
Are your friends into this hobby too?

And not just once in a while. You have buddies that are TUSCL level PLing. Or are you just that guy with a problem?


  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I don't think so.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    We don’t got no goddamn friends, if we did you think we’d be here !
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    The times this question comes up, most guys here seem to be in the latter group -- they're That Guy. I usually SC in a group of 2-5 guys. A few of us are tuscl-level brown or black belt PLs, the rest are buddies who are anywhere from white belts to purple belts (I wrote an article on how I coach these guys how to behave, which is their first step travelling the path to black belt and mastery of self and spirit).
  • ei8ht_Ball
    6 years ago
    I used to take a friend on UFC nights, but he started spending more than I thought was good for him and I felt like a bad influence. That, and I didn't want to spend what I usually do myself in front of company.

    We did venture out just recently though. He brought home a girl who I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole . . . but for much cheaper than I've ever paid for OTC . . . so good for him, I think.
  • Darkblue999
    6 years ago
    I always go alone so that I can have lots of fun without having fear that somebody will spread about my hobby
  • Muddy
    6 years ago
    To answer my own topic yes,I'm viewed as the guy with a problem. But I honestly feel like I enjoy life waaaaay more.
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    No. Except for my TUSCL friends, I don't know anyone who goes to strip clubs. Once when a friend was sad because he had gotten divorced, I suggested we hit a strip club. I thought it would cheer him up. But he was not interested.
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    HELL -- I'm not even into Tuscl level PLing. -- None of my friends are at this point. At least none my age still go to clubs. They all have families to support. Or think paying-for-female-attention or look-but-no-touch is lame. Or think it's-cheating.

    The few who are into it are more like 15 years older than me, and are hard core into cheating on their wives with coworkers or escorts. Clubs are low ROI for them.
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    They would be if they could afford it, but they also lack game and money which is why I Club solo. Also, my friends that can afford it are able to because they are busy making money and their time is valuable so we tend to go whenever time allows us. Only a couple times have we crossed paths at a club at the same time. I’ve met many of my ex girlfriends at the club, does that count?
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    No and I don't want any.
  • Vantablack
    6 years ago
    I used to. My friend is the one that introduced me into the world of strip clubs. Before he introduced me into it, I didn't want anything to do with strip clubs. One visit changed my mind. Curiosity brought me back and then it is all history from there. My friends see it all as mindless fun. The novelty wore off for them a long time ago. We used to all go together as a group and have a great time.

    One by one they lost interest, but not me. I had a reason to go back. It wasn't a good reason, but a reason nonetheless. Eventually I decided to call it quits as well.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    -->"I feel like it would be annoying to SC with a group of guys"

    It is annoying to go with SC amateurs. It is insanely fun to go with other tuscl level PLs. I have posited for years that most guys here who are miserable going with other guys, feel that way because they've SCed with regular schmos. But with other tuscl level PLs? Way better than alone, at least to me, and I'd wager to many/most others here.
  • lopaw
    6 years ago
    I club alone by choice 99% of the time and will only consider clubbing with someone else who is at my mongering level (or higher, if that's humanly possible). I don't visit clubs with amateurs anymore. Just not worth the hassle.
  • ei8ht_Ball
    6 years ago
    When I do go with a friend I tend to spend less, mainly because I have someone to talk to for free at various points throughout the evening. But my fiends tend to buy dances from anyone who asks, where I'm better at biding my time, getting the one I want, and then spending primarily on her.

    They also tell me not to be rude when I turn a girl down from the start so that I don't waste her time, where they feel obligated to listen to her sales pitch . . . and then obligated to buy a dance . . . sigh . . .
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    I used to club with 1-4 other guys my age in my teens and twenties (18-25). I first few visits (including my first) where with close friends within a few weeks of us all turning 18. Wow the memories. Home room and first period class those days resembled a lot like Tuscl does today with locker room "jock talk" and comparing dive and high-end clubs or how hot the girls are at each club. Back then it as strictly look but don't touch full-nude juice bars.

