
Naming dancers

Avatar for GrayFox
GrayFoxHere we go again

Why are so many reviews naming dancers name and what they did. That could get them into trouble with the club. Should we stop naming dancers?


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Avatar for Papi_Chulo

It's an ongoing problem - some guys treat TUSCL like it was an escort review site.

Avatar for twentyfive

My thought that there's some personal shit going on, and someone in particular is getting even for being spanked here on the boards, I've noticed the same names approving most of the reviews naming dancers, not ready to call them out yet but I will if it keeps up.

Avatar for Assmanjoe

Im a newb here but i dont see an issue if you dont link anything illegal to a name or tell the internet she has b.o. or something. If its like “candy gives a great lapdance”, whats the problem? But if its like ”candy gave me head for twenty bucks”, that is a problem.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

^ it's the latter we're talking about

Avatar for Chili Palmer
Chili Palmer

Of course dancers should be named. It's absurd to posit otherwise, even though so many alleged reviewers on this bulletin board opine otherwise. Specific deeds should be omitted, of course, but simply telling me you "had a great time" and drinks are $5 each is about as helpful as a rubber crutch. Regulars to these clubs want names, descriptions and times available, as well as who should be avoided and why. The rest is fluff.

Avatar for shadowcat

If I see dancer names used in conjunction with extras, I consider it to be too explicit and I reject it. I don't want the girls getting into trouble with the club or LE.

Avatar for Icey

Dancers shouldn't be named in reviews. That's just common sense. I wouldn't name anyone.When VIP, I reject those reviews

Avatar for Liwet

No one of consequence really reads this site. I don't think it matters if a name is given with the sex act provided (only the old people on this board do because they aren't comfortable with their sexuality). America is dumb when it comes to sex.

I write my reviews as if I'm talking to my younger self. If Sindy (with an S) played with my penis for $60, I'm putting it out there in the review so my younger self doesn't end up paying $200 for the same thing.

Avatar for twentyfive

^ explain to me why you think no one of consequence reads this site, and if you’re Rong, why should some young woman who treated you well be punished for you being a prick.

Avatar for skibum609

Little bitches like to gossip and name drop. It's an admission of weakness.

Avatar for Electronman

If I mention a dancer by name, I never link her name to anything specific.
The only exception is that I will indicate the name of a ROB.

Avatar for shadowcat

Liwet - If you can't run with the old dogs stay on the porch.

Avatar for Longball300

Certainly you can imply which dancers are "recommended" and give a name without being too specific about activities and the exchange of money. If you feel the need to be more explicit I concur that names should be left out. I know in my conversations with several dancers (some active on this board) about TUSCL they have said that they would want names and details left out of reviews.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

@liwet: “No one of consequence really reads this site.”

Define what constitutes “one of consequence” please.

I know of at least one club manager in Louisville who reads this site. He’s admitted it. Two others have made comments about information in their clubs’ reviews.

Several of the dancers in Louisville use the site to check out clubs in places to which they’re going on vacation, to see if it’s worth the effort to dance a day or two for extra funds.

So are dancers “no one of consequence”? I can see using such information against their fellow dancers in some cases. Or against the customers who posted it, if they think they know who it is.

Are club managers “no one of consequence”? I can think of a couple of ways a club manager could use such information. Firing would be the mildest. Threatening to fire or call the cops (never mind lack of evidence; blackmailers and extortionists depend on threats, not facts) if the dancer doesn’t fuck them. Pimping them and taking even more of their money on threat of firing.

I’m sure some of the more imaginative folks here can think of more.

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

I never link dancers by name to extras. If someone wants more information, they can message me.

I've always rejected reviews that name dancers and link them to specific acts. Even if you set aside that it might get the dancer in trouble, the fact is that a dancer might be selective about what she offers to who.

It's a bad prw.

Avatar for stripfighter

Admittedly i have dog in the fight, but w/ YYMV what are you looking for?? to see if Mercedes does extras so your fellow mongers can print the TUSCL review when she's not doing for you what she did for him??

Like ski said only bitches gossip and name drop.

Avatar for Warrior15

I cannot believe it. I agree with IceyLoco on something. No dancers names at all IMO.

