Changing of the Guard

avatar for rickdugan
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
I feel a definite changing of the guard in process. Now that the trolling has dramatically diminished in VIP, it is easier to see more new screen names representing more diverse parts of the country. I think that juice had a point about what this site was when he joined, but that is changing. We are now getting more participation from guys who don't need to rush out of the club in time to catch the nearest early bird dinner special.

Keep it coming boys and don't be discouraged by a couple of die hard old trolls who have little else to do between Meals on Wheels deliveries. It's the Circle of Life in action.

Though I do hope that shadow hangs in there for a long time. If all the senior citizens on the board followed his example this place would be much more interesting.

Good times.


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avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
if you are gonna say the lack of trolling is a good thing then why create such a cunty thread
avatar for chattguy123
6 years ago
I feel like hes on to something, I don't have to read about Bangladesh relocators or who shit in what toliet or even take dancers asking obviously dumb questions to incite white knight answers. The site, in my opinion has improved for the better.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
Definitely not trying to be "cunty" Papi. Just trying to make younger members with 10 to 30 or so night shift reviews feel more welcome. And yes, also making the point that this is a better place when it is not dominated by a couple of old timers treating this like a geriatric Romper Room.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
Typical douchebag trolling by RickiBoi.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
This is a serious post 25, albeit not the nicest to some. I think our newer posters will make this a better place.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
It starts with guys like Subraman, myself and, yes, even juice, the next wave of eventual old timers. Then guys like muddy, TheeOSU and many others, including some in flag's attempt at a recent troll thread. There are other solid reviewers I also hope to lure over.

Then, as you geriatric Romper Room types continue to die off, succumb to dementia or otherwise just fade, eventually this place might even be suitable for female involvement - we shall see.
avatar for Liwet
6 years ago
There are some people in the front room which would also make this place better but aren't here.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago
I'm always willing to take one for team in COI and TJ.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
Which of my attemts at a recent troll thread are you referring to?
avatar for georgmicrodong
6 years ago
Have to agree with rick. It’s slower paced than things used to be, but between ignore and the higher bar, what *is* there is far more interesting.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
RickiBoi likes the sound of his own voice, more than most, goes out of his way to pick fights, than when he gets called on his shit, says like a schmo, that he calls it as he sees it.
Sorry dude, say what you like, there are still some folks here that know what time it really is.
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
I guess I fall in here. Definitely more of a weekend/night shift under 30 guy. I’m really into the strip club scene because I just sleep with waaaay hotter women. Civie side I could probably get the 6 or 7 if I’m doing shit right. But ever since I’ve been on an SC tear it’s been 8’s and 9’s pretty consistently. Wallets a little lighter but overall has been fucking blast. TUSCL has been cool place to bullshit about it, and definitely learn a lot from as well.
avatar for ATACdawg
6 years ago
"Then, as you geriatric Romper Room types continue to die off, succumb to dementia or otherwise just fade, eventually this place might even be suitable for female involvement - we shall see."

Well, Rick, I just have this to say to you ............ Oh, shit. I forgot what I was going to say.

And where the hell did I leave my Depends??
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
The front room is better. The VIP is like a gathering of some of the most socially awkward people on here. Feel sorry for anyone asking advice here
avatar for jackslash
6 years ago
I was old when I joined TUSCL and now I'm 11 years older. Shadowcat was posting back then as he does now, but most of the old posters are gone. Some have died, as old people tend to do. Others have just disappeared. Maybe they found something better to do than post on a strip club website.

I'm planning on sticking around for a while. I'm in good health, and I still enjoy going to strip clubs. Reading and writing about strip club experiences is the next best thing to being in the club. I know, however, that good health does not last forever and death is inevitable. Someday the stripper jokes will end and then you'll be sorry.
avatar for doctorevil
6 years ago
Does anybody really even take seriously anything that Ricky Boy says? After, what alternate reality does someone live in that thinks the key to OTC is wearing a suit in dive bars and pretending to be a chemical engineer?…
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
^ Exhibit A - one of our die hard old trolls. ;)
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
there's no special formula to fucking hookers other than paying them.
avatar for Warrior15
6 years ago
Hey Icey Loser. Go back to the Front Room.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
You're the losers pretending that it takes something special to find a hooker
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
I *have* noticed there are names popping up that I hadn't seen before, some of them with plenty of reviews under their belt, so they were obviously lured in by the kindler, gentler VIP room. Which is the main thing I wanted when I was advocating for a moderator; ignoring trolls does nothing about the issue of scaring away the new blood
avatar for JamesSD
6 years ago
There definitely are some new regs, many of whom are on the younger side.

It's also interesting reading the reviews section. there are some guys there who post a lot but you never see on the discussion board.
avatar for TheeOSU
6 years ago
When I first signed up here it was mainly to post reviews and read reviews then over a period of time I started posting in discussions.
avatar for MackTruck
6 years ago
Sounds like your getting better at greasing bouncers ricky
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