
SA banning

I've been a member of Seeking Arrangement off and on for about 7 years now. I awoke this morning to find out I had been "banned" for soliciting prostitution. lol. What the hell man. My ad is ambiguous and I always discuss with the girl there being the need for mutual attraction, not just sex for money. Obviously that is bullshit but it get's around the prostitution concern. Has anyone else been banned? How did you address it. I've emailed them, will see what happens. The percentage of men on there just taking girls to "dinner" or a show has to be under 5 percent I would think.
The fall back plan is create a new handle and use a different email when signing up. Sucks though, I was only a week into this month's membership and $90 ain't cheap.


  • magicrat
    6 years ago
    If you mention $ in messages with the Babies, they will ban you. If you piss off one of them, they will ban you. Get them to offsite messaging (text, email, kik) as soon as possible. I've been lucky although apparently this happens quite frequently. In some instances they will reinstate you but it always seems to happen right after one has forked over his $90. Good luck!
  • bman77
    6 years ago
    Thanks man, text messaging/email is definitely preferable. However I end up getting back on here, whether it's reinstated, or creating another ad, I'll just have to play the game better and emphasize the hell out of no sex for money.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    They have been banning people left and right since SESTA/FOSTA, even before the name change to Seeking. Some people have had luck contacting support and promising not to repeat whatever the offense was. Do not talk about "not just sex for money", PPM, negotiate allowance, or anything else that sounds vaguely prostitute-y via their messaging system; get off that onto text before any of that kind of discussion happens.
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    Just means you had some uppity B report you for what she thought was cheap. That’s why you M&G first.
  • Uprightcitizen
    6 years ago
    Don't even talk money or favors until you start messaging off the board. They will ban you if you post that stuff.
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    Even before FOSTA as the guy you want to move the conversation off the site and to e-mail as fast as you can and before you talk about any details.

    I've had girls press me for money in their first response. I try once, maybe twice if they are very attractive, to move the conversation off the topic. If they don't take the hint I move on.

    Notice I said e-mail and not text---personally I don't like giving out my cell even though it is a burner phone and I don't want to change my number for every girl either.........

    One last note the site has always been pro female......so he said she said is not going to go your way unless the proof is so overwhelming in your favor.
  • Bavarian
    6 years ago
    Are there any legal ramifications from this? Are people only getting busted for soliciting when it’s an undercover sting or are people getting busted for intent ( text messages, emails, etc)
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Need to point out even though I haven’t used SA since last year in your defense when you email them thre needs to be a look at these female profiles if my memory serves me correctly they start out asking for an allowance of x # of dollars. That could be solicitation
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    They did away with the money classifications which to some extent does make it more difficult.

    For the most part I never paid that much attention to them anyway except when I saw someone wanting 10K a month I knew I was dealing with a massive ego or the exact opposite....someone trying to compensate for not having a lot of confidence.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ if they did away with the money classification what is SA basis for an arrangement sounds to me like they’re not doing very well guess they’ll be gone sooner rather than later.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    -->"Are there any legal ramifications from this? Are people only getting busted for soliciting when it’s an undercover sting or are people getting busted for intent ( text messages, emails, etc)"

    What do you mean by "busted"? No one's getting busted, if by that you mean criminally charged; the site is monitoring profiles, messages, and people who report others, and the slightest hint of anything to do with prostitution gets someone banned from the site. That's all. Sometimes, if you send a message to support apologizing and promising not to do it again, they re-instate the account.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    -->"Notice I said e-mail and not text---personally I don't like giving out my cell even though it is a burner phone and I don't want to change my number for every girl either........."

    I think that's a fine personal choice if that's what makes you feel best, although my experience with millennial women and email is not good. I give out my burner number, there's no downside. Worst case, I could simply block anyone who was annoying me by text, but in the few years I've been on SA, I have literally never had to do that, not even once. I don't understand why you'd ever have to change your number, much less change it for every girl?
  • Bavarian
    6 years ago
    @Subra What I’m trying to say is can you get charged for soliciting based on messages alone. For example, if SA sent those messages to police or if a pissed off sugar baby wanted to blackmail you with going to police and showing the texts.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    Here's @3131 TUSCL article about the S(A) market in Vegas and posting about sleeping with 4 girls the same week, and all on the first date:

    @Burlington had a similar post about sleeping with 8 girls the same month and he was bewildered about why these girls would text him afterward.