Avatar for GrayFox

I do not mind a description of the dancers at the club but leave out her name if it is only to tell everyone what she did in vip. I know of 2 clubs that read the posting. They also read posting on the site stripclublist

Avatar for JohnSmith69

Can somebody please pm me Candy’s number.

Avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody

Liwet clubs in Vegas so his name dropping probably doesn’t matter. Maryland is much more local oriented and at least three dancers here are members on the site and read the board. Mention names or extras if you must but not both. I prefer not to, and reject reviews that mention both as too explicit, especially for local clubs but also nationally. I let the factories like Diamond Dolls and Follies (sorry Shadow) do what they do and just abstain.

Avatar for nicespice

“If Sindy (with an S) played with my penis for $60, I'm putting it out there in the review so my younger self doesn't end up paying $200 for the same thing.”

Put it blunt terms like that, and throw it in her face that she’s the club’s undercutting whore (a stigma that hits at dancers hard—whether deserved or undeserved) and from a mongering perspective you can probably kiss that $60 yanky wanky goodbye if she finds out.

Then she becomes $60 airdance Sindy and $250 for the same thing. And likely those raised prices won’t be for you, if you’re the one who made her feel shame in the first place. You will get discarded as a customer.

From a monger perspective, leaving names out isn’t merely the do gooder thing to do. It should also be recognized as the smart thing to do from a self-serving standpoint.

Avatar for flagooner

Is it okay to call out the dancers that give 50 cent BJs?

Avatar for Subraman

If I remember right, founder has specifically come on here to say he doesn't have a policy -- he's fine with however people want to report this. So there's no definitive right or wrong from the point of view of the site, just our own evolving PL ethical standards.

I agree that dancer names + anything that can get her in trouble in any way (either with management, law enforcement, or the other girls) should be avoided.

I think ROBs should be called out with specific names and physical descriptions, since ROBs sometimes change names, I've noticed. Hell, I think you're a little bit of a douchebag if you DON'T name her.

I think it's perfectly fine to mention the name of a particular stripper if she was awesome, as long as you don't connect her to anything that could get her in trouble. It could get her more business, and it's informative to PLs to know who might be great. That said, I usually don't do so ... who needs a big line of guys waiting for my CF? But no, there's nothing at all wrong with doing this.

Avatar for TFP

@Warrior I can't see Icey's post that you agree with. When you say no names at all, you mean even saying something like a name with a description of her body is all bad?

I actually like when I see names and descriptions. When visiting a new club it let's me know who to keep an eye out for. Or I listen for the DJ to announce her name when she's coming up on stage.

Avatar for shadowcat

Subraman - Founder in his review guidelines said "Be honest. You can go into detail of the private dances. Just be careful with names if it may get your ATF in trouble." I think that it pretty clear on his stance.

Avatar for Warrior15

Unless you are outing a ROB, I don't want to see any names in a Review. I might name a bartender or waitress or bouncer. But no names of dancers.

Avatar for doctorevil

Subraman: “PL ethical standards.” That’s pretty funny.

Avatar for Subraman

doc: I meant it to be ironic :)

Avatar for Subraman

Shadow: he provided guidance, but is not saying that doing so is against policy. Again, I could be mis-remembering, but I thought he came in more than once, and specifically said such detail is not against site policy, even if it's poor judgement or ethics. (ha ha! ethics again)

Avatar for rickdugan

Some guys are either too stupid to understand the potential consequences of their actions or too selfish to care.

Avatar for Cristobal

All the content on this site is fiction, right?

Why are we worried about names?

Nothing illegal happens in a strip club.

Avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody

@Sub - if founder said it was open, then it doesn’t mean it’s ok. It means he’s leaving it up to the reviewers and the forum to police it. We (global ‘we’ not me and you) have differing opinions. To me, best practices is not connecting specific dancers with crimes.

@Cristobal - that ‘everything is fiction’ is less than meaningless. I hope you were just being ironic and don’t actually believe it protects you or any dancers from LEO attention.

Honestly, I don’t get the debate. Mention ROBs by name. Mention dancers by name to describe them or if you had a good time. Don’t mention dancers by name AND include acts that could get them in trouble with coworkers, management or LEO. It’s not hard. If someone wants more specifics that’s what PMs are for. Every time I post a review describing good mileage, I get a half dozen PMs from people I’ve never heard of asking for names.

