
Comments by Subraman (page 156)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I gave up on S/A
    -->"And worst of all, got rinsed for 2 grand, which actually was a long term (4 months) arrangement, but we never got to mutually beneficial. I know, my mistake!" Ouch! Sorry about that! I have to admit I'm surprised a tuscler could get rinsed like that. I understand a regular shmo getting taken for a ride, but most tusclers are battle-hardened through stripper skirmishes -- hell, most of the guys here refuse to pay $20 in advance for a lapdance, much less thousands in advance...
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I gave up on S/A
    -->"I'm curious what you were accused of to get suspended. I basically never discuss sex or money via the SA messaging system, always take it to text after a little get-acquainted chatting." SA won't tell you why you were suspended. Somebody reported him for some reason or other, and/or whatever fraud protection software they're using keeps getting triggered. I *do* discuss sex and money via the SA messaging system -- although since FOSTA have admittedly gotten more subtle about it and like you have increasingly been moving it to text instead -- and I've been suspended 0 times. If I'd been suspended multiple times, I'd be really closely looking at my behavior.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I just make them raise their right-hand and swear they are clean - then its all BBJ's & FS
    Asian Sex Slave
    -->"ToyChaser, PhatBoy99, and SCPandit are all trolls, and all possibly Trucidos." How in the world is this not glaringly obvious to everyone? Sheesh
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Washington DC
    An overview of murgering with HIV
    And probably the same troll. Okay, where's our other trolls to come in here and remind us how clever, funny, and entertaining the trolls are here?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Last trip to SF SCs
    If "worthwhile" means extras, then I agree that MBOT is likely the best choice. If it's a weak shift, you can always re-locate to Crazy Horse. If no extras and drinking is fine, do a Gold Club and Hustler for dayshift, or Condor at night
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Literally make your heart race ?
    -->"Would it happen if you were in more delivery oriented clubs, instead of ones which sell more fantasy instead of delivery?" No difference at all... if anything, I find no-extras girls more desirable in general. I totally understand why no-extras girls at high end clubs make more than girls at extras clubs, generally ... no guy is buying a $900 champagne room at an extras club; meanwhile, the hottest girls are selling those like candy at the higher-end dejavu clubs in the city, on nightshift. My cycle is See-Want-Tequila-SetUpOTC-HopeSheShowsUp. Come to think of it, the "hope she shows up" part does still get my heart pounding
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    6 years ago
    Literally make your heart race ?
    Happened all the time when I was younger. I used to absolutely love it. There have been a few women who, just seeing them on the floor, my heart would start to pound. Doesn't really happen anymore, alas.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I entered the dragon and was never the same
    Honk kong
    EXcellent to know, much appreciated!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I entered the dragon and was never the same
    Honk kong
    I may take an HK trip one of these days, but WetWilly hit on one of the questions I had -- based on the few reviews I've read, HK doesn't sound much like a strip club, even an extras strip club. Not a criticism, just an observation... Guess I'll have to experience it for myself to see :)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Better than FKK clubs.
    lol... looking at pics of fetish events, or even professional-quality pics of pro dommes, triples my appreciation for how beautiful & sexy top-tier strippers are. Same goes for AMP and FBSM ads, for that matter
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can you actually "Sleep" with a stripper?
    i have the same comments for hotel safe as for just hiding your cash and credit cards -- if you don't know her so well that you feel like you have to do that, maybe sleeping with her isn't the best idea.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can you actually "Sleep" with a stripper?
    -->"At a hotel, yes. Making sure my cash and credit cards were well-hidden." I can understand this feeling, especially if we're talking theoretically. As a practical matter, though, I've only slept with strippers who I knew well enough that I didn't feel like I have to hide my cash and credit cards in the first place. But, by the time we're sleeping together, our relationship is already vaguely arrangement-ish. Not saying I'd never do it -- I'm sure with a hot enough chick, if I got buzzed enough, if she wanted to stay over I wouldn't kick her out -- but at least in theory, I'm going to continue to try to live up to "if I can't trust her not to rifle through my wallet, what in the world am I doing falling asleep next to her?"
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I'll tell you what question this thread brought up: I continue to not understand how it happens so fucking frequently, that a guy who otherwise can spell the rest of his post correctly, seems to have 3rd grade spelling skills when he writes the topic? Is it that he calmly writes his post, but then gets so excited when he's about to post that he fucks up on the topic? Are guys purposely making mistakes in the topic to get more attention?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What kind of dancer do you look for ?
