
Comments by Subraman (page 125)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Nickle and Dime Story
    -->"She asked for an additional tip while I was near release and when I opened my wallet her eyes darted around to ask for more. It wasnt breaking the bank so I gave her 10 dollars extra. " NJ, I will suggest here that you're the problem... I mean, no customer likes getting asked for tips, but 100% of the time this happens, I say "no" -- if her performance were good enough that I wanted to tip, I would have tipped her before she asked. Nothing bad has ever happened to me because of it, and if anything, something good happens -- girls stop asking you for tips. In my favorite club, the girls pretty much know me, and in the past 3 years, I've been asked for tips from exactly 2 girls (turned both down). As you know from my article, I think tipping a girl you don't want to tip, is giving in to your inner little bitch. I don't care what the rationalization is ("it was only $5" or whatever), the fact is, if you're tipping when you didn't want to, a 21 year old in her underwear intimidated you. Some clubs have more of an "ask for tips" culture than others, though; I recognize that. I think you should keep going back to that club, convey a bit more command presence to see if they stop asking you for tips (they might, to an extent -- they absolutely ask more often if they think you're weak). If they do, with practice you'll get super comfortable saying no, and this will stop being a high-stress fight-or-flight episode for you. If you don't want to say "no thanks", even "No I don't tip, but express my appreciation with more dances later. thanks!" makes it feel a little friendlier.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I entered the dragon and was never the same
    It's juice, posting from Sword Fight strip club
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    John smith over pays what i get for free lol
    So if I understand this right, the boys down at Sword Fight Strip Club are lovin' them some juice!
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    6 years ago
    Life is short, bald and smelly
    How do you say/read the website: TUSCL?
    It is tuss-kal you retrograde ejaculators
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    Fruit cup?
    It was really funny and clever, the first time someone roasted him with that. I actually lol'ed Apparently, everyone else thought it was funny too. So now, every time he posts, someone rushes into say, "Fruit cup! Fruit cup! ha ha ha! Burned you!" It's become the basic bitch response to flagooner trolling. Which itself might be trolling. Tuscl: so recursive.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Are strip clubs a good place to practice talking to girls?
    *****"Depends on what you mean by “practice talking to girls.” If you mean “how to talk civilian girls into jumping in the sack with me,” then probably not. If you mean, “how to approach girls without looking like a creepy pervert, definitely not. If, in the other hand, you mean “becoming more comfortable in the presence of girls, and not freezing up when having a conversation,” then possibly. "******** end quote Agree with gmd above. An attractive stripper is far hotter than most women guys talk to. If you're overall nervous around women or get tongue-tied around attractive ones ... sure, I can see that once you become comfortable with a 9+ itc, the 6.5s who used to make you nervous, won't make you so nervous anymore. On the other hand, you can get away with saying creepy weird things to a stripper -- at least to a point -- and she'll laugh and make you think you're awesome anyway. So no, I don't think the feedback on your conversational skills is trustworthy. The more important point: the strip club is not a benign environment. The kind of guys who are nervous and need to practice talking to girls, have the least confidence and most likely to be victimized by not just a ROB, but the more devastating romance-hustle types, etc. The SC being a fantasy isn't the big speed bump here -- it's that a nervous insecure guy in the strip club, if he doesn't get fleeced or worse, it's just luck that he found good strippers. He won't have any of the tools to discern between everyday stripper hustle, and predatory stripper hustler
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I swear, it's just shrinkage due the cold
    Typical OTC
    IF he hasn't done OTC before, and he just recently got divorced so he's been out of the game for a while, he might not even realize what he would or would not like. He may well be shocked by how much he enjoys having the attention of a beautiful woman, especially one as fun as a stripper (assuming, of course, she bothers to show up to the OTC lol). I'd wager that if you somehow talked him into trying a dinner-drinks-sex OTC, he himself will be shocked how much he enjoys it.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I swear, it's just shrinkage due the cold
    Typical OTC
    I'm not at all interested in an escort-like experience with a stripper. I get the escort's transactional approach and by-the-hour pricing, with stripper-level flakiness. Basically, worst of all worlds. The only advantage to OTC, in this case, is that the stripper is likely much hotter than the escort... which, I suppose, might be enough of a benefit to be worth it. Well, that plus, if she's from a non-extras club, she hasn't already fucked 6 other guys today, if that thought bugs you. My usual OTC is something along the lines of: drinks, then dinner and drinks, then bar hopping which might include going to a strip club, then the hotel room to fuck it all off. Afterwards, sometimes she goes home, but often we go back out to eat again, and/or she stays the night in the room. Basically, a night with an insanely hot, fun chick -- plus, there's sex! Once we've known each other a while and the relationship becomes more arrangement-like, we might do things like you describe (e.g., see a show, go to a movie, etc) -- mixed in with the eating and drinking and partying.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Ever seen a club with an e-menu?
