
New trolls

I might catch lots of flak from some of you and this probably won't be a very popular thread because although it's not directed at anyone in particular it might hit too close to home for many of you guys but then again you might not even see yourself as being described here.

Have you guys ever wondered why there are so many new trolls here? It appears that every time I come around there's always a new troll, sometimes more than one. TUSCL must average at least a new troll every day. Maybe the new trolls sign up and post because after lurking and reading the topics they see what I've been seeing.

Every once in awhile we get a funny entertaining troll but it seems that most of them are over the top stupid or trying to play it straight while looking for reactions. The play it straight ones are the ones I'm alluding to here.

It's unbelievably amazing yet somewhat entertaining how quickly and easily many of you guys fall for an inconsistent story from a new troll. It's like you're desperate to believe whether it's a new fake PL with repeated asinine questions or a fake stripper with a contradictory story whose really some nerd named Justin looking for reactions, you just line up to reply and offer help. I suppose it's the same PL mentality that makes many guys softies for a stripper sob story and an easy mark that turns into a white knight with an open wallet.

The online world is full of scammers and bullshitters and because of that I'm a skeptical guy and many of you post about not falling into a stripper's trap yet you fall into the online troll's trap.
I'm really not trying to offend anyone, I just had the urge to post my thoughts after seeing all the responses to our latest fake stripper.


  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    On the one hand, there's a stoic element here of, "well, okay, he's a troll, but he's asked an interesting question, and the subsequent discussion will be more interesting than our regularly-scheduled personal attacks and always-unfunny trolls". To some extent or other, I get this -- sometimes, I know it's a troll, and respond anyway.

    There's also some "little girl looking at a rainbow" factor going on, kind of funny considering what a crusty group of fucks we are. I mean, there's STILL a bunch of dopes here who want to give the likes of Mtent the "benefit of the doubt", as if he hasn't tipped his hand a hundred times already. While I'll sometimes respond to trolls when they ask questions that are otherwise interesting, I pass when they are this puerile and transparent.
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    Yeah Subra, mtent is just one that has hoodwinked many here.
  • Bj99
    6 years ago
    I believe as a community, we are more intelligent... but much less mature, than average.
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    I'm pretty sure that you already know it Bj, but just for the record, you're not on my fake stripper list. :-)
  • sinclair
    6 years ago
    I think there are alot of single guys here who can only get women if they are paying for their time. They don't have wives and kids to occupy their time, thus they end up with too much free time on a strip club website.
  • Bj99
    6 years ago
    Thanks thee. ;)
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    And intelligence and maturity are certainly not equivalent to sense or street smarts or in this case internet smarts.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    TUSCL is an anonymous internet site and lightly-moderated; thus hard to keep the trolls out.

    Hard to know for sure who's a troll and who's not - with time one kinda decides which handles are worth reading and which ones to scroll-past, troll or not.

    Some trolls are obvious and they don't necessarily try to hide-it (e.g. Mamiassan, realDougster, etc) - others seem to try to live vicariously thru their handles and seem to make-up some wild stories ("yeah that "10" stripper did actually say she wanted to fuck me for free - blew my mind man") - hard to know who's who and what is fact and what is fiction - so no need to lose too much sleep over it per se - a post/question can be bullshit, but it can lead to a somewhat interesting discussion as Subra mentioned which may help someone else on the board (or a lurker).

    If a poster keeps posting one outlandish post after another then I tend to ignore him after the 2nd or 3rd "wild story" - or if they keep asking one dumb question after another I will also start ignoring his posts.

    Again - hard to tell for sure many times so I take-it as part of the TUSCL ecosystem and accept it's not perfect and don't sweat it too-much but it does suck if one spends their time/effort writing-something/giving-advice when the OP is not being honest and kinda BSing us; but again it's not a perfect system.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    @theOSU... You're not wrong.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Would you accept an apology?
  • datinman
    6 years ago
    Oh sure, pick on nerds named Justin. We are an easy target.
  • rockstar666
    6 years ago
    We'll get complacent if we only have the old, veteran trolls. Maybe the new ones will be more creative in their trolling.

