

avatar for Countryman5434
I entered the dragon and was never the same

There are all kinds of ways to monger! In us what is your favorite way to monger and why? Stripclubs escorts or massage parlors


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I have not had much time recently so massage is my go to right now but if I had to choose then strip clubs. I love to talk with the girls, establish friendships etc. Ya I might not get a handy or BJ but it's still worth it to me. In Mexico, well you know @country what I prefer.

I do want to try out escorts someday but getting verified for the first time has been a pain in the ads!

avatar for Subraman
6 yrs ago

Strip clubbing and sugar daddying compete for the #1 and #2 slots, usually with SCing ahead (pedantic note: no one on any board I've been on calls SCing "mongering", except here.)

Distant #3 is FBSM (not massage parlors)

Have tried escorts, not at all the experience I'm looking for, no interest in ever repeating

No interest in massage parlors / AMPs

avatar for Countryman5434
6 yrs ago

I gave been on usa sex guide for years it is the go to in louisville for info! I have seen alot of escorts sometimes you hit a jackpot georgeous gfe other times i have left a tip and left because im not attracted to them! Amps in louisville are full of grandmas but la has tons of latina mps and amps full of young pretty chics! I ho there for work few times a month! Stripclubs i love that you can pick your girl . Sometimes you hit gold sometimes you leave blueballed but i guess thats part of it

avatar for Countryman5434
6 yrs ago

@ galiziabob we have the same opinions and tastes in tijuana chicas lol

avatar for Subraman
6 yrs ago

-->"Stripclubs i love that you can pick your girl . Sometimes you hit gold sometimes you leave blueballed but i guess thats part of it"

It depends what type of SCer you are. Once I have a CF, there's no "sometimes you hit gold" -- I hit gold every time, otherwise she wouldn't be a CF. To me, there's almost nothing about having a CF that isn't better than experience with an escort: hotter girl by far, lower bottom-line cost for the time spent (drastically lower, in the case of overnights, etc), she hasn't fucked 5 other guys today before we met for OTC, how much I enjoy partying with her, etc. It's only the search to find that CF (which I enjoy, but some guys don't), and her availability/reliability, that are any sorts of downsides.

None of that applies to the variety guys, of course!

avatar for ei8ht_Ball
6 yrs ago

Strip clubs by far. I like having selection to choose from. I like the process of talking to different girls and zeroing in on the one I want. I like the fact that they're not all whores, and I enjoy finding the nicer ones (or those capable of making themselves out to be nice girls), making them feel comfortable, and then seeing how it progresses. It mimics dating more than anything else.

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 yrs ago

In my view, venues where you cannot select the girl before agreeing to session are always bad. I mean escorts and AAMPs. You not only want to see the girl, you want to be able to fraternize freely before committing.

So that leaves us with AMPs, Street, Lingerie Modelling and Adult Entertainment, and Strip Clubs.

Now often, AMPs has been the best deal. Strip Clubs were not originally set up for onsite mongering.

And then even as strip clubs have changed, the deal has still often been poor, costs, time limits, privacy problem, and still not really taking advantage of the front room fraternizing potential.

But strip clubs though, they are the only such venues which are hangout places, where you can be there without committing to a session. So there is the potential for free from unstructured non-committal fraternizing. And the pinnacle of this is the front room makeout sessions.

But this is destroyed when guys buy dances, and when management converts a good club to a clip joint, selling more fantasy than delivery, by prohibiting front room physical friendliness.

So it is great that guys are going to TJ and seeing that things do not have to be as they are. And then, front room makeout sessions do occur in US strip clubs, just that some guys don't want to believe it.

So strip clubs offer the greatest potential. Just we need to only patronize those clubs which don't interfere with front room makeout sessions, and guys need to learn how to treat the women in a civilian way.


avatar for Huntsman
6 yrs ago

Subraman, you monger. Just giving you shit. :)

I don’t really have a favored modality in that it depends on my mood. Plus they all have their pros and cons. I probably rate escorts and fbsm a bit higher on here than others do so they end up on par with strip clubs. For me, I think there are two reasons why I put escorts and fbsm on par with clubs. First, my area is a tough extras market. Second, somewhat illogically, I tend to like variety in clubs but go more CF with mongering (per Subramans preferred terminology). Therefore, I know what I’m getting if I repeat with an escort or fbsm girl I like.

Sugar seems like too much effort with a lot of flakiness but I know some mongers really like that avenue. OTC can be an option but also takes more effort to feel comfortable about it. OTC is pretty readily available but I’m often too cautious to want to pull the trigger. I can research escorts and fbsm as much as I want in order to have that comfort level.

AMP, around here is a HJ with an average looking 40 year old who is hard to communicate with. I realize that’s different than in some parts of the country. So for just a few bucks more I can see a 25 year old hottie fbsm girl.