    Agree. This is basically a solution to the mostly non-problem that one particular customer segment sometimes gets a little frustrated, and to move that frustration to a different customer segment. On the other hand, maybe it wouldn't make a difference at all. I mean, as already stated, in my club today, there might not be an e-menu, but it's not uncommon for the waitress or bouncer to come by and say "that guy over there is waiting for you", and for her to just say "I'm with a customer" and stay with me. Would she similarly ignore the e-menu? If so, then great -- I still get exactly the experience I want, and a frustrated waiting customer still is frustrated & waiting. Or maybe it'll work perfectly, and all CF-type regulars will just find a different place... maybe that's a win for the business, I dunno.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I swear, it's just shrinkage due the cold
    Are Extras THE reason you SC?
    Up until 10 years ago, I only went to extras clubs, and I would have told you then, extras might not be the ONLY reason I SC, but they were a required part of the experience. Since 10 years ago, I've mostly SCed in non-extras clubs, so extras are definitely not a required part of the experience anymore. I enjoy the experience of being in an SC for lots and lots of reasons. That said, once I find a stripper I'm interested in, I do pursue OTC, and will eventually drop her for a different girl if I can't get her there. So sex with strippers remains an important motivator, it's just usually not part of the ITC experience anymore.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Ever seen a club with an e-menu?
    -->"Exactly. The problem it solves is you. Or rather, regulars generally, who exploit the uncertainty inherent in the marketplace of the club to monopolize in-demand girls' time for less than it's really worth." I gotcha... I totally get why a variety guy would be frustrated. You do lose me with "girls' time for less than it's really worth" -- it makes perfect sense for them to give some extra time and/or YMMV to a regular customer, they themselves feel what I'm paying them is a better measure of their worth than that of a random customer ... at least with imperfect knowledge. With perfect knowledge via the e-menu, different calculation for sure. Still, I think the real "problem" this solves is that of variety guys sometimes not getting what they want when they want it. Making variety guys happier at the expense of CFers may or may not make sense.. It (maybe) hoses CFers, and if it does, I presume they'll all go to a different club -- I know I would, unless my CF took never availed herself of any e-menu requests, in which case, why introduce the system at all. Today, when guys send the waitress over, my CF often just tells her "I'm busy with a customer" and stays with me; I suppose it's possible the e-menu wouldn't change things much. Didn't one of the NJ guys say there was a club like this?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Got Hustled Out of $500 Last Night
    -->"she said she WOULD do extras in VIP but she's too nervous that someone would walk by and see everything." That might be a nice way of saying she doesn't do extras. But, if you go back and continue to see her, this might make a good segue to an OTC offer, if that's something you're interested in. I do my OTCs almost exclusively with strippers at non-extras clubs, so not hard to do
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Valet parking an expensive car at the club...
    They hate ya cuz they ain't ya, Lil_Baller! Lil_Baller, only real pimp on tuscl
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    What does Christianity mean today? My Party is my church, and I believe I serve
    I could have sworn CJKent was a decent contributor before he started with all these shitposts. Am I mis-remembering? What a weird change in persona
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Got Hustled Out of $500 Last Night
    ^^^ Keep in mind, even today, he is still a little confused as to where his mistakes were. -->" I couldn't convince her I wasn't a cop. I was like, "what do I have to do to prove that I'm not a cop?" and that almost turned her off even more. She must've been getting more and more suspicious" He still thinks her suspicion of him being a cop was real... Icer, you need to figure out where all the mistakes are and learn from them brother! That girl was suspicious of nothing
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Got Hustled Out of $500 Last Night
    Cristobal-->"The number one red flag is when they say "I can't talk about it on the floor but we can talk about it in the VIP." You lose all your leverage. " Agree. YOu fall for this, you're a newbie or a dummy. Icer12 is a newbie, but he only gets to claim that once. Don't do it again, or you know what that makes you LOL Icer12-->"Whenever I kept pushing to see what service I could get for $300 more she was saying "are you a cop or something?" and I feel like no matter what I said, I couldn't convince her I wasn't a cop. " She wasn't worried that you were a cop, and there was no need to "convince" her otherwise. She basically effortlessly deflected your attempts and put you on the defensive. You need to be able to recognize hustle and manipulation for what it is. TFP-->"Read the other reviews of that club and see if anyone mentions getting extras. If not, then don't try your luck." Agree. Don't try to beat the system until you're a bit more experienced, and can at least recognize the most obvious hustle and ROB tactics
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Got Hustled Out of $500 Last Night
    -->"you don't chase bad money with more bad money" This is incredibly hard to internalize, IMO. Your dick is hard, you've fantasized about what's going to happen, and "welp, I've already spent $100, and nothing to show for it -- might as well spend another $100 and get my BJ" is super easy to rationalize ... but the BJ never happens.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Got Hustled Out of $500 Last Night
    Oh shit, very first time? yeah, "meat for the beast", as they say!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Got Hustled Out of $500 Last Night
    ***>"I'll never make this mistake again..." Sorry this happened to you, bro. All of us have probably made dumb mistakes like this at some point or other, most important thing is not to repeat, ever. First time, I get -- you're thinking with your little head, you underestimate how deceptive some strippers are, you don't realize that there's no "of course she won't rip me off, she wants to keep me happy so I return", etc. So you get a "sorry this happened to you, bro" **one** time from me... repeating is the point at which I lose all sympathy. Believing "we'll have a good time in the back" and other such vague promises -- sucker mistakes, and you're no longer a sucker.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Valet parking an expensive car at the club...
