What constitutes an "Extras Club"?
Everything written by this member is a fact.
Is it a place where:
A. Extras (including HJs) are often offered/provided?
B. Management doesn't do anything to discourage extras?
C. Extras are commonly negotiated with the dancer upfront for additional set cost?
D. Private areas facilitate receiving extras?
E. BJ and/or FS is available?
A. Extras (including HJs) are often offered/provided?
B. Management doesn't do anything to discourage extras?
C. Extras are commonly negotiated with the dancer upfront for additional set cost?
D. Private areas facilitate receiving extras?
E. BJ and/or FS is available?
Owner damn near encourages them because it brings in the clients.
Management does nothing to stop it
Is expected that you are offered Full Menu immediately after you buy your first drink.
You spend 30 to 45 minutes in the club and you are out.
All dancers give number and rate for OTC.
The extras take place in an open booth in location where the locals are shooting pool.
Police station 2 blocks away on the same street.
I speak the truth
When someone says a club is an "Extras Club" what is the expectation?
When someone says it is a "Non-extras Club" what is the expectation?
Generally, if a HJ or more is not rare in a club, then I'd call it an extras club. LDK is a grey area.
Hong Kong is a brothel.
Diamond Dolls in Pompano is a virtual brothel.
Flight Club is an Extras club
Follies is an Extras Club.
Mons Venus in Tampa is definitely not and extras club.
Cheetah Hallandale is not technically an Extras club. But they walk that fine line.
Treasures in Houston used to be an extras club until some lesbian mayor decided she didn't like it.
If the answer is no, then it’s an extras club.
I haven’t noticed much in the way of dicks out or FIV or anything. But I’ve had two end-of-nights of sitting tableside, with a customer not of getting dances, but tipping me while we converse and I inevitably get an OTC pitch.
I kid you not it’s almost verbatim from Dugan’s system (minus the suit) It may actually be the kind of place it works well if more than one man pulls those shenigans.
Based on some of these responses it is, and based on others it isn't. I was hoping to clear it up.
Does it impact the classification if first time customers get treated differently than regulars?
A clean club is one where girls get fired for the first offense.
There's a middle ground of clubs that aren't clean but only some of the girls do extras and management doesn't let anything blatant slide in more of a sending a girl home that day kind of way.
Extras club: there's a reasonable chance a customer can score an extra in that club. Side notes: As with any other human interaction, it's expected newbies might have a little more trouble than someone experienced. If a club is mostly HJ only, I call it a "light extras club"; we have such a club here. Management likely knows about the activity, but approves it or at least is very lazy in enforcing any rules.
Non-extras club: Unlikely anyone will get an extra. Side notes: Even in non-extras clubs, someone can occasionally get lucky, and a regular who has worked the system might score extras a bit more often. Management actively looks for and disciplines dancers who do extras.
It is exactly because it is a subjective term that gets used a lot. I was hoping to find out if there was a near concensus of its meaning so I would have a better understanding of what is being said.