I mostly use strip clubs around here for eye candy and banter. I enjoy that for its own value too because I don’t live in Detroit, Atlanta, South Florida, COI or some places in the northeast. So I play the cards I’m dealt.

I don’t think anyone else is doing it wrong. We each spend our own money for our own enjoyment in our own areas. My comment is just how I like to go about it.

avatar for Smalltowncpl
6 yrs ago

Is hitting it with different civilian girls NSA mongering ? I used to have several civilian girls that were very open and willing to have NSA sex at a phonecall. The problem with that is that NSA does not always mean no strings. They seem to get attached. I met most of these gals through work and it sometimes makes for an awkward situations. This was at one time my favorite.

Sugar daddying thing has never interested me. Tried it once....... didn't like it.

AMP serves a purpose,and is cheap when you need a release now. The downside is you often get an aging or otherwise unattractive technician,but the price is often right.

An escort is hard to get your foot in the door now days. It's often on the expensive side,but is a very sure thing.

SCing is currently my favorite. Yes it's often the most expensive by the time you figure in drinks,cover,tips. The up side is the environment. You can sit back and chill while enjoying the scenery, waiting for "your girl" or trying to decide on which one you like today. You can often sample several dancers before you settle on one. Downside is it's expensive like I have already said. It's not often as private as you would like. Due to the facilities you are often limited on what you can do. Sometimes because you are on an old ratty couch ECT it can be uncomfortable,and you are usually more limited to time

avatar for flagooner
6 yrs ago

My only milieu is strip clubs. I have no desire to experiment with the others because I enjoy the clubs for the type of experience they provide. I've never been one that just wants to pay a girl to provide a hole for me to stick my dick in. That seems to be just a lazy and expensive way to masterbate.

avatar for Countryman5434
6 yrs ago

@ flagooner how can you compare sex to masturbation?

avatar for flagooner
6 yrs ago

^ just my opinion here.

A strict pay for sex transaction and masturbation both have the same end result, ejaculating without any feelings involved. It's just that you don't have to do all the work when you pay for it. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with it. I get pleasure from masturbating. It's just that if I'm paying money I prefer the experience that a strip club provides me.

I think I go to strip clubs with different goals than many guys that post here. Im not a VIP or extras guy, but Im glad those services are available at some clubs because that's what some customers are looking for.

avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
6 yrs ago

I think the concept of "getting serviced" rather than "self-service" is operative here. :)

I too like strip clubs for the fact that you can pick and choose among the girls by checking them out live and in person, even interacting with them, BEFORE deciding which one you'll let handle your willy (for appropriate fee). It's something about me being involved in the chase -- I sight my quarry, stalk it carefully, eventually corner it, then go in for the kill. Works for me, but only seldom these days.

I dislike strip clubs most of the time because it's not working for me any more. It depends of course on what city or region you're in, but generally, finding a girl who will provide a super-pleasing experience is becoming more and more difficult, bordering on impossible. I used to get a similar thrill from internet escort websites, you can scroll and shop with some degree of excitement, but then when you do decide on the girl, she's not right there ready for the immediate gratification, you have to make an appointment and wait for it to eventually come around, so it doesn't quite work the same. Not sure what my alternative to strip clubs will turn into, when strip clubs eventually become a dried up well for me. Getting old and shriveling up I think ...

avatar for l00ber
6 yrs ago

Destination mongering

avatar for Dominic77
6 yrs ago

I don't (fit in here). I use strip clubs for their legit and legal purpose. Never tried the other things.

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 yrs ago

Someone touched on this, the minimum standard for look, dolling up, and youthfulness is far higher in strip clubs than it is in AMPs. YMMV


avatar for ei8ht_Ball
6 yrs ago

"I use strip clubs for their legit and legal purpose."

Can somebody please help me understand what this means? I've been scratching my head for an hour now over it.

avatar for nicespice
6 yrs ago

^It means throwing 1k on stage of your favorite dancer and then leaving. :p

avatar for ei8ht_Ball
6 yrs ago

"It means throwing 1k on stage of your favorite dancer and then leaving. :p"

Are you a smartass in person too? I think it's incredibly attractive.

avatar for Dominic77
6 yrs ago

It goes back to something Juicebox69 said to me. I was telling him I didn't fit in at Tuscl since I wasn't getting extras, going OTC, engaging in prostitution. I said, "I don't fit in here." He said although the discussion forums on tuscl are heavy into Extras and OTC, if I read the reviews, the bulk of the customers use strip clubs for their legit and legal purposes. Meaning: I watch; I get a couple beers; I may get dances.

So even though my point of view as customer -- as a casual customer -- is under represented on the discussion forums, customers like me form the bulk of the reviews in the review section. But they never post in the discussion section. So I should stay that way the threads here get the POV from a casual customer who uses SC for their legit and legal purpose.

avatar for nicespice
6 yrs ago

“Are you a smartass in person too? I think it's incredibly attractive.”