    I agree with BJ99: this group is rather intelligent overall - probably because we make enough money for dancers which as a group implies education - but I've NEVER been in a group with so many immature people. Guess it goes with the territory.
  • jsully63
    6 years ago
    Trolls are the price we pay for freedom of speech. Without it we wouldn’t have strip clubs. Annoying but better than censorship
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    "TUSCL is an anonymous internet site and lightly-moderated; thus hard to keep the trolls out."

    And thus you will have trolls. I'm not going to tip my hand any further than what I have already but the bottom line is if you accept the methodology of how this board is moderated it includes the acceptance of trolls and multiple handles from a single poster.

    As for how we interact with each of them I can only speak for myself in that I accept people at face value until they provide me enough of a reason not to do so. So I am an innocent until proven guilty type of person. It doesn't mean I not seeing the BS, it simply means I take the bad with the good.
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    I’d say site users have anonymity which goes along with the keyboard cowboy approach that since there are very little repercussions to what you write, it becomes a great place to act childish as a way to blow off steam.

    Where else in your regular life so you get to state whatever you want with out any filters? If we didn’t have
    That ability on tuscl I doubt many of us, including trolls, would frequent this place.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    I think it’s the double edged sword we have with respect to an unmoderated discussion group. Some trolls are funny and amusing - and some are ponderous and annoying. And then there’s SJG...
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    @founder included the ignore feature for members who consider themselves above it.

    So why so many whiny little bitches.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    I'm just never going to understand the entertainment value behind being a troll. It's dumb.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    Ish: what research there is on it, consistently paints a pretty horrible picture of the kind of people who get entertainment out of it, and a worse picture of the lives they lead.
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    "I'm just never going to understand the entertainment value behind being a troll. It's dumb."

    "Ish: what research there is on it, consistently paints a pretty horrible picture of the kind of people who get entertainment out of it, and a worse picture of the lives they lead."

    That certainly explains Josh43 posting as randumbmember and then as realdougster.
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    There are a handful of different types of trolls (at least) and they all have slightly different reasons but look up the research and paper on the Internet "Trolls just want to have Fun" if you want an overall understanding.....and social media has only made it worse, which is why occasionally you'll see me comment on my disdain for Twitter in particular.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Agreed, but be careful not to attribute the findings of the research to each individual troll, otherwise you could be accused of trollism.
  • 4got2wipe
    6 years ago
    Call.Me.Ishmael, some people troll themselves.

    For example, I don't know what Mtent has posted that got everybody so worked up. Some of his questions are naive, but he hasn't posted anything too obnoxious. He strikes me as an example of a guy who may be trolling (i.e., trying to get a reaction) or just saying shit.

    I don't know and I don't really care. However, I do get a chuckle from people losing their shit over his posts.
  • Bj99
    6 years ago
    Realdougster was the most pathetic troll bc he didn’t even attempt to parody Dougster after the first couple weeks, or to be funny, or purposely annoying (tho he did manange to be lame and annoying). It’s like he was so scared to be rejected as himself, that he had to be someone no one liked anyways. Awe. :(
  • 4got2wipe
    6 years ago
    People have trolled themselves to my posts too. I can't remember who this was, but there was a person who freaked out and said I talked about rimjobs too much and that my joke of saying "brilliant!" was stupid. So he declared that he was putting me on ignore.

    But he continued to read my posts and replied to one. So I said it was funny that he was still reading my posts. At which point he went off on me. I decided not to reply because I felt it was kind of cruel at that point.

    But he was ultimately trolling himself.

    And I'll let everybody in on a secret. Saying "brilliant!" and "aces!" all of the time is stupid. It also makes me laugh. Hence my continuing to do it!

    So read what you want to read and if somebody irritates you enough to put them on ignore just ignore them. Ignore doesn't work if you still read the posts of people you have on ignore! ;)
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    "That certainly explains Josh43 posting as randumbmember and then as realdougster."
    It case anyone actually cares: @Josh43 was my original handle some 3.5 yrs ago. I used to start political threads under that handle, took criticism for doing so, and left the board for a few months. I did come back as @RandomMember and, as a compromise, I don't start any political threads under this username. In fact I haven't started a thread since 2015.

