
Whiny customers who get twisted up over a dancer

Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Wednesday, May 16, 2018 12:37 PM
There must have been something in the water last night. There were only 6 customers and plenty of dancers to spare, yet two different guys acted liked whiny little cunts because I was tying up a dancer. The first approached her when she was getting off stage and coaxed her to get back on so he could tip her. After whining at her about her spending all her time with me, he gave her a whopping $5 and said "I know this is what you do this for." And then he wonders why she isn't tempted to sit with his goofy looking ass. Of course, all of this was after I gave him shit for trying to play the "I'm a VP at [major financial institution] card, which made me snort and say to him, in front of the same dancer he was trying to impress (my favorite), that his company was busting at the seams with VPs (which is true, lol). Finally, all butt hurt, he pulled her hair the next time he got on stage and was quickly tossed out by the bounder. The second guy was staring at her for easily 30 minutes. Finally, when I got up to piss, he came over and asked her for a dance. She told him that she was busy, to which he responded, "What is he, your pimp?" Idk, maybe it was the white polyester suit that gave him that impression, but it is more likely that he was acting like a whiny bitch because he was hurt that she wouldn't take his cash. ;) Was she the most attractive girl in the club? Yes, at least in my view. But there were a couple of other attractive options that night and nobody spending. There are also larger clubs 5 minutes north or south where they could have found something to scratch their itches. Instead, like whiny self entitled little cunts, they were fixating on the one girl who they couldn't have. For those of you who wonder why she just didn't go do the dances and come back, it is a fair question. I believe that she really wanted my OTC money that night and didn't want to take the chance on another girl swooping in. I have a lot of history in this club and, on any given night, there are at least two or three girls who will gladly leave with me - with the manager's blessing I might add. With so few customers in the club, she was no doubt making a calculated decision in locking down the OTC money. It never ceases to amaze me to see grown men act like that. I guess some guys aren't raised with concepts like dignity and self respect.


  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    There are certain clubs where I go to see ONE dancer. Usually these dancers are popular and are often tied up. Go in, say hi, if she’s tied up I leave and go to another club if there’s no other dancers that peak my interest. One dancer is not going to make or break my night.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    We've been over this 100+ times- some are ok with wifeing & locking down a girl for hours for themselves and themselves only and others see it as a selfish dick move to not give anyone else a chance in a damn *public* club - if the master-lock is constantly getting dances or VIP that's different IMO, but if all he's doing is sitting there like they're on an extended date then give someone else a chance. It's "whining" depending on which side of the PL-coin one chooses to look at - if the master-lock has already spent time with her why not go unto another dancer like the lockers suggest other guys do, why must you be the only one to enjoy her and *nobody else*, it's a selfish dick-move - just like the locker likes her and only wants her, so do others also want her - if the locker is unwilling to move onto someone else, then don't ask that of the other PL. A happy/fair medim is for a particular custy to have preference but not exclusivity, it's a public club (open to everyone of age) and everyone should be allowed to enjoy what the club has to offer, not just a handful of custies that seem to manipulate the situation/system at the expense of most other custies
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    But whining always looks bad. There are better ways of handling it, like maybe capping the locker's ass.
  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    You can have her. I am no longer in the habit of "competing" for strippers. I think its a bigger problem if the club only has one stripper i really want that bad and cant have her. Im going elsewhere in that case. at the other extreme is the "regulars clubs" where all* the strippers are locked down. Im also going elsewhere in that case.
  • EzilyConfuzd
    6 years ago
    Quoth the homepage: "Everything written on this site should be considered a work of fiction."
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Papi, that's exactly the mentality that I just don't understand. Since when is another human being a public commodity? Shouldn't she be free to choose how she spends her time? Why should dances/VIPs be the only way that she is allowed to earn money? If she believes that staying with one guy for a period of time is in her overall economic best interest (which it probably was as I'm sure that I made her night), who are you or anyone else to tell her otherwise? As far as selfishness is concerned, why in the world am I supposed to worry about other guys in the club? I was having a great time with her and it was a prelude to even more fun. It's a strip club, not a food bank. If another guy wants her more than me, then all he has to do is prove to her that it is worth her time to go to him. Oh, and a whiny butt hurt customer is always a pussy, regardless of whether I am the "master locker" or lose out to another guy. Like anyone, I lose out to bigger fish sometimes, but I can promise that you'll never see me behaving like that. That's because I understand where I am and that the girl is going to act in her own self interest first - see above re: free will. The right thing to do is to find another option or go home, not to act out like a self entitled baby.
