
Comments by Subraman (page 105)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    don't sweat the petty things-pet the sweaty things
    We have a new challenger for biggest douchebag of 2019
    -->"Even more shocking not fat boi." Mild mannered geeks pretending to be pimps, typically don't get into a lot of trouble IRL.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    Does a strip club jacket exist?
    I always bring a jacket (not a special strip club jacket, just a jacket, usually an old one that I'm okay with getting strip club fluids on it). Even if it's hot out, a light jacket with pockets that zip closed, where I can put my phone, car keys (if I drove), etc. When I go to extras clubs, I lay the jacket on the couch and sit on that rather than sitting on it bareass. I've had ATFs who stick shift me (and more) in the front room if I lay the jacket across my lap.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Are you a drinker?
    -->"No alcohol at gentleman's clubs in WA" At one of the no-alcohol clubs I used to frequent here, I used to smuggle in a 375ml of vodka, then buy a bottle of water there at the club, head to the men's room, replace the water with vodka, and drink it with my ATF and her friends. This worked great through multiple ATFs for years. I am pretty sure the club knew what was going on, and turned a blind eye -- girls (sometimes multiple) would sit all around me and we'd all be drinking from the same bottle of water, hard to believe the bouncers didn't know exactly what was going on
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    6 years ago
    Are you a drinker?
    I might have a few drinks a month on civilian dates, or grabbing a beer with a buddy, etc. I drink 3-5+ drinks on OTCs, SB dates, and at the SC. This counts as "binge" for me. There are months where this only happens once, but also months where it happens 4+ times
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    Getting to know the support staff.
    Oh wait, it's been brilliantly explained. Carry on!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    Getting to know the support staff.
    This whole "can" thing has me very confused. Can someone explain whether this still applies if you have a good reputation? What if it's a very good reputation? This word, "can", does it mean it might happen, but might not?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    ^ You are an ass hole
    How do you know you’re becoming a RIL before it’s too late?
    -->"Fall in love in the club and fall out of it when you leave." Heh, that's actually pretty good, "love" is perhaps a bit too strong a word lol, but I neither want to be a RIL, or one of those guys who basically feels nothing but sexual objectification towards my CF. I sexually objectify all my strippers, of course, but if she's a CF I enjoy her company beyond the sexual objectification; just not looking for that enjoyment to extend into romantic feelings.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Taking my wife to the club
    Obviously enough, I don't know your wife well enough to know what she's after, but my experience taking SBs and at least 10 female hang-arounds over the past few decades is, they will be happiest in a higher end, no extras, alcohol, all-show less-contact club that we here on tuscl tend to avoid. If you want to have fun with a female whose SC tastes are unknown, that's by far the safest place to start, and always a hit. Plus, make sure no one knows you, man!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    Getting to know the support staff.
    Some guys here aren't super social so talking with the staff is stressful, but if that's not you, there's nothing but good that can come from being cool with the staff. At the very worst, when my ATF heads to the back, I have someone to talk sports or whatever with, a short but welcome break from bantering with a 20-something female, as much as I enjoy that. At best: I haven't paid the front desk fee at my main clubs in years, they sometimes buy me rounds, I get more latitude from the bouncers I'm cool with (sometimes, MUCH more latitude).
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    Is it bad if I have more fun at a non Extras club?
    This way of SCing is NOT APPROVED by tuscl! The following activities are approved: 1. bang her, 2. cum in your pants while she's on your lap, 3. invite her to OTC, 4. pimp and manage her. I only go to non-extra clubs, but that's not by choice, the extras clubs that are left here are untenable. But I have amazing fun at the non-extras clubs, and otherwise enjoy my extras OTC lol at "perform magic" :) :)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New Hampshire
    How and how often do you communicate with your CF/ATF
    -->"Ask for what? OTC? I have. First one doesn’t but will do extras in club. Second one, have made plans 3x and each time it fell thru ( last one was my fault). Third one, it’s been talked about a lot, but she keeps on shooting down all ideas although she brought it up originally with no mention of $$ at all. Matter of fact, was brought up in context of a date with the (obligatory) I-never-do-this caveat. So who the F knows." Having it fall through multiple times is 99% of the time, an indicator she's stringing you along. So is "shooting down all ideas". First girl is above-board, she doesn't do OTC. Second girl doesn't want to lose you as a customer, so is stringing you along for as long as you'll put up with cancelled OTCs. Third girl brought it up to hook you, and is coming up with silly reasons to shoot it down. Of course, strippers can sometimes be flakey and impulsive, so sometimes a little more effort gets rewarded. But I'd advise not spending a whole lot more time. #2 should get ONE more chance. #3, either work out an idea of what she would be interested in (WTF are you offering that she's shooting these down), or do one last offer, IMO.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New Hampshire
    How and how often do you communicate with your CF/ATF
    I think you should separate the topics. OTC is OTC. Set it up, with a specific day and time. She shows or she doesn't. Trying to divine her motives based on text contact doesn't work, IMO. A stripper who is contacting you a lot might be open to OTC, but might instead be using the texting as a marketing outreach. I've also had fantastic OTCs with women who don't like spending very much time texting their customers, even regulars. You want OTC, ask them, do not let them off the hook until you've set a date and time that's within a few days (anything further out is beyond the stripper planning zone) and execute or not. Regarding texting my ATFs (my very favorite CFs), my relationship with them often evolves to something more arrangement-ish, and so there's often frequent texting. But things progress to there... usually it starts with just appointment-setting, and some strippers who market more aggressively start sending pics and things to get me in the club. Usually it's all texting; once we're on CF/regular terms, I might be on her snapchat
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    founder, PLEASE extend login sessions
    Have to admit, I laughed at "trying out the next shade of white". If an option is easy to do, I like Liwet's suggestion, which is pretty much standard: a "keep me logged in" checkbox on the login page, that keeps me logged in for a month or a year, versus keep the 24 hours if it's not checked. If doing that is a pain in the ass, then maybe monthly?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    ^ You are an ass hole
    How do you know you’re becoming a RIL before it’s too late?
