Is TJ really worth it?
He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
After reading about precautions required - when visiting Tijuana. I’m wondering if it’s actually worth it?
It sounds as though you must remain aware of everything - almost hyper-aware. There are many ways to get robbed or arrested. The cops sound crooked. There are drug dealers roaming the streets.
If one looks like an American - I’m guessing you are more of a target.
I’m sure there will be guys who simply love TJ - and they will say - it’s all worth it. But I’m wondering about the guys who are more indifferent - is it worth the effort?
It sounds as though you must remain aware of everything - almost hyper-aware. There are many ways to get robbed or arrested. The cops sound crooked. There are drug dealers roaming the streets.
If one looks like an American - I’m guessing you are more of a target.
I’m sure there will be guys who simply love TJ - and they will say - it’s all worth it. But I’m wondering about the guys who are more indifferent - is it worth the effort?
Some here have said that they would like DV better, being American run it probably being safer.
Question you've got to ask is, do you like fully GFE sessions with young Latina hotties, or do you like going to clubs which need to be reviewed and buying dances?
Also applies to Detroit, from what I hear.
For me, the TJ plan is part of a broader Mexico plan, a new language a new person, for me to expand a business.
That's okay though, you guys keep reading the reviews, and keep on buying dances.
How much extra ammo do you carry?
Do you shoot first when someone looks suspicious?
I think TJ will be safer than many US cities as there are not going to be as many armed White racists.
Maybe TJ is less dangerous than certain Detroit areas. I’m guessing parts of Detroit are about as welcoming as Newark NJ. However, both TJ and Detroit have much better strip clubs!
But having said that, the zona is more dangerous than the rest of TJ.
So who likes reading reviews and buying dances?
And who likes fully GFE encounters with young hotties?
But I will admit that it sounds like some other areas of the US have a higher crime rate. But it is also just because I have become used to people of all races and who do not look middle class.
As to whether it's worth it, from what I've read IDK of another club that gets as many positive reviews as Hong Kong.
Your only reading the reviews of the guys who made it back safely!
Lots of American guys go down their and they start making out with awesome girls, DFKing them, DATYing them, FIVing them, and then fucking them. They fuck one girl after another.
Then next thing they know, they wake up only to find that they are covered in brown fur. The Latinas have used magic on them and turned them into a show donkey.
The only known way of preventing this is to wear this new full body condom.
From all accounts, TJ Latinas like DFKing.
Is it possible that we could make it so that US clubs are like TJ?
As others have said, there is a degree of risk involved, but that goes with everything. You’re lucky since you have a wealth of information right here. If I were talking to someone that had never been before and they were thinking of going I would have them pay for VIP just to get access to all the information on this site. If you’re still uncertain, find someone to go with, preferably someone that’s been before. I would recommend that you keep the group small though. My personal experience has been that groups over four people tend to be too cumbersome, and the girls are intimidated. The other thing is finding more than one person that you’re comfortable sharing these activities with. You could always see if a fellow TUSCL’er is going and meet up with them.
There is so much good info available on this site (including my own article, which many TUSCLers have cited as being really helpful) that those who have never been can get a very good sense of how to get there and what to expect. I have read a few stories on here about problems with the TJ police, but one particularly horrendous story was (I think rightly) called out as total bullshit by other TUSCLers. Other situations seemed to be the result of some combination of stupidity, carelessness, or intoxication.
Is it worth it? You know I will say yes. If you've never been there, you might be thinking HK is some kind of third-world shithole shack with skanky girls, but it's nicer than probably 75% of the clubs in the States, most of the girls are stunners, and they're all DTF (or whatever you're looking for). It's much cheaper than almost any of the clubs in the U.S. and the mileage is off the charts. I look forward to returning when business will take me to San Diego next spring.
Then after that, you can invite your girl arriba, or keep buying her drinks and handing her cash until you are ready.
NV laws make that impossible.
DV tried to make the Pahrump Chicken Ranch like TJ. But they ran into the law. So they now have their own TJ place.
TJ is how American strip clubs should be, and actually can be. Its just that so many chumps keep the clip joints in business by reading reviews and buying dance.
You really think buying dances is a good way to engage with the dolled up hotties found in the US clubs? You really want to spend your money in clubs which need to be reviewed?
By the time we need this lifeboat, this post will be gone. So join now. At a minimum, save the info some place safe, like in emails to yourself, and on paper. Thanks to those who continue to join. You should be able to try out posting right now.
