Are Extras THE reason you SC?

steeldog65I swear, it's just shrinkage due the cold
Started thinking this over the last few weeks. My CF doesn't do extras in club and I'm totally cool with that. I get great dances she's sexy as h*** , with great conversations. We spend about an hour together and then I bail. We do meet occasionly OTC and those are some mind blowing experiences with her.
I would guess I only partake of extras with a dancer 30% of the time at most, sometimes I'm not feeling it, sometimes she's not my type. Do most of you go to a club simply for the extras? Or is it more for the beautiful women, booze, boobs, whatever? For me, extras are simply that and if I don't partake that is fine.
last commentUp until 10 years ago, I only went to extras clubs, and I would have told you then, extras might not be the ONLY reason I SC, but they were a required part of the experience.
Since 10 years ago, I've mostly SCed in non-extras clubs, so extras are definitely not a required part of the experience anymore. I enjoy the experience of being in an SC for lots and lots of reasons. That said, once I find a stripper I'm interested in, I do pursue OTC, and will eventually drop her for a different girl if I can't get her there. So sex with strippers remains an important motivator, it's just usually not part of the ITC experience anymore.
At 1st i was seeking extra. But know i enjoy helping them. Life gets hard, but it gets easier if you have someone to share the load.
I'm sorry. Is there another reason to go to a SC ?
I go for the beautiful women, boobs. I stay for the conversation (if I have time) and leave once I get my LDK. As long as I can count on that, that is the reason I go.
Extras or trying for OTC are occasional occurrences that don't factor into my intentions to SC.
Everything subraman said, almost verbatim. I have little interest in freeing Willy in most clubs anymore. For me it is about the ITC interactions combined with OTC adventures. In the area I am visiting this week there are 3 clubs where expanded ITC services are a lock, but I'll be clubbing in one of the other clubs where the girls are hotter and much lower volume.
I don't go anymore unless I'm with the new wife (ex-stripper)
When I did go it was for two reasons, to be around like minded people, and to get these girls to let me stick it in them. A trip to Follies changed the desire to want to stick it in them immediately, and eventually wanted to play the "tad bit harder to get" game, but ultimately it was about fucking.
I like to drink; I like sports on tv; I like naked pretty women; I like young women; I like fondling young women; I like sex with my wife better than I have liked every extras experience; I will do extras; I don't care if they happen.
Not the sole reason but if there's a good vibe and I'm feeling it then so be it. Main reason is to relax from regular life and step into fantasy land for a little bit. Beautiful women to look at, sports on TV,
A lot depends on what club I’m at. Usually, I can be quite happy with some DFK or DATY, but I can’t ignore some BBBJ when it’s available without much trouble or expense.
I just go because it gets me out of the house.
I go for the boobs and to see beautiful women dance on stage or to get a lap dance. It's just an occasional diversion for me; adult entertainment that allows me to reset my brain from the daily life grind.
I've never had extras or paid for sex in or out of the club. So that's never been the motivator.
I tried the morning shift at my goto club twice this past year, and I think that’s a great time to go. The dancers seem to know what customers want, and they get you off quickly, so you can get to work after you unload.
So, I know that I don’t need the booze. I don’t need to attention or conversation either. So - it’s the extras!
^ because booze goes best with boobs ;)
@DC: it is like scotch. Some like their scotch on the rocks (booze with boobs) and others like scotch neat (sans boobs). It might just be their SC has great scotch, so they go there and drink it neat. Personal choice.
Cashman, morning shift sounds like fun, but you need to watch out for a couple of things when you go to work: 1. Perfume. You’ll need to pack an extra shirt if your fave dancers over-indulge. 2. Glitter. Hit the men’s room on your way out of the club. Your image may not be able to recover from glitter sparkles all over your face and hair.
Some times i go for just boobs 2 da face
Some times i go for a pleasant conversation
Most times i go for a good fuck
guys I've seen who say "they go for the booze," 1) use it as an excuse with their wives or adult daughters just so they know they're out than where they are at, it's said tongue-in-cheek for so long that they actually start to believe it -or- 2) going to the titty bar and spend $21 on booze and under $20 on the girls, so budget-wise they have a point. Basically I agree with you. It's just hard in America with women (who bend socially conservative on strippers, porn, and extra-marital sex, but may be conservative on little else) to say what you mean some times. Don't get me started on the men to buy into that shit. If you're there for the boobs, have a spine and own up to it.