  • Uprightcitizen
    6 years ago
    Is this like the opposite of being out with a hot girl and your attractiveness goes up with other girls who want some of you too? In your case customer sees guy who has a lock on an attractive girl and ignores another attractive girl because, well she must be worth being with. So, he wants her too. Yea kinda dumb but maybe its the "I want that too" effect.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    @upright: I think you're on to something. They wanted what they couldn't have. @Ezily: I wish this was a tall tale, but sadly I'm not even embellishing the report. If anything, I've left some of the ankle biting behavior out due to a combo of laziness and hazy memories from the Jack.
  • Dolfan
    6 years ago
    I really don't get the entitled mentality. I don't really see the issue either way, at least as far as occupying a dancer and attempting to pry her away. When it comes to prying her away, its a bit of a short leash though. Acting like a whiny bitch is a bad look. Pulling hair, trying to impress with a job title, etc are examples of bad behavior. When it comes to locking her up, provided its not some form of coercion, I don't see an issue. As far as I'm concerned, its not in the slightest a "selfish, dick move" to lock down a stripper all day/night. Its just part of the game. I don't feel entitled to the company of any stripper, but I certainly lock down a stripper all damn day or night on the regular. I'll often tell the "locked down" stripper she's welcome to work the club if she wants, especially if I see guys trying to pry her away. She knows when I say that I'm probably not gonna sit with my thumb up my ass and wait, so if she strays I may stray too. She makes the decision to hang with me for some benefit to her that she percieves is greater to the . Some days, I "appear" to be locking down a stripper or group of strippers, but I'm really not. I'm probably buying drinks or food or something, and if a girl smelt money elsewhere they'd bolt in a heartbeat. A guy indicating interest without coming off as high maintenance is very likely to get the girl, but a guy who seems like he's gonna make her work hard and/or feel like shit for $20 or so and she'll probably decide to come back and have a drink with me and her stripper friends. On the flip side, I don't have 100% success rate locking down the stripper of my choice. When it doesn't work out, I find another stripper to play with or somehow find entertainment elsewhere. There should be no shame/issue with indicating interest to a stripper, as I mentioned above. She may just be with that customer because he's providing some small benefit and she doesn't work the room, maybe she's lazy, complacent, doesn't want the emotional stress, whatever. But, if she's made a decision to spend her time elsewhere I'm just gonna move on. Maybe I'll be back another day and try again, maybe I'll never see her again. i won't however beg to pay for pussy, as the wise and illustrious Lopaw once said. Maybe someday UNICEF will get into the strip club game, but until then... (Joe Dirt, for the unenlightened)
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    It seems like a simple case of - the grass is always greener. In what you describe - those two guys pulled every trick to get what they couldn’t have - and failed. I don’t understand that mentality at all. Strip clubs offer a buffet of sexy girls - and if one is busy - I’m happy to move to another. Dancers aren’t an interchangeable commodity. Each one offers something different - and uniquely sexy. If I’m enjoying sitting and chatting with a dancer - I don’t give a shit if some butt hurt, entitled douche gets his panties in a bunch because I’m chatting her up. That’s his problem - not mine. I may need to order one of those sweet polyester suits - as I’ve heard the dancers flock to them like flies on shit! With new fabrics - they must be water proof, jizz proof - and stripper-pussy juice proof too!
  • grand1511
    6 years ago
    In a free country, dancers should be free to choose who they sit with. Simple as that. I've had a few faves that liked to hang out with me over working for whatever reason. I'd usually say something like "I understand if yo need to get back on the clock and work the room, but I really enjoy your company" and almost always they stick in there for the long haul.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    So did The System deliver? Rick, did you end up in a motel with her? SJG
  • GeneraI
    6 years ago
    A girl sitting with me once was told by the host that someone was looking for her. I told her she could go if she wanted, I said you gotta pay the bills, and she smiled and said, yeah but you pay the rent.
  • stripfighter
    6 years ago
    I've been on both sides of it. The thing is the ones who spend most of their time on the lesser side aren't doing enough to get the locked down girl's attention. Man up and play the game, open your wallet, and do something. Instead they whine and moan about "fairness" in a god damn strip club. These are the same guys complaining about guys spending real money, girls having GPS, or any number of things they can't afford or accomplish. I say wait your turn or enjoy the scraps.
