
Comments by Subraman (page 157)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Picture of an Ass id eat
    -->"There is no ass that juice wouldn't eat" That's a good point. Much better thread topic for juice: "Pic of an ass I wouldn't eat". :)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Can you actually "Sleep" with a stripper?
    I've slept with my strippers. Always ATFs ... and my experience on SA has shown me that my ATF model has always been pretty arrangement-ish. The point being, I know these girls pretty well by the time we're sleeping together, not worried about waking up with a kidney (or my wallet) missing, pretty open about what type of emergency procedures should be initiated if I wake up at 3am with a hardon, what her position is vis-a-vis spooning (I try to negotiate to be the little spoon, but you never know), etc. In short, would not sleep with a random stripper or even this month's CF. But I'm always looking to find a more arrangement-ish ATF, and will sleep with them as often as possible. I've written before about one ATF a few years ago, where she lived far away and had trouble making it to work remotely on time in the morning (and always suffering big fines for it); that girl downright loved it that we'd set up our OTC for the night before she worked, I'd get a hotel right around the corner from the club, we'd party at night, I'd kick her awake at 10:30, and she'd take the walk of shame to the club and arrive on time
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I just make them raise their right-hand and swear they are clean - then its all BBJ's & FS
    How do you mongers feel about me being LE that P4P?
    While I'm more than a little skeptical that this isn't a manufactured persona, I will say that I've known LEOs and COs, and as a group, those guys are the most rowdy partiers and mongers.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper photos on your cell phone.
    -->"^ don’t feel bad, I haven’t ever gotten any either. But I’ve only ever asked one dancer and she isn’t comfortable with sending pics." FYI, I rarely ask for pics, usually they just send them. Note I'm an ATFer, though, so the girls have a low risk and possible high reward for sending them. I imagine variety guys and occasional CFers don't get such unsolicited pics as often. I also have pics and vids -- taken with consent -- when we're OTCing, which are particularly awesome memories
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere in the USA on any given day
    Do strippers and escorts ever really retire.......
    IME, I've known strippers who are determined to make a clean break, often by getting a new phone with a new number and not bring their contacts and text messages over. I suppose that still leaves them in a position to recover anyone who is an Instagram/Kik/WhatsApp/Snapchat/etc contact though. But there are definitely those girls who don't delete contacts...
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper photos on your cell phone.
    Definitely keep the pics! I enjoy going through the old memories now and then. I'd run from a girl with business cards, man!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    crazy horse sf
    sjg , No one is getting front room makeout sessions. If you're not a regular or very very lucky, you won't be finding FS. If you're not a regular or somewhat lucky, no front room friendliness.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    crazy horse sf
    CH has been more of a club for regulars for a bunch of years now. There are still some real gems there, and the regulars know who they are; prices for the private booths have gotten crazy, but otherwise, a regular with a good girl can have fun in there. As just some transient PL, you're pretty likely to run into a higher hustle or ROB girl there. Nevertheless, if you must go to an extras club in SF, and limited extras is acceptable, CH would be at the top of the list. The others are worse
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dickey's BBQ
    Have to agree w/ Papi, shadow... not really impressed with Dickie's, it's fine for a convenient middling-chain bbq restaurant, but usually would pass it up for better offerings
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Going to the club with no intention of getting private dance
    The only time I EVER go to the club without planning to buy private dances, is if I'm with a bunch of rookies ... e.g., bachelor party, etc. Then I pretty much know we'll be sitting around buying shots, getting other guys lapdances to "embarrass" them, and yelling Ohhhh whenever any stripper does anything super "wild" like twerking or spanking her own ass or shakign her titties at us
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    Escort asking for a selfie of you just before going to her room
    -->"Couldn't she have just taken your photo with her phone when you got to her room?" That wouldn't work if part of the reason she wanted the pic was: - To make sure he wasn't the undercover officer who arrested her last month - To make sure he wasn't the abusive customer or pimp trying to get in to see her under a different name - To take the pic and, as DbledMike said, put it on a blackmail site, etc., in which case she isn't really even in that hotel (if CJKent did his homework on checking reviews, etc., this one shouldn't be the case)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    It bothers me y'all here proudly carry the badge that says "PL"
