Question about sex and marriage
layin low but staying high
Is it really impossible, or nearly impossible, for a woman to remain a sexual freak after several years of marriage? How about if this freak is an older MILF? If she fucks like a stripper and she's an older gal when you're dating, does that still mean that the sex willl deteriorate substantially a few years after you get married? Is there ever any realistic hope for a great sex life after marriage?
And no I'm not getting married. Just thinkin.
And no I'm not getting married. Just thinkin.
A. The sex is the same, but the dishes keep piling up in the sink.
– Bertrand Russell, Marriage and Morals
Human adults follow patterns of sexual intimacy that are based in early life experiences for their entire lifes.
You should go and create those patterns with the DS and make her your mistress and live happily ever after.
You are welcome.
I think it's the exception instead of the norm that girls stay as sexual after marriage.
And if you have kids together, it's even more of the exception. Women sometimes think they can stop having sex after kids, that they "did their duty."
Plus, having kids wrecks havoc on a most women's bodies as they age.
Best to just live with a girl, and if things go sideways (as they most often do) your monetary losses can be kept at a minimum.
But also at this time I would like to draw attention to Stan Dale:
I used to listen to him in the 1970's, and he always said, "The best marriages end in divorce."
Actually a lot of skibum's old posts are helpful here as he's seen a lot of couple implode plus he has his own experiences with his spouse.
As for the "freak" part or the sex. Women have percentages of 1. Hoe 2. Freak and 3. Good girl. Most women are 100% of one category, but they generally fit into one of the three. Women have lot of social pressures so she may start out as a freak and slowly or suddenly change (into a good girl). Some of this is just dependent on the woman some it is dependent on you and the environment you create for her.
Guys are physical and visual and sex is a stress release for us. For women, sex isn't so much a stress release as it is a stressor. For some women sex is just another chore she has to do to cross of the list, to make her husband happy. This fits into the "duty" another poster mentioned above. See, society rewards women and praises them for being "good moms". No one really praises them for being good sex freaks or for being good at sex, etc. So over time, this society pressure works against her.
It also helps if you put effort into yourself and into her. If she has less stress in her life, she'll be more receptive for sex. Also if over 40, your fitness matters A LOT. It's really the #1 thing that makes guys over 40 attractive (to women of any age). It's night and day. So stay in shape, or get in shape and stay there. For stress, if you can afford a maid, or to pitch in with housework, etc. Do it. It clears her mind of chores she needs to do, which gets her mind to the place where she'll be open to more and more sex.
Plus sexual novelty helps. That's the other reason IMO women get bored with their partners and crave something new. They crave novelty. That part might be easier with a "freak" or maybe not. I don't know. I really only have experience with good girls although my wife bats all three ways at times (hoe / freak / good girl).
Grim, I know.
The strictly sexually faithful women are the direct opposite of sex freaks.
More than grim, the shits.
It also depends on other factors - i.e. if the couple is rearing young children and they both work outside the home, then they tend to be very busy, tired, and stressed, and the sex seems to often go by the wayside.
There may also be physical reasons (hormonal?) as to why women may lose interest in sex over time - and perhaps emotional issues as it seems women are more prone to suffer from depression.
And there can also be the "familiarity breeds contempt" issue.
JS69 has been dating a DC (dream civvie) for a few months that although younger than him is closer to his age and it's not P4P - so if there is any correlation it is probably along the lines of the DC and not the DS
In my opinion, the women who are most likely to be sexually faithful, are also those least likely to be sex freaks.
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Shadowcat + 20
IMHO, the woman who gets MORE into sex as she ages is a unicorn. Your best possible outcome is to hope it stays (relatively) the same.
If she is at all prudish while dating -- fuggetaboutit! If she is a sex freak while dating, you have a 50-50 chance of happiness. If she is a freak after marriage, but before kids, you have a 60% chance. If she is a freak after having kids -- you have the golden goose!! Enjoy!!
Otherwise -- you wind up on tuscl.
Thanks for the clarification, I guess JS69 wants the DC for a more traditional relationship, an be able to be with her as a "wife". If the DC is a honest real sex freak that won't change after marriage as long as she is healthy. I do think JS69 should be able to afford both the DC and the DS if he really cares about them.
After all the DS is the one that helped JS69 to be able to enjoy life more freely.
I've been paying my ATF pretty regularly for 8 years now and sex is still exciting, pleasureable, and varied ( for me) as when we first met. Last week was a new experience ( I've never had her claw at my chest and scratch me while orgasming) . Now I'm well aware that fucking a guy who is 40 years older is not the sexual turnon we'd like it to be, but through the years we've gone from, " Don't worry about me. I'm being paid to please you." to more of a relationship built on trust, caring, and desire. I'm not blind to her promiscuity. She's learned how to manipulate men and is very good at it, but she and I are brutally honest with each other in matters of sex.
Sure there is a benefit. But only if one spouse makes like 80% and the other makes like 20% (or less), aka why way traditional households have been set up since the dawn of time. (one spouse doesn't work, is part time only, or works a very low paying job).
In my case, married filing jointly keeps me squarely in the 15% federal tax bracket whereas filing single or separate would bump me up into the next bracket.
Though one might argue that everyone should only pay 15% and that anything higher against libertarian egalitarian ideals of private property protection. I can see that point.
Usually if a girl is that good, she is not just keeping it on a shelf, she is using it to the max.
I think most of the ones people have married would come no where close to being classified as "sex freaks".
I will never allow that to happen again.
Swing clubs do have their benefits, for sure.
What an odd coincidence.
Of course, my personal opinion is that the "mainstream" notion that sex is inherently sinful, and the only thing that legitimizes it is state/church approved marriage, is largely to blame for many of the failed marriages we see.
I won't claim to have the perfect marriage, but it's pretty damned awesome, despite there being very little sex to it. I'll admit I'm biased, but I honestly believe that normalizing lifelong monogamous marriage, and demonizing anything else, are some of the worst things to happen to mankind ever.
Now yes, there is the possibility of a true spiritual partnership, but this is so rare, so extremely rare, that I don't think we should even talk about it.
So while I don't think straight P4P or disposable women is the answer, I say that marriage is an abomination.
And for those who have been through it, we don't need any lectures about sensitivity and two way streets. Now one would end a marriage if they had not already been pushed to their breaking point. If it were up to me, all you would have to do is dial a 24/7 toll free number and a marriage termination rescue squad would show up at your front door within minutes.
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I know he can't see this but I completely agree with this...I will never get married unless I discover a bitch that understanding this