3LeggedMan - I always bring a change of shirt. I go in a T-shirt - and I change into a button down immediately after I leave the Jiggle Joint.
The whores don’t use glitter or body spray - so it saves me a shower and de-skanking after.
I go for the extras and when I don't go for the extras, I'm reconning to find out which dancers offer extras.
I used to like extras bars, but in time you learn that girls at extras bars can make the process seem mechanical and rushed.These days I appreciate a girl who can hold a conversation and has some skill in the back. Perfect world would be to have a hot girl at your side for an hour to shoot the shit with before she f*cks your brains out in the back, but I have yet to find a place like that. If there was a way to teleport myself to a beach in Brazil or the DR and have a young hottie keep me company for the day that would be heaven, but thats another subject.
Never gone along with the concept of 'extras', just wrong way to look at it, wrong way of interacting with the girls.
Treat them like civilians, and then let what can happen happen, and aim towards ASAP outside contact.
I don’t know where else a middle-aged guy goes out by himself and it’s not weird or uncomfortable. Pretty much just strip club or casino. SC has the added benefit of I don’t have to talk to some idiot dudes, just the hoes. I like the hoes. I don’t have to listen to my friends talk about their kids. A night out at SC is a real pleasure, no reason for ITC extras.
If you treat them in a civilian manner, things can go better. The extras script is just not a good way to look at the situation. Mostly it is just a way to play the fool with the girl so that you can get your wallet sucked dry.
Baker Gurwitz, live
I've been SCing close to 20 years (although been more hardcore post joining TUSCL 6+ years ago).
For most of my professional PL-career I was not that interested in extras b/c:
prior to joining TUSCL I thought extras occurred if you got really lucky but o/w the girl would just rip you off via fake-promises - I also became a SCer while living in Dallas where extras were not that common
I love women (plural) - love to look at them and feel them up vs just having sex - I get a big rush out of enjoying a woman's body which I can't do as well if concentrating on fucking her - I do truly enjoy foreplay which I feel is akin to getting a good 2-way-contact dance
for me sex w/ a condom doesn't feel like sex - it's ok - but no where close to how a wet-pussy feels sliding up-and-down on your bare-cock - since SC extras usually imply covered sex, it's not that huge of an incentive for me
I like variety and only have a certain amount of $$$ I can spend SCing - thus if I do extras, most of my SC funds get spent on just one girl and I can't enjoy multiple dancers on the same-visit
cultural - as most of you know, I have a niche SCing preference (pale-white-guy that's into dark-skinned very-thick/voluptuous ebony women) - most Cuban guys like me seem to like/prefer curvy women although most Cuban-guys seem to stick to white Cuban chicks although they also like a black woman's body but they still stick to the Cubanas - but one thing that I notice about Cuban guys is that they don't actually sleep around that much and are more about having a GF/relationship and are also not big into P4P - and that's kinda like I am - Cubans are conservative and family-oriented and having casual/random sex is not really too big a part of our culture - thus why I may be different w.r.t. extras - it's a bit of my cultural slant in that Cubans like curvy women (thus why so many Cuban dancers have fake-butts) and Cubans are also not big into sleeping-around including P4P - most Cuban SCers I've known that enjoyed SCing were not really into extras
Thus for the bulk of my close to 20-yr PL-career, I was very satisfied just getting to enjoy voluptuous ebonies via grinding-and-groping - in the last 3 or so years I've gotten more into extras but it's not really the primary reason I hit SCs and for me extras these days often occur on the spur of the moment - perhaps 10 to 15% of my SC-visits I may go w/ the pre-intent of getting extras.
For me, I don't go to fuck their bodies, I go to fuck their souls. Despite my local clubs not having extras, I'm still sort of drawn to them over Tijuana because I can make a connection with another human being. It's really hard for me to explain why that feeling sometimes trumps the desire to put my penis in someone that I can't talk to.
i kinda feel the same way, i feel i waste a boner that i could have used to fuck my wife. my boners are in limited supply as i age. i only partake on LDKs, DFK, FIV and BBBJ. Which never happens to me.
im also not fucking strippers raw. its not because they are strippers, but because thats how i fuck my wife. if i was single fo sho
I don't understand the appeal otherwise. It's like taking your pants off at home to just look a your dick rather than jerking off.
