For the sake of this thread I'm referring to extras as blowjob or fucking.
Some strippers won't do extras ITC or OTC regardless of how much money you offer (the rare good girls). Some will only do it ITC, not OTC. Some will only do it OTC, not ITC. Some will only do it for the right price. Some will only do it when they trust you (you become their regular, they know you better). Some won't do it because they have boyfriends, but they would if they were single. And so on and so on.
I know there's a lot of different variables, varying from state, how much the girl is already making in the club, how much she needs the money, etc. Let's take the United States as a whole.
If you offered a stripper 500 bucks for extras ITC or OTC, looking at the United States as a whole, what percentage of them would say yes?
In my opinion, most. As looking at the nation as a whole, not just high end places or hole in the walls. Actually have a buddy (and no, it's not me) that has said that he can leave most bars or clubs with a companion for the night (an not a working girl but a civilian, and usually pretty good looking and somewhat sober) for for a few hundred. He has a system, I've watched work, it's amazing (wrong and degrading, but still amazing).
To answer the original question I would assume a lot. In my very limited experience I've had success offering less. But I did see them a few times before to make sure they were comfortable with me first. Not sure it mattered much though.
Did I just walk up and ask or do I know her and have built a relationship? Did she have a couple of bad nights and needs rent or pot money? Does her boyfriend need bail money? Under the right circumstances I think at least 75% would say yes. I think that number goes higher if you are willing to make it $400 in cash and $100 in the drug of her choice.
I hope the stripper Captain Save a Ho's like Larryfisherman are reading this thread. If a TUSCLer comes to your "girl" with the right amount of money, she will fuck! Those stripper good girls are extinct :)
One would assume the more $$$ one is willing to spend the better one's chances are - but I don't think $500 is that big an amount to flip many of the entrenched non-extras girls. - I'd guesstimate it may flip maybe 15% of girls that are decidedly non-extras
I guess the real question is: if you had to guess what percentage of strippers are the strictly no extras girls? (no matter how much you offer they still won't do it)
I can only speak for the East Coast part of America . I worked over thirty years, for a Freight Train Company. The last 15 as a Freight Train Conductor (retired now ). Routes from S. Florida - Maine... Yes with a good system and five hundred dollars. You should be able to fuck most East Coast dancers.....
Larry, extras are just the wrong way to look at the situation. The entire paradigm is just wrong. And it is a chumps game.
Lap dancing started with lap sitting, and no booths or back rooms.
Front room friendliness. Get the girl opened up to you. You still feed her money, but it is just a gratuity, a show of respect.
Get her making out with you. DFKing, massaging her tits, and her pussy too. Then when your pants are to come down, you invite her to the back room. And likely you take her home with you too.
First of all there is no such thing as "extras" OTC. There could be "extras" ITC whereas a dancer would offer services not normally provided or expected. However the entire premise is flawed. Some girls will go farther than others for some customers and not even charge an "extra" charge. Larry I think you need to go back to fishing for your sexual gratification and stop going to strip clubs for it. Strip clubs are not there for sexual gratification. Strip clubs are there only to build relationships with girls that are open to having sexual encounters away from the clubs. That's where it's at. This foolishness of getting a quick BJ in the back room or a quickie FS is like hiring a $20 street corner prostitute and "slam bam thank you mam." How can that ever achieve satisfaction !
@jestrite- you can call it whatever you want OTC, it's called extras ITC, that's why I referred it to extras OTC, just trying to keep all the same lingo, but yes I'm talking about fucking and sucking.
Larry, the issue is the screwy choreography of it, when it is set up that way. The girl is not really lowering her psychological and emotional barriers and letting you have your way with her. She is performing services for you.
I remember you got the "dance" from the girl while in your car, parked behind an apartment building.
No need to do stuff that way. Better just to get the girl completely off of the P4P and service rendering script as soon as possible.
A front room makeout session will always do it. But just getting her with you outside the club is a great way to start it too.
Extras are a gimmick they invented when they added booths and back rooms. It is just a way for the clubs to make more money.
It might allow some more things to happen, but the choreography is not conducive to the girl opening up to you.
So beat the system and get her into a front room makeout session, or just take her home with you.
