What are reasons your CF is your CF?

For me other then the rapport which is probably why we have actual conversations, she asks if I want water ( she’s not a waitress too, it’s because I drank from her bottle once and I’ve never bought water from the bar so I don’t know if customers have to pay for it)
Also I told her I wasn’t getting dances that night and she still ended up in my lap but I wasn’t paying her, she was straddling me, I don’t know if this is cause I got dances other times or maybe cause it was quiet so she had downtime
How bout everyone else?
last commentWhen I come in and she’s talking to another PL, she’ll stop mid sentence and leave his ass without even saying good bye and run over to me.
When I come in and she's talking to King_Gambrinus, she’ll stop mid sentence and leave his ass without even saying good bye and run over to me.
I don’t have a CF at the moment but when I did it came down to her being the dancer I was most attracted to.
@Subra for the win.
She combines the personality I’m looking for with the willingness to fuck a fat, creepy old pervert without revealing some level of disgust.
I do t have one at the moment but they need to be
1.hot and 2. Have to have/fake attraction towards me
I would be into a girl who was clearly not interested at all.
She puts in the hours/shifts.
Been working the afternoon shift on all 4 different weekdays of my last 4 visits.
And she's pretty, has a fine form, loves my hands & conversation (uh-huh), and wraps me up with her long hair.
I like variety when I club, but I always will get a dance or three from her if she's there.
Often with girls, and even in strip clubs, a lot of the appeal for me is in how they are dressed and painted up.
But as to who I would get along with longer term, girl has got to have some character, not just be someone who listens to her friends.
I dont distinguish between civvies strippers and hoes. I'm attracted to a certain look, a certain style. But ultimately what gets it for me is a connection and genuine interest.
Sbe has a huge ass
^^^^^^ :) :) :)
Not enough big asses girls around, if you ask me.
Bigger... but has to be shapely
Bigger ... Bigger ... Bigger!
Low drama.
I also like low drama.
If you're looking for specifics, I'll try. I think my reasons for considering my ATF such have been covered enough elsewhere, so I won't bother here.
CF1: The MILF. Long, lean, 40 year old mom of three with a body that puts many of the under 25 dancers to shame. Even her "mom boobs" are in better shape that most girls "virgin boobs". Pussy as tight as they come, even for me. Incredibly erotic orgasms.
CF2: Hot as fuck, 20 year old redhead, with an ass to die for and some of the most delectably perky boobs I've seen in a long time. She won't fuck me, but neither does she give me shit when I ask her to. Of course, neither do I give her shit when she tells me no. She'll ask me for a VIP on occasion, but doesn't get butt-hurt when all I want is dances to grope her body, and cheerfully acquiesces.
CF3: Wild and crazy, outspoken, take no shit from anyone, mid 20s mother. One of the realest people I've ever met in a club, and probably the wildest fuck in the last 10 years. Literally takes her less than a minute to nut, pretty much no matter what you do, and can do it all night long. Weirdest hooker I've ever met. I've seen her turn down a thousand dollars from a high roller, and do another guy for the cost of a VIP. Based on "feelings". Circumstantial evidence suggests she's telepathic.
CF4: Another redhead, not quite as hot as CF1, but still smoking. Not quite 20, she's only recently given her sweet little body to me, even if so far, it's only head.
Full figured with a big ass, sweet but feisty persona, can hold a conversation when she wants to and tells me how big my dick is a lot lol “youre dick is huge” counts as great conversation btw (listening ladies?) Also highly skilled in the art of the lapdance and has a really beautiful face.
Nowadays it's all about is she smoking hot, fun, and easy to talk to.
There is a myriad of things that make a dancer my CF. Not as much as for THE ATF. I've not found one in years that was worthy of CF status. There are just to many factors that can enter into that selection. One real positive can send a couple of negatives right into the trash bin, and vice versa.
She doesn't have a penis.
Not judging flagooner, just not my thing.
LOL. You don't like Nicole?
Gorgeous, Good barside talk, relaxed LD, and at the end of each dance I just give her a flat rate. I used to like girls who'd stop mid sentence and come over, but im not that guy anymore. Ive developed a rapport with my CF that im happy if she's making a lot of money in a night and I dont feel the need to be jealous if she has other customers. My favs are so good in the LD area that i prefer to wait for them than get a subpar dance from a girl who gives a shitty dance. You will notice other expeirenced guys do this as well. Just be cordial with the other girls and get dollar dances until she's free.
Subra wins. Holy shit man. Classic.
None. I like the variety. New gal each night is fine with me. Same gal each night is fine with me. If she has tits, nipples, ass and a smile, she is fine with me.
She gets the manager to give me a shot. She's insanely beautiful. Kinda funny. Insanely beautiful
My CF Bargirl makes me feel like I'm her CF.
-->"My CF Bargirl makes me feel like I'm her CF."
Quite pithy. I was about to write 3 paragraphs that boil down to that. Well, plus she's hot.
*not into
She is a brunette, big boobs, long legs and gives a great GFE
Not to be snarky, but a favorite is a favorite, simply because i like her more than the others. Usually this is some combination of looks (face and body), how she dances (mileage, contact, sensuality) and last personality (not overly or obviously hungry for money, asking for tips, miscounting dances, not bitchy to me). To me, this isn't a very high bar, at least as far as these qualities are concerned individually, but combining all of them to my liking is rather uncommon. Now ATF is a different story, but long story short, i liked her more than the other favorites, and to simplify, most of the same above criteria were involved, just more nuanced...
@theDirkDiggler your first sentence is all anyone needs to know. A favorite is a favorite simply because you like her more than others. Very well said