Is TUSCL getting past it's prime?

avatar for AZFourTwenty
Before I joined TUSCL I was a lurker on the site. The discussions at the time were so lame I didn't think it worthwhile to join VIP. I finally joined because I am soon to embark on the first of several road trips to visit friends and strip clubs. In planning on which clubs to visit, I was able to use the reviews to get a good idea of the clubs I would want to visit. The reviews came in all sizes and shapes, but being a reasonably intelligent person I was able to sort thru the chafe.

Now that the review Nazi's appear to be taking over reviews to standardize them to their likes. I now see more reviews that regurgitate prices but don't give a feel for the ambience. I prefer the ambience, not the regurgitation. Reviewers come from widely varied socio-economic backgrounds with many different perspectives. Trying to standardize reviews will only result in less colorful reviews IMO.

The Nazi's have just commented that my reviews are borderline and some they wouldn't have approved.. I like my reviews, others must have too as they were approved.

At the end the month I will take my first trip. I am going to enjoy my strip club visits. I will probably not publish reviews because I don't want to have to deal with review bullshit. My guess is other members have probably stopped reviewing or are reviewing less. This is not a trend that is good for TUSCL.


last comment
avatar for crazyjoe
6 years ago
Interesting point. I have not read many reviews since the changes. It may sort itself out over time. Everyonenos scared of getting banned right now for approving bullshit reviews...
These things tend to cycle
You don’t win friends or influence folks to gain their support by calling them nazis
I would agree there’s no reason to continuously list prices or the layout of the club. While that info is useful it could all be listed in a club amenities summary and updated as prices change. I’m much more interested in the clubs atmosphere and the type of girls working and how well they do their jobs and treat customers. Same with the staff at the club. I can find the bathroom when I need it.
Past its prime... no.

Changing... yes.

Stuff changes. You'll be fine.
Az posted: "Now that the review Nazi's appear to be taking over reviews to standardize them to their likes. I now see more reviews that regurgitate prices but don't give a feel for the ambience. I prefer the ambience, not the regurgitation."

I think you meant to say "ambiance." ;)

So you were "reasonably intelligent enough" to sort thru the chafe, but apparently not enough to understand that a review can include both specific club intel AND ambiance/color. These are not mutually exclusive concepts, in case you felt otherwise. ;)
You’re taking it personally when your reviews are reviewed anonymously. They are also reviewed by a shit ton of reviewers. Just look at the approvers. Most of them are not forum participants.

Your choice though. You can be bitter and quit. Or be bitter and add a sentence with prices. Nobody really cares. And I mean that in the nicest possible way.
jsully, I agree with layout, but disagree with pricing. Some of these clubs are constantly playing around with drink prices, cover, LD costs, private room prices, etc.,etc., so the more up-to-date the intel the better. With the exception of a small handful of clubs in the U.S., the overwhelming majority of clubs see a review posted no more than once a month on average and some far fewer.
I agree with the metaphor, those guys are literally Hitler (to channel my inner millennial SJW)

More seriously, AZ, I think you poisoned what could have been a very good discussion, by coming at it so abrasively. As I said in the other thread, while I see the value of detailing drink prices, entrance fee, etc., I very strongly disagree that every review should have to repeat those same things. There's also a place for "Trip Report" type reviews; if there are already lots of "speeds & feeds" reviews on a particular club, as there are for most clubs on TUSCL, a subject Trip Report can actually be more enlightening than just a repeat of speeds & feeds. That is, provided the TR contains some proof that the reviewer was actually at the club, plus a clear elaboration of what he was looking for vs what he experienced, etc.
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
Is it difficult to get reviews approved?

I think for me, it took less than a few hours to get all of mine through. And I never had a rejection on any I tried to submit.

And my reviews are definitely heavy handed on the commentary. Plus for my review of Tootsies and Ricks (in San anton) I didn’t mention the prices of much of anything.