    -->"I've seen the term PL= Pathetic Loser bandied about on the "Pink Site." " Despite my tongue-in-cheek response above, I actually like the term PL -- I love the self-awareness, the history of the term, and the fact that we have grabbed it and owned it. If I have any complaints about terms here, it would be guys using terms that I think is just bending over and doing SW's work for it. Terms like "dirty/clean club", "dirty/clean girl", "custie", all meant to be derogatory. There's already perfectly good, non-derogatory terms for these things in widespread use, e.g., "dirty girl"->"extras girl", "custie"->"PL" :)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I just make them raise their right-hand and swear they are clean - then its all BBJ's & FS
    By paperwork, I thought he meant a greencard
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    It bothers me y'all here proudly carry the badge that says "PL"
    By owning the term PL, we are following the shining example of the LGBT community, who took back the "term" queer, to turn it from one of hatred and scorn, to pride and empowerment. We aspire to be like the gays! Except, y'know, without all that gay stuff.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    Escort asking for a selfie of you just before going to her room
    On the board I used to read, this kind of request was uncommon but definitely not unknown. It was strictly an escort thing -- never seen a report like this on the AMP, FBSM, or BDSM boards, after many years or reading. The guys hated it and all claimed to refuse to provide selfies. Although some guys must have submitted to it, since some of those girls stayed in business. I'm guessing that perhaps they only asked for selfies for guys who didn't provide references
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Any of you guys watching? OT
    Yes, I'll definitely be wa-- Zzzzzzzzzzz Sorry, fell asleep just thinking about it. As I was saying, I'll definitely be -- ZZzzzzzzzzzzzz....
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    The pet parrot
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Mom's basement
    Blockchain as a technology looks like it has a lot of potential with applications well beyond cryptocurrency, but is fairly high in the hype cycle. Bitcoin in particular, I think has as much risk as upside potential. I am not planning to buy in, but if I did, I might do what Uprightcitizen is doing and hold it as a (very) small part of my portfolio -- although I'm not sure I'd hold it, I might sell if there's another upswing, bubble, or manipulation. I'd probably not buy into any but the top 2 currencies -- the rest are getting hit with 51% attacks, which are just too easy to do.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    I'm guessing the "Progressives" are celebrating
    LOL that's some decent trolling
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Different Styles
    Weird. It smells like gay sex in here. I'm going to another thread.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Baby Daddy Day
    TErrible attitudes. You guys realize that their atrocious fathers are the whole reason they're strippers in the first place. Go fill in for the day, man! lol just kidding, spending it with my kids
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Different Styles
    -->"I/we go to clubs to relax and escape from reality for awhile." I think he was saying that's why HE goes, not generalizing that that's the best answer for everyone. Horses for courses and all that -- as long as you're not doing something self-destructive or addictive, I think it's great people have different reasons... I find I do it for both reasons. Going to the club is an end in itself -- I love being ITC, I love being around strippers, and since I'm usually there with my buddies, it's a fun social getaway too. I do love OTC as well -- although in my case, I recognize after a couple of years on SA, that my OTCs are generally arrangement-like. Even among guys who like OTC, there's different models on this group, mine are arrangement-like but many guys on the group prefer a variety-based, "I just met her and will OTC with her when her shift is over" model of OTC. And of course, you have the "I let her and her junkie boyfriend move into my house" OTCers :)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Comparing you to her boyfriend or ex SS
    ^^^ No dancer ever told me that, but a couple told me that I'm "Asian from the waist down". I'm pretty sure that's a compliment
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Comparing you to her boyfriend or ex SS
    -->"Why do you always talk about strippers and being their boyfriend? Haven’t we told you enough times not to go down that rabbit hole?" Agree... I have to admit I find it downright cringey to read some of these threads. Hell, I even think the term "stripper shit" is a bit bitchified way to complain about the fact that it hurts your feelings when she pretends to be romantically interested, but I seem to be the only one. In any case, you either need to accept it as hustle (basically, her doing the job you're paying her for), or have the emotional strength to enjoy it in the moment and then let it go after you've had your way with her.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Different Styles
    Most of the time I SC with my buddies, because *if* your buddies are hardcore PLs also, it's just way more fun for me (SCing with rookies is hit or miss, and I realize most guys don't have buddies who are also PLs). I have to admit that when I SC alone, particularly at a new club, I do tend to find a dark corner to observe for a while. Eventually I'll move to where I can be seen by strippers and get some stripper foot traffic walking by. But I think some guys just keep up that protective shell -- I think many of them just want to be left alone, but many desperately want to be approached by the strippers, without looking like they want to be approached. Just weird social skills