
Comments by vajmon (page 10)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    My thoughts on addiction
    I liked this bitch a lot more when she was just posting nudie pics of herself. Sweety, how bout a new picture of your vagina! I need a new one to whack off to.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Love Canal
    Shaving stripper bush
    Gawker, great story. Mine is not as good. The only time I got to shave a pussy was when one of my favorite strippers showed up at my place after being AWOL for over a week. Think she may have been in the slammer (she had lots of run-ins with the law). Anyway she said she had to shave before we got it on. I said I wanted to shave her bush. She got all embarrassed and initially refused. I asked if at least I could see it. She would only pull her panties foreward so I could look down and see she had a moderate size bush going. Anyway we bargained back and forth. Finally she said yes, but she had to trim it first. So she locks herself in the bathroom. Then comes out with just a little bit of fuzz left. So I got to shave that off. But I'm not complaining since at least the area she left was her labia.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Ever gotten a strippers phone number?
    As Papi said its fairly common for strippers to give out a number to a burn or work phone or even an email or Instagram account set up specifically for work. Its done to gain your confidence/reel you in as a regular as well as to use to remind you to come visit them or tell you their schedule or if they moved to a new club. IME strippers who offer their digits without you first asking usually are more likely to solicit you to do OTC or agree to do OTC if you ask. If you have to ask for the digits its more likely to just stay ITC.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Love Canal
    Shaving stripper bush
    JS69, Usually I offer one or two extra Benji's. But once I offered 100 times the amount of that Starbucks card to a stripper that I was seeing OTC on a regular basis and still got shot down. Up to that point she had no limits. And I mean no limits! ;) On another note, tittyfag, why don't you stop pretending to be a wigger with that fake Ebonics shit and go do your homework instead.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Question about sex and marriage
    Jackslash, hilarious joke! How true. But in my case the dishes were piling up in the sink even though my wife was alive.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Christie Brinkley and her Daughters
    Christie still looks good. But at 63 a little too old for my tastes. I bet her pussy is all dried out and leathery. I would bang the blonde (think name is Sailor) in a heartbeat. But the other one (looks like Billy Joel) is downright ugly. Would have to put a couple of bags over her head before would bang her!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    [OT] Speaking of Nazis
    Can't we just stick to talking about titties, ass and vagina here and leave the politics to all those news websites?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    The "extras" game.
    To answer the original question, for the country as a whole I'm not sure. But in my area (the Northeast) I'd say about 40% (a little less than half). IME it also doesn't matter if they have a deadbeat bf, "trust you" or you're a regular of theirs. They either fuck or the don't! BTW the magic # is 400.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    A little Saturday Boobies and vertical smile :)
    Still waiting on those creampie pics!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Why are there no asian dancers in northen mass stripclubs
    They all work in massage parlors. Consult backpage.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New pics
    I'd love to see some cum dripping from that snatch
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Phone Numbers
    For me its about 50% (when I do the asking). Usually its the stripper who offers me her number instead. When a dancer doesn't give me her number, I usually get a run-around like jayhawk (promise to give me digits after future visits) or sometimes an email or social media address tied to her stripper persona is offered up instead.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New pics :)
    Nice pics. I'd like to see some cum dripping out of your pussy!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    couple new pics :)
    Beautiful! Thank you. I'd love to see some pics of your pussy creampied!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Poledancer pics are back :) enjoy you sick mfr;s
    Great pics. Thanks. I'd love to see some of your pussy creampied!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Putting the P in PL
    I have so many, it's hard to choose! LOL. But probably my biggest PL moment happened when I first started clubbing. I was madly in love with a cute young non-extras dancer. I was going to the club every week to see her. One night she needed a ride home. I thought that she genuinely liked me and was my friend (maybe even wanted to be my gf). So I drove her home. On the way she gave me the usual sad story about not making any money that night and needing money for rent on Monday. She had always been adamant about not having sex for money but on some occasions hinted that maybe I would get lucky if I was "a good boy". So I thought maybe asking for a ride home and telling me her sad story along the way was her way of indirectly offering extras and that if I came to the rescue with lots of $$ she'd invite into me to her place for some fun. So I stop at the ATM and withdraw $400 (the going rate for OTC) and give it to her saying I just want to help her out as a friend. We get to her apartment, she smiles, gives me a kiss on the cheek, thanks me for the money and then springs a surprise that her boyfriend who she never mentioned before is waiting for her inside. I drove off with my dick in my hand. Next time I visit the club I found out she told everyone there that I paid her $400 for the pleasure to drive her home and that I was the biggest sucker she'd ever met! 
