
Are you a drinker?

Avatar for skibum609

Some people don't drink; some people drink a little; some people drink too much and some people cannot stop drinking. Which one are you? Personally I not only drink too much, I drink it in a weird way. Tell people you have between 60 - 90 drinks a month and it sounds like you have 2-3 a day, which is not unusual in a lot of groups. What if you drink that amount in a month, but only drink 6 - 9 days? It is too much in most worlds, but not mine. I binge drink and love it. Drives my wife crazy that when it comes to everything except alcohol, I know there are numbers between 0-10. Side bar: When was the last time you got sick from drinking? You know what I mean, the world spins, you stagger and wow puke city. Strangely enough despite a few times exceeding 50 drinks in a 12 -16 hour period over the years, the last time I barfed from drinking was the day after thanksgiving 1985. People say you lern nothing by being in a fraternity, but dam,n I learned to drink, drink a lot and hold it. never trust a man who cannot hold his liquor.


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Avatar for twentyfive

Drinking alcohol’s effect is cumulative, I don’t have more than 3-4 drinks over the course of a club visit, and I don’t drink every day, I do remember years back getting sick from too much consumption and didn’t enjoy it very much, one thing I noticed is that the more often you drink the greater your tolerance and you need a larger quantity to achieve the same results, be it getting drunk or getting sick.

Avatar for Lurker_X

I only drink a little. I don't like to feel unsteady on my feet or have difficulty remembering things.

Sometimes I see some beer marked down at the grocery store and I will try a new brand... It is not something I need to have around.

At a club I usually have 1 or 2 drinks of some type. My last one will be non-alcoholic.

Avatar for Warrenboy75

I'm a frat rat as well so the days of drinking the keg until it was gone or the garbage can punch are memories. I also was a bartender for a few years.

It's been decades since I was hungover the next morning. I still have my times where I catch a buzz but I don't drink anything sweet, don't mix what I drink in a given night, and know when to stop myself.

Avatar for Nidan111

I drink very little outside of the SCs. Generally a vodka once a week or beer when outside working in garden or when with wife at bone fire. At the SCs, I will drink up to 4 Long Island teas or vodkas. I have never had a hang over nor have I ever got sick from drinking. Did not start drinking until age 24 even though I was President of my Fraternity. I hold my liquor well and only one time did I black
Out. My black out was the only time I ever drank jaegermeister. Drank 3 shots back to back. Next thing I remember was having a bar patron in a headlock getting ready to punch him. He screamed, “dude, I’m trying to help you”. When I realized what was happening, I let him go. I realized my lip was bleeding. He said, “dude, you had 6 bouncers all over you and you were winning so they moved away from you when I stepped in!” I thanked him and vowed to NEVER EVER do jaeger again. Nor do I do 3 shots of anything back to back. That was about 7 years ago and I am getting too old for that shit. Hell, I was too old for that shit then! That behavior is NOT who I am.

Avatar for skibum609

Warren ty for the memories of garbage can punch. We called ours blow lunch punch. Vodka, Gin, Tequila, Triple sec, water, powdered lemonade, cut up fruit and the secret ingredient: Pure Grain Alcohol. One day we used the leftover half empty beers and blow lunch punch to coat the hallway and play slip and slide. So drunk we all just went to bed. The next morning, presto, we are all glued to sheets and blankets. Even with the steam bath and hot showers to get it off, I still miss my skin.

Avatar for Warrior15

I'll have maybe 6-8 drinks a month. Not much. Never have more than two at one time. I don't like the feeling of being drunk.

There is an area in Siberia where it is very common for the residents to live to 100 and beyond. On average age, residents in this area live about 10 years longer than anywhere else in Russia. They did a study of what these residents did differently that others. They only thing they found different was drinking alcohol. Alcoholism was virtually non-existent here, but every person regularly took one shot of vodka every day.

Avatar for AZFourTwenty

I only drink when in a club. I visit clubs 3-4 times a month and have 3-4 beers at most. My last (only) time I got sick from over consumption was 42 years ago in college drinking Harvey Wallbangers.

In college, my fraternity life seemed to revolve around drinking, but I rarely over indulged as I was not willing to deal with the consequences of hangovers or DUI's.
The loser leaf is a better alternative.

Avatar for flagooner


50 drinks in a 12-16 hour period would kill you.

Avatar for jackslash

I mostly drink beer. When I go to the club I buy a beer bucket of 5 bottles for $35. Another strip club rip-off.

Avatar for Subraman

I might have a few drinks a month on civilian dates, or grabbing a beer with a buddy, etc.

I drink 3-5+ drinks on OTCs, SB dates, and at the SC. This counts as "binge" for me. There are months where this only happens once, but also months where it happens 4+ times

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

Bourbon or beer. But I'm scaling back a lot recently.

Avatar for RandomMember

Glass of wine occasionally, and that's it. I like dry red wines. I'm the only guy in existence who orders wine in a strip club.