My strip clubbing career only lasted 9 months. Came there only to see one girl in particular for the most part. I went to the strip club with no intentions and ended my strip clubbing run with no intentions. Those 9 months showed me a new world and I'm glad I got to experience it. And in a way I'm glad I didn't go further into it
For the large majority of my SCing years i was fine with fairly low contact let alone non-extras. Of course i didn't spend nearly as much time or money as i do now or the last several years, ironically, when i discovered extras-friendly clubs. Also, i consider OTC to be an EXTRAcurricular activity and not an actual reason you spend time and money IN a strip club unless you actually wait for a girl after her shift is over, which i never have. Also OTC with my preferred type of stripper (9+, "low volume" as RD likes to say) has never been cheap or easy in these parts, so that's not a likely thing even if that was the goal.
And like Papi_Chulo, i have no interest in paying hundreds of dollars more for covered extras. I'd probably rather stick a bare finger than a covered dick in a pussy. From my perspective, covered sex isn't that much better than LDK. Heck some girls practically stick your covered boner (pants, shorts) into their pussy anyway. I also have no interest in being the 2nd or 10th dick inside a cum-laden mouth. And BBFS is just way too risky with the vast majority of strippers. And handjobs? Ridiculous to pay a girl for something i can do myself, IMO. So my quite particular preference of extras i want isn't likely to be found on most SC visits and not something i expect or seek. Heck even in an OTC date, it might not happen. So i largely stick with FIV, DATY and DFK with lower volume hotties along with the other sensual and sexy activities (touching and nipple sucking). I can usually do that even in regular lap dances with enough familiarity and comfort/trust with a regular/favorite with modest to generous tipping and tends to be my current MO. Having said all that, i'm not against doing extras (or the idea of them really), but to do them on my terms isn't very likely.
I don’t feel shit when I’m fucking a girl with a condom on.
To the original question: extras are an added bonus, but not the main reason why I SC. Gorgeous naked women all in one room, you can’t beat that.
DC, are you one of those guys who fall somewhere on the autism spectrum and cannot grasp nuance? As others have said, nobody goes to a strip club "solely" for the alcohol. if a guy pays a premium for drinks in a strip club, it's because tits and ass are part of the equation. Otherwise he could just buy cheaper drinks at a local bar or even buy a bottle at the liquor store and drink at home. Any guy who tells you otherwise isn't being completely honest.
^ You died???
I am crushed! Oh the humanity! What is this world coming to when guys lie at strip clubs! I guess I will just go drink alcohol at a strip club and not interact or look at the girls because my life is ruined. LOL
Autism / Asperger's / Neurological Difference are just concepts invented to legitimate the abuse of children and adults.
If you are around a doctor who deals in that, you are in the presence of the modern day version of Josef Mengele.
^ What makes you think he was making fun of people with autism. It sounded like a legitimate question to me. How else would you have preferred that he word it?
^ It still ok to make fun of Generation Y or Z but making fun of boomers ain’t cool ;)
Fucking millenials. Don't get me started.
Autism / Asperger's is bullshit. Do not exist.
What does exist is child abuse.
WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy:
san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is usually mocked or ignored, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate
DennisHof - comedic troll account
SJG, I hope you realize the reason I take the time to read your posts and reply respectfully (even when we have very different viewpoints) is because I assumed you were autistic.
I have two brothers who are very far on the autism spectrum.
You've talked about your brothers.
You also seem to re-post lots of gossip from this board. That does not represent you well.
^fruitcake lol
@SJG: did your parents have any children that survived. What rock have you crept out from under? Autism and Aspergers are both valid diagnoses for developmental conditions. You probably also believe in Santa Claus and that the Holocaust didn't happen.
Please just go back under that rock you came out from under and leave the rest of us along. We no longer care to hear a sound out of you and no longer value your input in this board.
3 authors who make the most emphatic statement they can that Autism / Asperger's does not exist:
And then one who has traced out its origins over the decades:
And now we know that Hans Asperger, generally depicted as a good guy, sent 5,000 children to be euthanized. Asperger should have been tried at Nuremberg and then hung by the neck.