    I having absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with @realDougster. It would be easy enough to ask @Founder to compare IP addresses. Ask @founder whether we are in the same state or the same part of the country. There are something like 150 million people who dislike Trump and the fact that two of them happen to post on TUSCL doesn't mean we are the same. Someone like @OSU -- who has the analytical ability of a fourth grader-- probably wouldn't understand. I have absolutely no reason to troll @Dougster (who is one of my favorites). I stayed out of the controversy with @Vince. I would never troll one of the dancers under any circumstances.

    There are other things that bother me more than trolling. For example @Smith's memorably post about sitting next to a smelly Muslim woman (which gathered over 100 responses). Or @GammaNu calling other members "porch monkeys," race baiting, and stating that LBGTs have a "genetic defect." There's a constant background here that's somewhere between sexism and outright misogyny.

    There's very little of the trolling that actually bothers me. Even this flame war with @OSU hardly bothers me. He's sort of an angry guy, with a room-temperature IQ, who likes to persecute @SJG. It's the online equivalent of beating up homeless guys on the street.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    *I have absolutely
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    Anyway, did you get that @OSU, you fucking idiot? I have nothing to do with @realDougster.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    -->"Agreed, but be careful not to attribute the findings of the research to each individual troll, otherwise you could be accused of trollism."

    Next thing you know, people will be refusing make trolls wedding cakes
  • wallanon
    6 years ago
    This has been said already, but there are some threads that end up interesting for no reason in particular. If it's interesting I'll comment and don't much care if a troll started the thread. Many longtime members post 90% bullshit, so I'm just glad to see something interesting to discuss once in a while.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    ^ I haven't been around that long really, it probably just seems like it.
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    @ Josh43/randumbmoron/realdougster, for the umpteenth time even though you professed your fondness of Dougster you had said several times that Txtittyfag was Dougster and Tfag constantly destroyed and insulted you regarding your postings. As randumb and being the pussy that you are deep down you wanted to remain above the fray so invented Rd to get even while deflecting your revenge from yourself.
    It has nothing to do with how many threads you started, your anti conservative comments in other's threads over your time here mirror the threads you eventually started as RD after Dougster left. You actually stopped posting as randumb and only posted as Rd until I called you out a couple times then you suddenly stopped posting as Rd and started posting as randumb again. You're as predictable as a pile of shit attracting flies and about the same speed as a pile of shit.

    And drop the IP whining Einstein, proxys and VPNs are available everywhere.

    Yes I know it stings that a troll with a superior intellect such as yourself is stymied by the fact that a room temperature IQ guy has the ability to see through your self perceived well thought out and executed plan and your subsequent denials.
    So what does that really say about your intellectual abilities moron? LMAO
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    You're such an anus @OSU. It's impossible to argue with incoherent horseshit.
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    What is a troll ?
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    "You're correct @OSU. It's impossible to argue with the truth."

    Fixed it for you moron. Lol
  • Bj99
    6 years ago
    Readougster would solve this dispute w a lame as little poll..

    Is RandomMember also RealDougster??

    A) yes

    B) No

    C) (Gay little joke ab strippers liking Olive Garden)
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    If it makes you feel better, dear, then believe whatever want.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    ...and @BJ get a fucking hold of yourself. I promise you're attacking the wrong guy.
  • Bj99
    6 years ago
    ^ so, your answer is ‘B’?
  • Bj99
    6 years ago
    Also, I’m not 100 percent sure on this one. That’s why I created a lame little poll. :)
  • Bj99
    6 years ago
    Also, I’m not 100 percent sure on this one. That’s why I created a lame little poll. :)
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    Yes the answer's (B).

    I just PM'ed Founder for the first time in 3.5yrs asking for suggestions on how to deal with being accused of something that's NOT true. I doubt Founder has the time or inclination to do anything.