Maybe :p

@Dominic77 So will you be joining the LDK group? Or are you here for the trolls :p

Fwiw, if I am remembering correctly, there’s other non LDKers on this message board who said they aren’t big into extras either.

avatar for flagooner
6 yrs ago

Would it be crass to tell you that I'm about to go toss one off to your picture in that yellow nightie before I hit the sack?

avatar for Dominic77
6 yrs ago

I don't see myself joining the LDK group. I'm not here for the trolls. I would actually like to contribute. But I have no strip club intel to share with everyone, so ...

Really I like the women in the clubs. Just seeing them, being there, talking with them is great. The clubs are like Disneyland. It's one of the few things that I look forward to / makes me feel good these days. Unfortunately, I'm not able to go as often as I would like. So I use Tuscl as a substitute.

avatar for nicespice
6 yrs ago

@Flag, I didn’t know you owned a yellow nightie.

@Dominic Lol. Have you considered perusing camming sites?

avatar for Dominic77
6 yrs ago

I have. Cost is about the same. $100 for 10 minutes private. That's less than say $500 for a SC visit. But I can make $100 work in the club. I prefer camming to porn. But the ROI isn't there. I prefer strip clubs.

I just need more savings, to watch my finances better, and maybe a better job. If I could get out every 2 months or even every month, that would be great. Part of the issue is I usually get a small gift or a small token of something for my wife when I go out to club. Maybe it's $20. Maybe $60. It doesn't have to be 1-to-1 dollar that I spend. She's OK with it as long as "it's fair." I think that beats just going behind her back and clubbing anyways.

I really wrestle with it because going out once a month or once a week should really be doable for a career professional. Clearly I'm doing something wrong. It's not that much money.

avatar for Dominic77
6 yrs ago

I have done 3 visits where I spend $500-$600 in one visit. While fun. It was not sustainable. Some of the magic that you get you have $500+ on you and the dancers know that you have it on your to spend, that magic is gone when you say drop down to $240. But really with $240, I mind as well just spend $140. I have about the same fun whether I spend 140/240/600. So I might as well budget the smaller number FOR NOW, until I can be a regular $500/visit guy later in life.

How guys manage to budget $500/mo is beyond me. That's $6,000/yr. It's a good chunk. Not sure how they do it. They probably have different priorities, I think. Clubbing is important to me. Important enough to join a discussion forum, lol. But not THAT important.

avatar for lopaw
6 yrs ago

I rotate thru them all as the mood strikes.

avatar for Dominic77
6 yrs ago
  • Technically, they aren't allowed to touch you. (State law and city ordinances == $300 prostitution fine for contact).

  • But, if they don't at least provide 1-way contact, they won't sell any dances. But doing that does risk $300 ticket from Vice.

  • 2-way contact is rare unless, you are buying lots of dances. The bouncers will stop us. You have to be sly and coy about it. Sucks. There is a least one club where I can get 2 way contact -- not my home club -- but we're not allowed to talk about it.

  • When I mean 2-way I mean touch hips or outer legs. I think I would die if I could touch ass or tits or pussy. But that would be ideal. Heavy contact isn't common here.

avatar for Dominic77
6 yrs ago

Initially when returning to clubbing in 2015 ... I considered just getting an escort and having her dance nude for me in a hotel room. There's no rule I HAVE to fuck her. It seems silly. But I thought, "who's going to like no-contact bikini dances" or "top -less dances from 2 feet away."

State law says we can't mix alcohol and nudity.

City ordinance redefines nudity (how convenient!).

City ordinance redefines nudity as butt cheeks, butt crack, aureola, bottom breast (under boob), vagina, vulva .. blah .. blah

So they have to dance fully covered up with 4 articles of clothing on.

Else they need to be 2 foot away, and close at 12 midnight.

So you can see why I thought, fuck it, I'll just get an escort.

avatar for Dominic77
6 yrs ago


The upside to cam (and there isn't much!!) is 1) she can get naked (vs bikini or pasties) and 2) you can get off (even if it is self-service ... but at least there is a live woman there, versus porn).

I don't see that you can get off (Extras) in the clubs near me. Though takeout is available. I am considering trying it some day. But $$$. :(

Something to aspire to. Something to work hard for. :)

avatar for Jascoi
6 yrs ago

i’ve been in the stripclub mode for seven years now. i tried massage parlors maybe ten times. i prefer the selection and possibilities of stripclubs.

avatar for Dominic77
6 yrs ago

Reading here, it seems like most customers are able to get 2-way contact dances and groping, if not sex. My clubs work for me because its all I ever known. I really just go for stress relief when my other interests aren't cutting it. So it's a last resort.

I used to think I wouldn't like no touching dancers but it's really all I've ever had available. I got you on the civvies. But every so often they don't cut it. When that happens, THAT'S WHEN I club.

Some day I'll have more money. And money buys options. For now, I'm happy.

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 yrs ago

Buying dances is for chumps.

Civilianize, front room makeout session, before even considering the back room.


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