Avatar for Subraman

Jimmy: I'm not arguing otherwise. In fact, I come down strongly on the side that we shouldn't connect a particular stripper with anything that could get her in trouble with the law, management, or other strippers. Just thought it's interesting that founder hasn't made it a site policy.

-->"Mention ROBs by name. Mention dancers by name to describe them or if you had a good time. Don’t mention dancers by name AND include acts that could get them in trouble with coworkers, management or LEO. It’s not hard. If someone wants more specifics that’s what PMs are for. Every time I post a review describing good mileage, I get a half dozen PMs from people I’ve never heard of asking for names"

Agree. I'd add to that -- consider not sharing info, even by PM, with "people I've never heard of asking for names". 0% chance I'd share details of things like extras, even by PM, with anyone who I don't know and trust (and despite all the jokes about what scumbags we are, there are guys here I'd share with)

Avatar for shadowcat

What;s the purpose of giving names? If I've got a hottie that is taking care of me, why should I share her? Even if I were to give names, that does not mean that she would be there when you go or that she would be your type or that she would give you the same action that she gives me. You can give the quality of the dancers in your opinion and you can give your opinion of the available mileage but that doesn't mean the next guy will find the same thing or agree with you.

I do share explicit information with my close TUSCL buddies that I trust via PM but unknowns only get generic information from me, even in PMs.

Avatar for Subraman

-->"What;s the purpose of giving names? If I've got a hottie that is taking care of me, why should I share her?"

Are you asking what the purpose of "names + explicit details" is, shadow? Or are you questioning why mention names at all, even if it's just to say "Cinnamon showed me an amazing time"?

Avatar for shadowcat

Why mention names at all!

Avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody

@Sub - yeah we agree. I realize you were only making the point re founder policy not your own practices.

@Cristobal - yeah I got you. I see that ‘work of fiction’ point raised seriously sometimes. Leads me to question people’s IQs.

Avatar for Subraman

Shadow: oh, gotcha.

On the one hand, I don't mention names in reviews for purely selfish reasons. To wit, who the fuck needs all these guys demanding my CF's time? That can't be anything but bad for me, and I care most about me.

There are times, though, when I might mention a name, in the vein of "Cinnamon showed me an amazing time, would go back just to see her". When I'm traveling and won't be back at that club anyway; or, at my home club, there's sometimes girls who hang out with me and are awesome, but I only get occasional dances with. I think there's two good reasons to mention her name:

  1. Free press for her. Great strippers should be rewarded with more business
  2. G2 for the PLs. It is useful and interesting for a PL to know which girls have a great reputation, going in.

I get your point that just because a girl blew me away, doesn't mean you'll like her as much, or that she'll treat you as well.. viz. the YMMV thread from last week. But, having been on local forums where there is far more aggressive swapping of information, I would say it's absolutely the case that generally speaking, the crowd is usually right. The girls who got good reviews, usually got more and more and more. Ditto the bad ones. If this info were totally random and useless, most girls would have a mix of reviews. It's useful info, and better than going into the club with no insight into the girls, IME

Avatar for doctorevil

I agree with Shadow. No reason at all to name names. Early on I shared a couple of names via PM. Now, my policy is: if I haven’t met you in person, you’re not getting anything more than I put in my review. If I describe anything more than a good lapdance, I even try to avoid disclosing anything that might allow someone to guess who I am talking about. The only exception to this is the couple of dancers who post here that I have met, and I asked for their permission before I mentioned them in my review.

Avatar for twentyfive

Naming dancers is little bitch territory especially connecting them with, possibly illegal acts, but just naming them makes them vulnerable to all kinds of terrible things, anyone who’s so selfish that they can’t keep things to themselves is a creepy fuck, and deserves to get slammed for that.