I lived in a frat for one quarter, strictly to get my own room. Remember the guy in the adjacent room put a voice recorder under his bed, fucked some girl who liked to scream at the top of her lungs. He then would play it back to impress everyone. That was it for me -- one quarter in a frat was enough.

Avatar for JohnTitor

No alcohol at gentleman's clubs in WA
This place sucks on a multitude of levels

Avatar for Warrenboy75

I lived in a frat house for one year but I was a member for three and a half.

I admit I preferred off campus apartments to living either in the dorm or the fraternity house.

I very seldom drink beer anymore. Red Wine of Scotch in the winter months and Scotch over ice --nothing mixed in.

Avatar for Subraman

-->"No alcohol at gentleman's clubs in WA"

At one of the no-alcohol clubs I used to frequent here, I used to smuggle in a 375ml of vodka, then buy a bottle of water there at the club, head to the men's room, replace the water with vodka, and drink it with my ATF and her friends. This worked great through multiple ATFs for years. I am pretty sure the club knew what was going on, and turned a blind eye -- girls (sometimes multiple) would sit all around me and we'd all be drinking from the same bottle of water, hard to believe the bouncers didn't know exactly what was going on

Avatar for shadowcat

I used to be a functioning alcoholic. April 1 will mark 11 years of sobriety. It does not bother me to be around other people drinking.

Avatar for Muddy

1 or 2 when I go to a club. If it’s a special night I might go to about 5

Avatar for ime

I drink with friends on weekends, though fewer times a month now, rarely drink alone. If I am at a club usually have a couple drinks, but not too many if i am driving.

Avatar for skibum609

100% incorrect flag. For a person of the size I was back then, alcohol metabalizes at 1.5 ounces for hour. That means 16 drinks in 16 hours doesn't even put me in drunk driving school. Technically you're supposed to be dead at .4, but I have seen at least 10 tests higher than that and no deaths, with the record being 45. Conmgrats Shadow ^5. Fuinniest thing is that I seldom drink at home and never keep alcohol in the house.

Avatar for skibum609

Oops forgot to add this for Flag. Golf trip was to Cocoa Beach, because of the Inner Room and 3.2 beer makes the amount less than you assume.

Avatar for Cristobal

I'm a social drinker.

I drink whatever is being consumed, I haven't met a liquor I didn't like.

I don't ever get hung over, no matter how much I drink.

I don't drink much at strip clubs (maybe a beer or two).

Avatar for gSteph

Always had weakness for alcohol, quit 1st time when I was 23. That abstinence ended during my 1st strip club visit back in late 70s. Two beers and dancing titties made for a helluva buzz.
Quit for 3rd and last time 7+ years ago.
Thank God for loser leaf.

Avatar for NinaBambina

I drink a lot and was drinking too much for a while, especially a lot of 2017-18, a lot of times to self medicate until it became a habit. Sometimes I was drinking two bottles of wine in a day, so I'm an alcoholic.

I've only gotten drunk like twice so far this year. My mental state is a lot better and I've managed to cut wayyy down on the alcohol. I still drink several days a week, but it's usually just sipping wine now for a slight mellow feel. I now hate the feeling of being drunk and don't know how I did it regularly for an extended period of time. I also get hangovers very easily, and can't believe I used to put myself through that!

Avatar for MackTruck

Good for you^^^

I don't usually drink a lot, but when I do it is on

Avatar for twentyfive

@Nina Good for you babe, did you resolve your problems at home I hope so

Avatar for Icey

I don't get hangovers. I usually have about 6 shots of tequila at the club and maybe a beer or 4

Avatar for NinaBambina

Twentyfive - thanks! And a lot of things at home have been a lot better. On a similar note, every toxic person in my life is no longer in it, and the people I care about most have made a lot of progress so far this year. :)

Avatar for flagooner

Welcome back Nina. I'm glad you are getting things under control.

Avatar for sshrfrsky

I thought I had one of the worst hungovers of my life just a few weeks ago. Turns out I was developing some kind of flu. But the alcohol the night before made it so much worse. I haven't puked from drinking to excess in I don't know how long. I do get hungovers but for the amount I drink sometimes and lack of sleep after, it should be worse than it is. Been wanting to smoke weed to reduce my alcohol intake and since it's been almost 20 years since I have smoked, I'm curious on how how it will affect me and if I will enjoy it enough to do it regularly . I was a very casual weed smoker when I did. Parties, concerts etc. But always was drinking when i smoked so I feel that interfered with the weed effect.

Avatar for Jascoi

i need a hic drink.

my club drinks are fun.
my problem is my alone drinking.

Avatar for NinaBambina

sshrfrsky - weed is so much better than alcohol. But, when you smoke weed again don't mix it with alcohol (or if you're drinking, just do 1 or 2 drinks) or else you could get the spins which is awful.

Weed is amazing.

Avatar for sshrfrsky

I definitely want to smoke with no alcohol in my system and if it's something I would continue, then allow some moderate drinking in conjunction to start.

Avatar for Uprightcitizen

I will drink anywhere between 2-5 drinks when I'm at the club. More if I am gonna light it up.