    -->"@Subraman developing the wrong type of feelings it’s ok to have feelings just don’t allow those feelings to overwhelm your common sense." Agree... the thing is, people are different, and I do all those things I described without getting overly-attached, or even worrying about getting overly attached. If I came to tuscl to write a thread about it, that might be an indication that some small voice is telling me I'm getting overly-attached
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    ^ You are an ass hole
    How do you know you’re becoming a RIL before it’s too late?
    I haven't been a RIL in many many years. But: "I look forward to clubbing specially because I’ll get to see her." ==> Same with my CF. In fact, I even make appointments with her to make 100% sure I'll get to see her. " I get dances from other girls but" ==> I'll stop you right there. I don't get dances with any other girls when my CF is there. Why should I? I don't enjoy them as much, rather spend my $$$ where I'll get the most enjoyment. "She’s done a few things that would have made me mad if she were a civie. I still go back. I just enjoy the ss. " ==> Okay, here we might part ways a bit, depending on what those "few things" are. If what's making you mad is run of the mill stripper flakiness and hustle, well, that's just part for the course. But beyond that, if it makes me feel disrespected, I'm bringing it up or moving on... "Sometimes I feel like going out isn’t worth it if she’s not there but other times I have a blast with all the other girls." ==> Once I have a good CF, I'll typically try to only go when we have an appointment. She's my CF specifically because I have so much more fun with her than with any or all the other girls, and why should I blow this week's SC budget on less than an amazing time? Anyway, the point is, I'm even more focused on a single stripper than you are, and nowhere near RIL territory ... I mean, I can't even see RIL territory from here. IMO, seeking out the girl who gives you the best time doesn't mean you're a RIL. Developing feelings is what makes you a RIL
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    a degenerate manipulator and not to be trusted
    Icey blocked me :(
    "other troll accounts", as if the icey account isn't a troll account from one of our long-time, most pathetic trolls? I recently took him off ignore, and his attempts at being street still make me cringe!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    a degenerate manipulator and not to be trusted
    Icey blocked me :(
    A bitch without a pimp is like a forum without a troll. It just ain't right.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    If you keep creating threads like this, I'm going to stick my FOSTA into your SESTA
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    ^ You are an ass hole
    Dancers with whom mileage increases at no corresponding price increase as the re
    For me, this has always been one of the main benefits of CF/ATFing over variety, the increasing YMMV/discretionary activities she provides.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    ^ You are an ass hole
    She had fishnets and I had buttons
    I find fishnets insanely, irresistibly sexy, even with the snag potential, at least in some forms. I generally don't do lapdances, though, and the slower, more deliberate movements in the VIP make it easier to mitigate the snag factor
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    ^ You are an ass hole
    She had fishnets and I had buttons
    MackTruck with an actual funny one. Nice! (in more ways than one)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What age was the oldest stripper you had ever seen at the club?
    Mitchell Brothers used to have a stripper from the 1970s, who I guess helped make their reputation, back every year. Not a house girl, of course, but for a couple of shows. She was at least in her 60s, and probably more like in her 70s, last time I saw her. To their credit, the house girls -- arguably some of the most beautiful women in stripperdom -- would sit and watch her in rapt attention and with respect.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Contacting an old fav
    -->"Sub, the potential "harm" is if she trusted him with personal phone number that she still uses. I'm sure she doesn't need guys contacting her out of the blue if she has an SO/family, just wants to forget what she used to do, etc." Rick, so the two things here are: 1. especially for young people, getting a text from someone they don't want to hear about isn't really that much of a big deal, certainly nothing traumatic 2. in any case, I think every stripper I've known who didn't want to be found by old customers, changed her number and then gave me the new #. 100% of them changed their number, no exceptions, that's what they do if they don't want potential contact in the future. Really, there is no real potential harm here, IMO. Text her, she'll text back or she won't, and the fact that she hadn't texted you in the intervening time isn't necessarily an indication she won't be receptive now, IME.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Shooting at HiLiter
    Shadowcat and his steel pipes! What a card!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    How could I have salvaged this situation...
    -->"One of the things I would love to steer the direction towards is more how to handle those situations in the future, not really how to prevent them" Once you say that you would like to talk for a few minutes, and she requests that you pay her as if they're dances, I'm not sure what else there is to be done to handle it. I think you handled it the only way possible, rather than try to argue or beg her into conversation, risk a conflict, etc. And "teaching" a new dancer what to do isn't really my style, especially since she has no real reason to believe me. All of my focus here would be preventative, I think.