
oral sex on HK girls

Tuesday, May 15, 2018 3:18 PM
What are your guys opinions on giving oral sex to a hot chick from Hong Kong Gentlemans club? Just curious because I have talked with other guys at the club and it seems to be 50/50. None of the guys who give oral sex have gotten anything, they say. It tempts me Everytime I go obviously. Never had an STD and I don't want one but I love eating pussy! Another question, if you did give oral sex would you go free and clear or use a dental dam (vagina condom)? The girls use a condom on you so why not use one on them?m Maybe even some of the guys who have not been to HK chime in, would or wouldn't you give oral to a hottie?


  • Lone_Wolf
    6 years ago
    Everybody should do their own research but from what I've read daty is one of lower risk activities for getting an STD. Not sure if I would do it with a tj honey though.
  • ime
    6 years ago
    Why would you want to give oral to a pussy that has had miles and miles of dick in it....to each his own but eating hooker pussy, no thanks.
  • Caracoge
    6 years ago
    After reading about mofos barebacking these girls, eating them would be on the bottom of my list
  • JohnSmith69
    6 years ago
    Eat a pussy that probably has had a dozen dicks in it per night? No ducking way.
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    Eating a regular dancer that just started her shift fresh after doing a sniff test on her is one thing, eating a production line whore is a whole nother can of worms. No thank you!
  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    Go for it! You should be front room dfk'ing them too!
  • sinclair
    6 years ago
    Eating out your girlfriend is one thing, but to eat out a hooker? No way, Jose. Didn't Michael Douglas get throat cancer from std's picked up during oral sex?
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    What the heck is a dental dam ?
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    I think you should ask this question by taking it one step further..... If it was your last night before you were getting executed, would you eat a hot TJ girl’s pussy? Consider it like a last supper. Yes or no?
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    That could be a yes, still depending on her freshness. A spoiled last supper is not the way to exit.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    "Didn't Michael Douglas get throat cancer " __________ Yes, that's HPV throat cancer. You can also pick up herpes and syphilis via DATY.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    At the best of our underground Mexican bar table dancing clubs, if you hadn't kissed the girl, but you are massaging her tits or pussy, then probably she will climb onto you f2f and then lower herself down and get her nose side by side with yours and press forehead to forehead. Eitherway, once you kiss her, she will probably give you pussy in the face, direct contact, and pulling her thong aside. About the TJ HK bar, they have talked about all the stage side DATYing on Jerry Springer. Lots have posted about front room DATYing. POsts about their main floor dance booth being used for DATYing as standard, and with the standard DFK session. But if you like, you can live like Howard Hughes, hypochondriacle illnesses and paranoid fears, all carpets and and furniture covered in plastic, all food and drink heat sterilized, and of course no one could touch him. SJG
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    Holy fuck that's a huge no on an HK girl. I will admit to using a dental dam on a couple of FBSM girls in the past. You of course lose all the sensation, slipperiness, texture; there's a little psychological thrill. I'd recommend it if the thrill for you is particularly mental rather than the sensation; the girls claim and act as if it still feels really good but I'll leave it as an exercise to the reader to decide how much of that is acting.
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    To me latinas are goddesses from heaven absolutely most beautiful women in the world! I would do everything but no daty no bbfs no matter how gorgeous they are to risky!
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    I guess Countryman and I will just have to agree to disagree. SJG
  • galiziabob.sabbatical
    6 years ago
    Haha. We are on the same page. Tempting but no! Lots of dudes at HK do it though. Everytime I have been I have seen numerous guys during the shaving cream show bury there face into a pussy. You know they do the same upstairs. Seems like 100% of us are on the same page, except maybe @TheeOSU. Have you been?
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    No way would I eat a Mexican whore! I’ve thought twice about fucking NYC whores with a condom - and those girls promised me they were clean. So I knew it was true. Lol!
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Is it really shaving cream? Why not whipped cream? So have you been in their VIP roooms? Prefer to hook up with girls there, or down on the first floor around the main stage? Does front room friendliness go even further in the VIP Rooms? DATYing? FS? SJG
  • DeclineToState
    6 years ago
    Easily transmittable from DATY: HPV(from genital warts), syphilis. Not quite as easily transmittable from DATY but still transmittable: Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, HSV-2 (from genital herpes). Would I even consider it on an HK girl: Fuck no.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ^^^^ Prefer to live on a sterilized hospital ward? SJG
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    i guess i'm gonna die.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    > Prefer to live on a sterilized hospital ward? After some of the nurses I have met, oh yeah! That's an easy one. If things went really well on the ward, no visas or coyotes would even need to be involved to take one home to Mom.
  • jaredlucas
    6 years ago
    No. No. Fuck No. Ever.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    No. Just no.