The last few months I have been drinking more which consists of 1/2 to a bottle of wine per day which is an unusual uptick for me. I think it's a coping thing with some family drama. Normally I would maybe be every other night on average a 1-3 drinks.

Weed is just an occasional thing I do with a sexual partner that likes it. Rarely outside of that as it has longer term effects on my mental processes I need sharp for work. Alchohol effects dissipate quickly.

Avatar for skibum609

Nina there is a secret to mixing weed with alcohol: Smoke it before you drink or while you drink, but never smoke it after you are intoxicated. We use to have a rhyme about it back in the day, but smoking over 13,000 days means I forgot it.

Avatar for flagooner

You can't even keep that little secret. I'd never trust you to maintain confidences as a lawyer.

Here's a bit of advice... Stop smoking the Loser Leaf if you don't want to be a loser.

Avatar for stripfighter

Here's to alcohol: the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.

Avatar for Huntsman

I have beer or bourbon a few times a month. I’m pretty boring.

But welcome back to Nina and I’m glad things are better for you.

Avatar for nicespice

I drink usually either socially or at work.

And since I drive to work, I do my best to control it. I’ll avoid drinking during the last 2 hours at work. I get drunk easily but recover pretty easily too. And I agree with the above that weed and booze together is definitely asking for trouble.

Avatar for Bavarian

Only drink at the BYOB strip clubs.

I want to try loser leaf edibles. Not into smoking.

Avatar for GoVikings

i do drink. i probably fall into the "drink a little category"

when i go to the SC, i'll have 2 drinks max. can't drink anymore than 2 because i'm driving.

but even at home i usually don't have anymore than 4 drinks in a given night. i do it mostly because i like the buzz/relaxed feel it gives you.

i've been drunk before, but only a small handful of times

Avatar for nicespice

“I want to try loser leaf edibles. Not into smoking.”

I don’t care for smoking either. Edibles are my favorite way to partake.

Avatar for JamesSD

I have a beer almost every night. But I almost never have more than 2 drinks.

Avatar for DeclineToState

A beer or a cocktail most nights, occasionally 2.
When out with friends, 4-6 drinks is easy over course of night. When clubbing, 2-3.
Last time I barfed from drinking: my bachelor party.

Avatar for DeclineToState

@nina: "But, when you smoke weed again don't mix it with alcohol (or if you're drinking, just do 1 or 2 drinks) or else you could get the spins which is awful.“

So the spins is what happened to me at the club those 2 time?! Both times I’d had a bunch to drink at club and this dancer I like always offers me to hit her pen. Made me spin both times. One of the times I was upstairs at club waiting for it to wear off, this girl walks up to me says “wanna dance,” I said sorry youre adorable but I’ll have to pass cuz I’m so fucking high. She was a good sport sat with me a while while we laughed and talked, some types of weed makes everything funny, some makes me stopped. I rarely smoke

Avatar for DrunkPraetorian

I have a shot and two beers after work - my days off I have more of course. I always try not to have more than two beers in the club. I always try and keep a slight buzz going - life is rough enough and no ones getting out alive anyways.

Avatar for crazyjoe

I don't usually drink when out at the clubs. My usual club is no alcohol anyway. I have never had a DUI but I did have a close call once or twice and that solved the drinking while out issue. If I drink while out it is only one. I do have a high tolerance though. When at home I do like a bottle of Whiskey, Tequila or Brandy. I could handle half to 3/4 of a 750ml bottle. I have relatives who can easily make me look like a light weight. I do know women who can out drink me.

Avatar for Jascoi

i’m a wossie. anybody can drink/ smoke me under the table.

Avatar for Chilli_Powdurr

I can only handle one shotband I am underneath the table

Avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)

To answer your question;

Are you a drinker?

No, I am not a drinker.

I am a mature professional, a sofisticated, discerning gentleman with good sense of humor.

American drinking culture, goes hand in hand with the capitalistic agenda.

The rich people who can afford drinking a glass of wine every night will do so for health benefits, whereas poorer populations tend to take their opportunities to binge on as much alcohol until the next time they can get some.

Alcohol use and misuse account for 3.3 million deaths every year, or 6 percent of all deaths worldwide. The harmful effects of alcohol misuse are far reaching and range from individual health risks, morbidity, and mortality to consequences for family, friends, and the larger society.

The alcohol industry uses complex targeted marketing strategies that focus on African Americans, Latinos, and American Indians, among other demographic groups, such as youth and other ethnic minorities (Alaniz and Wilkes 1998; Moore et al. 2008). Empirical studies show that targeted alcohol marketing results in individuals developing positive beliefs about drinking, and creating and expanding environments where alcohol use is socially acceptable and encouraged

Avatar for san_jose_guy

I do not drink. Given that we have automobiles, I think it better not to.

Also, I believe that anyone who drinks enough will probably develop a drinking problem. I also think the basic idea that using alcohol is good, is just plain wrong.


Avatar for flagooner

You still drink from you mother's teet.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

^^^^^^ flagooner gets it by distilling E85 motor fuel down to just ethanol.


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