
Comments by Subraman (page 102)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    "Toys" for SC visits??
    I usually bring in a bullet vibrator. The lower-end ones only run $10-ish, so I bring it in the un-opened package, and let her open it herself in the VIP, so she knows it's new. Then I leave it with her when I leave, and ask her to keep it in her bag for next time. Once you have the trust established (note I'm SCing in a lower-contact no-extras club, so this is a big step on her part; I imagine no big deal at all in an extras club), it has been a huge smash hit with the girls.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Here we go again
    Naming dancers
    Shadow: oh, gotcha. On the one hand, I don't mention names in reviews for purely selfish reasons. To wit, who the fuck needs all these guys demanding my CF's time? That can't be anything but bad for me, and I care most about me. There are times, though, when I might mention a name, in the vein of "Cinnamon showed me an amazing time, would go back just to see her". When I'm traveling and won't be back at that club anyway; or, at my home club, there's sometimes girls who hang out with me and are awesome, but I only get occasional dances with. I think there's two good reasons to mention her name: 1. Free press for her. Great strippers should be rewarded with more business 2. G2 for the PLs. It is useful and interesting for a PL to know which girls have a great reputation, going in. I get your point that just because a girl blew me away, doesn't mean you'll like her as much, or that she'll treat you as well.. viz. the YMMV thread from last week. But, having been on local forums where there is far more aggressive swapping of information, I would say it's absolutely the case that generally speaking, the crowd is usually right. The girls who got good reviews, usually got more and more and more. Ditto the bad ones. If this info were totally random and useless, most girls would have a mix of reviews. It's useful info, and better than going into the club with no insight into the girls, IME
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What is your favorite type of ethnic food?
    -->"I go past a restaurant frequently that claims to be West African Cuisine. WTF is that?" I've had Senegalese, which is about as west as you can get in AFrica. It is fucking awesome. Do try it, man! I have no idea if your West African restaurant is Senegalese specifically, but usually countries in the same region have vaguely similar styles. If I had to try to compare it with something, I'd say the presentation and textures were closest to Indian food, but the spices and ingredients and flavors are different, so you might like it even if you don't like Indian. Unlike when I SC, when it comes to food I'm a variety guy instead of an ATFer. I suppose I'd pick Italian if you held a gun to my head. But beyond that, I just fucking love Indian, ethiopean, Mexican, Cuban, Nicaraguan, **Peruvian!**, Salvadorean, various mediterranean/middleeastern/persian/afghani styles. I like (but don't love) many traditional ASian cuisines, but tend to LOVE the Asian fusion styles chefs are coming up with here in CA (and I imagine elsewhere).
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Here we go again
    Naming dancers
    -->"What;s the purpose of giving names? If I've got a hottie that is taking care of me, why should I share her?" Are you asking what the purpose of "names + explicit details" is, shadow? Or are you questioning why mention names at all, even if it's just to say "Cinnamon showed me an amazing time"?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Here we go again
    Naming dancers
    Jimmy: I'm not arguing otherwise. In fact, I come down strongly on the side that we shouldn't connect a particular stripper with anything that could get her in trouble with the law, management, or other strippers. Just thought it's interesting that founder hasn't made it a site policy. -->"Mention ROBs by name. Mention dancers by name to describe them or if you had a good time. Don’t mention dancers by name AND include acts that could get them in trouble with coworkers, management or LEO. It’s not hard. If someone wants more specifics that’s what PMs are for. Every time I post a review describing good mileage, I get a half dozen PMs from people I’ve never heard of asking for names" Agree. I'd add to that -- consider not sharing info, even by PM, with "people I've never heard of asking for names". 0% chance I'd share details of things like extras, even by PM, with anyone who I don't know and trust (and despite all the jokes about what scumbags we are, there are guys here I'd share with)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Here we go again
    Naming dancers
    Shadow: he provided guidance, but is not saying that doing so is against policy. Again, I could be mis-remembering, but I thought he came in more than once, and specifically said such detail is not against site policy, even if it's poor judgement or ethics. (ha ha! ethics again)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Here we go again
    Naming dancers
    doc: I meant it to be ironic :)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Here we go again
    Naming dancers
    If I remember right, founder has specifically come on here to say he doesn't have a policy -- he's fine with however people want to report this. So there's no definitive right or wrong from the point of view of the site, just our own evolving PL ethical standards. I agree that dancer names + anything that can get her in trouble in any way (either with management, law enforcement, or the other girls) should be avoided. I think ROBs should be called out with specific names and physical descriptions, since ROBs sometimes change names, I've noticed. Hell, I think you're a little bit of a douchebag if you DON'T name her. I think it's perfectly fine to mention the name of a particular stripper if she was awesome, as long as you don't connect her to anything that could get her in trouble. It could get her more business, and it's informative to PLs to know who might be great. That said, I usually don't do so ... who needs a big line of guys waiting for my CF? But no, there's nothing at all wrong with doing this.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
     All your base are belong to us.
    you can't take it with you
    Not tempted to fix them. When I first shifted from variety to ATFing, I definitely got too invested in their troubles and questionable decisions. This is no longer an issue for me
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Hate Mail from CountryGirl
    Rick is having all the fun. All I ever get in messaging is nicespice sending me clitpics rendered into ascii.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    Do dancers in your club wear the same outfit every time you see them?
    I've met a very few strippers who always wore the same outfit every time I saw them. In at least one case, it was a girl who decided that outfit flattered her figure best, and had a bunch of them.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Dancers that are cutters
    Haven't seen it, but wondering if I'm just not noticing it
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    OT: Autonomous cars. Do you believe the hype?
