
Comments by curiositycat (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Pity Dance
    Damn lopaw..you are a better woman than me..I have only pity tipped..i give her money and say no thanks lol or I convince them to show me their pole tricks..5 pity dances ..thats just wow..u need the nobel prize
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Feature Dancers, whats up with that?
    I have gone to a couple of features, it depends on the feature and the kind of show she puts on..I hate crowds as well and it gets too busy that you have to approach the dancers to get a dance because they are so busy or watching themselves. I was really disappointed by a pornstar because all she did was traipse about the stage expecting tips for walking @$!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Why do dancers encourage touching/contact during lap dances?
    They do this to get you hooked probably..ive had dancers do things to me and u can be sure I came back for seconds l. I think if they know you might have money..theyll take a risk to get you hooked. I have also told girls that I just want a regular dance and that they do nothing else because I dont need any fakeness since I just enjoy a beautiful woman on my lap..and theyll go right on ahead doing things. Sometimes reluctance makes them want to push the envelope I think
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    11 years ago
    Dancers sucking their own tits
    It is only a turn on for me if her breasts and body are amazing.. something about sloppy, out of shape tits make it a turn off for me, but if they are athletic and their tits are perky and nicely shaped, she can go right on ahead. So far I havent had a dancer do this. closest I have come us her licking her fingers and playing with her nipples.. as a woman ive gotten free passes to sucking on hers if she sucks on mine first..it usually is a quid pro quo thing
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    I want to fuck my wife in a private room while a stripped watches
    @lopaw: believe me ive kicked myself for years since...the women were way above my league..I really dont know why I was invited.. right place right time I guess..two of them started making out and the other one reached out for me to join and..I freaked. .I wasnt ready..never even kissed a woman before. This was before Strip clubs..im pretty sure if a girl took the lead now id follow through enthusiastically lol...ill keep u in mind for a tagteam/wingwoman if lightning strikes twice though
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Who do girls say you look like?
    The only celebrity I've been told that I look like is Tori Amos, which is not something Id say- since I'm asian..I've been told by people that my personality reminds them of Michelle Rodriguez.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    I want to fuck my wife in a private room while a stripped watches
    I'm pretty sure if that is your wife in the picture you'd find someone who would do it for free. Me included- if I wasn't so shy. How shy am I? I got invited to an all girl 4 some and when it started I got stage fright and went home.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    SC withdrawal
    3leggedman:maybe she sensed ur reluctance to keep her and upped her game.. shadowcat:I do need some rehab, but dont think I'm ready to commit to that yet. I think this habit will take a couple years to get over
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    ATF said I saw her too often!?
    Sagevincent: welcome to the club bud..im working on forgetting my former CF who is also blond lol. I am facing reality, but don't let it get you down. People cant help who they have feelings for or who they'd rather work with. Best we can do is move on and keep the memories. Happy clubbing, if she wont take your money, many more will.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How have you replied when a dancer asks you for your telephone number?
    I say.."okay" and go on doing whatever I was doing and don't actually give it. The ones that do have my number have asked my friends, or have physically sat there and made sure I put their number into my phone. I've had a bad experience so I don't usually use the number if I have it.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Maybe my memories are tainted....
    I think it is hit or miss depending on the club...ive had more luck with pole tricks at the major chains like dejavu..could be because they have annual pole competitions so it is part of their appeal. You know what else I miss? Where they have costumes they strip off instead of just itty bitty bras and undies. I make sure to monopolize any dancer who dresses up..my personal fave is one dancer who wore a cop costume complete wit cuffs...if I see any dancers doing pole tricks I grab a seatvat perv row and toss a dollar per spin lol
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    SC withdrawal
    @gawker:been there my friend..seems like a yoyo stripper diet sometimes..you tell them to go away..but you end up crawling back even though you hate yourself with every inch. I spent 700 dollars one night on and I still couldn't stop. @gator:smoke weed? Then id just be addicted to weed and food. @3legged:kinda mood kill when reality overrides the fantasy..then again lets be real..most dancers have kids and an SO
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    SC withdrawal
    Well glad im not the only one and that ive found this board..I keep away from my rent money..but the chunk of change I spend is more than ive spent on anything recreation before. I swear just about when im sick of SC..and extraordinary LD/dancer comes along that makes mtmy resolve fly out the window
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Need CF Help
    @papi:I definitely believe that they arent there to make friends..only issue is she initiated all of it..got my number from ny friend (cause I didnt think she was serious), I've been to her house a couple times, I've met her kids, etc... And I dont think she is uncomfortable with women because she did a lot more with me in LD previously that would say otherwise(also of which I never initiated or asked for). But yeah I think 'losing' a friend isnt the truth..its more likely..losing income lol or just not attracted to me after getting to know me
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    best experience of "good luck"?