Avatar for NJBalla

One of my favorite forums was taken down because they were scared extras conversation would lead into legal issues. I dont list girls who provide extras in the public forum. Only in private messages. Guys either gossip publicly to brag or dont understand the consequences. Then they act surprised when the same girl has a limited menu in future visits. What you dont understand is TUSCL is full of lurkers hoping to get VIP treatment based on your feedback. What they dont understand is girls have a very variable menu and you are setting the girl up for trouble and a fellow customer up for a bad experience when the dance doesnt go as far as he'd like

Avatar for DeclineToState

This topic gets raised a few times per year. On one of those prior threads, @Papi summed his guidance as follows (which I thought was well stated): "A dancer's name should not be used in conjunction w/ anything you wouldn't do if a bouncer was looking at you."

Avatar for Subraman

AGree, DTS, that's a good way of putting it. 'course, I often get drunk with my stripper while the bouncer is looking, and I wouldn't say that about her in a review, either.

Avatar for doctorevil

“"A dancer's name should not be used in conjunction w/ anything you wouldn't do if a bouncer was looking at you." That rule won’t work for Follies.

Avatar for DeclineToState

@Subra: "I often get drunk with my stripper while the bouncer is looking."
^LOL. And that's why I trend to the TL clubs, cuz it's so much fun combining drinking openly and playing with beautiful, scantily clad women. I haven't yet smuggled a flask into a FN club like you've posted about.

Avatar for TFP

@Decline as a matter of fact I plan to do that on my next visit to a nude club during day time. There's no one doing pat downs so it should be a cinch. I'm just wondering where the safest place to imbibe would be, besides the bathroom.

Avatar for Subraman

TFP: when I go to clubs with no alcohol (which is rarely), I smuggle in some vodka, then buy a bottle of whatever springwater they're selling. Head to bathroom, dump out water, fill bottle up with vodka, put on table. I drink it in plain site. My ATFs and her friends sometimes join me

Avatar for TFP

Excellent! I will do exactly that, thanks Subra!

Avatar for Subraman

Note: if the club you're going to sells other types of drinks in opaque containers, then you can smuggle in anything you want, obviously, doesn't have to be clear.

Avatar for Htxx

I know most of their “real” names and never give that info out online. As to stage names? Who gives a fuck? You seriously think that anything posted on a strip club site could be used to get them in trouble? The dancers choose to work in the sex industry. The clubs hire independent contractors that can be removed for any number of “real” reasons (drugs etc) as to anonymous on line commentary it’s all bullshit don’t treat it so seriously and use the info given out with common sense/buyer beware.

Avatar for Uprightcitizen

Some girls don't care but I would bet most do. It's just an asshole move IMO and some of you embrace your your assholness and don't care. You might feel different if she posted her list online of her customers with descriptions of you and services performed.

Avatar for Subraman

-->"You seriously think that anything posted on a strip club site could be used to get them in trouble?"

Sal, Having been part of a local online community for over 10 years in which explicit reviews were allowed and encouraged, we don't have to theorize about whether or not it might get the girls in trouble or make their time more difficult. In our case, it wasn't with law enforcement since LE doesn't target SCs here (although I do buy the theoretical argument that LE could use the reviews as a guide as to whom to target, or at least which clubs to target). It did get the girls in trouble with management sometimes in various ways, including one ostensibly no-extras club where girls who were caught were shaken down. But the most common ways it made the girls' lives miserable was with other girls, and other customers. Shockingly, strippers don't follow a high standard of evidence, and it didn't take a lot of review evidence to get girls shunned, verbally abused, and sometimes worse (this being SF, price rather than activity was more often the culprit). But the strippers' highest complaints were about other customers -- who sometimes abusively demanded an act that had been a YMMV act or YMMV price to a favored regular and not a regular menu item/price, sometimes stressed their relationships with regulars who wanted to feel favored, etc.

The view of strippers towards that review board and any customer who was part of it was: seething contempt. I do think regardless of how much you feel should or shouldn't be revealed, sfredbook's history means we don't have to guess what problems might occur or how the girls might be impacted or view such a forum.

Avatar for doctorevil

Several articles about the Robert Kraft massage parlor just mentioned that cops focused on the parlor based on online reviews. Don’t know if that’s correct, but if it is, whose to say it couldn’t happen with strip clubs.

Avatar for crazyjoe

Nicespice said "Put it blunt terms like that, and throw it in her face that she’s the club’s undercutting whore (a stigma that hits at dancers hard—whether deserved or undeserved) and from a mongering perspective you can probably kiss that $60 yanky wanky goodbye if she finds out.