Extras ITC can in no way be compared to a sexual relationship that you would have with a GFE girl away from the club. It's just not the same thing. Extras ITC may last a few minutes or a few songs but a sexual relationship with a GFE girl away from the club lasts hours or even all night. I've been texting back and forth with my GFE girl in Michigan in between posts here and and just the words we've been exchanging here are not anything that you'd ever say to a "Extras" back room girl. You are confused about sex and need to rethink what your doing here. To me ITC Sex is about the same as jacking off as far as satisfaction levels. I can do that myself and don't have to pay hundreds of dollars for it.
At $500, many will at least give serious consideration, assuming you've established yourself as having no serial killer tendencies. For the average guy, I'd put the acceptance rate at 50-60 percent. There are variables, like how good you look. Some girls will want you to go higher, just not like you, won't want to risk their club job, whatever.
However, allow me to retort that, at $500, you're overpaying.
Overpaying is a problem as well. It drives up the cost of the "quickie between the sheets". And then the girls think that's the going rate and start quoting that to everybody. I don't hire one night stand prostitutes anymore or one hour call girls. But when I did I had no trouble getting full service for a hundred or so. There were several girls working at the Harem in Dayton that would go to your hotel with you for around 110 -125. This was quite common even in the last few years. With my GFE girls no price is mentioned and no amount is offered but we spend the whole day together doing whatever we want and as much as we want. I usually give them like $200-$300 for all day and all night if that's what we want to do and they are always happy with that. No one's ever complained and they keep asking for more time with me.
To answer the original question, for the country as a whole I'm not sure. But in my area (the Northeast) I'd say about 40% (a little less than half). IME it also doesn't matter if they have a deadbeat bf, "trust you" or you're a regular of theirs. They either fuck or the don't! BTW the magic # is 400.
I wasn't gonna spend that. I was just wondering if you threw out a high number what percentage of strippers would accept (even the so called non extras girls). Really this thread is so that Captain Save a Ho's like Larryfisherman see that every stripper has a price like Warhawks says.
Is $500 worth it? even for your dream dancer? when you can get bbbj/fs/both(or sometimes greek) for 60/120/180 on bp? Would a stripper turn her nose up at those figures?
Wiser and more experienced mongers on Tuscl has written that using a larger offer to "turn a girl" isn't worth it. It doesn't really seem to accomplish what you want. I will yield to their experience. Stick to market rates, seems to be the takeaway or conclusion from all of this.
Offering more money helps some but not as much as other factors. Trust and does she like you go a long way in her saying yes to you. She may have decided to make the jump to OTC but many women are picky about their first few customers. Making it feel like a date and that you like her helps a few get over the reluctance of that first time. The primary motivator for her first OTC seems to be how quickly and for what she needs cash. Late with rent is not enough. She needs to pay her dealer or bail someone out tonight? There is a good chance it will happen.
I don't think that $500 is the magic universal pussy lubricant that some might think it would be. Now in the small southern cities and in flyover country $500 may create some serious temptation, but not so much in places where girls can earn that much ITC selling overpriced and under-delivering services. For example, in clubs in places like NYC, L.A., Boston, Miami, Dallas and in some of the other big city clubs I don't think that $500 is going to seriously tempt a girl who would otherwise say NO.
So to me offering $500 is the worst of all worlds because it is far more likely to result in overpaying a girl who probably would have done it for less than to coax open an otherwise closed entry.
Now $1,000 is a different story. I think you would see the %s go up a lot at that number, though I'm not sure that you would find the experience any more satisfying than taking out a girl who would do it for $300. I also don't buy the notion that it is necessarily easy to bring a number down dramatically once you have paid her much more. I have re-negotiated a few deals myself in the past, but only by a certain degree and never with the hottest of my OTC partners.
It sounds like any of you that have experience offering a high amount have determined it wasn't worth it. Even if she is a fave and to just see what it's like? Or just to get it out of your system (aka hit it and forget it)? Also I'd assume they would be open to doing it again, maybe for less?
I mean, everyone has a price, even if they won't admit it. Is the deterrent really cost-benefit analysis considering how far it goes with others, or is there also another reason, maybe to do with interactions with the girl afterwards.
The problem w/ these hypothetical questions is that there are too many variables/moving-parts.