    You're not exactly their prime customer target either, @Pistola.

    Maybe you can get away with that kind of behavior -- but I can assure you that S(A) is doing everything possible to avoid becoming the next Backpage. What they should do is double or triple the membership fees to get the low-end escort market out of their customer base.

    I've had the same SB going on 7 months and haven't been on the site since last August. But I do get away with discussing PPM, on a temporary basis, to see if things work out. I *never* discuss or imply anything to do with sex. Period. So far I've never had any trouble. First dates are always platonic and unpaid.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    @Bavarian, the police are not going to get involved with an angry SB. That's ludicrous.
  • ATACdawg
    6 years ago
    You've been a baaaaaaaddd boy! ;-)
  • Piggie
    6 years ago
    Try TnAboard. Com
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    @bman77: "The percentage of men on there just taking girls to "dinner" or a show has to be under 5 percent I would think."
    No, the percentage is probably more like 0.001%. But the opposite extreme (let's hook up in my hotel tonight for $150) is what the site is trying to abolish. Do you have any clue about why you were banned? For example, did you ask someone to meet at your hotel?
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    It's amazing all the hoops one has to jump thru in this country for simply buying sex service from a willing adult
  • bman77
    6 years ago
    Well, I heard back from SA. I was banned for using the following terms in some of my messages......adult fun......mutually beneficial.....allowance provided...I was then advised that solicitation of prostitution is not allowed and the ban would be permanent. This whole thing just makes my head want to explode. All SD/SB relathionships involve allowance. I always indicate the adult fun occurs only if there is mutual attraction. And the entire stupid SA website is based off of mutually beneficial. This stuff is crazy. I've used SA for over many years and not a had a problem I guess it's this FOSTA/SESTA nonsense people are talking about and probably more likely, some bitch had it out for me.....oh well...I created a new email address, new user handle, and rejoined. lol.
  • bman77
    6 years ago
    @randommember. I agree on the 0.001%. I've definitely had girls meet me at my hotel before, especially in Vegas. I'm just going to have to be much more careful with this. Most of the time I do use text to deal with specifics, but this will now have to be all of the time.
  • sinclair
    6 years ago
    If you have been on Seeking a while, you can see that there has been a definite shift in the types of women and men on there since FOSTA took effect. All the women who were advertising on Backpage and Craigslist went to Seeking, and all the bargin bin johns became sugar daddies overnight. I think eventually Seeking will get linked to some pimping or trafficking scandal and be shut down. There was some heat a few years ago when the Google executive got murdered by a hooker he met on Seeking.
  • bman77
    6 years ago
    I definitely see a ton of fly by night 18-25 y/o's that are on the sight and then gone within a month. I know membership has gone from I believe 50 or less a few years ago t now being $90. If that helps limit participation and preserves the sight, I'm all for it. On my end, I just need to negotiate with text all the time now, instead of most of the time, as well as avoid using any code words that may be flagged.
  • 3131
    6 years ago
    I think SA is pretty quick to ban. If you give a sb a reason to be upset enough to report you, they will look into it.

    I'm not certain that text or email prevents you from being banned. A sb could screen shot the texts and send that to sa.

    Anyway.... I say just be polite. If you are nice enough, you probably wont get reported.
  • 3131
    6 years ago
    @bman77. i think that 25 to 29 is the sweet spot for age. They all lie anyway about the age.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Some of the those girls are entitled cunts that think they deserve thousands of dollars per month just to be your friend - then they get pissed when they don't get their way - if a guy wants sex all she has to do is say she's not interested in that arrangement - the cunts that turn guys in is probably mostly out of spite and get back at the guy for not giving her what she thinks she's entitled to.
  • bman77
    6 years ago
    @3131, polite is always best. I'm begging with admin and if it doesn't work a new profile is ready to roll.
    @papi you know there are some major bitches on there for sure and they never usually last that long. Even the real millionaires on there have to know paying thousands for dinner is horse shit.
  • reverendhornibastard
    6 years ago

    Banned from Seeking Arrangements!

    I’d leave that off the resume if I were you.
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