Then she becomes $60 airdance Sindy and $250 for the same thing. And likely those raised prices won’t be for you, if you’re the one who made her feel shame in the first place. You will get discarded as a customer.

From a monger perspective, leaving names out isn’t merely the do gooder thing to do. It should also be recognized as the smart thing to do from a self-serving standpoint."

I completely agree with this statement. You are shooting yourself in the foot by naming names. If a dancer is giving you a "deal" it may be because she likes dealing with you for whatever reason. Everyone has their favorites as I am sure dancers do also. They may not have the same sentiment toward another person that is asking for the same deal you got. They may find that person annoying and charge them an "idiot charge".

In my small business I have given friend deals to some people on the past and it has came back to bite me. They start bragging to neighbors or friends about their great deal and everyone expects a discounted price. I am already exceptional at what I do and have a seemingly unlimited pool of potential new clients due to word of mouth. I don't need to do some cheapskates work for practice. I am not out there for practice. I am there to make money. I have my ideal client criteria, and if clients don't mert that I move on. I don't give a fuck if someone doesn't like my price. The fastest way to make my shit list as a client is tell someone about a great deal I gave you.

Right now I charge fair prices and i rarely negotiate, I move on. I rarely give friend deals any more because of this kind of bullshit. In rare cases I give a friend a discount, I make sure they know that one word gets leaked that is the end of the deal and I will make a liar out of them. I may even charge that person more than I normally do as an idiot charge.

To you guys that do name names, I am sure many of you feel like you are smart or feel important by bragging about stuff like this. Truth is you are a fucking idiot and you deserve the idiot charges you will get in the future.

Avatar for DroidX

I look at my reviews as a way to refer or not refer a dancer to someone. I am happy to mention a dancer by name, especially if she did a great job and I think my friends or other readers should get a dance from her. That being said, just because I tell you that I ate at a particular restaurant, doesn't mean I'm going to tell you what I ate, where I ate it, or the cost. I'll leave that for my friends.

Avatar for Jascoi

if it’s illegal don’t post her name.

Avatar for minnow

I'm with many prior posters that linking dancer names to "specific acts" is uncool. I agree with some posters that ROB's should be outed. One caveat in naming names (ROB's, dancers who were notable in good ways or bad ways) should be to include a physical description, as dancers have been known to change names. If review older than 3 months, real possibility that subject "Sugar" is gone, and a new "Sugar" took her place. There are also a few clubs (Mons Venus is one) where more than 1 dancer is allowed to use same stage name.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

“You seriously think that anything posted on a strip club site could be used to get them in trouble?”

I read that as saying “I can’t imagine any such thing ever happening, so it must be impossible.”

Turn it around. If the dancers or club owners were publishing your name in a public forum stating that you paid well for blow jobs, would you feel the same way?

Avatar for twentyfive

^ Or even the real life scenario, how do you think Bob Craft feels about all the publicity his dalliances have attracted

Avatar for blahblahblah23

Lol the vodka in a water bottle.. done that!

Avatar for blahblahblah23

But naming extras girls and mentioning specifics probably doesnt endear you to them if they found out somehow or got in trouble for it.

Avatar for SanAntonio_LDK

This is a great thread topic. I’m guilty of naming names and plan to be more discreet from now on. I see both sides of the issue: I think naming names is important to let other users know who is good and who is a ROB and promote the dancer, but to the points above I think it is counter intuitive to your own enjoyment to provide specifics of what occurs. I think the best way to go about it is to provide the first letter with * for the remaining letters. If I want to know more, I’ll just DM the poster directly. The discretion is then on the poster to provide as much or as little as they’d like. Any issues with that?

Avatar for SanAntonio_LDK

This is a great thread topic. I’m guilty of naming names and plan to be more discreet from now on. I see both sides of the issue: I think naming names is important to let other users know who is good and who is a ROB and promote the dancer, but to the points above I think it is counter intuitive to your own enjoyment to provide specifics of what occurs. I think the best way to go about it is to provide the first letter with * for the remaining letters. If I want to know more, I’ll just DM the poster directly. The discretion is then on the poster to provide as much or as little as they’d like. Any issues with that?

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