And the users who approved mine are not active board members, and I’ve never exchanged PMs with any of them, so I don’t think there was a bias there either with that.
nice; in all honesty, my experience was pretty much the same. Heavy in commentary, light in speeds & feeds, but still all got through. Regardless of the board's consensus view, it seems like someone doing more of a TR can still get approved if the review is good
It might be past it’s prime, but it’s still way better than anything else out there.
I think all the Loser Leaf smokers have been dragging it down over time.
Vapors. Hardly anyone smokes leaf anymore.
I think you're taking it too personal when a review gets rejected. Read the comments on way it was rejected and make adjustments.
Papi covered it perfectly in the other discussion thread. Also take the time to read the review guidelines. Its not that difficult to get a review approved. If you look at the posted reviews from yesterday, they were approved by a wide range of members, not just some "Nazis"
This thread is past its prime
This has nothing to do with the state of TUSCL - it has to do wirh the OP digging in his heels that if his reviews get rejected it's bc of the approovers not bc of his review - when plenty of mediocre reviews get approved every day.
^ Is Stanky a crybaby too?
TUSCL may or may not be past its prime, I've only been a member for 5 or 6 months, don't really know or care, your discussion is about your review.

There are plenty of reviewers involved in this process, not some small group.

The key is does your review add to the site?

Evidently, three people felt it didn't, so two choices:

(1) rewrite the review or (2) don't.
Personally I hate seeing reviews with prices for drinks or dances which have already been posted before. I think too many people don't look at older reviews before writing a new review. My main thing is tell me about the girls and use names if you remember them. And than tell me about the dances or if a girl is worth sitting with. Or if you did OTC than give me prices.
"clubs are constantly playing around with drink prices, cover, LD costs, private room prices, etc.,etc., so the more up-to-date the intel the better. With the exception of a small handful of clubs in the U.S., the overwhelming majority of clubs see a review posted no more than once a month on average and some far fewer."

IME a lot of clubs change cover or even VIP/drink prices based on influx of customers at that particular time so I agree that pricing is useless in reviews. you can find that out by calling the club or checking their yelp or website page. people do come here to hear about the girls and ambiance.
avatar for NJBalla
New York
6 years ago
Its not past its prime, only in its infancy stage. Strip club review sites have a tremendous room for growth, but its a challenging dance. For example, Id love for us to get to a stage where TUSCL and strip club sites are like yelp. You see dancers names, pictures, schedules, along with discreet reviews by respected reviewers.

However, when you deal with an arena where dancers come and go and not all activity is by the books you have to rely on the imperfect network we currently have. If it was truly past its prime what other site or sites do you see replacing it? And if you are such a genius know it all why dont you design a site to compete with it? Go back to eating doritos in your mothers basement or prove us wrong.
avatar for NJBalla
New York
6 years ago
Sheesh before posting my comment I should have taken a step back and read through some of the OP's reviews. All reviews are welcome, but dont threaten us with your departure when you give subpar intel.
Regarding Nazi's, when I first read Rick's comments, for some reason I thought of the old soup Nazi from Seinfeld.

I am amazed at how many of you completely miss the point. I have never had a review rejected, so I am not bitter or upset.
My point is that trying to enforce stricter standards on reviewers is going to result in fewer reviews. Case in point, Eccohombre started a thread about being rejected. He was responsible for 4 of the 11 reviews on the club Papi Chulu highlighted. Well he got rejected and as of this post has not resubmitted. Tell me how that benefits TUSCL?

Regarding my trip. My point was that I am taking a trip for my enjoyment. I want to visit a club and then write a review based upon what appealed to me. But if I have to spend even the smallest amount of time trying to make sure I have all of the "intel" that to me is useless but will satisfy the review Nazi's, then it is no longer worth the effort.

Regarding subpar intel. The clubs I frequent are high traffic with a large following, there really is no need for excessive detail.

I have asked this repeatedly in the past. Who has been harmed by a so called bad review? Having pricing in every review benefits what? Prices/specials change constantly within a club. Does it really matter if the beer is $5 or $6?

And I think TUSCL is evolving past its prime.
“Tell me how that benefits TUSCL?”

There’s fewer shit reviews. Turn your question around: how does a shit review benefit TUSCL?
avatar for rogertex
6 years ago
Process right now is ok. Workable.

I have always felt a review should be a writers own opinion and own feelings.
A review by itself will not describe a club accurately - and even a 5 page detailed review may at best describe a club from the vantage point of "one single person". Believe me - that can be just as bad!

But in aggregation - the body of reviews can start to paint a fairly good idea about the club.

OP - I'd work with the current process.

Icing on the cake would be a simple "Like/Dislike" button at the bottom of each posted review.
That way, there will always be a way to sort the best reviews no matter how buried they get in the review stack.

Also a typical texas club has 10,000 unique visitors each month (source: Palazio manager) - and we see average of 2-3 posted reviews each month. That is for the most-reviewed clubs!