Jeff Beck and Rosie Oddie…
Does this mean that the girls in the Miami VIP are steering things to FS right there in the VIP Room, and charging more than the main stage area girls?
Are you asking because you want to go there ?
Yes, there is a restaurant on site called Azul. The food is quite good. They have a terrace outside so if it's nice you can sit outside and look over the street. But there is no reason to wine and dine these girls. They are sure thing. Although, when I was there , 3 dancers in their HK robes were having dinner at the same time, so technically, I had dinner with 3 of them.
At HK, arriba with a girl is good deal. A fiche drink ( the equivalent of a floor dance ) is a great deal. But a private dance is a private booth is really not that great of a deal. You pay $22 for the dance, about 7 minutes, then you have to tip the girl to do any more than a dance. It's all negotiated. I got a BJ for an extra $20, but I had to pay the door guy an extra $5 because it was going to take me more than 7 minutes and I paid $5 for a condom in there. Add that all up and I should have taken the girl upstairs to my private room that I had already paid for.
But, if you want to spend more time with a girl, then you do in effect need to be entertaining her during the in between times. Jacuzzi good for this. But food is good to, and besides, you also need to feed her if you are going to keep her with you for very long.
So if they are pushing it to FS right there in the Miami VIP Room, then that could be good for a first round, then to the restaurant, and then for TLN arriba. As I see it, that is a nice choreography. And I know that it all costs money. Good if you plan to be seeing the girl regularly. Not always possible, but still could be good.
I am not yet free to start my travels, still 24-7 leading a political war. Having some scalps to show is important for my future plans.
But once I do pull up stakes, I plan to be on the road for a full ten years.
But non-arriba FS would be a good prelude to such.
Don’t HK girls want to get down to business? Customer turn over is how they make more money.
None of them speak English. So I’m sure it would become monotonous quickly.
Most of the posts dealing with this say that the fitcha drink gets you about 10 to 20 min of talk. You can and should also feed her money.
But many people are doing extended and TLN sessions. And then the Jacuzzi. So they must be talking to the girls at length. And I have experience communicating with girls across a language barrier.
Question though, based on some evidence it looks like possibly girls in the Miami VIP room are pushing it to FS right there? Trying to confirm or disconfirm.
That's not necessarily true. Many of them do speak English. There are certain clubs in Miami where fewer girls know less English. If want one to talk to, tell your waiter and he will go get a girl that you can talk to. And on the turnover, not really either. The fiche drink is their version of a table dance. And many of the girls don't seem in a hurry when drinking their drink. I had girls sit with me for 30 minutes and all I did was buy one $10 drink. And I had all kinds of fun during those 30 minutes. When you go up stairs, you buy the room for 30 minutes, so the hotel is pushing you out for the time, not the girl. If you have your own room, there doesn't seem to be a time restriction. I had girls stay with me for over an hour and I had to be the one to push them out. Now I did not go on a weekend when it's really busy. So maybe the hustle is not as severe earlier in the week. That is when I was there both times.
While I was there this last Monday I was talking to one of the girls I took upstairs. She said that if you go up with a girl the girl pays a small amount to the hotel and they charge more if it’s a whole hour vs a half hour. I don’t know how accurate it is, but it makes sense. When you enter the hotel the girl checks in with the front desk even if you have a room. I suspect it might be to keep the girl from just taking you to her room and using the savings as a marketing ploy. She said this as she was suggesting that if I wanted to meet her the next day we could just meet at the rooms and avoid the front desk. Like I said. Don’t know how accurate it is, maybe some of the guys who know some of the girls better will have some insight.
Oh... I’ve been to The Chicken Ranch and the Bunny Ranch, and neither one hold a candle to HK in my opinion. For the amount of one party in Nevada, I can spend a whole night in TJ with multiple girls, enjoying a real strip club, and have money left over.
Very good point. And, so in the US, Spanish is a language to learn. It's a really good language. Spanish is the primary language in more countries than any other.
"If want one to talk to, tell your waiter and he will go get a girl that you can talk to."
Well, lots of people have written about waiters sending them girls. But it will always have more effect, short and long term, if you select and approach the girl yourself. There is no substitute for this. And their custom of tip + feel up, sounds excellent. Its words plus contact, plus generosity, which will open a girl up. All kinds of ways to let a girl know that you "want to take care of her", as opposed to thinking that money buys her. And also, if you can kiss her while standing, done well, that will be a better way to start than when she is sitting on your lap. That will have a huge effect on her.