  • Chili Palmer
    6 years ago
    It takes two people to agree to be locked down...the PL *and* the dancer. If the dancer didn't want to spend time with a PL (in this case, RickDugan), then she'd simply leave. If a dancer I want is on lock down, I move on to Plan B. My mantra, as always in this situations is, "I want a lap dance. I don't *need* a lap dance." But, more than anything, this post proves just how much you LOOOVVVEEE dancer drama in your life. 30 years, thousands of club visits, and never once have I had an experience such as yours with other customers, which actually repeated itself twice in one visit.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    CP posted: ---. "But, more than anything, this post proves just how much you LOOOVVVEEE dancer drama in your life. 30 years, thousands of club visits, and never once have I had an experience such as yours with other customers, which actually repeated itself twice in one visit." You could be right. OR, after 20 years and many more nights than I care to admit in clubs, this was an unusual enough experience that I found it worthy of a post here. Given your more quick strike M.O., I'm not surprised that this hasn't been an issue for you. I've had rare instances of milder forms of this in the past, especially since I tend to spend more time with some of the girls that I deal with, but never anything like this. As far as dancer drama, I could only be accused of loving it if I sought it out, which I did not. I was sitting there happy as a clam, drinking Jack and enjoying my time with this flirtatious beauty, when out of the blue this shit started.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    CP posted: ---. "But, more than anything, this post proves just how much you LOOOVVVEEE dancer drama in your life. 30 years, thousands of club visits, and never once have I had an experience such as yours with other customers, which actually repeated itself twice in one visit." You could be right. OR, after 20 years and many more nights than I care to admit in clubs, this was an unusual enough experience that I found it worthy of a post here. Given your more quick strike M.O., I'm not surprised that this hasn't been an issue for you. I've had rare instances of milder forms of this in the past, especially since I tend to spend more time with some of the girls that I deal with, but never anything like this. As far as dancer drama, I could only be accused of loving it if I sought it out, which I did not. I was sitting there happy as a clam, drinking Jack and enjoying my time with this flirtatious beauty, when out of the blue this shit started.
  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    Yeah. They arent being held hostage. I still think some of of them would rather sit and not work the room. I wonder if these are the same hoes that hide in the dressing room instead of talking to new customers.
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    Is this a story of Rickyboy going to 8 Mile and looking down a stripper whore and thugs getting jealous?
  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    "she and I will spend 6 or 8 hours together" What in the actual fuck could be so interesting to talk about for 6 to 8 hours???
  • jester214
    6 years ago
    Not every guy in the strip club is a frequent customer who understands what's going on here. If I didn't know the score I would probably also be annoyed if a stripper turned down my money to sit with someone who seemingly wasn't spending any.
  • scgato
    6 years ago
    There are a couple of clubs I go to that the managers and most girls know me. If I want somebody for the whole night, most would take the guaranteed money. Which is a lot easier than working the floor and getting rejected.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    Once I enter a club, the only thing I'm entitled to is a nude girl on stage. That's it. Full stop. How a dancer decides to spend her time off stage is 100% her decision (even if I think it's a bad decision). The most I'll do to "dislodge" a dancer is approach while she's on stage and let her know that I'd like to spend money on her if she finds herself suddenly unattached. Sometimes that works; sometimes it doesn't.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    -->"If I didn't know the score I would probably also be annoyed if a stripper turned down my money to sit with someone who seemingly wasn't spending any." Not only do I know the score, but I'm the guy who is usually bogarting a stripper for 4 hours... and I STILL get annoyed when someone else does it to me. It's frustrating to be at a strip club and not get the experience you want with the girl you want, whereas another guy is clearly getting the experience HE wants with the girl you want. But, I don't think the guy is being selfish or a jerk, he's doing what I would do if I could. It's why I go at slow times and set up appointments, but of course not everyone has that option, particularly the guys who are going for variet
  • loper
    6 years ago
    Not being jealous can be a feature. I once had a girl with whom I regularly get LDs come up to me and tell me how much she appreciated that I didn't get jealous when she was with someone else. She then gave me an exceptional experience. Told her I knew she was there to make money, but I enjoyed her company when I could get it.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    man. the drama in the club. i used to think the girls support each other and the customers were all polite, generous and sharing.
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    I have locked up dancers plenty of times. Usually they are CFs I regularly spend a lot of time with. I have also been on the other side, where I tip a dancer on stage and ask her to come see me but she goes back to sit with her regular. That's life. [view link]
  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    I like how Ishmael summed it up. It always baffles me when people get bent out of shape over trivial things in life. Sure, we’d all like our pick of strippers whenever we show up but it’s just not something to stress over and then act like children about it.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Good point Huntsman (and Ishmael). Real life - outside of strip clubs is stressful enough. When I’m in a club - I prefer to avoid drama and stress. By going after dancers who are into other customers - it creates stress.
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    It must be me or my luck but 1) I've yet to been in a club where there was only one dancer I liked. So there are always choices. 2) Nine times out of ten I can at the very least get the girl I like to come over and talk/dance/drink for part of the night. 3) The other time when I can't typically at some point she will come to the bar and the bartender (where I sit and who I tip) will introduce me to her if we haven't met. justme-- "man. the drama in the club. i used to think the girls support each other and the customers were all polite, generous and sharing." Yes and not.....on the surface the girls all support each other.........dig a little deeper and not so much.
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