    As I said, trolling dancers is not my style.
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    Lol! You PM'ed Founder because you got caught and now you're hoping that he will get involved because as I previously said, you are a pussy.
    Why should he help you? You have never written a review, you're only purpose here has been to troll other members, John Smith for example as randumbmoron, and Dougster as realdougster, among others, in addition to pushing your political agenda. You're SJG light except at least the creep does occasionally discuss strip clubs.
  • Bj99
    6 years ago
    I’m actually more suspicious of someone else, but Thee does make a good point that RealDougster stopped posting when he started accusing you. Although, I haven’t seen RealDougster, or the member I suspect more for awhile.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    "but Thee does make a good point that RealDougster stopped posting when he started accusing you. "
    No, @realDougster stopped posting after he fucked up and posted material meant for @Sven under @realDougster's account. He made a mistake logging in. @OSU accused me of being @realDougster long before that. You've got your facts wrong.

    Suppose @RandomMember always posts from Los Angeles and @realDougster always posts from the bowels of Arkansas? I thought perhaps @Founder could monitor the locations in the background without posting IPs for everyone to see. But a competent troll might hide his true location via proxies.
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    Lol! Trying to rewrite history again like you do in your political posts are you realrandumbdougster?
    The timeline is exactly as I stated above. You've been busted pussy!
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    Here's the thread where @sven accidentally posts under @realDougster on April 20, 2018
    we never hear from realDougster again.

    Here's just one example where that dipshit @OSU accuses me of posting as realDougster on March 10,2018
    @OSU accused me posting as realDougster long before that, too.
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    2 selective threads out of 20, 30, or more do not change history, your pattern, or the facts realrandumbdougster.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    I just demonstrated the timeline doesn't fit you fucking idiot. That was @BJ's point
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    Wow, Randumb. Got much time on your hands?
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    @RandomMember is correct in that @RealDougster crawled under a rock immediately after making an @sven post while still logged in as @RealDougster.

  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    Tuscl is pretty unique on the Internet. It’s part of its appeal as an outlet for some. Meat72+1. :)
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    "@RandomMember is correct in that @RealDougster crawled under a rock immediately after making an @sven post while still logged in as @RealDougster. "

    That doesn't answer why for the most part randumb had stopped posting while realdoug was prolifically posting then started posting as randumb again after realdoug disappeared. It does raise the issue that maybe Sven was another of randumb's monikers.
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    Oh hell, it's been interesting but I can't stay here all day and explain everything, I do have a job and work to do.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    ^^ Of course you didn't explain anything, dipshit, but it's true that you should go back to cleaning the toilets at Arby's.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    Troll identities matter very little to me. But I'm okay with them flaming out or fading away.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    Are you finished cleaning those bedpans yet at work, @OSU?

    I do give you credit for having a thick skin and a good sense of humor, @OSU. I guess you're okay, even for a sub-moron.
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    Lol realrumdummorondougster AKA sven/josh43. Gosh josh that's a lot of accounts, I suppose only an Einstein like you can manage to juggle all of them and fool everyone here.
    Wait! You haven't fooled anyone, never mind.
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    Back to the topic.... many of you continue to respond to the trolls yet you wonder why they're here.
    The more things change the more they stay the same.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    Ya. I really do think it's just one or two guys creating all these personas... yesterday it was Mtent, who swore he wasn't a troll but obviously was one; today it's Phatboy99, who also happens to be a pimp, and all these guys believe it. At least Phatboy isn't banal the way Mtent was, so whoever is behind it all is improving
  • 4got2wipe
    6 years ago
    You know what I find brilliant about this thread?

    TheeOSU was so bothered by RandomMember’s post that he replied over a month later.

    Seriously TheeOSU, you need to relax. Get yourself a brilliant rimjob and then whatever RandomMember posts won’t bother you so much.

    On the other hand, if you’re making a mountain out of a molehill for laughs I have one thing to say to you: brilliant!
  • ATACdawg
    6 years ago
    Can't we all just......get along?

    Come to think about it, that didn't work out well for The President in Mars Attacks. ;-)
  • rogertex
    6 years ago
    @ATACdawg +1

    Death, Taxes and Trolls. Can't avoid. Suck it up.
    At least TUSCL trolls are interesting. Most of 'em.

    Really really surprised TheeOSU and RandomMember are flaming each other.
    From their posts both seem fun guys who love fine women.
    I bet if both were sitting one table away from each other at a strip club - they'd be downing shots and sharing stories of wild encounters with hot girls.

    Internet can be so inanimate
  • rogertex
    6 years ago
    @4got2wipe - damn you're right! - this is a month old post
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