"The fiche drink is their version of a table dance."
And that gets to my main point. You always want time to talk to her. In our local clubs I have paid the full private dance fee just for sit and talk time. Better deal than the private dance. In our local clubs, they can't really do any more than what they can do on stage anyway. Talking to her is always a good deal.
Buying dances is a chump's game. Wrong way to interact with her. She has not opened up to you, she is just performing a mechanical service. In these ejaculation service clubs, if you can't get her DFKing in the front room, then the next best outcome is DATYing her in the dance booth. Has always gone over well for me. And if you do plan to see her outside, that is an excellent way to have started.
Engage in the front room. Invite her to the back room yourself, but only when it is time for your own pants to come down.
Everyone talks about the girls going slow with their ficha drinks. Must be somehow wired into the business and their culture, beyond what is seen in the open.
Of course if you want to be seeing the girl regularly, then spending as much time as possible on that first meeting will always help, extended MSOG session, TLN, etc. Then beyond that seeing her by appointment, and outside of the Zona. Regular electronic contact good.
In my own case once the sexual relationship peaks, which it always will very soon, then I'll have people I'll be introducing her to, first via teleconferencing, then f2f. Women, men, native speakers of her language.
MLB lists all sorts of escort friendly hotels.
As great as the HK Bar sounds, I believe that with experience, it will actually be easier to set up regular liaisons with girls from the lesser bars and from the sidewalk. Few years older makes them easier to relate to, more likely to live in TJ, easier to get them outside of the club, girl less obligated to other people.
Still not sure how far things can go in the HK Miami VIP Room. Some evidence suggests that maybe it can go to front room FS. That would be excellent, because more fluid is always better. Let her feel that primal urge to get a load into her right away. And then you could take her to eat, and then for TLN arriba. If you're going to keep her with you a for a long amount of time, you need to both be entertaining her and feeding her.
Cashman, based on all these discussions and on my own experience locally with the ones I call "The Beloved Latina Escorts", prostitution in Mexico is a lot more gentile. In the US it is often the victims of the middle-class family who end up practicing it, while living destructive lives. In Mexico it is more just about earning a decent living, and that can be a source of pride and solidarity among colleagues.
DV bought the Chicken Ranch and tried to make it into another TJ, but they got tripped up in NV laws. So they go as far as they can, but that seems not to include front room GFE. They still try as hard as they can:
The Message:…
The Team:…
So they send the clearest message which they can. But this is still not a substitute for front room GFE.
Hence, they spent $4 Meg to set up their TJ club.
I related this story before to show how I learned that the initiation, the selection process, is everything. I went to an AMP, not sure if I was going to session. Then I saw one girl in a purple dress out a side door washing her car. I looked her over and decided yes and went in. Talked to the first girl, she brought out another, but it was not the one in the purple dress. I kept explaining about the side door and the car washing.
I had to turn down 5 girls. Finally someone understood me, and went and got her, Donna.
Soon we were in the session room and we just melted together in a full body embrace as she looked right into my eyes. That DFKing would ensue was guaranteed, as we each just completely opened up.
The only way to get great sessions is to allow free form fraternizing, before any commitment is made. You need that front room talking and fondling, and intense DFKing, before departing to the back room.
If there can be also be front room DATYing, preliminary BJing, and FS, then that is even better. In some US dives that is been written about, on couches in darkened corners, more plausible deniability for the owner. Loosens everyone up, best if you plan to be seeing the girl outside, like that night.
The Pahrump GFE Team:…
Not set up for TLN, just session rooms, so technically a 'house of dates', not the other type, 'hooker bar'. So you could find a girl, session with her, and then see her again, maybe outside.
At HK Bar, probably the girls really push the limits with the guys who have checked into a pricey room, maybe extended sessions and TLN, maybe repeat contact.
So with DV, you probably would not be losing anything, making yourself second tier, if you were just in the session room, cause that is all they have.
You could have a multipronged plan. Start at DV. You might still somehow end up doing TLN, like off site.
Then maybe a second tier bar or the street. Same thing, you might end up in TLN.
Otherwise HK Bar and Cascadas, it sounds like late enough TLN is no problem
Then on your return visits you'll have as many as three girls to keep seeing regularly.