Along the lines of what Dugan mentioned; I'd think $500 would have a high hit rate among girls that are open to extras; but $500 would not a very high hit-rate among girls opposed to extras - $1000 can def increase the hit-rate w/ non-extras girls but it's not a given either - how often do we see fine-ass bartender chicks; shot-girls; or waitresses;, that one would think would make a killing dancing yet they don't do it - i.e. many girls have boundaries whether it's dancing at all or dancing but no-extras.
w.r.t. over-payment and QoS - if the girl is open to it then paying over market probably does not give you a way better experience - and overpaying a dancer that is not-willing may often get you a mediocre experience b/c you are doing it w/ someone that really really does not want to be doing it - just like a waitress w/ no dancing experience often gives crappy dances (IME); good chance a dancer w/ no extras experience may not give a good experience - of course all this is just hypothetical since each situation/dancer is unique in some-way.
Overpaying a fave can perhaps get you "some" exclusivity in that if the dancer is making a good-amount from her regular she may not have to resort to volume and can afford to turn-down lesser/market-rate offers
$1,000 (not $500) is definitely the better number to test to see if it will sway non extras girls. In places like New York and Vegas, girls get that in VIP, and there's not even any sex involved.
i keep putting off my absolute favorite girl. she is unreasonably high in her price of a full on session with her. if i closed my eyes i would not be sure she is the girl i am fucking. they ALL feel wonderful.
I agree with the viewpoint that they either do or do not. There is little convincing to do or worth attempting.
As long as your offer meets their minimum, you're in. Offering more only establishes a new minimum for your future and maybe for the rest of us. Never more than $200, even for Vegas casino girls! Any more than that is the golden pussy syndrome -- don't feed the animals.
Stick to your guns, stick together. No over paying! Accept that some will and some won't. If they won't, move on and find one that will.
In some clubs, particularly during peak times, it's often more of a seller's market and many dancers; particularly the lower-volume hot-ones; will often turn down market rates and only focus on premium custies - e..g a place like Tootsies Miami gets LOTS of customers on Fr/Sat eves and many deep-pocketed ones so often times sticking to one's "market-rate guns" may mean not being able to get w/ the A-team.
Justme62, I like your policy of imposing a price ceiling. That way you can show the girl care and respect by paying, but you still are not waving money at her to try and persuade her. That way is no good.
You folks have heard testimony from a phenomenal womanizer. But you still don't listen. You still talk about using money to persuade women. As I see it, that is really dumb. It does not get her to respect you more. A guy who has self confidence does not need to use money that way. He can show care and respect by paying her a reasonable rate.
^^^you have to be a millionaire to be able to afford $1,000??
I said $1,000, not $100,000. I'm not rich, and $1,000 *is* a lot of money, but I'm certainly able to offer $1,000 and it not hurt my bank account too much. I think that's how it is with most TUSCLers.
Dancers that ask for sky-high prices and are unwilling to come down near market-rate IMO are often just interested in taking the PL's $$$ with no intention/desire on delivering a quality experience
Papi_Chulo You are correct about the exclusivity . IMO, you'll never pay less than the first time. For this and other reasons I think it wise to not over pay on your first time with a provider and especially not on her first time ever.
There is no pussy on earth worth $1000.00 ! Larry yo have totally lost your mind. There is no pussy on earth worth $500.00 IMO. I would never pay more than 2-3 hundred and then only if it's an all day al night fuck fest. You guys are fucking crazy. I can get nice pussy for around 100.00 all day long.
. . . So what do you do in a club where VIP is $500,and it may or may not include any extras? How do you negotiate with dancers to get what you want in that environment? You guys are throwing out huge numbers that no one can afford. $500? Can't remember the last time I had that much in my checking account. Throw in the cost of a hotel, and that's upwards of $600 for a few orgasms. Wouldn't a wife be cheaper? I mean fuck me!
1. Never let girls sell you dances or VIP. Either she is engaging in a front room makeout session with you, so that you know she will be great, or you shine her on. If it is a go, you invite her to VIP, or you invite her to come home with you.
2. If the ITC price is unreasonable, treat the girl like a civilian and see her outside.
3. If you follow the policies of Justme62 and Shadowcat of having a reasonable and uniform price, you shouldn't have any trouble. The girls won't feel that you are taking advantage of them, but nor are you trying to buy them. If some girls think they are too good for that, better than the other girls, or better than you, shine them on. Better to find that out before putting much money into them.
"... You guys are throwing out huge numbers that no one can afford. $500 ..."
The OP, and the $500 amount, was just a hypothetical question mostly hypothesizing if that amount would get non-extras girls to do extras - I don't think anyone in the thread was implying that is what they pay and most PLs don't pay that.
"... So what do you do in a club where VIP is $500,and it may or may not include any extras? How do you negotiate with dancers to get what you want in that environment ..."