    We sort of dropped out as we got married or bought houses or moved away.

    Some of the rowdiest nights were when me, my half-brother's half brother's baby momma, and "squirrel hunter" (my friend and her on-again off-again boyfriend) would all three of us go to the strip club together. She was a legit bi-sexual girl and hellva fun and quite the lap dance aficionado herself. I want to say, 1999-2001, or there about. She was a hoot to club with.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Have taken some friends over the years but none seemed to see the PL-light and were mostly spectators in the club and not keen on spending much (we were not PL-compatible).

    Years ago went with a coworker, he was having trouble in his marriage and started visiting some clubs but had no clue and was visiting some crappy clubs, I figured if he was gonna go anyway might as well go to a good club - we went to Baby Dolls Dallas and after a while of sitting together he went his way in the club and away from my guiding-hand - he was ambushed by a ROB shark that got him to buy like 2 or 3 bottles for her to sit with him and just listen to his problems - he ended up burning about $1400 in just a couple of dances and her mostly just sitting on his lap while he talked - the next day he told me that she had told him in order for her to sit and talk to him he had to buy a bottle which he did, after 30-minutes she told him she couldn't stay unless he bought another bottle, which he did - plus pay her for her time - I had no idea that was going on, during the visit I'd look across the room and noticed he was in convo with the girl but didn't know what was going down.

    So the few guys I've gone with were either not that interested or they were lambs that needed my overseeing - decided solo was the way for me to go going forward.
  • two_bits
    6 years ago
    Why would I go to a club with some tuscl level PL's that just want to ride my coattails.
  • ei8ht_Ball
    6 years ago
    The few times I have clubbed with someone able to spend more like I do, they've been oddly competitive about comparing their approach to mine, and wanting to compete over girls and weird shit like that. It just made me feel like they were blowing money in order to feel like a big shot. They were more immersed in the hobby than my real friends, but I didn't feel like they were good at it, or even responsible about it.

    It would be nice to have a friend who can club in a laid back yet manner, bide their time for something worth their while, and be content with a few drinks and some tipping at the stage if they don't find what they're looking for.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Most guys I know see it as a waste of $$$, they either don't have the requisite disposable income or if they do they prefer to spend it in other forms of entertainment, which is understandable.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    No. Well, not that I know of.
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    I also had a running buddy I had meet freshman year in college. I typical visit for us was like $72/ea for a few hours. He and I made a pact the second year (he was more of a monger than me and FWBs a few strippers here and there for free. Not me, I thought that was immoral to fuck sex workers) the pact was if either of us hadn't seen a girl naked in 30 days, we should grab the other guy immediately and head to the club.

    The idea was the boobs and pussy would motivate the guy in the funk to "hit the ground running" in his civvie dating life, and go find a civvie girl to date or fuck. It was a good pact and generally worked. We probably clubbed a few times a year (1-4 times) together. Nothing big. He'd go more alone by himself. Esp cause he was hooking up.

    He and I both gave it up when we got married. Wives don't like it and money gets tight and all.


    The fraternity alumni were a whole nother league. The Alumni would take the frat brothers out and each alumnus would have like $2000 cash/each (or more), which was alot for 1996-1998 times. I might scrape together $100 for me. Usually they would throw money our way. I think the alumni president banged the stripper that night. Which for me, I thought was a really big deal and accomplishment. Wow, he's old. That much have took a lot of money. How little did I know about ITC and OTC back then.

    We did frat outings like that once a year and they were fun. We'd roll into the club. And watch the other customers see us and they'd like all get up and LEAVE. lmfao.
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    My friends (closer friends and i guess family) wouldn't and couldn't understand my preoccupation with this hobby. And i have no desire in trying to help them understand. I worked with a guy that always seemed to turn the conversation to SCs every time he talked to me. He used to go to a club every week, for several months maybe, when his GF worked nights, but then he married the girl and now has to sneak out once or twice a year. Even other younger kids i know that are big fans only go once every few months if that. Both a combination of economics and freedom/opportunity (from their SO).

