Dancers that are cutters

avatar for theDirkDiggler
Do you ever notice this when getting a dance with a stripper? I've seen it with girls that don't seem to manifest deep emotional issues initially, but it's clear as day (or dim lighting), the scars that is, while the dance starts. I'll see it usually on their thighs, but sometimes under their forearms or even occasionally by their wrists. I never say anything about it, but i'm sure some of them notice that i notice. A couple of them mentioned that it was just something stupid they did earlier in their lives and i just believed them on face value those first times, but after seeing it as often as i have (probably around 10% or more even), i don't think it was or is a one or few times temporary thing for them. Is definitely a downer and a fantasy killer, but probably a sad reality of the nature of the industry...


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avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
Have never noticed it - but then again that sounds like something mostly whitegirls would do and I exceedingly rarely get dances from whitegirls - the AAs, and to a lesser extent Cuban-dancers, I deal with doesn't seem to me are/have-been inro that
avatar for kingcripple
6 years ago
I have seen it. One girl in particular i remember had small cut scars all over her back. With that i couldn't tell if it was a weird fetish or something more traumatic
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
Haven't seen it, but wondering if I'm just not noticing it
avatar for theDirkDiggler
6 years ago
One thing i did notice was that it seemed to be more common in the VHM/UHM clubs (and all the dancers affected were white, so maybe not 10% of all dancers at a particular club, but just a subset of the ones i danced with, i guess or recency bias), but lo and behold i went to one of the lesser mileage clubs and i saw a dancer that had the telltale marks on her thigh(s). What is interesting is that i hadn't been at that club in months, but the very next time i went i saw her again and she remembered me as i had gotten dances from her that visit. That was the only time i had danced with her before so she had a good memory. But when speaking with her, she said that she had taken a few weeks off. I asked if she had gone on vacation, but she instead said something about self-care. Which made me pause for a moment, but then she said she was definitely in a better place now or something like that and off we went to the chump station. She didn't seem as interactive in the dances and a bit more defensive than last time and this was when i noticed the scars. Maybe i wasn't paying attention the first time, but i didn't remember her having them the previous visit. I'm not going to deliberately look for this, but i'm definitely more aware of it now...
avatar for sinclair
6 years ago
I've seen it before, but would say it has only been on about 1% of dancers, and usually emo white girls. I saw a mixed girl once with keloid scars from her cutting her arms. This is where the scars heal as raised bumps on the skin. I think you see the same percentage of strippers that are cutters as the population in general, but because strippers wear less clothing, it is more easy to spot.
avatar for Liwet
6 years ago
I specifically remember seeing a girl with lots of cut scars a few weeks ago but she's the one and only girl I've ever seen it on.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
6 years ago
That stuff makes me sad. But the girls I have met that have those scars are from much earlier age than before they were dancing.

I think I told to story of the pretty girl I was seeing with the multiple raised scars on her back from being abused. It would be a bad day for that asshole if I met him.
avatar for Michigan
6 years ago
Seen a lot of cat scratch scars, and pole dancing bruises, but that's it.
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
A lot of women who were sexually abusedas children cut themselves as teens and in their 20's. Not unusual at all.
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
I’ve seen dancers ask about advice of how to deal with probing questions from customers related to that.

I remember when cutting was practically a fashion trend maybe a decade ago. Looking back, I’m surprised I never got caught up in that. But I knew several who did.
avatar for Assmanjoe
6 years ago
Cant say ive encountered “cutting scars”. C-sections, surgical or “enhacement” scars, eyebrow and cheek fighting scars on the spitfire/hood types - sure, almost every time i go. I have to agree with papi and others that that tends to be more of a skinny whitegirl thing. Not really my type so i would be less likely to encounter it plus skinny, emo, whiteamerican dancers are pretty rare around here anyway. Starbucks is chock full of em though.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
"... eyebrow and cheek fighting scars on the spitfire/hood types ..."

I was getting a dance from an AA dancer - I noticed a bumpy/thick ~2" scar on her upper back - I asked her how she got it - she said she had gotten into a fight w/ another dancer at the club and during the fight the other dancer pushed her against the wall and a large glass picture frame on the wall fell on her and cut her back.
avatar for Assmanjoe
6 years ago
^lol thats a great scar story
avatar for captainfun
6 years ago
I don’t recall seeing cutting scars but have definitely seen many other scars - mostly on hood chicks. Some of the stories these girls have shared is messed up. One that sticks out ..... 24 AA had a gnarly raised scar on her shoulder. She said that her mom’s friend did it to her with a knife over some BS argument. Wtf.
avatar for gawker
6 years ago
There are a small percentage of adolescent girls who have specific psychological issues leading to cutting. Suicidal ideation and real attempts are a different problem. Over the past 15 or 20 years there have been copycat cutters. Social misfits trying to fit in. So many adolescent negative behaviors become “fads”. I know a couple of dancers who did some cutting on their arms when teenagers and now that they’re in their 20’s they generally cover the scarring with a concealer.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
They usually tell me. I don't want to hear....but I listen to them. Thing is, sometimes you're the only one who does....
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