In the context of extras; there is usually a VIP room-fee and the dancer-fee - the room-free can often be in the neighborhood of $100 and the dancer-fee in a decent club would be in the neighborhood of $200 to $300 - there are some clubs where it can be less and some clubs where it can be more depending on location and upscaleness of club.
In some clubs VIP is all-inclusive (meaning no separate room-fee and dancer-fee); these are often non-extras clubs where all you get is dances in VIP.
And in some clubs the dance-booths are private to where one does not need to do a VIP room and thus no room-fee.
In the context of extras; it's rarely if ever a set price and one negotiates w/ the dancer and one should have basic knowledge of the going-rate for that area and that type of club.
Per your reviews it seems you SC in Columbus, OH - I'm not familiar w/ that area to know if extras are readily available but for w/e reason I have a bit of a hunch it's not an extras city so you may be SOL unless you learn about the OTC game.
I would encourage anyone who would encounter a club such as this hypothetical club that charges $500.00 for VIP to NOT PATRONIZE THAT CLUB. These clubs depend on you to spend your money there. You do not have to patronize these clubs. I would recommend that you Mr. LecherousMonk take a little one hour drive to Dayton , Ohio where you can find more liberal strip clubs where girls will go to your hotel with you for under $200. I have had several sexcapades in Dayton with dancers for $100-$125. DO NOT PATRONIZE CLUBS THAT RESTRICT YOUR ABILITY TO HAVE FUN !
last commentUnder the right circumstances I think at least 75% would say yes. I think that number goes higher if you are willing to make it $400 in cash and $100 in the drug of her choice.
Jackslash: 100%
CrazyJoe: $50%
Juice: negative 10%
Just depends on how deep your pockets are.
Lap dancing started with lap sitting, and no booths or back rooms.
Front room friendliness. Get the girl opened up to you. You still feed her money, but it is just a gratuity, a show of respect.
Get her making out with you. DFKing, massaging her tits, and her pussy too. Then when your pants are to come down, you invite her to the back room. And likely you take her home with you too.
Given to us by TUSCL's undisputed Master Womanizer, Jestrite50.
Larry, I hope you are hearing this. You are young enough to still be redeemable.
I remember you got the "dance" from the girl while in your car, parked behind an apartment building.
No need to do stuff that way. Better just to get the girl completely off of the P4P and service rendering script as soon as possible.
A front room makeout session will always do it. But just getting her with you outside the club is a great way to start it too.
Extras are a gimmick they invented when they added booths and back rooms. It is just a way for the clubs to make more money.
It might allow some more things to happen, but the choreography is not conducive to the girl opening up to you.
So beat the system and get her into a front room makeout session, or just take her home with you.
Good Luck
Extras ITC can in no way be compared to a sexual relationship that you would have with a GFE girl away from the club. It's just not the same thing. Extras ITC may last a few minutes or a few songs but a sexual relationship with a GFE girl away from the club lasts hours or even all night. I've been texting back and forth with my GFE girl in Michigan in between posts here and and just the words we've been exchanging here are not anything that you'd ever say to a "Extras" back room girl. You are confused about sex and need to rethink what your doing here. To me ITC Sex is about the same as jacking off as far as satisfaction levels. I can do that myself and don't have to pay hundreds of dollars for it.
However, allow me to retort that, at $500, you're overpaying.
You could go on a website like this http://usaadultclassifieds.inf… and get a hot escort for an entire hour for 200.
As vajmon mentioned above, they are either "that type" or not.
In some areas/clubs, the % will be higher, but $500 is really not that much and probably not worth it for most strippers.
I have only been in one club that had private rooms, and was offered ITC extra by 75% of the strippers I spent time with. At much less than $500.
Trust and does she like you go a long way in her saying yes to you. She may have decided to make the jump to OTC but many women are picky about their first few customers.
Making it feel like a date and that you like her helps a few get over the reluctance of that first time.
The primary motivator for her first OTC seems to be how quickly and for what she needs cash. Late with rent is not enough. She needs to pay her dealer or bail someone out tonight? There is a good chance it will happen.
So to me offering $500 is the worst of all worlds because it is far more likely to result in overpaying a girl who probably would have done it for less than to coax open an otherwise closed entry.
