
Sometimes a PL snatches victory from the jaws of defeat

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Sunday, June 24, 2018 11:27 AM
From a recent review of St James Houston: "... I got an evening pass from the warden on Saturday night. The official excuse was that I was going to the Astro’s game. The Astro’s won on Saturday night in over time. So did I. I never really intended to go to the game. I do go sometimes, but last night I had other ambitions. I headed straight to St. James (known to the faithful as “the Church” where I had a marvelous time the last time I was here in mid-May. I met an absolutely magnificent specimen of feminine beauty and I was so desperate to see her again. When I showed up at the Church, the parking lot was still a bit empty, especially for a Saturday. “Maybe a lot of guys went to the game,” I thought to myself, wondering whether I should have gone to the game as well. But I had more urgent matters on my mind as I marched myself into the Church and found my seat at a pew fairly close to the alter. The pink meat buffet did not look too promising but I reminded myself that my evening had gotten off to a miserably slow start on my last visit when I met that incredible cafe au lait hottie. Perhaps the gods of depravity would smile upon my miserable soul again tonight. I prayed reverently for temptation but none arrived. A couple of over-fed, over-the-hill mamas did come along and offered to flush my pipes for me, but my spirit was unmoved. As I sipped on my second drink, my beastly ambitions still in full flower, I did at least see a couple of dancers “who would do in a pinch.” But I kept my faith and continued to wait for that ferociously sexy hottie I met my last time here. I waited ... and waited ... and waited and waited. As I polished off the last of my second drink and contemplated ordering a third, I had to begin considering the very real possibility that the godess I met in May was not going to show up tonight. For all I knew, she didn’t even work regularly at the Church. Perhaps she was a visiting cleric from Los Angeles or Miami or Omaha. OK, probably not from Omaha. At least now there were a two or three more dancers “who would do in a pinch.” I seriously considered giving up on my lofty ambitions and settling for one of these ladies. But, alas, I had waited too long. The dancers worth settling for had already been snagged by other members of the congregation. I was screwed! It wasn’t really too late to head to the game, and even though that wasn’t really what I was in the mood for, I considered hopping in my car and heading downtown to see the Astros play Kansas City. I gulped the last of my drink (just melted ice water at this point) and headed out the door. Walking through the parking lot toward my car I spotted a lovely young lady, obviously a dancer who was just now showing up for work. As we walked towards each other (me on my way to my car and her on her way to the club entrance), I began to wonder ... could it be? Was it possible? Yes, it was the divine inspiration I had met last month! She looked at me as if trying to remember whether she had met be before. Then her dazzling smile indicated that she realized we’d met before. She approached and gave me a hug while asking if I had a wonderful time in the club and expressing disappointment that she had not been here in time to see me before I left. Tellingly, she asked whether I had another “double-header” tonight (a reference to my “second coming” the last time we had spent time together in the Church). I was surprised and flattered that she remembered me (although I suspect it was my generosity that she really remembered). I admitted that I had struck out in the club this evening. I told her I was hoping to see her and chose not to spend time with any of the other girls who were working tonight. She flashed her dazzling smile and said, “Well, I’m here now!” She looked so hot even in her “street clothes” without stilettos and wearing a hell of a lot more than she was wearing the last time I saw her. I considered going back into the club so I could let her bring me to religious exctasy again like the last time I was here. While I pondered the possibility, she put her arm in mine and said, “I’m not really in the mood to go in there tonight. Where shall we go?” I looked at her with more than the usual amount of perplexity on my face. Did she really mean what she was implying? “You don’t have to hurry home, do you?” “No, I told my wife I was going to the baseball game.” “Where would you like to go?” The mischievous look on her face left no doubt about the nature of her offer. As If to drive home her point, she added, “I remember what a generous gentleman you are.” She was right on the first compliment; but dead wrong on the second one. “How about the Greenspoint Hilton?” I asked. “I’ll follow you in my car!” There was that dazzling, brain-melting smile again. Fortunately the Hilton at Greenspoint is close by. One of the many reasons I chose it. As I said at the outset, the Astros won in over time. So did I! The Astros did not have a double header on Saturday night. But I did. I NEVER before had an outside the club encounter with a dancer. There is a first time for everything. Glory Hallelujah! [view link]


  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    damn... is it getting dusty in here?
  • blahblahblah23
    6 years ago
    Omg they have some fine literature here! LOL
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    If all reviews were written like this, TUSCL would certainly be up for a Pulitzer.
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    "It's getting hot in here so take off all your clothes"
  • IceyLoco
    6 years ago
  • rogertex
    6 years ago
    Splendid. I wish that lucky bastard allocated a couple of paragraphs to describe the trophy dancer he walked away with .... thanks Papi, good eye
  • abqspencer
    6 years ago
    My God, now THAT'S an excellent save for the evening
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    'love' in a strip club... show me something better...
  • anthony6613
    6 years ago
    Sweet. Great review.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Great review? How the hell did that review make it through the screening process? It's more like a good article. It tells me next to nothing about the club. No mention of prices. No description of layout.
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    Play ball indeed, that was an enjoyable read!
  • crotchrocket
    6 years ago
    The Reverend is one of the best reviewers on the site.
  • rh48hr
    6 years ago
    Flagooner makes a valid point, but considering submitting articles is not available, I think a review is an acceptable alternative for this particular story.
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    The only point i got from the whole review was that i didn't know that there was overtime in baseball...
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