1. Keep the bar at simple, comfortable level so more patrons file a review - each person brings some intel or reinforces something already stated (hence identifying for readers a "trend").
2. And have a way to sort for the best of the pile, when needed.
@Rick: ambience and ambiance are basically the same.

If your calling a review without pricing and excessive detail a shit review, then your are IMO doing a disservice to TUSCL.
I think the members are astute enough to determine their own level of shit, and don't need others to do it for them.

It wasn't that long ago that Rick the self-absorbed called out DrEvil for identifying a shit hole in 15 minutes. To Rick he should have given it more time. That just shows that some people like standing in shit longer than others.

Again, my argument is against the principle. After all, I believe Founder stated that his biggest revenue driver is reviews. Why would we want to do anything to make reviews more cumbersome?
Well, founder is the one who implemented the current review approval process, so he must think there's *some* value in it. If he thinks we're doing a bad job, he hasn't said anything.
While he implemented the current process, he maybe wasn't expecting overzealous review Nazi's. I saw someone suggest a while back to just post reviews later in the day to avoid the East Coast rejections.
Or maybe he was, and sees no reason to curb them. Until he weighs in on the subject, nobody here will know.
The absence of minimum review standards results in ample fake and shill reviews, which at best add nothing and at worse cause harm. We've seen this time and again over the years. If a review is so generic that we cannot tell whether the person really went to the club or not, then it's worthless anyway. The guy in the other thread you're referring to was pissed because he got accustomed to getting away with posting generic crap and now he can't.

AZ, if you haven't had a review rejected, then why are you complaining? In fact, your reviews hardly qualify as great literary masterpieces, yet they were all approved, which kinda' debunks the notion that this place is filled with "review Nazis" (don't you feel like a melodramatic bitch using that term as a grown man?).
Past prime? Fuck no!! Hell, I have had only one of my reviews rejected because they thought it was a club add. Their issue, not mine. I have received 10 plus extras with 60 percent being fucking full service BECAUSE of this site in the last 6 months. If it’s past it prime, I can only imagine what it was like in its prime!!!
AZ, I was about to smack you with another unkind comment, but then I saw that you've only been on here for a handful of months. So instead of piling on further, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt for a second in that you lack a bit of history on this site.

Over the years, we've seen the review sections of clubs in many areas get stuffed full of obviously fake and/or shill reviews, posted with the intentions of promoting clubs and earning VIP. The adoption of the current system was designed to curb this. Before this system went into place, it was turning into a shit show as founder simply did not have the capacity to police reviews, so reviews beyond a certain length were automatically approved. Something needed to be done to weed out the worst of it.

But with that said, it's a balancing act as neither do we want to reject reviews out of hand. This is why 3 different people must reject a review before three others approve it. Overall the new system has dramatically improved the quality of reviews and, thus far, there has been no evidence presented to this board that legitimately good reviews are getting rejected in any numbers, if at all.

So there it is. You are essentially advocating going back to the approach that created the fake/shill review mess in the first place, which frankly I don't think anyone else here wants to go back to.
avatar for Clubber
6 years ago

Since you are a newbie, I can let a lot of what you say go by the wayside. That said,and I'll agree with you somewhat, "TUSCL Is getting past it's prime". To me this is due to the trolls and just plain idiots that abound these days. In the old days, TUSCL was invaluable to me as THE Clubber. Now a days, not so much and most sadly due that my clubbing days are mostly behind me.

I only write this to express my gratitude for the work founder has done for many more YEARS then you've been around.

Cristobal summed it up nicely when he stated, "TUSCL may or may not be past its prime, I've only been a member for 5 or 6 months..."
Given a choice between having 10 quality reviews posted per day vs 10 quality plus 10 shit reviews posted per day, I'll take the 1st option every time.
The problem is, everybody has a different opinion on what is and isn't quality.
one day the forum will be nothing but SJG replying to his own threads.
LOL - Winning! (SJG style)
"... The problem is, everybody has a different opinion on what is and isn't quality ..."

We've already told you.

Trust us - we are divinely inspired by the strip club gods.
Every one is entitled to my opinion !
Trust me. I am actually getting there. The mileage that I an Now getting because of thos site is PRICELESS!
avatar for Clubber
6 years ago

Thank you, kind sir! :)
avatar for Clubber
6 years ago

I find it more profitable to charge for my opinions.
avatar for Clubber
6 years ago

I'll trade you a "check" for an Asian. Deal?
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