Now $1,000 is a different story. I think you would see the %s go up a lot at that number, though I'm not sure that you would find the experience any more satisfying than taking out a girl who would do it for $300. I also don't buy the notion that it is necessarily easy to bring a number down dramatically once you have paid her much more. I have re-negotiated a few deals myself in the past, but only by a certain degree and never with the hottest of my OTC partners.
I mean, everyone has a price, even if they won't admit it. Is the deterrent really cost-benefit analysis considering how far it goes with others, or is there also another reason, maybe to do with interactions with the girl afterwards.
The price you pay the first time is the minimum going forward.
Along the lines of what Dugan mentioned; I'd think $500 would have a high hit rate among girls that are open to extras; but $500 would not a very high hit-rate among girls opposed to extras - $1000 can def increase the hit-rate w/ non-extras girls but it's not a given either - how often do we see fine-ass bartender chicks; shot-girls; or waitresses;, that one would think would make a killing dancing yet they don't do it - i.e. many girls have boundaries whether it's dancing at all or dancing but no-extras.
w.r.t. over-payment and QoS - if the girl is open to it then paying over market probably does not give you a way better experience - and overpaying a dancer that is not-willing may often get you a mediocre experience b/c you are doing it w/ someone that really really does not want to be doing it - just like a waitress w/ no dancing experience often gives crappy dances (IME); good chance a dancer w/ no extras experience may not give a good experience - of course all this is just hypothetical since each situation/dancer is unique in some-way.
As long as your offer meets their minimum, you're in. Offering more only establishes a new minimum for your future and maybe for the rest of us. Never more than $200, even for Vegas casino girls! Any more than that is the golden pussy syndrome -- don't feed the animals.
Stick to your guns, stick together. No over paying! Accept that some will and some won't. If they won't, move on and find one that will.
You folks have heard testimony from a phenomenal womanizer. But you still don't listen. You still talk about using money to persuade women. As I see it, that is really dumb. It does not get her to respect you more. A guy who has self confidence does not need to use money that way. He can show care and respect by paying her a reasonable rate.
I said $1,000, not $100,000. I'm not rich, and $1,000 *is* a lot of money, but I'm certainly able to offer $1,000 and it not hurt my bank account too much. I think that's how it is with most TUSCLers.
I wasn't talking about $1,000 as a regular thing, it could just be a one time thing.
But if she things she is better than other girls, or better than you, it doesn't happen.
Some girls won't do P4P. Very stupid to try and over pay them to change that. But on the other hand, don't want to subsidize Golden Pussy Syndrome.
You are correct about the exclusivity . IMO, you'll never pay less than the first time. For this and other reasons I think it wise to not over pay on your first time with a provider and especially not on her first time ever.
Gotta keep your stories straight Larry, or people will stop believing you.
1. Never let girls sell you dances or VIP. Either she is engaging in a front room makeout session with you, so that you know she will be great, or you shine her on. If it is a go, you invite her to VIP, or you invite her to come home with you.
2. If the ITC price is unreasonable, treat the girl like a civilian and see her outside.
3. If you follow the policies of Justme62 and Shadowcat of having a reasonable and uniform price, you shouldn't have any trouble. The girls won't feel that you are taking advantage of them, but nor are you trying to buy them. If some girls think they are too good for that, better than the other girls, or better than you, shine them on. Better to find that out before putting much money into them.
The OP, and the $500 amount, was just a hypothetical question mostly hypothesizing if that amount would get non-extras girls to do extras - I don't think anyone in the thread was implying that is what they pay and most PLs don't pay that.
"... So what do you do in a club where VIP is $500,and it may or may not include any extras? How do you negotiate with dancers to get what you want in that environment ..."
In the context of extras; there is usually a VIP room-fee and the dancer-fee - the room-free can often be in the neighborhood of $100 and the dancer-fee in a decent club would be in the neighborhood of $200 to $300 - there are some clubs where it can be less and some clubs where it can be more depending on location and upscaleness of club.
In some clubs VIP is all-inclusive (meaning no separate room-fee and dancer-fee); these are often non-extras clubs where all you get is dances in VIP.
And in some clubs the dance-booths are private to where one does not need to do a VIP room and thus no room-fee.
In the context of extras; it's rarely if ever a set price and one negotiates w/ the dancer and one should have basic knowledge of the going-rate for that area and that type of club.
Per your reviews it seems you SC in Columbus, OH - I'm not familiar w/ that area to know if extras are readily available but for w/e reason I have a bit of a hunch it's not an extras city so you may be SOL unless you learn about the OTC game.