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Pictures :)
    Thank you!!! Love the bottom left pic and especially the top right one! Please keep 'em cumming. Made the screen of my tablet sticky:)
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    what's the most you've ever spent on one dancer in one night in the club??
    The most I can recall ever spending in one night on one stripper ITC is about $500... but it was worth it!! Normally my ITC limit is $300.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Another reason to hate ITC and much prefer OTC.
    The worst thing is when the VIP/CR is really dark and the previous dude left a load on the sofa. I learned the hard way to always use the light on my phone to check the seat before I sit down!
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Happy Friday
    I love the middle picture. More like that PLEASE!!!
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    OTC at your house
    I've had dozens of strippers visit my place over the years. Not to save money but to do things that couldn't be done ITC. Personally I wouldn't do OTC to save money as I believe it's worth it to spend a little more to avoid the drama and SS that comes along with OTC.  I say this even though overall things worked out very good most of the times I had strippers over my place.  I definately agree that you should know a stripper for a while and know her well OTC before you invite her to your place. I have experienced a minor nuisances- minor shit being stolen, pimps leaving off and/or waiting outside, strippers bringing along unattractive female friends (third wheels/fluffs), strippers wanting to move in and become my real life gf (play house), lots of drugs use, etc. More difficult situations have arisen involving neighbors. Yes my neighbors actually called the cops on me twice at one place where I lived. Once because a stripper smoked a roach on my balcony.  Then again because of a drunken brawl between two strippers outside my condo after a coke and keg party. That one was a little dicey as all four strippers were under 21! At another place where I lived the homeowners association complained I had "too many young ladies visiting at odd hours". I've also had a few strippers come close to OD'ing or suffering alcohol poisoning and throwing-up all over my bathroom. IMO you gotta have a I don't give a shit about anything attitude if you're gonna do OTC, especially OTC at your home.  Will those words of advice I'm heading out for a night of strip clubbing. I encourage every one else on here to do the same and support your local strippers!
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    A few days late
    Damn fine titties! Any chance you could post some pics of your vagina???
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    New trend? Dancers introducing themselves by their "real" names and then telling
    I live in the northeast (Boston area) and have encountered this for years. It's nothing new. Usually it's done as old trick to gain your confidence and set you up for the hustle by making you believe you're something special to them. Some strippers have even gone as far as telling me their last names or showing me their driver's license! That being said there's a few that think the whole fake stripper name thing is stupid and just prefer to use their own name.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Loving it
    On second thought... Lauren looks more like Rooney Mara but with lighter brown hair. Average height, spinner bod with b cups. No tats that I could see (and I saw a lot;) She could be the girl? Btw anyone out there ever get to go all the way and bone Lauren? If so please PM me with the deets! Probably not Peyton because she has a visible medium size tat on her upper left back. She's a GND but not quite a spinner and doesn't look anything like Rooney Mara either.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Loving it
    To me Jen looks more like Kate Mara than Rooney. Like OWG said, she has that GND look and a cute little body with Puffy little nips and big beef curtains when she gets wet and horny. Anyway if it is Jen she has one tattoo a medium size cross on her left forearm just above her hand. If you spot that it's a sign from the Amity that you're in for a very good time in the CR!