    Yeah, I should mention that there really aren't great extras clubs here. When there WERE great extra clubs here, looks and overall sexual desirability trumped personality -- I was a variety guy when I was primarily an extras club customer. Changed my MO when I had to change to no-extras clubs with lower contact
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Questioning Tijuana stripper motives to OTC or request my phone number
    -->"Though it hasn’t happened yet, lets say I get an OTC request... Why would she want to hang outside the club with someone who’s only a walking ATM?" The fact that you phrased this in such a deprecating way means you're probably best not to partake. Your relationship is service provider and customer. Why in the world wouldn't a service provider want to make more money from her customer? Especially in an environment where management doesn't take a cut? And exact what business person in the world doesn't want their customers to have their phone numbers, in order to arrange meetings, do marketing outreach, etc? The only way this is even remotely confusing is if you haven't emotionally made the separation between provider/customer and girlfriend/boyfriend, right? -->"I’ve read stories about Thailand bar girls stringing dozens of men along, constantly requesting money, making each guy think he’s special. I’ve also read stories about men who got exploited by Nevada’s Mustang Ranch girls. As in being asked to help with moves, etc." I don't see how any service provider can string me along, given that I'm only giving her money if we have sex. If you know in advance you're vulnerable to this type of manipulation, best to be ultra cautious. No criticism here, many of us have made these types of mistakes -- once. I certainly have. I figure if you don't learn from the first time, to some extent you deserve what's coming next
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What kind of dancer do you look for ?
    I'm looking for the hottest girl I can find. But, I'm a hang-out-for-4-hours ATFer, rather than a variety guy, so for her to stay, she needs an outstanding fun personality, and I will effortlessly jettison a 9 who lacks in the department. I'd say her looks have to be 7.5 and up, and her personality needs to be an 8.5 and up
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Sometimes a PL snatches victory from the jaws of defeat
    damn... is it getting dusty in here?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Last night I was "that guy"
    I was kidding, gmd... I've seen enough of these stories to know they happen a good amount.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Attitude on stripper web.
    -->"Has any TUSCL PL ever been with a stripperweb stripper? And what was she like IRL?" A number have. Most significantly, Chili Palmer has claimed (right on SW) to have met over a couple dozen of them, a claim which notably no one challenged. He claims the girls are nothing like their personas, and the vast majority do extras -- even though those same girls have the SW militantly-anti-extras personas I believe we get at StripperWeb: 1. A lot of regular strippers, the type we tuscl guys run into and patronizing, who have built a fake persona and bought into the consensual SW-delusion of strip clubs, in order to both fit in, and have some pressure relief venting... and perhaps fantasize about being an ice cold bad bitch hustler type who preys on men. This is most of the girls on tuscl, and the ones Chili has met, 2. a few actual, worst-of-the-worst, ice cold bad bitch hustler types who really do act that way in the club, and who have set the overall tone for the forum -- and who most tusclers never run into or we dismiss immediately, so it's like we occupy a different strip club than them, even though we're there at the same time. 3. Just regular strippers who haven't created a persona that's a complete mis-match from how they act in the club. There are definitely some girls like that, but groups 1 & 2 are who we tend to notice more
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Last night I was "that guy"
    Postscript: "Dave" is really her boyfriend, and he gets kickbacks :)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Picture of Sum Ass i wouldnt Eat as requested lol
    I call bullshit! No way you wouldn't eat all 3 of those, juice! :)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Making It Rain - Help me to understand this.
    DB... someone might be shining you on. The girls love guys who make it rain. Up to hundreds of dollars just for dancing around, the club isn't allowed to take a cut (in most or all jurisdictions), no having to wiggle around on some geezer or touch his junk? I've never met a stripper who doesn't enjoy it, as long as the rainmaker isn't a douche and trying to get dollars into her pussy etc.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Making It Rain - Help me to understand this.
    Honestly, here is the right answer: https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/61IiTLlHTuL._UX510_.jpg Ha ha! I do really think this behavior is tied up in inner city conspicuous consumption culture, and I (like most of us who find our way to tuscl) have a hard time getting it -- I find conspicuous consumption gauche and declasse, and if there's something I can't abide, it's a declasse strip club (lol). I'll never understand spending all that money just to put on airs for the rest of the club. On the other hand, I see this behavior almost never in the clubs I go to.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Sitting at someone else's tip at the stage
    It's a dick move, but not something to do the slow simmer over. Most of the time, I make sure to get the stripper's attention when I drop the tip, even going so far as to time my walk up for when she's turning to look in my direction. Whether or not a PL is sitting there, I want "credit" for my tip :)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Any local SF mongers
    I don't go to CH anymore to give you recommendations (even if I knew you), unfortunately. It took me a while to separate the wheat from the considerable chaff. Only specific advice I can give you is that it's worth sitting at stage and tipping a few dollars each song (the girls are nude, and will usually do mini-laps stageside for just a few dollars), the lap dances are nicely high mileage as well and worth getting in advance to see if she gives a great dance, or starts upselling right away.