    Nope, as far as i know, i'm the only one that actually makes it a priority in terms of budgeting considerable time and money for this hobby. Then again, i probably get a lot more out of it than they do.

    As for SCing with others, i SC for me and me only. I don't really care to bring anyone else into my fantasy. I've noticed i tend to SC differently if even a bit, when i go with others. Almost always, i spend less, which i guess is a good thing, unless i actually want to spend more on a girl, say get a VIP with her. Basically, it feels like i have to divide some of my attention, and therefore save money as obviously i'm not giving any money for the attention of the guys i'm hanging out with.

    But with my personality in general, i don't need to do an "individual" activity i like with anyone else to enjoy it more. For example, i can go to a movie by myself or hell, even an amusement park, by myself and enjoy it just as much. Now don't misunderstand that i like being the only customer at an establishment; that can be awkward and the "energy" is completely different for all parties.

    The guys i mentioned earlier, probably would never go to a strip club alone. I'm certainly not going for the social aspect, except when it relates to spending time with a stripper and even then it's generally not for socializing. I will say that if you do go in a group, you are more likely to get more random attention from strippers, although attention from strippers at my frequently visited clubs is hardly something i'm lacking.
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    I don't know what frat guys you were hanging out with, but for a large group to bring $2k+ per person (if i was reading correctly) would be a huge amount even today. And strip clubs were definitely less "fun" overall back then. Most of the girls i speak to don't speak too highly about frat parties in terms of making money.
  • MrGreene
    6 years ago
    My friend was the reason I even started going to Strip Clubs. He took me to my first Strip Club on my 25th birthday. Had never been to one before so I wasn't really sure on what to expect other than what you see in the movies; Naked women dancing on stage for money. I had no idea they would actually give lap dances. I found that out when my friend bought a few dance for me. I guess during the dance I seemed. . .off, because the dancer asked if this was my first time getting a lap dance. I told her this was my first time in a place like this to begin with. She laughed and said that she could tell I was nervous and that she just wanted me to relax and enjoy the dance. She even took my hands and guided them along her body and reassured me that it was ok if I wanted to touch her. I remember my friend a few seats to my left trying to control his laughter. I eventually got through the dances and thanked her. She said I was cute and that I should come back to the club anytime.

    My friend is pretty much a vet when it comes to strip clubs. Although I did say I wouldn't be going again, somehow he talked me into visiting more Strip Clubs with him. It somehow got to the point where I'm now going to Strip Clubs alone, regularly. I blame him :)
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    SW may say one thing, but generally the odds favor that a dancer will find a taker within a small group than from a PL by himself, or at least a large number of dancers feel that way. I'm talking about 2-4 guys (one table) as opposed to a large bachelor or frat party although those get their share of attention too. That is if a girl is walking by a table with one guy on it vs one with 2-4, she'll usually go toward the larger party. And if the girl has a "friend" with her or they're doing the double team, they almost always go toward the group. The girls are often more confident themselves when they're with a buddy at a table. Or if a girl is seated with a group and her friend walks by, the friend is almost certain to join the group as opposed to if she was with just the one PL; then it might be considered rude to join in, even amongst friends. And of course the waitresses definitely will give you more attention, which i generally could care less about.

    I tend to notice that more the few times i've gone with a few or several people. It's not always a huge difference but definitely noticeable. It also depends on the vibe of the group as well as the demographic, say a bunch of older golfer types, or very young college kids or "urban" kids or a group of Indians might not get a lot of attention. If the group is just talking amongst themselves acting too cool to be at the club, then yeah, i could see dancers avoiding them. They generally want some indication that the group will spend or is spending.