    A friend of mine had his eye on this beautiful brunette who never seemed to have some time on the stage. I approached her to see if she would do a lap dance with him..she said yes, but only if she got to get a LD with me. I said ok and she went to give him a LD and told me she would come back for me when it was two for 1. After her dance she went back to freshen up and soon grabbed me up for a two for 1 smelling great and with fresh breath lol... this woman went to town on me and became my ATF, it turns out she wasnt a dancer..she was offshift waitstaff..which was why she wasnt on stage
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Fun topic
    Im pretty sure they'd have a bunch of volunteers willing to help heh.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Need CF Help
    Thanks for the encouragement SlickSpic. I will work to increase my odds and add Tropical Lei as a destination. I start to wonder though..does being a regular possibly help odds rather than being a new random? Or is it more likely hitting up clubs where extras are mentioned in reviews? Are reviews usually accurate for that? Or is it usually YMMv?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    escorts vs strippers
    Oh and those that get ITC action..for a while I did get quite the mileage to point that I got paranoid of getting buated in the club, but not the point of FS..how do you feel about being possibly busted? Or is that part of the thrill?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    escorts vs strippers
    Great information guys thanks for all the input. I figure it may be a repeat sorry, but it might help me to see the current methods of seeing an escort in case they have changed. I see the point of what has been said that SCs allow for getting to know the person before hand and sampling a bit. Escorts are a clearer method, but u don't really know what you are going to get and a premium price. I have thought about Craigslist personals..my friends tell me I should just go to a gay bar that id probably do well, but i'm shy as hell so I like how dancers do all the work in trying to rope you in. Thanks guys for the useful websites, ill do some more research
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Need CF Help
    I was there for the pussy just like most people here. I don't come into the club to make friends, I come for the ass and titties- and the pole tricks .. but yeah i'm okay with being her friend. She is fun and does provide insider info..just unfortunate that another in the club hasnt caught my eye as she has. I have been given numbers by dancers and I dont even ask them for it so I must have some kind of stripper friend stamp on my head..maybe they deal with a lot of catty bitchy female friends and im a change of pace..who knows. .either way..next dancer I have my eye on..I will stay away from with a 10ft pole in regards to friendship or maybe I should look into escorts..hmm
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    If You Only Had Enough Cash for........
    Option A..im all about the present..plus id rather have 30 mins rather than 15. I like the build up..quick cums are like appetizers..tasty but just not fulfilling enough
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Need CF Help
    @zipman: ship has sailed on that.. she hasn't slept with women yet, I think she is bi but not as sexually attracted as she is emotionally attracted. She sees me more as a friend so the initial attraction to me as someone for sex has dulled..and she doesnt want to 'lose' me by crossing the lines and not have it work out..AKA friend zoned so hard my head is spinning
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Save the Pink Pony Atlanta
    Ugh fucking judgemental lawmakers..can't they just keep out of the business of mandating what fun we can have and not have..if they legalized shit already I bet brothels and strip clubs would be much safer places with steady incomes. Sex sells and sex is not a crime. They should take that stick they have up their ass and work on things like fixing education and outdated infrastructure
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Need CF Help
    For anyone wondering the outcome..I got friend zoned as suspected. She feels weird taking my money in the club and dancing for me. On the bright side, she buys me drinks itc and doesn't mind me finding another dancer in her club to take her place. Lesson learned..don't take numbers and try to be friends, keep from blurring the lines and you'll stay out of my trouble
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    I think its probably the frustration of seeing people tip less and less in ththis economy. I find the more i go to clubs the more i notice that some will sit at perv row and not bother tipping. If u dont like the show..perhaps move and allow ones to sit who do. strippers pay a lot of house fees so I can imagine that in this economy if you see people enjoying a service without paying it. Bottom line is if u like the service u should tip so she can afford to keep dancin