    I don't think there's much question that the cars will be driving themselves. The points you bring up -- there will be some government regulation; there might be a requirement to have a driver behind the wheel as a failsafe for a while -- is not some kind of insurmountable obstacle. Unless there's some spectacular failure that sets things back, widespread in 10 years for sure, would be my guess.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    At the end of the day ....
    It's puzzling that when you say "ass guy" or "boob guy", the assumption is automatically that what you like is giant, even disproportionate, asses and tittays. I mean, Piggie said "pussy", but no one is assuming that because he said that, he likes giant floppy meatcurtain pussies (although hey, he might). I'm an ass guy. I like a proportional, heart-shaped, projecting ass on a slim body. It will not be huge or look like she takes 20-pound dumps out of it. I'm not a boob guy at all, but to the extent I like boobs, my favorite appear impossibly gravity-defying and pert, firm and perfectly-shaped boobs on a slim body -- and to get that look, you're usually talking no bigger than B cup. To give Piggie equal time, I prefer small pussies, with labia minor either completely hidden or just playing peek-a-boo
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What club would you visit and why?
    I'd skim the reviews rather than make the decision based on the summarized view. But, if you really mean "okay, pretend there's a guy holding a gun to your head, and for some reason, it's very important to him that you make a sincere decision on strip club visits based on just this table", I'd probably tell him to re-format the table or shoot me. To be a little less dicky, if I chose based on this incompetently-formatted table, I'd probably pick CC. Given we have no other info, I wouldn't make guesses on why CC has fewer visits but higher ratings -- maybe it just opened 2 years ago, and AA has been open since 2002. Might as well take advantage of the crowd's wisdom
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What are reasons your CF is your CF?
    -->"My CF Bargirl makes me feel like I'm her CF." Quite pithy. I was about to write 3 paragraphs that boil down to that. Well, plus she's hot.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What are reasons your CF is your CF?
    When I come in and she's talking to King_Gambrinus, she’ll stop mid sentence and leave his ass without even saying good bye and run over to me.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    -->"Pay per visit. Overnight stay too." Most SBs, especially younger ones, don't charge for an overnight stay -- it's like OTC that way, you pay for the date and it lasts however long. And your reviews are from the Sacramento area, which is not a high-$ area. $300-$500, I'll guess $350 just because, since you're asking this, it must be low ABsolutely don't post pics
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Is TUSCL getting past it's prime?
    nice; in all honesty, my experience was pretty much the same. Heavy in commentary, light in speeds & feeds, but still all got through. Regardless of the board's consensus view, it seems like someone doing more of a TR can still get approved if the review is good
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Is TUSCL getting past it's prime?
    I agree with the metaphor, those guys are literally Hitler (to channel my inner millennial SJW) More seriously, AZ, I think you poisoned what could have been a very good discussion, by coming at it so abrasively. As I said in the other thread, while I see the value of detailing drink prices, entrance fee, etc., I very strongly disagree that every review should have to repeat those same things. There's also a place for "Trip Report" type reviews; if there are already lots of "speeds & feeds" reviews on a particular club, as there are for most clubs on TUSCL, a subject Trip Report can actually be more enlightening than just a repeat of speeds & feeds. That is, provided the TR contains some proof that the reviewer was actually at the club, plus a clear elaboration of what he was looking for vs what he experienced, etc.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Actually to add what I just wrote, rick's point just before mine, "give us something that lets us know that you actually visited the place", I very strongly agree with this, whether more standard review or TR. In the case of the review cited by Papi, the editorial on the bachelor beatings perhaps does that
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I may be a bit out of step with the group. My question is: if the club already has reams of reviews that describe the facts -- drink prices, entry price, etc. -- why wouldn't a "trip report" style review be more enlightening that re-reporting all the facts that have been reported ad nauseum already? As long as the trip report is detailed enough to give me a sense of this club and this particular PL's experience, I think that if the standard stats have already been reported in other reviews, a TR can be great. We can argue whether ellocohombre's TR as cited by Papi is too subjective to be useful or not (I probably would have approved), but I do see value in TRs, just as I see value in reviews that re-confirm prices, lineup beauty, etc.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    SA banning
    -->"Notice I said e-mail and not text---personally I don't like giving out my cell even though it is a burner phone and I don't want to change my number for every girl either........." I think that's a fine personal choice if that's what makes you feel best, although my experience with millennial women and email is not good. I give out my burner number, there's no downside. Worst case, I could simply block anyone who was annoying me by text, but in the few years I've been on SA, I have literally never had to do that, not even once. I don't understand why you'd ever have to change your number, much less change it for every girl?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    SA banning
    -->"Are there any legal ramifications from this? Are people only getting busted for soliciting when it’s an undercover sting or are people getting busted for intent ( text messages, emails, etc)" What do you mean by "busted"? No one's getting busted, if by that you mean criminally charged; the site is monitoring profiles, messages, and people who report others, and the slightest hint of anything to do with prostitution gets someone banned from the site. That's all. Sometimes, if you send a message to support apologizing and promising not to do it again, they re-instate the account.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Rhode Island
    IceyLoco ... when a troll persona falls apart
    -->"Icey just needs to quit the fake persona and admit she is a woman. Anyone who posts discussions about their favorite show being Jersey Shore and about their favorite love songs is a female." I'd actually thought Icey was Dougster, it showed signs of dougster, although he used the trapbaby troll to do his "attack topics" thing, rather than Icey. Current incarnation of Icey comes off exactly like I'd expect a Stripperweb girl to, delusions about how strip clubs work and all. But, the fact is, dougster is smart enough to do that on purpose... I mean, doesn't take a genius to know that "Jersey Shore is my favorite show" is basically chick talk. Whatever, I guess