individual troll, otherwise you could be accused of trollism." Next thing you know, people will be refusing make trolls wedding cakes
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    New trolls
    Ish: what research there is on it, consistently paints a pretty horrible picture of the kind of people who get entertainment out of it, and a worse picture of the lives they lead.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    When do you become a "regular"?
    I don't know when you become a regular, but I know when you're NOT a regular: you are not a regular just because you go twice and someone recognizes you :) Here's some ways I know I'm a regular: - I don't pay the cover charge (and haven't, in years) - I get sodas for free (a $5 value!) - The bouncer does not walk through the VIP room if I am the only one back there - I can recognize new girls (girls hired within the past month) immediately - For that matter, I recognize new staff - Most of the girls who AREN'T new, recognize me and know whether they're my type or not Of course, there's an argument that I've gone past "regular" to "crusty old fixture". But chances are, if you're a regular, you've made some progress to being able to say some of the same things above
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    New trolls
    On the one hand, there's a stoic element here of, "well, okay, he's a troll, but he's asked an interesting question, and the subsequent discussion will be more interesting than our regularly-scheduled personal attacks and always-unfunny trolls". To some extent or other, I get this -- sometimes, I know it's a troll, and respond anyway. There's also some "little girl looking at a rainbow" factor going on, kind of funny considering what a crusty group of fucks we are. I mean, there's STILL a bunch of dopes here who want to give the likes of Mtent the "benefit of the doubt", as if he hasn't tipped his hand a hundred times already. While I'll sometimes respond to trolls when they ask questions that are otherwise interesting, I pass when they are this puerile and transparent.