    But if some of the group is constantly rubbernecking at the girls on the floor or even better hollering down a particular girl, the girls will find their way to you. PLs also often act more confident and/or aggressive when in a group. The girls that come by will often make small talk or pick their brains and wait until one of the party shows a particular interest in the girl, whether in the form of conversation or groping. If no one does, she'll often just bite the bullet and ask the group collectively if anyone of them was interested in a dance. If one of the party is often going back with a girl, other girls will often notice. On the other hand if the whole group rejects her (say she's being too aggressive) and even worse laugh it off when she leaves, other girls definitely notice that too. Group think is definitely a real phenomenon. If one member is hesitant, often the others follow suit while if one shows no restraint then the others are more likely to break down as well, at least with the more casual PLs.

    Having said all that, i still prefer, often vastly, going alone. Just less variables to deal with.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    i’m looked at as an oddball by my friends and family.
  • DandyDan
    6 years ago
    I go with 3 of my friends whenever we get to hang out. One has money to burn, but generally prefers the local pastie bar over the nude dance palace that's also close to his home, which I prefer.

    The second loves going, but he's married and I am literally the only person he ever goes with, AFAIK. When I am physically present in his life, he's always trying to get me to go to the local clubs, but since I am here, I tell him that he would likely not like them. He basically wants an excuse to avoid his wife.

    The third used to be someone I went with every time we got together, but I wonder how much the fact he bought his own house changed things. We went to one of his local clubs and he wanted to leave within the hour.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    As far as I know, none of my friends are as mongerish as I am. There’s a couple of local mongers I’ve met in clubs and sometimes hang with in the club. One has been doing it almost as long as me, and the other is a really nerdy young guy with a *well* paying job.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    I don’t discuss my mongering with others.

    Even with close friends, I don’t speak of my mongering activities.
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    I have a group I've known for years that we talk and occasionally even meet up but it isn't strip club related as much as it is with overall mongering.

    But my closest friends--no way.
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    My best friend is a chic and shes a lesbian she knows my love for mexico and chicas lol
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    She don't know about any of my mongering activities and my brother is a preacher the rest of my family is dead none of my other friends know of any of my mongering activities
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    @georgemicrodong we should hang out in a club sometime
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    Here's the reason I like going with tuscl-level buddies:

    *** strip club by myself
    DRIVE THERE: for an hour by myself
    AT THE CLUB: have fun with stripper. Or not, if lineup sucks just sit there by myself
    DRIVE HOME: for an hour by myself

    *** With tuscl level buddies:
    DRIVE THERE: with my buddies. Have someone to talk to, talk shit with, reminisce about last trip to club. When we get to the city, even though the SCs are in relatively safe areas, hey, it's still the city -- and walking through with multiple guys is always safer.

    AT THE CLUB: Walk to the club

    No good strippers right now? No problem, hang out and do shots with buddies, which is super fun anyway, whlie we wait for strippers.

    Some guys have strippers, but none for me yet? No problem, have fun hanging out with at least some strippers at the table. And when I do want a stripper, just send one of "our" strippers at the table to get her, no having to head to stage or hope to get her attention or anything else. Here's a true story from a month ago: I was at a new (to me) club, early nightshift. Hottest chick in the place has been sitting with some guys the entire time. My buddy tells the stripper sitting with him that I (meaning me) really want that hot chick over there. She says, "Oh that's my friend! Those guys aren't spending for shit. Here, let me get her". She grabs her hot friend as soon as she steps away from those guys to go on stage; I sit with hot stripper rest of night. In short: in a group that's spending, the girls at the table ensure any other girls we want sit with us too.