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    Back in 1961 during my first ever trip to TJ with 3 of my buddies, I witnessed 1 of them on stage. One of the putas was lying on her back on the rail around the stage. She had one guy sucking on each tit and one guy eating her pussy. I'm happy to report that he was only one of the tit guys. We were young and dumb but not that dumb. For more on this see my article.
  • Salty.Nutz
    6 years ago
    no way dude...unless your name is flagooner yes
  • Salty.Nutz
    6 years ago
    its a bukkake in your mouth
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    ^ Comment of the day winner!
  • JAprufrock
    6 years ago
    I did this with two girls during separate shaving cream shows at HK in January. Wouldn't call it eating them out, but licking their outer lips for about 10 seconds or so. Got caught up in the moment. They were smoking hot and I hadn't licked pussy in years. I wouldn't recommend it and I won't do it again -- unless my defenses fail me. And I'll regret it later if I cave in to my weakness.
  • larryfisherman
    6 years ago
    My opinion is that I would never do that.
  • Uprightcitizen
    6 years ago
    Reason says no so I would resist that temptation knowing she is high volume and there are creampie daredevils out there. Where are our bare back TJ adventurers to comment and call us all pussies?
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Talk show accounts and videos of the stage side DATYing. Accounts of their first floor dance booth show that DATY is one of its most common uses. People have talked about front room BBBJing in the Miami VIP room. Looks like it is set up to encourage that and also DATYing and also more. And then people rent rooms like this and take their girl in the Jacuzzi and they order room service food, I am sure that spending so much time with the girl, that they never consider DATYing her. I'm sure they are up there with her because they see her as contaminated flesh. So if you guys on this thread see them as contaminated flesh, then why don't you just stay away from them. Is 500' enough? 1000'? SJG Creep Sheet [view link]
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    No one would ever DATY a girl in a room like this: [view link] SJG
  • Dblednmike
    6 years ago
    Ok. I’ll cop to it, I have. It’s what I like more than anything else. There are other riskier activities I haven’t and won’t do, but this is my weakness. I only do it after we bathe together, and I gargle with Listerene immediately afterwards. I have to have a comfort level with her and a little booze helps too.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Girls in the mid-mileage places talk about all they won't do, and cite hygienic reasons. But we know that if it were Brad Pitt asking them, they'd never refuse anything. Same for guys who see the girls as corrupted flesh. Its simply because they like looking down on them, see them as lower social status. So yes, in the US clubs these guys get their wallets sucked dry via dances, chump stuff. Well, these guys deserve it. So if you look down on the TJ girls, then make it 1000' minimum distance, to protect yourself from their corrupting contaminating influence. SJG
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    i was deprived of nice clean bald pussy until after my separation and divorce from my ex of 35 years. i never knew that pussy can smell clean and look so inviting. i wasn’t into porn... and experiencing strip clubs until i was an old fart.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    And smell is closely linked to taste! And women have an extremely high capacity! Justme62 +25 I take it you stay two nights and all 'cause of their VIP Card System. Ever use the VIP Rooms, get girls in there, any advantages? Should we pass a law against marriage? Should SCOTUS just declare it to be in violation of the 14th Amendment? SJG Bad Love - Clapton [view link]
  • ime
    6 years ago
    SJG prefers the pussy he eats pussy to be the same as with pussy of his lady boys, with cum.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Che, so if you see the TJ women as tainted flesh, be sure to keep at least 1000' away from them, and from any US women you feel the same way about. SJG
  • DeclineToState
    6 years ago
    @justme62: “i never knew that pussy can smell clean and look so inviting.” Friend of mine whose marriage ended due to affair with wife's best friend, he said mistress's pussy smelled and tasted like peaches. I've always wondered what that'd be like. Anybody here tasted peaches or other non-fishy flavors?
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    For any who see TJ girls or US strip club girls as contaminated or corrupted, maybe asking you to stay a minimum of 1000' away is unreasonable. So direct from the Dutch Army we have a solution, full body rubber condom: [view link] For the rest of us, smell and taste are closely linked. A girl's perfume is supposed to enhance her natural smells, not to cover them up. So after you and she part company, that you still get this composite smell is a huge turn on. Likewise for taste, they make these flavored water based edible lubes, enhances her pussy taste, but does not cover it up. It all will make for a permanent sensory impression. SJG
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    Video of Bill Gates mocking our president for not knowing the difference between HIV and HPV: [view link] Amazing ignorance.
  • Uprightcitizen
    6 years ago
    This thread is devolving. C'mon where are the actual TJ dirty PL's? Its beginning to read like stripperweb in here. "Never me!!!"
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    abajo! Thats for when you want the girl on stage to lower herself down for nuzzling, DFKing, titty sucking, and then DATYing. SJG
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