If you are ever in the presence of a doctor who trades in things like Autism / Aspergers / Neurological Difference, do not argue with him. Rather, find yourself a weapon and be ready to use it.
And Iam4u2screw, I am sure you must know how to use IGNORE.
And nicespice, let me clarify, you re-post gossip from this board, presenting it as though you have independent knowledge that it is true. It almost never is, it is just trolling. But as you do that, it reflects extremely badly upon you.
@SJG: Well lets compare sources. Your source is the opinion of a couple of authors that believe autism and aspergers do not exist.
My source is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition: DSM-5 which is the OFFICIAL diagnosis reference used by the mental health community that is based of sound, scientific research.
Wonder which source is more relevant? Something tells me that my choice carries a LITTLE more weight than your book of opinion and conjecture.
My parents have their problems, but they did not make my brothers autistic. As babies, they didn’t care for being held and played with like most do. And the noise from the fridge was terrifying for them.
As far as the OP, hmm...
There are some who would like extras, and pay more to those who are happy with it. But are perfectly content with whatever
There are some who are done with you once they realize it’s not happening.
DSM and the mental health system ARE THE PROBLEM! Another book, a whole bunch of authors taking on the concept of Autism / Aspergers
Click on "look inside".
Just like there is a movement against the Mental Health System, there is also a movement against Autism / Apsergers.
People need to stand up for themselves. Autism / Aspergers is just a device for abusing children and adults.
Refrigerator parents do not cause autism. They couldn't, because autism does not exist. But most of the time when a child is getting labeled that way, you will find that one of both parents find the child to be an embarrassment and is othering them. This contributes to the child having to protect themselves and become more rigid.
And as Peter Breggin explains in his "Toxic Psychiatry", all of the autism advocacy groups are merely defensive formations of parents, trying to defend themselves against blame. It is because of this that autism / asperger's assessments have exploded.
And like William Stillman explains, the real epidemic is in the demand for ABA treatment hours. He says it is all "Mommy Guilt".
And if you don't believe me, read this Jayne Lytel. She is s frightening woman. The intensity of the hatred she and the husband feel for their second son Leo is enough that the book could spontaneously burst into flames.
As far as I can see, the likely hood that someone will believe in the idea of Autism / Aspergers is directly correlated to the degree of receptivity they have for Social Darwinism and for Eugenics. And these were after all the central pillars of the Nazi Party.
No, I do not repeat people's personal information. I have alerted new comers to some obvious sock puppets. But people make personal disclosures on this site, and I do not rebroadcast them. Nicespice posts all kinds of stuff which is just nonsense invented by trolls. But she posts it as though she has independent knowledge as to its voracity. This would be most unbecoming for anyone.
TJ Street
This Tony Humphries article in the Irish Examiner really got some people angry, but it is the truth.
i go to stripclubs because of
seeing some pretty young women. 2. interacting with her.
the possibility of fully enjoying her.
Hilarious how men who frequent strip clubs call sex "an extra" and pay some $200-400 for it.
The rest of society just calls that a successful first date.
^^^^^^^^^ Agreed, a successful first date. But I often get this in AMPs, and for a more moderate cost, because I carefully select the girl I want and then come on to her in a completely civilian manner. Usually she will then turn it into a Girl Friend Audition. But in strip clubs, expert womanizers are often able to get a front room makeout session going, before even considering any booths or back rooms. This changes everything. Just going into a strip club and buying dancers is a chump's game. Strip clubs are after all fine tuned well oiled machines for separating marks from their money. They have always had a great deal in common with carnival shows.
In the end though the cost of these venues is not that important because soon you'll be banging your girl in your own bed.
As far as NiceSpice, she re-broadcasts troll shit, acting as though she knows it to be true. It almost never is, and there is no way she ever could have had any independent knowledge as to its voracity. She has serious character problems, not unlike many of our male PLs.
There is no such thing as Autism / Apsergers, or Mental Illness. There has never been anything in DSM which has ever had any objective science behind it.
They classify people who are suffering from epilepsy as being autistic. The assessment is meaningless.