    We all ahve girls: it's a party at the table. We're all talking and laughing and doing shots together. Then maybe just talk to your stripper for a while. Then all of a sudden someone is shoving shots in front of your face, and it's back to socializing. Sometimes a pair will slip off to the table next door if they want to privacy for a bit, but mostly we're all just talking and laughing the whole time. Also, our group ethics are: you can (and should!) do dances with any girl at the table, if you want. So we've acquired many of the hottest strippers in the place due to the dynamics explained in the previous paragraph, and now they're all open for dances. I might "switch" with one of my buddies for a dance, and do dances with each others' girls. Or my ATF is at the table, and not only does she make $ from me, she makes a few hundred from my buddies, too -- another reason she sits tight. We also compare notes: how was she? What did she do for you -- oh, I didn't get that from her. Etc.

    All in all, super fucking fun. Don't need to go alone to get whatever stripper socializing time I want ... but socializing in the group is fun too

    DRIVE HOME: Spend on hour debriefing, comparing notes on who got more or less than anyone else from the same girl, if anyone met a new girl do they want to go OTC with her, etc.

    There's literally not one moment that isn't fun.
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    While that all sounds like great fun, not exactly the reason i go to SCs (the drinking and socializing with friends and strippers, not the fun part) and also doesn't really require going to a club with advanced TUSCLers. The sharing/exchanging of notes/intel of a particular girl(s) of interest is one of the benefits of being in a group as well as someone else doing your bidding to get a girl's attention. I'll give you that and i'll also agree that it's definitely better to SC with a group that really enjoys SCing and not overly worried about money. To each their own.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    -->"not exactly the reason i go to SCs (the drinking and socializing with friends and strippers,"

    Totally fair -- we certainly all don't have the same goals. That said, are you saying "that's not the reason I go to SCs" because you've gone with buddies and it wasn't your thing, or are you just guessing? The reason I'm a zealot like an ex-smoker preaching to smokers on this point, is because there was a time when I was telling myself the same thing: "I go to the SC for the strippers, not to hang out with buddies"... until the time I went with my buddies and realized it was 10x more fun, and hey, I still got to hang out with strippers all I wanted (in fact, even my stripper time was better, due to intel sharing, the strippers recruiting other girls to come to our table, etc). Going with your buddies makes your time with the strippers MORE fun, plus extra bonus of spending time with your buddies. In fact, most of the guys we've SCed with had exactly the same position, until they came with the group.

    Different strokes and all, but I suspect most people are just guessing that they have more fun alone than they would with tuscl level wingmen (as opposed to amateur SCers, which is definitely annoying)
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    It's not my scene. When i go with a group i'm usually the only non-drinker. So i'm just having a very different experience than they are being sober the entire time. Similar when i go to house parties with friends. Still entertaining, but definitely not my SC MO. Even if i'm with a group and the particular girls i wanted to see weren't there, i generally consider it a wasted trip (at least in terms of money) even if it was a decent time. I'd feel that way if i was by myself too, but then i'd probably bolt and go to a different nearby club. And if the girls i wanted to see were there, well i don't need all those people in the group to have my fun.

    As for the drive to and back, on the way, the drive (always me driving) is long with or without friends although probably less "long" with someone. Kind of like hanging out in a car, although some guys might still get bored and just want to listen to music "turn the radio on!". On the way home, i'm usually in my own world and collected in those thoughts from a solo visit for most of the drive. If i'm with a group, maybe we'll talk about what or who we had fun with or who wasn't worth it or missed opportunities or something else entirely. Again, a different experience, but not something "way" better and not a real consideration in terms of deciding to SC.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @subraman as far as I’m concerned you’re preaching to the choir, as for those that don’t know, they just don’t know.
  • _Constantine_
    6 years ago
    I know people who go and friend or two and some people I work with. When vendors take them and pay it makes it that much funnier haha
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    Actually, strip club as a business expense or using a company credit card was VERY COMMON in the 1990s. No only for sales or for entertaining people, but some departments would hold weekly staff meetings at strip clubs. It was that common. Fun times those were! :)
  • DeclineToState
    6 years ago
    So much fun to club together with a non-rookie pal that likes to drink - challenge is there's not many such pals who can also keep their damn mouths shut about the activity. Rookies, no thanks.
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