    "Feeling like a baller because I valet'ed a nice car at the strip club" might be in the same realm as "making it rain" for me ... I don't get it, but hey, great if it's your thing tho. I am lucky that the SCs in the city I SC in don't have valet parking lots (in fact, none of them have parking lots at all). So it's either self park, or more commonly, just uber there.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Extras Discounts for Regulars
    -->"@subraman, I wish I lived in a world where more dancers didnt like regulars. At some places I get bored of a CF and simply stop going because while Im free to get dancers from any girl dealing with the ATF's clinginess." NJ, as long as you realize this is a you thing -- that is, in your imagination, you have some obligation towards her that is preventing you from having the experience you want. I think, maybe another good reason SCs aren't the best choice for you .. I can't imagine having to go to a whole 'nother club, just because I wanted a dance with someone else!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What's the funniest thing you've seen in a strip club?
    And yes, I have fallen off the step once, and tripped on it going the other way once :)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What's the funniest thing you've seen in a strip club?
    I'd have to think about THE funniest thing. But, I know the most consistent funniest things: At one of the strip clubs I go to, there are some small steps here and there -- very easy to miss in the dark, especially if you're an over-excited customer who already has tunnel vision. In addition, a couple of strip clubs I go to have a ramp leading down to the dancers' dressing room. So two things that I always enjoy: - Drunk customers tripping on or falling off the short steps - Drunk strippers falling off their heels, going down the ramp. This is usually preceded by some ankle wobble and flailing arms, making it even funnier when she inevitably falls off her heels I've never seen anyone get hurt doing this, or it wouldn't be so funny. But people falling (and not getting hurt) gets me laughing every time, especially when the girls are trying so hard to be sexy and the guys trying so hard to act alpha male
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Extras Discounts for Regulars
    To add some thoughts: - When I was a variety guy, I rarely made deep connections with the strippers. I might do dances relatively more often with one stripper or other, but just out of "well, she's hot and she'll do". An occasional volume discount would, in fact, have had me spending more on her, more often - As an ATFer, there's a connection beyond the 15 minutes of sexual performance. The reason I go to her every time is well beyond the cost -- I mean, I'd happily accept a discount, but that doesn't have a big bearing on how often I see her. In other words, with a great ATF, to optimize her income from me, she should make the entire 3 hours I'm there awesome. I don't give a fuck about a little discount here and there.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Extras Discounts for Regulars
    -->"My hunch is most dancers dont have the attention span or experience to understand the benefits of recruiting and maintaining regulars. " While it's definitely the case that many strippers are just sleepwalking through the business, I also think many strippers are much sharper business-wise than we give them credit for. Some business have loyalty rewards, some don't. I haven't been a stripper so I don't have firsthand experience on which one stripping is, but it may very well be the case that it's not a matter of bad business sense; it may well be that keeping the prices steady (and perhaps ensuring loyalty through other means) is the best way to go. Note also that many strippers specifically don't like regulars, or don't want too many regulars -- the steady predictable $ is good, but there's a price to be paid. As a demanding regular, I can vouch for that in spades. nicespice-->"1. To pay less than they did in previous visits 2. More “goodies” each time 3. More overall personal time spent together. Pushing for one of them may be one thing. But so many regulars try to demand all three at the same time." Count me in on #2 & #3. Pushing for #1 seems to be the best way to make a stripper sick of me. But increasing YMMV and more time spent? I get that from pretty much all CFs and ATFs; and if I'm not getting it, chances are I'm on the hunt for a new CF.