Most of the time, it is the parents and their shame over the child which brings it to the medical community, and has already turned life into hell for the child. And then there are lots and lots of parents who will devote their lives to driving their child to the doctor, as they need to find the locus of original sin within the child.
They used to call this Munchausen's Syndrome By Proxy, then Facetious Disorder, now simply Medical Child Abuse.
Just a few years back Arizona terminated parental custody rights over 5 children. The parents were using the idea of autism this way. So pediatricians from the Phoenix Children's Hospital who recognized what was going on had to testify against their own PCH doctors who made the autism assessment.
Fascinating reading, and with medial records to prove it:
Rhode Island, one separation ward for the entire state, in Providence, so you get all races and socio-economic levels together and see that it is most real and quite common:
The industrial age's middle-classes are the first large population sample which actually has choice in how they live. But most people are afraid of such choice, so they deceive themselves and find something to hide behind. They live in Bad Faith, self-deception.
So usually this means having children. They do this with the intent of using the children to give themselves an unstigmatized adult identity. But very often they end up blaming the miserable state of their own lives on the children they didn't need to have.
An autism/asperger's assessment is one of the more popular ways of doing this today.
Generally it is better if one can be very flexible in their social responses. But when one has their back against the wall as their legitimacy is under attack, this is impossible. I have noticed that for those who have been convinced that they suffer from Autism-Aspergers, things usually start to improve once they no longer live with their parents.
And then even where there is not some parental culpability, we live in a muggle world and we have muggle schools which serve little purpose other than to enforce social norms by bullying.
Frances Tustin, the high water mark for those treating Autism-Aspergers with Psychoanalysis, rather than as a hereditary neurological difference, and with Aversives Therapy, Pivotal Response Therapy, and Transcranial Magnet Zaps.
But in the writings of the autism-apserger's advocates you can always feel their shame over not living up to their parents' expectations, and their pleasure in how just by accepting the assessment everyone is exonerated.
Social Darwinism and Eugenics started in the later part of the 19th Century, as a way to legitimate Capitalism in the face of the first world wide industrial depression. But the formulation which still holds the hearts and minds of many today came from the Nazi Party. And it was Hans Asperger who sent over 5000 children to be euthanized. But he still managed to escape the Nuremberg Defendant's Dock.
Lots and lots of people support Social Darwinism and Eugenics. They've just decided to call these something which they think sounds sexier, Libertarianism.
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Californication [DELUXE EDITION]
Just a quick question for either SJG or dougster, if autism doesn’t exist, how do either of you two explain your existence?
Twentyfive, I am not Dougster, and as far as I know, Dougster is not currently posting on this forum. IF he has mended his ways, I hope he can return.
Autism-Aspergers are just concepts invented to legitimate the abuse of children and adults. Mental Illness, largely the same, all intended to marginalize people, and often people who are already vulnerable, such as children. Targeting people not likely to fight back. Those being effected by such, need to start striking back. The labels die, once people start to understand that using them often carries severe consequences.
There is a broad range of temperament in people. And this is evident even in children. But this does not mean that there is any such thing as Autism, Aspergers, ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, or anything like mental illness. The concepts only exist because of Nazi Social Darwinism and Eugenics.
Bruno Bettelheim always had serious credibility problems. And Refrigerator Mother was always a gross over simplification. It made it sound like it was something inadvertent.
But I believe that he got one thing right. When he looked into the faces of the children he was being sent, labeled as autistic, he could feel the fear, the utter terror. He knew that these were the same faces he saw when he was interned, first at Dachau, and then at Buchenwald.
And then we have Harry Harlow, a student of Stanford's Lewis Terman:
Waring of Rising Nationalism!
Adam Hochschild
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, underneath the Arch of Triumph, should be visible from this East side angled view](/member/@48).8736283,2.2953662,42m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x47e66fec70fb1d8f:0xd9b5676e112e643d!8m2!3d48.8737917!4d2.2950275
Theatre Chochotte - Paris
Hookers in Paris
Baker Gurwitz
Strip clubs are the best place (for me) to find strippers, and among for-hire sex workers, strippers tend to give the best and most fun no strings attached sex.
So yeah, even though I don’t always expect to get sex at a strip club, I go to strip clubs for the sex. :)
^ you're talking out of both sides of your penis